God Level Collection

Chapter 60 Test Success

Chapter 60 Test Success
Yunjin's idea is to try to see if he can collect cancer first, and if he can, everything will be fine.The specific conditions will be discussed according to the situation.

If not, the money given to Li can only be paid by him.As for reselling this awakening ability to make the difference, or keeping it for personal use, it is a matter of follow-up consideration.

After thinking it over, Yunjin called a friend to send two mice, then closed the door of the clinic and started the experiment.

For the collection of human bodies, he has always been cautious and cautious, which is the professional accomplishment of a doctor.

After all, once something happens, it may cause irreversible consequences.

For example, when collecting, the thought was not specific enough, and a certain internal organ was collected.

This thing is like the dirt he collects.

Collected from the ground, it was scattered in the hands after being de-carded, and it could not be put back at all.

It’s okay if the soil can’t be put back, but if the internal organs can’t be put back, the person will die!

So he must first test it with mice.

Xiaodai was obviously very curious about the little white mouse, and kept "meowing" beside the cage.

Yun Jin hugged it to the sofa, and told it not to disturb her, Xiao Dai actually seemed to understand the words of the people, and sat there obediently, watching Yun Jin doing the experiment with round eyes curiously.

Yun Jin grabbed a small white mouse, closed her eyes, carefully imagined a little bit of its blood, and then silently said "Collect".

A flash of light flashed, and a card appeared in Yunjin's hand.

【Blood of mice】

It was successfully collected once.

Yun Jin marked the little white mouse, put it in the cage, and observed its changes.

10 minutes, half an hour, an hour, still responding normally.

Yun Jin stroked her chin, thinking, could it really have no effect at all?

He took out the mouse again and tried to collect all its platelets.

After collecting, Yunjin pricked its paw with a needle, and the blood flowed out slowly, and it didn't stop.

That's all, it seems that the mice still have symptoms of internal bleeding.
Yunjin frantically gave it blood transfusions and platelet transfusions, and it took half an hour to heal it.

Yun Jin breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that the experiment is still very helpful.

Normally speaking, there shouldn't be any problems in putting a successful experiment on mice into a human body.

Then he found a person who was willing to accept the experiment at a high price, and began to try to do basic experiments on him.

Of course, Yunjin would not be so radical when experimenting on humans. He went from [a little subcutaneous tissue], to [10 milliliters of blood], and then to [a single white blood cell].

He kept trying.

That person had no adverse reactions until the next day.

Yunjin is determined that cancer cells are essentially no different from other cells in the body. Since such collection does not harm the human body, cancer cells should not be a big problem.

But for the sake of rigor, he first took that person to a friend's hospital for a full-body examination, and then collected 1000 platelets from that person after he came back.

The normal number of platelets in the human body is between 10 and 30, so losing 1000 platelets should have no effect on the human body.

He mainly experimented with the effects on other organs of the body, the blood.

After a week, he went for the same examination again to check the physical changes of that person.

When he went to get the report for the second time, his friend had already looked at him like a fool, "You are a psychiatrist, and you treated yourself into a mental illness?"

"Last time, I asked you to do a paternity test for you."

"Let me give you a white mouse last time."

"This time, I brought someone here for two more inspections. You're not really out of your mind, are you?"

Yun Jin looked at the bad friend in front of her and said, "You don't understand what I do. How can you, a mediocre genius, understand the idea of ​​a genius."

This friend belongs to Yunjin's good buddy, and he graduated from the same university as Yunjin. The two lived in the same dormitory when they were in college.

After graduation, even if they don't work together, they still walk around occasionally. After all, the friendship in the student days will always be closer.

Hearing what Yunjin said, his friend waved his hands again and again, "Yes, yes, yes, I am a mediocre person who can't understand your thoughts, spend so much money, and bring someone to our private hospital for an examination."

"Couldn't you be our hospital's trustee?"

"Stop." Yun Jin kicked him and asked, "How's the report?"

His friend handed him the report, "There is no difference from last week, and there is nothing unusual. What are you looking for?"

Holding the report in front of him, Yun Jin browsed through it at a glance. After reading all of them, he was finally convinced that his harvesting technique, which collects cells in the body, would not harm the body.

His more than a week of experiments finally yielded results.

After leaving the hospital, Yun Jin took out her mobile phone and called Zhou Yang immediately.

This honest man was selling vegetables, and when he received a call from Yun Jin, he asked, "Doctor Yun, what's the matter? Call me at this time?"

Yun Jin said, "Zhou Yang, I have a friend whose superpower can cure cancer. Would you like to let Auntie try it?"

"What!?" Zhou Yang couldn't hide the excitement in his heart, and asked eagerly, "Really? Is it effective?"

Yun Jin didn't finish her sentence, "You can ask Auntie to try it. At least it won't hurt your body."

"Okay, I'll go right away. Where can I find you?"

Yun Jin said, "It's still my clinic. But, Zhou Yang, you have to remember that this matter is confidential and must not be leaked."

Zhou Yang patted his chest and assured, "Don't worry, doctor, I will keep it secret."

Yun Jin took a taxi and went back to the clinic. Not long after, a taxi stopped at the door of the clinic, and Zhou Yang helped an old lady get down.

Yun Jin got up quickly, and helped the old man walk in together.

The old lady asked with a kind face, "Are you the doctor who can treat me?"

Yun Jin smiled and shook her head, "Auntie, it's not me, it's my friend. And it may not be cured, I can only say try."

The old lady shook her head, "I have no cure for this disease, and my health has collapsed from chemotherapy, and any treatment is a waste of money."

Yun Jin said, "This one doesn't charge money. It's just helping out as a friend."

The old lady just nodded.

Helping the old lady to sit on the sofa first, Yun Jin and Zhou Yang went outside.

Zhou Yang asked, "Doctor, does this really affect the body?"

"It doesn't matter." Yun Jin paused and said, "Brother Zhou, I may be straightforward, but I can say what I have to say."

"Auntie's body, it's been a few days. The recurrence of cancer usually takes three months to a year. If you don't try, you will die. If you try, there may be a glimmer of hope. Are you right?"

"Yes!" The honest man in front of him nodded repeatedly, "I know that's the reason, but I'm a little worried."

"After all, there has never been an example of an advanced cancer that can be cured."

Yun Jin didn't deny it, "It's true, so the awakening ability is really a wealth bestowed on us by the gods. Maybe we can really accomplish things that cannot be done."

After the two chatted, Yun Jin asked Zhou Yang to leave first on the pretext that his friend didn't want outsiders, and then he returned to the clinic to start treatment.


My apologies to everyone.Regular readers should know that I update both on weekdays and only on weekends, so I didn’t specifically mention it yesterday.Some readers asked why a chapter, and I realized that new readers might not know it.Sorry here.

This week's condition is really bad. I write an average of about 3000 words every day, and I write until 12 o'clock in the evening.I also suffered from insomnia all night yesterday, probably because I went to bed too late and passed my bedtime.

But in the past two days, the writing has become smoother and smoother, and we have more and more readers. I will try to start next week and update it every day.It can be regarded as fulfilling the basic requirements of an author.

As for the explosive update and the added update, there may not be any for a while.I also want to write more and more, but I really can't write.

This book belongs to the work of my dream, so the quality requirements are very high. It takes three to four hours to write a chapter. If the plot is not good, I have to delete it and rewrite it.So it will always be slow.

What I hope is to increase the speed under the premise of ensuring the quality. I can't fill it with water or write nonsense just to increase the speed, which is boring.

I hope everyone understands, thank you!
Today is still one update, and next week it will be updated every day.If I really can't write it, I will apologize and ask for leave, so that everyone will not wait like yesterday.
I'm really sorry.thanks for your support!I hope to be with you all until the end of this book.

 Thanks to "Emil Amy" for the reward of 1000 starting coins!thank you boss!Boss atmosphere!

  Thanks to "Jiabao 55 King" for the reward of 500 starting coins!thank you boss!The boss is equally generous!

  Thanks to "Ah ~ Awakening", "Don't pull my cute little ears", "Clear Water Ark", "她LV灬丨Huazhu", "Ziyue that doesn't spend money to read books" for the reward of 100 starting coins!thank you boss!Boss atmosphere!

  I wish the above boss a fortune every day!Thanks!

(End of this chapter)

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