God Level Collection

Chapter 457 Really Became a Fire Dragon

Chapter 457 Really Became a Fire Dragon

When the knife was cut on the dragon fruit, Yunjin felt that it might not be a watermelon, because the skin of this fruit was very tough. Yunjin used relatively light force at the beginning, and almost bounced his knife away.

With a little force from Yun Jin, the dragon fruit was easily cut open under his half-step extraordinary strength.

The two halves of the dragon fruit are separated from the left and the right.

Yun Jin looked at it, and it was indeed not a watermelon.

Because the fruit is the same as watermelon, with red flesh and green skin, but there are no black seeds inside.

And Yunjin was sure it wasn't a seedless watermelon either.Because the flesh of this watermelon is burning.

Even though Yunjin couldn't tell what the reason was, how could the flesh of the melon be burning, but it was true.

After being cut open, the flesh of the dragon fruit is burning quietly, and the flame is red, which looks very beautiful.But... can this be eaten?

Yun Jin expressed deep doubts about this.

But fortunately, he has already tempered his whole body, including internal organs, so he is not afraid of the fire burning his stomach.

He simply took out a spoon and prepared to dig and eat.

As a result, as soon as the spoon was touched, the spoon was actually soft.

This. Is the temperature so high?
Yunjin desperately put her hand on it and tried it, it felt good, it was quite hot, but her tempered golden body was not afraid at all.

But just to be on the safe side, Yunjin still took out her identity card and searched the Internet for what dragon fruit is.

Soon, Yunjin found information about dragon fruit.

Dragon fruit: a precious plant in the world, worth 10 yuan each.After being cut open, the flesh of the melon will burn into flames when exposed to the air.Ordinary people can eat it after the flame is extinguished, and there is a certain probability to stimulate the blood vessels and become an awakened person.

Ordinary awakened people can also eat it after the flame is extinguished, which can increase the degree of body tempering to a certain extent.

Experts above the half-step evolutionary level can eat it directly.It tastes the best when it is burned, and it is as comfortable as eating a stove, and it is sweet and delicious.

After being eaten with burning flames, the evolutionary will become a young fire dragon, which can breathe flames, hence the name of this fruit.

Dragon fruit is generally a feast for masters above the evolutionary level.Once there was a banquet held by evolutionists, and all the participants turned into fire dragons, fighting each other for fun.

After reading the information, Yunjin didn't even think about it, so she quickly picked up the dragon fruit and began to chew, because the flames were about to go out
This dragon fruit is really a delicacy, and Yunjin feels like he has a mouthful of lava in his mouth. After he swallows it, the heat slowly spreads from his stomach to his whole body.

Ever since she became a golden body, Yunjin has seldom felt this kind of excitement.

And as Yun Jin ate more and more, the heat gradually filled his whole body.

He felt as if a little magical change had taken place in his body
He quickly swallowed the last bit of dragon fruit, and then he turned into a dragon more than one meter long with a roar.

This feeling is very novel, a bit similar to Blood Raven, every part of his body can be operated like an arm and a finger, everything seems to be instinctive.

For example, his body reflexively flapped his wings to slowly float in the air. For example, if he wanted to look at his tail, the tail would automatically stretch out in front of him.

Yun Jin flicked her tail, and the first thing she felt was that the tail was not bad.

But different from the blood crow's transformation, Yun Jin felt that all the psionic energy in his body had been suppressed in his body, and he couldn't use it. Only his body reorganized into this flying dragon.

Yun Jin scanned his whole body with mental power, and found that there is a core in his current body, and that core is at the neck, which continuously emits energy to supply the needs of transformation.

This should be the core of this transformation.The energy stored in the dragon fruit you ate just now is stored in it.

Yunjin tried to start flying with the body of a flying dragon, as well as exercise, the energy consumption has indeed increased.

He tried to spray the fire, and a lot of energy was consumed immediately.

Yun Jin seemed to have gotten a novel toy, flying around the villa, he accidentally bumped into Xiao Dai.

Seeing Feilong, Xiaodai glanced curiously, then walked forward as if nothing had happened.

Yun Jin: .
Shouldn't a normal cat be frightened when it encounters a flying dragon, and its hair all stand on end?

What's the matter with Xiaodai?

Is my cat a fool?

Thinking of this, Yunjin started to breathe fire behind Xiaodai.

This time Xiaodai finally reacted, not only blew up, but also ran and hid all over the room, yelling "meow meow".

Yun Jin laughed and kept frightening her behind her.

Then he didn't pay attention to the energy consumption for a while, and when he chased Xiaodai in front of him, he suddenly transformed and canceled.

Most afraid of the air suddenly quiet.

Xiao Dai looked at the familiar person in front of him, "Wow!" and rushed forward with a sound.

Yun Jin quickly dodged Xiao Dai's life-threatening serial arrest and ran downstairs.

At this time, the door of his villa was suddenly pushed open, and Wang Chuchu's voice came from the door, "Principal Yun, are you asleep? Why is the door open?"

Then the panting Yun Jin and the girl in front of her looked at each other.

Wang Chuchu looked puzzled, "Yun, Principal Yun, are you running at night?"

At this time, Xiao Dai rushed down from the upstairs with a "oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo", his eyes were red, and he looked like he would not let Yunjin go.

But when she saw someone outside the house, her hair immediately fell down, and her steps became graceful.

She walked up to Yun Jin, gave Yun Jin a paw, held her head up, turned around and left.

Yun Jin didn't have time to talk to this arrogant little guy, so she let her to the sofa and explained, "I was playing with my cat at home just now. By the way, why are you looking for me so late?"

After being reminded by Yunjin, Wang Chuchu remembered what she was doing here. She took out her ID card and handed it to Yunjin, "Principal Yun, when you reach the fifth social level, you can choose one of your own servants. You can look at Choose."

"Servant?" Yun Jin glanced at Wang Chuchu, didn't the Freedom Continent claim to be free?There will also be servants and slaves who are not free?
He clicked on his ID card, and there were rows of candidates on it, all of them were tall and beautiful young girls.

It looks well-proportioned, long and delicate, and as it is turned back, other types are also available.

Yun Jin looked at it casually, and found that it could be customized. If she made a request, she would customize the type she liked.

This, is this really a human?

Yun Jin looked at Wang Chuchu, and waited for her explanation. Wang Chuchu said, "This is actually an artificial intelligence simulator produced by the Central Government Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. So it can be customized according to the needs of each adult."

artificial intelligence?

Yun Jin suddenly remembered the artificial intelligence Ruo'er she had met.

That time when Weixiao was sent to school, the artificial intelligence chatted with him a lot and told him some things. It was the first time he had a certain understanding of Freedom Continent. (mentioned in Chapter 259)

Yun Jin asked, "Are there all artificial intelligences here? Can I choose by myself?"

Wang Chuchu asked in surprise, "Is the principal planning to choose the artificial intelligence that has already been activated?"

After Yunjin nodded, she said, "Of course, but generally no grown-up would choose that."

Yun Jin asked curiously, "Why?"

Wang Chuchu explained, "Because the artificial intelligence that has been enabled, either it was used by adults before, or it was used as a tester to deal with a lot of sundries. They already have their own behavior patterns, and they want to adjust them to suit themselves. Mind, it will be more troublesome."

"Besides, men always like to be a user."

Yun Jin: .
"Show me the deprecated artificial intelligence."

Wang Chuchu took the ID card, tapped it a few times, and then handed it to Yunjin again. Yunjin searched for [Xiao'er] on it, and soon, a familiar figure appeared in front of Yunjin.

Yun Jin clicked on her, and a series of her information was listed on it, including the data of various participating projects, the time of picking up and dropping off students, and so on.

Yun Jin checked it out and found that the rust she knew was the right one.

So he chose her and handed it to Wang Chuchu.

Wang Chuchu took the ID card, looked at it, and said, "This artificial intelligence belongs to our school now, so it can be delivered tomorrow morning at the latest."

Yun Jin nodded.

Wang Chuchu stood up and bowed to Yunjin, "Principal Yun, if there is nothing else, I will leave first."

Yun Jin got up to see her off, and when she walked to the door, Yun Jin still asked, "Are you?"

Wang Chuchu smiled at Yunjin, "Principal Yun, it's impolite to ask."

Yun Jin retracted the second half of the sentence with a smile, and waved towards Wang Chuchu.

After Wang Chuchu left, Yunjin didn't fall asleep, but took his ID card and left the villa. He planned to buy two more dragon fruits for research.

Although Wang Chuchu interrupted her research just now, Yunjin still has a certain curiosity about dragon fruit. This kind of fruit is really amazing. Does this also belong to an awakening ability?
If it is the awakening ability, can it also be collected?
If this ability is a developable ability, or has any special effect, then it will be a big profit!
In fact, after Yun Jin came to the Free Continent, he wanted to find some special plants or animals and collect them.

In the end, I didn't do it because I was too busy. Now that I am free, and I need to improve the strength of myself and my subordinates, it is time to do this.

The first purpose is dragon fruit. If there are other special plants or animals, they can also be bought back by the way.

As a result, when she packed up and was about to go out, Yunjin suddenly realized that she didn't know where to buy these things.

So he had no choice but to send another communication request to Jiaojiao, "Come find me."

Without any hesitation, Jiaojiao said, "Okay, okay."

Yun Jin looked at the time, "Is half an hour enough?"

"Enough!" Jiaojiao said excitedly.

Yun Jin nodded and hung up the phone.

Half an hour later, a well-dressed Jiaojiao appeared in front of Yunjin's door.

Yun Jin opened the door, she looked at Yun Jin, and greeted excitedly, "Director~"

Yun Jin said "En", and dragged her to go outside.

Jiaojiao, "Hey? Hey? Director? Why don't you come in?"

Yun Jin, "Why are you in the house? Accompany me to buy dragon fruit!"

(End of this chapter)

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