God Level Collection

Chapter 50 Is it worth it?

Chapter 50 Is it worth it?
Yun Jin immediately understood.

Psychiatrists actually belong to the department of psychiatry, and their doctor qualification certificates are all registered in the department of psychiatry.

Therefore, many patients who come to see a doctor do not want to expose themselves as patients, and always use the name of their friends.

The same is true for this student.He was the one who left a message on the Internet, but he didn't want to expose himself because he suspected that he was an awakened ability.

Yun Jin looked at the overly alert student in front of her, and said, "I need to study in detail to find out whether it is mental illness, but I have no way of judging with superpowers."

The student asked, "How do you know if it's superpowers or mental illness?"

Yun Jin looked at him silently, and then reiterated again, "I am a professional psychiatrist. Since I come for consultation, don't be defensive. This will help you understand your situation."

He paused, then said, "Do you think I'm right? Student Li?"

The student flashed an embarrassing look, and then said, "Sorry, I'm a little sensitive. I am indeed the student you chatted with online."

Yun Jin leaned forward, folded her hands on the table, and asked, "Tell me about your situation."

Classmate Li scratched his head, "I have already told you about me on the Internet. The only difference is that I have seen a lot of superpowers recently. I suspect that I am not mentally ill, but superpowers."

Yun Jin decided to use the easiest method to test, and he said, "Hold out your hand, and I'll give you a pulse."

Classmate Li looked at Yun Jin with a confused expression, "Western doctors also give pulse? I am young, so don't lie to me."

Having experienced a lot, Yunjin's face is not red now and her heart is not beating, "I am a combination of traditional Chinese and Western medicine."

Classmate Li stretched out his hand suspiciously, Yunjin touched his wrist lightly, feeling it.

With psychic power, the total amount is quite a lot, unexpectedly a full 100 points.Yun Jin immediately became interested in this ability.

Looking at the total amount of psionic energy, this is at least a [D] level ability.

Of course, it was impossible for Yun Jin to tell the student in front of him that he knew that he was an awakened one by taking his own pulse.

So Yunjin took out a copy of the Davos Mental Symptom Assessment Test and handed it to him, "Let's take this test."

The doctor's authority is still there.Li took the test paper and pen and started to do the questions.

This test paper, Yun Jin, was just a formality, after all, he needed an excuse.

If it is a formal psychological consultation, it will not be so hasty.At least like Zhou Yang, he will understand the situation first, then do the test, and finally conduct comprehensive research.

Yun Jin poured a glass of water for classmate Li, made himself some tea, and drank while thinking.

This classmate Li is obviously very curious about the awakening ability, and he is also very alert, this ability is probably out of reach.Unless. He wants something more.

Soon, Li's test was finished, and instead of handing it to Yunjin immediately, he asked, "Doctor, do you charge for the assessment?"

"Actually, you've been charged since you entered the clinic and started consulting." Yun Jin looked at his watch and said, "My hourly fee is about 800, and you've already spent 400."

"Ah?!" Classmate Li was stunned. He stood up in fright and seemed to want to run away, "Why is it so expensive! I have no money."

Yun Jin smiled and added, "But you are a patient on [Ni Hao Doctor] website, so the first consultation fee is free."

Classmate Li didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Doctor, can you stop talking and panting, it's too scary."

He wiped the sweat from his hands on his sweatpants, then handed the test to Yunjin, and added, "Doctor, is it so profitable to be a psychiatrist? Do you think I can do it?"

Yun Jin took the test, browsed through the ten lines at a glance, and replied, "The new psychiatrist is about 100 per hour. For you, there is still time to apply for medical school."

"Okay." Li gave up, and he sat back on the sofa, anxiously waiting for the result.

After a while, Yunjin put down the test and found that there was no problem in the test result, and Li was very healthy mentally and spiritually.

In fact, the moment Yun Jin detected his psychic ability, he knew he was not, but as a doctor, he still had to be rigorous.

Who knows if he will be both awakened and mentally ill.

Yun Jin took a sip of water and said, "Your test is fine, you are not mentally ill. Congratulations."

Student Li's eyes were filled with surprise, "So I have superpowers?"

Yun Jin spread her hands, "I don't know about this. After all, I don't know how to test superpowers."

These words didn't hurt Li, he couldn't hide the excitement on his face, "I didn't expect that I could become a superman."

Yun Jin lit a cigarette and poured cold water on him, "But the awakening ability depends on whether it is useful. Does your awakening ability have any effect?"

Speaking of this, Li's expression collapsed, and he said helplessly, "It doesn't seem to be useful."

He just wanted to talk about his awakening ability, but he shut up immediately and looked at Yunjin vigilantly, "Doctor, you seem to understand it very well."

Yun Jin looked at the alert student in front of her, and instead of answering his question, she asked, "You seem to be short of money?"

Classmate Li looked at Yunjin, thought for a while, and then nodded and admitted, "Yes. I need a lot of money."

"Is it convenient to disclose how much?"

"About 10,000+."

Yun Jin nodded and didn't say any more.Some words go too far, just stop at the first meeting.

Student Li probably wasn't in the mood to chat anymore, he still maintained a vigilant attitude, then thanked Yun Jin, and left the clinic.

Yun Jin pressed the cigarette to death in the ashtray, thinking about whether it was worth it to exchange 10,000+ for an awakening ability.

If it's a D-level ability, it should be worth it.

Even if you don't use it yourself, if you resell it, it is estimated that it will not be a problem to earn dozens of times.

After all, there are very few awakened people who can transfer the awakening ability to others, and he may even be the only one.

Therefore, even if you have money, you may not be able to buy awakening ability.The price is up to him.

The only problem is that if he trades, he will inevitably expose his awakening ability.

Too dangerous
Yun Jin decided to start with a long-term plan, to see if there was a way to get the best of both worlds, without exposing herself, and smoothly collect awakening abilities.

Before he could think of a way, there was a knock on the door of the clinic. Yun Jin withdrew her thoughts and said, "Please come in."

Then the two walked in one after the other.

Walking in front was a familiar little girl in red, while walking behind was the sloppy uncle Yun Jin had always been afraid of.

The slovenly uncle was still wearing the old suit, smoking an unlit cigarette, with drooping eyelids, looking cynical and lacking energy, he slightly raised his hand to say hello, "Doctor Yun, we meet again."

 Thanks for the reward of 399 book coins for "How Many Ten Years Left", thank you boss, the boss is generous!

  Thanks for the "accidental 123456" reward of 200 starting coins, thank you boss, the boss is generous!

  Thanks to "Da Qiu Li", "Huan Wu Yao", "Jianghou Zun", "Rest in Peace by the River", "User 173**50" for the reward of 100 starting coins or book coins, thank you boss, the boss is generous!

  I wish all the bosses a fortune!
(End of this chapter)

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