The Complete Works of Wolf Road

Chapter 14 Possessing a strong mentality like a wolf

Chapter 14 Possessing a strong mentality like a wolf (4)
There are many factors for a person's success, and at the top of these is enthusiasm.Without enough enthusiasm, no matter what ability you have, it will not be fully developed.Enthusiasm is the excitement that comes from the heart, and then spreads and fills the whole body.Enthusiasm is a fiery, spiritual quality that resides deep within a person.

Every successful person has a passion for crazy work, which is a huge burst of enthusiasm in his heart.This passion is also the source of your success and achievement.The stronger your willpower, your passion for success, the greater your chances of success.Enthusiasm is often a state, a kind of subconsciousness. If you can bring out your subconsciousness, even if you are an ordinary person, you can create miracles.

A person who is really full of enthusiasm, you can see it from his eyes, from his diligent steps, and from the vitality of his whole body.Enthusiasm can change a person's attitude towards others and towards work.Enthusiasm can make a person love life more.Enthusiasm cannot be faked.Two strugglers, one succeeds and the other fails.The biggest reason is that one person has real enthusiasm, while the other person is faking it.Not only that, enthusiasm can also make a person get out of the negative state of being muddled and work hard.

Enthusiasm is the soul of work, even life itself.The young man who does not find pleasure in his daily work, who is obliged to work only to survive, and to perform duties only to survive, is doomed to failure.

Enthusiasm is a powerful force that overcomes all difficulties. It keeps you awake, excites all the nerves in your body, and urges you to do what your heart desires; it cannot tolerate any interference that hinders the realization of the established goal.

Enthusiasm is the most dynamic factor in the process of achieving all great achievements.It is incorporated into every invention, every painting, every sculpture, every great poem, every novel or article that astonishes the world.

Success depends not so much on one's talent as on one's enthusiasm.

Just like beauty, continuous enthusiasm keeps you young and your heart is always full of sunshine.I remember two great men who warned: "Please exchange everything you have for understanding the world." I want to say this: "Please exchange everything you have for enthusiasm."

With enthusiasm, you will become powerful.

9 Make yourself happy with the mentality of the game
Wolves always maintain a kind of exuberant energy, they are full of vitality for life.They always take a little time to play games every day. They use games to make themselves live happily. At the same time, games can also promote their communication, unity and cooperation, and hunting skills, and they can control them well. Their own emotions, no matter what kind of environment they are in, they can smile at life.

The wolf understands that play isn't just a by-product of life, it's a reason for living.No matter how old they are, the wolf's love for the game never dies.

In the same way, people who cannot control their emotions will not achieve anything, and can only be overwhelmed and swallowed by their emotions in the end.Only by learning to control your emotions and being full of energy every day, will you have joy, joy, and control your own destiny.

The pace of life of modern people is getting faster and faster, and the content is getting richer and richer. People and things that people face every day are also increasing.People are different, and things are different, which determines that people have to adapt to it in different ways and mentality.

How can this be done?The best strategy is to keep a calm and independent space deep in your heart, respond to "changes" with "unchanged" and conduct appropriate emotional regulation.

How can we have a good mood so that our daily work and life can be productive?Unless you have peace of mind, it will be another day of failure.Flowers, plants and trees grow with the change of climate, you have to create a "climate barometer" for yourself, and learn to use your own mind to make up for the lack of climate.If you bring rain and gloom and darkness and pessimism to others, then they will bring rain and gloom and darkness and pessimism in return.On the contrary, if you offer joy, joy, light and laughter to others, others will return joy, joy, light and laughter, and you will be able to obtain a good harvest in your career and earn successful wealth.

How can I keep my emotions full every day?You have to master this eternal truth: the weak let their emotions control their behavior, and the strong let their behavior control their emotions.Every day when you wake up surrounded by feelings of sadness, self-pity, and failure, fight it like this:
When you are depressed, sing loudly; when you are sad, laugh; when you are depressed, work harder; when you are afraid, go forward; when you feel inferior, put on new clothes; When you are self-deprecating, think about your goals; when you are arrogant, look for the memory of failure; when you enjoy yourself, remember the days when you were hungry; when you are proud, think about your competitors; When you are self-righteous, see if you can let the wind stop you; when you have a lot of money, think about the time when you can’t eat enough; when you are proud and complacent, think about the time when you are cowardly; when you are arrogant, look up at the stars.

With these, you can not only control your own emotions, but also better understand the emotions of others.Even in the face of angry people, you can treat each other with tolerance, because he has not yet learned how to control his emotions, and you believe that tomorrow he will change and become easy-going again.

From then on, you will also understand the mystery of human emotional changes.For your ever-changing personality, you don't let it go, because you already know that only by actively controlling your emotions can you control your own destiny.

People who can control their emotions are happy.Happy people know that happiness is the most important value in life, and it is also an attitude towards life; while those who often complain about life, or live on the verge of pain, they envy the happiness of others and hope to live a happy life themselves, but they always It's because you can't step through the door of happiness.

Many people are only keen to pursue wealth, power, and fame throughout their lives, but they rarely hear people say: "I have been pursuing happiness all my life." Because most people always believe that when they get wealth, power, fame, and fortune, they will be happy. And that's it.However, it was only after they spent their entire lives chasing after them that they suddenly realized that instead of happiness, it brought pain instead.

It seems easy to pursue a happy life, but it requires considerable wisdom.In fact, happiness and pain are purely caused by oneself.People who are good at discovering happiness can find the seeds of happiness at any time in their lives.And those who are sad all day long, although there are many happy things around them, they turn a blind eye to them.If it is said that finding happiness requires wisdom, what the sad person lacks is the wisdom to find happiness in ordinary life.

Unhappy people not only feel sad and depressed themselves, but also often bring pressure to others. They often complain about this and that.

But, oddly enough, unhappy people often don't admit "I'm unhappy."

Happiness does require wisdom.Happy people live with flavor, chic and open-minded.They realize the impermanence of life, they don't know when the disaster will come suddenly, and only by being open-minded can they deal with it calmly.

Many unhappy people, the source of their pain is because they "put themselves in the wrong position".Happy people know how to organize their lives very well. Unhappy people always open their eyes and ask themselves suspiciously: "What am I going to do?"

There are many people around us. When they get off work, they are like a deflated ball, sitting slumped in front of the TV, or drinking, gambling, and living a helpless life.This kind of person must be in the wrong position. He may want to make more money, want to get a higher position, or have more desires. Because he doesn't know how to give up, he wants too much, but instead falls into the abyss of pain .

Happiness is actually an attitude towards life.If a person is rich, powerful, and famous all his life, but not happy, his life is still wasted.

We often lament the helplessness of life, there are always trivial things involved, either worrying about this or that.In a short life, everyone should let happiness accompany them through life. This kind of happiness exists in people's struggle to achieve their goals.

10 Laugh at difficulties and setbacks
We have already mentioned that the success rate of wolves hunting is extremely low, about 10 times hunting, only one is successful.The great thing about wolves is that being fruitless 10 out of 9 hunts doesn't make them frustrated, demoralized, or delay their next attempt, because they know they won't be killed on the 10th, 11th, or even 12th time. Once again, victory will come.

Wolves never tire, give in, or get depressed in the face of setbacks.Every wolf understands that whether he is a winner or a loser does not depend on whether he has succeeded or failed in hunting for a while.Successful people, whether they are successful or not, exhibit the attitude of a winner.

Failure and mistakes are an integral part of our lives, and a normal part of the process of making progress, seeking change, innovating, and participating in competition. As long as you are aggressive, you will inevitably make mistakes; Not a total loser!What is so terrible about failure?Natural selection, survival of the fittest, in this balance, failure is always inclined to those who are afraid of failure.

In life, there will always be ups and downs.Setbacks and failures are inevitable on our way forward.

Young friends learn to ride a bicycle and practice swimming, often wrestling and drinking water; young students fail the college entrance examination and lose the opportunity to go to university; hard-working entrepreneurs build houses but are washed away by floods; There is a turmoil, the sweetheart moves on to another person; the friend has a misunderstanding, and the friendship is cast in the shadow... All these are setbacks and failures.As long as there have been human beings, there have been setbacks and failures.

Setbacks and successes, failures and successes, are an indispensable part of a complete life.Between them, they complement each other and transform each other.Success is often accompanied by setbacks, and success is often born in failure.Numerous facts have proved that setbacks and failures are the mother of success.

When the great scientist Einstein was studying in elementary school, his classmates called him a "stupid".One day in a handicraft class, the teacher took out a very ugly small wooden bench from among the piles of mud, dolls, wax fruits and other works made by the students, and asked angrily:
"Have any of you ever seen such a bad stool? I don't think there is a worse stool in the world."

Einstein replied: "Yes." Then he took out two more ugly stools from the desk and said, "This is the first and second time I made it. Now the teacher is handed over to the third time." It is not satisfactory, but it is better than these two!"

In the 19th century, when the famous French novelist Maupassant was just learning to write, he gave his practice work to Flaubert, a famous writer at that time. Because the quality was not high, Flaubert asked him to burn it unceremoniously, and advised him to get down to it. Start by learning the basic skills of observing society.After a long period of unremitting efforts, Maupassant finally became a master of short stories.

Romain Rolland was a famous writer, musician and social activist in the 18th century.He finished his first novel "Childhood Love"

, when it was shown to an authoritative critic at that time, it was also rejected.Although he was so angry that he tore the manuscript to pieces, he did not lose heart. He continued to write and finally became a world-famous writer.

Setbacks and failures are indispensable companions on the road to success.A person cannot become a talent without being tempered; a matter cannot be achieved without going through ups and downs.All setbacks and failures provide rare thinking and opportunities for rising.A writer said: "A commitment to suffering is a strengthening of the self-spirit."

Every man of insight and lofty ideals should not escape or sink in the face of setbacks and failures, but should rise and fight against setbacks and failures.Constant self-improvement in setbacks and failures is one of the conditions that promote the human spirit to become rational and mature.

Frustration and failure are not only unavoidable and inevitable components of human life, but also make human life more colorful because of its appearance.It is often said that the infinite scenery is on the dangerous peak, and the moving music is mostly sad.Indeed, life is like a flood. If there is a flat river, the water will be calm. Only when it encounters islands and hidden reefs, can the water of life stir up beautiful waves.

How should we look at setbacks and how to face them?

"Since ancient times, heroes have suffered a lot."Many people with lofty ideals in history have made extraordinary achievements in the struggle against setbacks.After Sima Qian was tortured, he wrote a book angrily, and wrote the famous "Historical Records", which was praised by Lu Xun as "the swan song of historians, and Li Sao without rhyme".

The setbacks that musician Beethoven encountered in his life are indescribable.He lost his mother at the age of 17, became deaf at the age of 32, and then fell into the pain of losing his love.What a blow these are for a musician!But Beethoven was neither depressed nor discouraged.

He wrote in a letter: "I want to hold the throat of fate, it wants to make me succumb, which is absolutely impossible." He has always lived tenaciously and created with difficulty, becoming an immortal musician in the world.

Although setbacks bring pain to people, they can often temper people's will and inspire people's fighting spirit; they can make people learn to think, adjust their behavior, achieve their goals in a better way, and achieve brilliant careers.Scientist Beveridge said: "People's excellent work is often done under adversity." Therefore, it can be said that setbacks are a special environment for cultivating talents.

Of course, setbacks do not automatically create talents, and not all people who experience setbacks can make a difference.The French writer Balzac said: "Frustration is like a stone. For the weak, it is a stumbling block, which makes you hesitate; but for the strong, it is a stepping stone, which makes you stand taller." Only with the lofty Only those who have the purpose of life, set up a lofty ideal of life, and consciously temper in setbacks, stand up in setbacks, and pursue in setbacks can hope to become strong in life.

Frustration is our most critical friend, and it is always ready to turn against you.But no matter what, it is still your friend in the end. When you really accept it and are determined to defeat it, you will find that it is also quite loyal.

Frustration is another good medicine, which has the effect of "good medicine tastes bitter and good for the disease".You may have encountered some major setbacks, and you will be very sad at that time, but whether you feel weak is not the answer.At this time, you should raise your head and challenge your life. You will be surprised to find that setbacks are nothing more than that.

Some people are afraid when they encounter setbacks, they become discouraged, and they are frightened away by that scary face; some people are not afraid of failure, advance despite difficulties, and stand on the finish line of success through hard work .As a result, one kind of people degenerates in negativity and is too weak to stand the test; the other kind of people forges ahead in adversity like a wolf, faces all setbacks firmly, and finally overcomes setbacks.

(End of this chapter)

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