The Complete Works of Wolf Road

Chapter 2 The Life of the Wolf

Chapter 2 The Life of the Wolf (2)
The three little wolves fled back to the wilderness after biting their father.Fortunately, his father was sent to the hospital in time to save his life, but his right leg could no longer walk, and he spent his whole life with crutches.

After that, I had no illusions about domesticating wild wolves.Wolves are indeed animals that cannot be tamed.

Krems' father was lucky compared to another herder, Rogers, who lost his life raising wolves.

Don't think from this that wolves are a heinous animal and that we should kill all wolves.In my eyes, wolves are a great animal, and we should abandon the misunderstanding of wolves that has been formed for thousands of years.

In this world, no animal, including man, can live according to its own will as relentlessly as wolves, even at the cost of their lives, to fight against almost irresistible hostile forces.What a terrifying and huge force this is!

In nature, all behaviors of animals are for survival, and all struggles among animals are for survival.Biologist Charles Darwin discovered nature's greatest secret hundreds of years ago.In the fight with other animals, the wolf fully demonstrated the spirit of fighting to the death and never yielding.

When a wolf encounters an animal stronger than itself, it generally adopts a group attack strategy.The conditions of wolves are not outstanding. Compared with tigers, lions, rhinos and other animals, they are very weak. Even if they attack in groups, they will cause great losses to the wolves.But wolves will never back down, no matter how much they sacrifice, they will never back down until they kill or drive away their powerful opponents.

Look, this is the unruly and unyielding wolf. The wolf has the kind of power that makes our hearts tremble!That is the dignity of the wolf, and it is this dignity that forms the unruly wolf nature, which is the law for the survival of the strong in the biological world.Wolf is such a strong man!
4 tenacious wolf

The reason why wolves have survived on the earth for millions of years is to rely on tenacity and tenacity.Due to human's prejudice and hatred of wolves, humans once slaughtered wolves on a large scale, but wolves still survive tenaciously to this day.

Now, more and more species have disappeared from this planet, and more and more species have been included in the ranks of protection by humans, but wolves have not been tamed by humans, nor are they weak enough to rely on human protection to continue to live survive on earth.

Although we cannot deny that the number of wolves has been decreasing (isn’t this the common fate of wild animals), but in the vast grasslands, in the humid tropical rainforests, in the dry deserts, in the cold Arctic, in the world There are wolves everywhere.What a tenacious life, what an impressive species!

In the animal world, wolves are not God's favorite, especially among carnivores, wolves do not have the slightest physical condition superior to other animals.They don't have absolute speed, and they don't have a huge body. Even their only sharp weapon-teeth, are possessed by most carnivores.

Wolves do not hibernate, and they rarely store food like other animals.Therefore, in the long and cold winter, they have to look for food everywhere.This is the biggest test for the wolves.Many of their predators hide and sleep in warm caves. Even animals that do not hibernate store enough food in the caves, so they rarely go to the wild to find food.Some of the wolves on the grassland will be eliminated in winter due to harsh natural conditions, but this elimination optimizes the wolves invisibly.After the test of winter, the surviving wolves have more tenacious and tenacious vitality than before.

I don't understand why wolves live, and this is a profound and unsolvable question for the most intelligent human beings in the world.Maybe it's just for survival, for the existence of wolves.That shouldn't be our focus, at least here.What we should pay attention to is: the wolves, who are not favored by God, are still stubbornly living on this earth in the cruel natural environment, in life-and-death struggles with various animals, and after the slaughter of the most terrible enemy - human beings. Survive.

Wolves are indeed one of the most tenacious animals on earth.This is exactly what we modern people should pay attention to and seriously think about.

5 Wolves who claim to be strong

The life of a wolf is full of hardships, but no matter in any dangerous environment, the wolf is the strong in nature.

In the wolf family, I once again discovered the spirit that we humans need to learn - the mentality of the strong.The wolf is not God's favorite animal. Compared with all kinds of life in nature, the wolf is indeed not strong. God did not endow it with the speed of a cheetah, the majesty of a lion, or the physique of a rhinoceros.

Although in terms of various conditions, wolves are not considered strong, even compared with some animals, wolves are still in a weak position, but wolves never regard themselves as weak, on the contrary, wolves regard themselves as strong.Perhaps it is this state of mind that determines their actions, perhaps it is their character that determines that they have such a state of mind.No matter what, they all regard themselves as strong, and no matter what kind of enemy they face, this strong mentality will not change.In the face of weak sheep, it goes without saying that even in the face of stronger animals or even human beings, they will not show weakness at all.They will never retreat without a fight, nor will they be defeated without a fight.

All over the world, there are legends about "wolf children", who use their own milk to raise abandoned babies.Similarly, in places where wolves are infested, people also raise some wolf cubs that have lost their mothers.During his observation and research on coyotes, Professor Wilkins also raised a young wolf.He recalled that unforgettable experience.

Once, I followed some herdsmen herding their sheep so that I could listen to their vivid stories about wolves.We were so lucky that day, they found a she-wolf with the binoculars I had brought.The camera has been tracking, and finally found the wolf den.They caught and killed the female wolf in the wolf den, and got 6 pups who were about ten days old.

One can imagine what will be waiting for these 6 young wolves.Death, it's so unfair to them.Although emotionally, I can't accept it, but I can't change anything by myself.Most of the losses of herders are caused by wolves, although the presence of wolves keeps the grassland ecologically balanced.But herders often don't see anything deeper than wolves eating the herd.Of course, if the herdsmen don't kill the wolves, the wolves may also overflow, which is also scary.

At my strong request, I got two pups.I keep these two pups with dogs.Just at this time, one of my bitches, Sasha, also gave birth to two puppies.At first they could get along peacefully, but after a few days, the two little wolves occupied all of Shasha's teats, and the two puppies were nothing but pitiful.

I think that at this time, wolves can't tell the difference between themselves and dogs. They must think that the two puppies are their brothers and sisters. They don't know that they are wolves.But the instinct of the strong in them is shown.Even among brothers and sisters, they follow the principle that the capable is king and regard themselves as the strong, and this mentality has indeed been shown from the day they were born.

"The strong destroy the weak" and "the strong exploit the weak" are the iron laws of the biological world.

In the world of wolves, the natural law of survival of the fittest continues to operate.The survival of the wolf mainly depends on the way to defeat and eat the opponent, otherwise it will starve to death.Hunting is the most dangerous. When wolves catch their prey, they often encounter desperate resistance from the prey, and sometimes large prey will hurt the life of the wolf.It is in this treacherous environment that wolves can overcome their opponents and become one of the highest positions in the food chain on land.The wolf possesses such a stern and optimistic mentality of the strong, creating a miracle of survival in the animal world.

Wolves are one of the highest food chain terminators for terrestrial organisms.Because of the existence of wolves, other animals can weed out the old, weak, sick, and disabled bad groups; also because of the threat of wolves, other animals are forced to evolve better to avoid being eliminated by wolves. It makes the ecology in a state of balance.Without the existence of wolves, the ecological point will have a situation of mixed good and bad, which is not conducive to the stable, healthy and balanced development of life.

The so-called strong mentality does not mean that one considers himself a strong man, condescending to his opponents or friends, or even arrogant about his talents.The mentality of the strong is a kind of tenacity in the face of difficulties, a kind of perseverance in the face of adversity, and a kind of tenacity that will not give up until it reaches its goal.

6 The wolf who is not fed by the lament

Wolves will not wag their heads and tails at people regardless of dignity for the sake of food.Because the wolf knows that although it cannot be arrogant, it must not be spineless, so sometimes the wolf sings the song of freedom alone.

Next, let us observe wolves again, observe wolves, and see how freedom is vividly and truly embodied in wolves.

In Professor Wilkins's book "Wolves", I saw a story, and it was this story that made me see the wolf's pursuit of freedom.

On the Pampas grasslands of Argentina, the herdsman Shoemaker caught a female wolf, but instead of killing it, he tried every means to put iron chains on the wolf.The wolf lost the most precious freedom.Generally speaking, after being caught, a wolf will accept food given to it in order to survive and have a chance to escape.However, when they received the food, they did not show any gratitude. On the contrary, when they were eating the food, no one could get close to them, otherwise the wolves would rush up and bite like crazy.

The wolf captured by the herdsman Shoemaker showed people another aspect of the wolf. It can abandon everything, including its own life, for freedom.This female wolf refuses any food that is thrown at her.Every night, it will howl to the sky, the sound is so sad and solemn, and the old herdsmen around can't help but shed tears when they heard this wolf howling.The wolf refused to eat for days and howled at night for days.Whenever someone approached it, hatred appeared in its eyes.No matter how pitiful it was, the herdsmen would not let it go. Finally, the herdsmen killed the wolf that hadn't eaten food for seven days.

At the moment when they were about to die, the herdsmen were surprised to find that the hatred in the wolf's eyes disappeared, replaced by kindness, gratitude, maybe thanking the herdsmen for letting their souls be free again!
There was such a story:
A wolf is starved to the bone because so many dogs keep him under close watch.By chance, it met a big, strong and decent dog, fat and shiny, and because of carelessness, the dog lost its way.

The hungry wolf wanted to go up and attack it, to tear it to pieces.But the collie was so strong and powerful that his resistance would have been fierce.So the wolf approached it humbly, praised its plumpness during the conversation, and said that he was very envious of it.

The shepherd dog replied, "Mr. Wolf, it is entirely up to you to be as fat as I am. Get out of the forest! You will live well. How miserable your life is here, you are like beggars and hooligans." , poor and poor, your fate is to starve to death, because you have no guarantee, no free meals, and everything is fought by force. Come with me, and you will greatly improve your fate."

The wolf replied: "Then what should I do?" The dog said: "There is almost nothing to do. You just chase away the stickmen and beggars, flatter the people at home, and please the master. The reward you get is all kinds of leftovers, pigeon bones and chicken bones, and thousands of caresses." After listening to the dog's narration, the wolf imagined the kind of happiness, and felt a little yearning in his heart.

On the way home, the wolf saw that all the hair on the dog's neck had been stripped off, so he asked in puzzlement, "What is this?" "Nothing." "Why? Nothing?" "It's not worth talking about."

"What is it? You may see where I have been collared." "Collared?" said the wolf. "Then you can't run around freely?" "Yes. But What does it matter?"

"It has a lot to do with it. I don't care about your various meals. Even if it is a treasure, I would rather not have it at such a price."

As he spoke, Mr. Wolf ran away and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

In ancient times, humans tamed dogs, gave them food and shelter, and let dogs serve humans.Until now, dogs have accompanied humans through a long and bumpy road.If there is no human protection and breeding, I am afraid that dogs have disappeared from the earth.

Emotionally, people are inseparable from dogs, and dogs are the most loyal companions of human beings.

Nowadays, the gap between people is getting bigger and bigger, and it is dogs that comfort many lonely hearts.So, we selfishly praise dogs with many beautiful words.

But objectively speaking, dogs are very poor animals.It has already lost the ability to survive, and it is impossible for them to survive on the earth without human beings.In order to survive, dogs have to rely on humans. They wag their heads to please their masters, just to get a little food, and they lose their most precious freedom.

Wolves and dogs are close relatives, and there are many similarities between them.But the wolf regards the freedom abandoned by the dog as the most precious thing, and its importance even surpasses his own life.

If a wolf is accidentally captured and locked in a cage, it will never be like those lions, tigers, and leopards with gorgeous fur and tall bodies. It will just curl up in a corner of the cage, drowsy and listless. , not at all the majesty that dominated Lin Mang in the past; let alone the bear known as the "Hercules", the bear can only use its infinite strength to bow and circle the tourists, in order to beg for the pitiful little snacks.

The wolf's eyes were lowered, ignoring the tourists, and his expression was calm, as if he didn't care about the iron bars.It doesn't show its power, doesn't get tired, doesn't roar with bluff, doesn't want to be complacent and lethargic, and doesn't even bother to beg for food from people in a humble manner.Its elastic footsteps and loose but energetic muscles always have a sense of forward rhythm; it walks quickly in the cage, turns its head when it hits the iron fence, and walks endlessly; it makes people feel , it is always ready to break out of the cage, with a spirit and determination not to give up until it returns to the mountains and forests.

From a pessimistic point of view, the way wolves maintain their life order and way of life may eventually make them face the fate of being eliminated by nature; however, when they have to adapt to various harsh climatic conditions, they Will still stick to their original way of life.They don't need human charity, let alone human teaching them how to survive.They just desire to live freely and live under the meaning of existence given to them by the creator.

Even the songs of freedom of human beings are not as tragic and passionate as howling wolves.

(End of this chapter)

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