God Level Collection

Chapter 451 God Level, God's Descend and Transcendence

Chapter 451 God Level, God's Descend and Transcendence
And soon, the sloppy uncle also verified Yun Jin's thoughts. He looked up at Representative Han, and then shouted, "Representative Han, this is God's descent!"

After Representative Han turned into a golden ape, his personality changed as if he were a different person. He folded his palms together and opened them again, and a golden stick wrapped with lightning appeared in his hands.

He danced a stick flower, looked at the sloppy uncle with a sneer, "You really know a lot. You even know about God's descent, it seems that you are indeed a spy."

Perhaps because the two of them were not shouting, Yunjin could only vaguely hear something about [God's descent].

While concentrating his psychic energy on his ears to sharpen his ears, he tried his best to eavesdrop on the two people's conversations, while sending a signal to January in his heart, asking him to go to Tsing Yi to find out what is God's descent.

After a while, January told Yun Jin about the news he found out.

It turns out that above the extraordinary, there is a last level: the god level.

The god level is the strength positioning of the gods in the ancient times by the free continent.

According to the legend and history of the Free Continent, the Free Continent was originally a dead land, with no living creatures.

Some gods came to the free continent from the outside world, brought various creatures and multiplied here.

So the people in the Free Continent are actually descendants of those gods.

Those gods settled down in the free continent, survived, and gave birth to generations of descendants.

And they also fell one by one in a long time.

Their corpses and awakening abilities became the nutrients of the Free Continent, and their descendants also inherited some of their abilities.

As the blood relationship became shallower and shallower, those abilities changed from dominant to recessive, and only those who had some blessings or stimulated the genes of their ancestors could awaken and regain that part of their abilities.

This is also the origin of the name Awakened.

The awakened person, the evolutionary person, and then the extraordinary person are actually stimulating their genes step by step, allowing themselves to complete the process of transformation from human to god.

To put it bluntly, people in the Free Continent consider themselves descendants of God.

The reason why they are convinced is because the country still preserves the core of 54 gods.

The core of those gods has the ability of gods, which can make people gain god-like abilities.

Of course, not ordinary people, at least extraordinary people who have achieved unity of spirit and body and surpassed the peak of human beings can bear the power of gods.

And the cores of those 54 gods are under the control of the central government and the dark council respectively.

Of these 54 god cores, 18 are complete and 36 are defective.

There are 18 complete cores of God, 11 in the Dark Council, and 7 in the Central Government, which is why the Central Government Council of Elders has seven elders and the Dark Council has eleven members.

As for the remaining 36 defective God Cores, there are 20 in the Dark Council and 16 in the Central Government, so the Central Government Council of Elders has 16 members and the Dark Council has 20 representatives.

A complete divine core can be perfectly fused with an extraordinary person, regardless of each other, and there is no cost to use, but the strength must reach extraordinary.

The requirements for defective God Cores are much lower, as long as they are superhumans, they can be fused, but the ability of these God Cores is weaker than that of perfect God Cores, and the use of God Cores will continue to consume spiritual energy, which can last the time of the battle Not more than 10 minutes.

However, even for 10 minutes, briefly possessing the strength beyond the transcendent, the strength of the representatives and committee members far surpassed that of ordinary transcendents.

And the transcendent who has fused the god's core and uses the power of the god to fight is called the descendant of the god!

The free continent changes every 15 years, and the number of committee members and representatives is the most fiercely contested position among extraordinary people.

Requirements such as elders and councilors must be of extraordinary strength. There are only about forty people in the entire Free Continent. In fact, the pressure of competition is much smaller.

After listening to January's introduction to Tsing Yi, Yun Jin had a full understanding of the descendants of the gods, and the realm above the Transcendent.

He recalled the conversation between the sloppy uncle and Representative Han before, the sloppy uncle should have reached the extraordinary, but he didn't have a god core.

On the other hand, Representative Han is a senior transcendent, not a top-notch person, but has a divine core.

On the bright side, the strength of the two people must be representative Han. After all, although Yunjin has never seen what the strength of a god is like, just hearing this name makes me feel awkward.

However, Representative Han is just a real man for 10 minutes, and after 10 minutes, he withers.

If the sloppy uncle can hold off for 10 minutes, he should be able to win.

However, things obviously did not develop in the direction Yunjin imagined.

Even though Representative Han used God's Descend and turned into a thunder ape holding a thunder stick, the sloppy uncle still had no intention of dodging.

The flames all over his body became more intense, making him even more excited.

He rushed up, kicked his feet, leaped high, clasped his hands together, and slammed at Representative Han condescendingly.

Representative Han smiled contemptuously, and swept the thunder stick in his hand towards the sloppy uncle.

One of the two was at high altitude and the other was on the ground. The sloppy uncle clearly had the upper hand, but was swept away by the stick.

He flipped back and fell to the ground half-kneeling. He looked at Representative Han excitedly, "This is the power of God? It's nothing more than that!"

As he spoke, he rushed towards Representative Han and started a hand-to-hand fight again.

Yun Jin, who was watching from a distance, gave the sloppy uncle a thumbs up: he is a foolish man, a real man with iron blood!You can run a horse on your arms, and stand on your fists!No matter who you meet, don't be shy!
Yunjin signaled to Yiyue to throw out a bag of melon seeds for herself, and sat on the roof, kowtowing, watching the development of the matter.

Anyway, the sloppy uncle committed suicide, so Yun Jin just treated it as a show, after all, the sloppy uncle is also his enemy.

However, the gap in strength cannot be made up by courage and impulsiveness. In just one minute, Hu Tu was beaten flying by representative Han at least ten times.

And every time is farther away, and each time the injury is more serious.

Han, who turned into a thunder ape, represents that his strength has completely surpassed the state of a superhuman, with infinite strength, fast speed, his body surpasses that of a superhuman, and more importantly, he can use thunder.

Representative Han was just playing with the sloppy uncle, knocking him into the air again and again, and then knocking him down with a single finger in the air.

The sloppy uncle's indestructible body was wounded one by one, and bright red blood flowed out of it.

But immediately, the wound healed automatically, and nothing could be seen.

After playing for about 5 minutes, Representative Han finally lost his patience.

He scratched his head, then threw the thunder stick in his hand into the sky.

The thunder stick was thrown into the sky, and suddenly a muffled sound shook the sky and the earth, black clouds swept in, covering the sky and covering the sun, even the moon disappeared.

There is a terrifying thunder force in the black cloud, even if it is separated by one kilometer, Yun Jin is a little terrified.

And the sloppy uncle obviously understood that the next step was Representative Han's big move. He still stood there with his head held high, and then shouted at Representative Han, "Mr. Han, my conditions remain the same, as long as you tell me Huangquan Township I am willing to follow you all my life!"

Representative Han laughed loudly, "Stupid, you are really stupid. Do you really think that Huangquan Township is still there? Huangquan Township was destroyed long ago! Those few things were just brought out from Huangquan Township in the early years."

"Now there is no Huangquan Township in this world!"

"Don't even think about it. If there is such a place where life and death communicate, how can we safely kill those alien races! Even if there is a one in ten thousand possibility, we will not give them a chance to be resurrected."

After listening to Representative Han's words, the sloppy uncle stood there in a daze, even the flames on his body were extinguished.

He murmured, "It's all fake? It was destroyed long ago? It's impossible, Commissioner Wang told me. It's impossible."

He's not a fool. After talking about this, he suddenly came to his senses, and looked at Representative Han, "Are you and Commissioner Wang playing tricks on me?"

Representative Han snorted coldly, "It seems that you are not that stupid."

Two lines of tears streamed down the dirty uncle's face, he laughed sadly, "Fake, fake, everything is fake!"

Representative Han's conversation with the sloppy uncle was obviously not a discovery of conscience, but was delaying time.

As the two chatted, more and more black clouds gathered in the sky, and the black clouds swirled, circled, and flew deep into the sky.

After a while, a golden light was born in the black cloud vortex, and then "click!" There was a loud noise, and it blasted towards the sloppy uncle!

The sloppy uncle looked up at the giant thunder angrily, and the flames shot up all over his body.

Just when Yunjin thought that this real man was about to face up again, he rushed towards Representative Han.

Maybe he didn't expect the sloppy uncle to react so quickly. Representative Han couldn't dodge in time and was thrown to the ground by the sloppy uncle.

Then the two started rolling and punching and kicking on the ground like two hooligans.

Because he was too close to the sloppy uncle, Representative Han didn't dare to continue bombarding the sloppy uncle with the thunder for a while, so he could only fight him hand-to-hand.

Even in hand-to-hand combat, he is completely unafraid of the sloppy uncle after his apocalypse.

Soon, the sloppy uncle turned into a blood man, his left eye burst, his mouth was full of blood, his right arm was broken, and his stomach was torn open, exposing the intestines inside.

The physique of a transcendent endowed him with abnormal self-healing ability. While his wounds were repairing rapidly, Representative Han inflicted more wounds.

As time passed, Representative Han also panicked. He shouted, "There is something wrong with your body! What the hell are you! It is impossible for a superhuman to have such a strong self-healing power!"

The sloppy uncle punched him so hard that his eyes turned into pandas. Then he spat out blood and grinned grinningly, "I don't have the ability to awaken! I'm different from you, the chosen ones. I rely on real It’s made through hard work! You trash! So what if it’s a god drop!”

Representative Han's face was full of horror. He couldn't beat the sloppy uncle now, and he couldn't kill him for a while.

Although he didn't hurt himself enough now, once 10 minutes passed, he would really die by then!

Thinking of this, he finally made up his mind.

He hugged the sloppy uncle, held him firmly on the ground, and then shouted, "Surrender!"

"Crack!" Another giant lightning strike in the vortex of the black cloud came towards the sloppy uncle!

Obviously, at the moment of life and death, Representative Han also decided to take the risk.

After all, he is in a state of divine descent, even if he is affected by the divine thunder, he will only be injured, not dead.

But the sloppy uncle is 100% sure to die!
Just at that critical moment.

The old man who had been fighting against that extraordinary man with Shen Mo stood up.

He stopped suddenly, and then pulled out the only remaining hair on his head without hesitation.

Immediately, his whole body was like a giant white hole, exuding endless spiritual energy.

With the radiance of spiritual energy, his whole body seemed to be turned back in time, getting younger and younger.

Thick hair began to grow on his bald head, his stooped waist straightened up slowly, his thin body seemed to be filled with air, getting stronger and younger.

The wrinkles on his face disappeared little by little, and his skin became tighter and tighter.

In just a second, he turned into a young man who looked only fifteen or sixteen.

He broke the leg of the Transcendent in front of him with one kick, then kicked with the other, and flew in front of the sloppy uncle with terrifying spiritual energy fluctuations all over his body.

Then he clasped his hands together, and a translucent spiritual energy barrier appeared in front of him, completely blocking the sloppy uncle.

The divine thunder came swiftly, hitting the spiritual energy barrier firmly! With a sound of "Boom!", the psychic energy barrier actually held on!
And at that moment, the life span of the old man seemed to be taken away by something, and it passed quickly. His appearance changed from fifteen to six, to twenty-five six, to thirty to forty, and finally to the previous one. The appearance of dying wood.

A second later, the barrier shattered inch by inch, and the divine thunder mercilessly bombarded the old man.

After receiving that terrifying blow, the old man shouted, "Hurry up!"

Then it turned into ashes
"No!" The sloppy uncle roared with red eyes.

And Shen Mo glanced at everyone present: Uncle Sloppy and Representative Han were still hugging the ground, and the half-step Chaofan she had fought with before was taking care of the other two half-step Chaofan who were seriously injured.

The Transcendent she dealt with with the old man later was kicked and broken by the old man.

while everyone else died
Although both sides are miserable, it is obvious that one side is more miserable.

So without hesitation, Shen Mo took out a bag of powder from his pocket and threw it on the ground. With a sound of "Peng", the powder exploded, flying dust all over the sky, blocking his sight.

Of course, this only obscures other people's mental strength and vision, but it cannot block Yunjin's eyes.

In Yunjin's eyes, Shen Mo disappeared in place out of thin air, probably running away.
Soon, the dust cleared, and everyone else found out about it.

Representative Han laughed loudly, "Your team members have all run away, hahaha!"

The sloppy uncle didn't care at all, he said ferociously, "Even if I die, I will drag you on my back!"

As he spoke, he bit Representative Han's ear!

"Ah! You are a dog!" Representative Han screamed.

Then he kept hitting the sloppy uncle on the back with his fists.

That blow after blow made the sloppy uncle spit out blood, but he just bit on his mouth tightly and didn't let go.

Just at this critical moment, Representative Han flashed his whole body and returned to his original human form.
God degrades.
(End of this chapter)

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