The Complete Works of Wolf Road

Chapter 40 Building a wolf-like enterprise

Chapter 40 Building a wolf-like enterprise (1)
Wolves, a group of people.The attack target is set, and the wolves attack it.Before the head wolf gives the order, the wolves are in their respective positions, they are quiet when they want to move, they stop when they want to act, and they each perform their duties.When the head wolf raises his head, the main attacker will move forward bravely;

In the increasingly fierce competition among enterprises, this phenomenon of wolves is being paid more and more attention by more and more people.In the corporate world, people are being attracted by a kind of corporate management and operation mode called "wolf culture".

1 Wolf-like corporate culture with wild fighting spirit

Wolf culture, as the name suggests, is a unique innovation in corporate culture and a wild fighting spirit.The nature of the wolf: wild, cruel, greedy, violent.Since ancient times, it has always been incompatible with the doctrine of the mean of Confucius and Mencius for thousands of years.The reason for the incompatibility is the dominant spirit of the golden mean: follow the rules and bear the burden of humiliation.For thousands of years, until now, this kind of feudal dross of the golden mean has caused the people of our country to be conservative, inert, self-styled, and closed to the outside world.We always think that we are the best, and we are not good at making progress and learning from others, so that we are decades behind other advanced countries, and even hundreds of years behind in some aspects.

The wolf culture advocated by the enterprise refers to the extraordinary potential to promote the development of the enterprise and create benefits for the society and mankind, and more importantly, the fighting spirit released from this potential.

The four characteristics of wolf nature - greed, cruelty, wildness and violence should be reproduced in the team culture. "Greed" means to be greedy for work and career, to strive and explore endlessly; wolf nature "Disabled" used in work means to deal with the difficulties in the work one by one, mercilessly overcome and eliminate them; The desperate fighting spirit in pioneering; the "violence" in the wolf culture refers to the adversity of work, to deal with one difficulty after another roughly, and not to be kind to difficulties.

It is impossible for an enterprise to develop without such a spirit of greed, cruelty, brutality and violence.Today's era is an era of competition, and only in competition can the development of social economy be promoted.Then, without such greed, cruelty, brutality, and violence, in the brutal competition, the enterprise will be beaten to the ground and lost.Therefore, the wolf-like culture advocated by the team is to survive on the top of the waves and develop in the valley of the waves.Only this kind of wolf-like team culture can survive, develop and remain invincible in the competition.

A wolf, staring at a goal fiercely, persevering, single-minded, will never give up until the goal is achieved.If the wolf nature is like this, success is certain.

The development of an enterprise is bound to set a goal, and then keep a close eye on this goal and do everything possible to achieve it. This is the way to success.

Wolves are used to living in groups, they grow out of groups, and they move in groups.When the target appears, attack it in groups.The wolves attack the target, often before the leader of the group gives orders, orderly but not chaotic, each understands and cooperates tacitly, each performs its duties, and is methodical.The main attackers go forward bravely, the feigned attackers avoid the reality, the assisters are ready to move, and the backup howls and cheers... The strict organization is hard to match, and the spirit of cooperation is even more admirable.If this kind of spiritual power and organizational power are used in the enterprise and in the cause, and fully integrated into our corporate culture, why worry about the company's victory?Why worry about unsuccessful career!

Many entrepreneurs in China have created miracles one after another because of the merciless and cruel spirit of wolves.

Chinese entrepreneurs have five qualities of wolves, namely vision, ability, courage, passion and self-confidence.

Entrepreneurs who are best at discovering market opportunities are probably the kind of people who see white money all over their eyes and can find opportunities to make money anytime, anywhere.The company of Korean entrepreneur Kim Woo-jung was on the verge of failure. The company sent him to England to study in return for his past achievements. As a result, when the ship arrived in Vietnam, he disembarked for a visit and found a huge market opportunity, so he grabbed a lot of it. order, went back home, and started a business in the future, and finally became a generation of chaebols.

Yang Zongyi, chairman of Nanjing Fuzhong Information Industry Group Co., Ltd., impressed people the most because he summed up the company's corporate culture demands as wolf culture.What is wolf culture?Yang said that there are at least three similarities between running a business and wolf culture: first, wolves have keen senses and are good at finding prey, and entrepreneurs also need to have keen senses and are good at discovering fleeting opportunities in the market; Once the target is found, it will rush to it and never let it go easily. Entrepreneurs also need to have the ability to make decisions and take risks, and never miss business opportunities when they find them; third, wolves are group animals and have the characteristics of group fighting, and entrepreneurs must succeed , nor can you be alone, but organize everyone to fight together and succeed together.

Yang Zongyi's entrepreneurial story is quite a footnote for wolf culture.Here are a few examples.

Back then, when Yang Zongyi first entered the computer market on Zhujiang Road in Nanjing, he was a veritable unknown junior, and no one knew about it.

However, in just a few months, he changed the rules of the game in this famous computer street and even in the entire industry.Why?

Yang Zongyi himself did not expect that his sales model immediately caused a sensational market earthquake in the underserved computer industry.In the user's mind, the general computer company's service guarantee is only half a year anyway, so although I don't know if Fuzhong Company can survive for 6 years;As a result, many orders, especially large-scale purchase orders for schools, were quickly taken away by Fuzhong, which was established only a few months ago.In the year of its establishment, Fuzhong created a miracle of computer sales on Zhujiang Road, with a sales revenue of more than 4000 million yuan. It has become a dark horse, and like a famous hero, it wants to formulate rules and draw a path for the industry.

Is Yang Zongyi's service sending gold cakes all over the street?no.Yang's success is actually bold and careful.Most businesses believe that too many computer repair services will increase the business risk of the company and make the company lose money.But Yang Zongyi carefully calculated the related costs and risks.He found that the service life of computers is usually more than 7 years, and generally there will be no major problems within 6 years, while the shelf life of main components such as CPU, hard disk, and motherboard of computers is 3 to 5 years, and most of the replacement parts In fact, the cost has already been borne by the parts manufacturers, so if they do a good job, they only need to use a small part of the profits for the replacement of other parts, so as to achieve the promise of 3-year replacement and 3-year warranty.Fighting the world with small profits, why not do it!
In this way, Fuzhong took the first step in fighting.But it is this very small step that breaks the delicate psychological balance of consumers, triggers an avalanche-like reaction from the market, and creates the most precious opportunity for the great development of Fuzhong.

Wolves are steady, accurate, and ruthless, and so are entrepreneurs.

Regarding wolf culture, one of them is: clinging to the target and fighting in groups.

On April 2003, 4, Fuzhong took over a shopping mall on Zhujiang Road and planned to rebuild it into a hypermarket.Considering the sales during the Golden Week on May 22, Yang Zongyi issued a death order to complete the decoration, placement of goods and other tasks in just one week, to open the business on May Day, and to be the first to launch advertisements.At that time, everyone thought it was impossible, and the competitors were even more prepared to sit back and watch the joke.

However, for Yang Zongyi, who believes that only the paranoid can survive, the word "impossible" is not in his dictionary.Yang Zongyi encouraged the employees with great enthusiasm, and at the same time personally put on the clothes, ordered more than 300 people from the whole company in Nanjing to come to work as plasterers, decorators, etc. on April 4, and even mobilized his wife and mother to help.As a result, he did what was impossible, and the store opened as scheduled, achieving sales of more than 30 million yuan that day.

There are actually not a few Chinese entrepreneurs like Yang Zongyi who have the "quality of a wolf", and they are especially typical during the transition period.

Compared with the entrepreneurs in the standardized market environment abroad, the first and second generations of entrepreneurs after China's reform and opening up are more wolf-like, wild, and full of pride.After joining the WTO, we once compared multinational corporations to wolves, and then Chinese entrepreneurs called themselves coyotes.Wolf is destined to be the image spokesperson of entrepreneurial entrepreneurs, especially the best spokesperson in the era of transition.As for after the wolf, it may be a tiger, a lion, or an elephant. Gradually, the domineering and prudent spirit will become a mature entrepreneur.

2 Overall cooperation and division of labor like "wolves kill the battle"

A group of wild wolves who are good at division of labor and cooperation can defeat all giants in nature, and even the most ferocious jaguar has to stay away. This is the famous "wolf pack killing array".In the ruins of a market where lone heroes fail, efficient cooperative teams can win.

On the vast North American prairie, the American bison is the toughest animal on the North American continent, with an average weight of one ton and two sharp horns on the top of its head. Even facing the most aggressive predators such as lions and tigers, it has no problem don't flinch.But now, the bison met their real opponents, a pack of wolves in formation ready to hunt them.

The pack of wolves wandered around the herd, not aimlessly, but keeping their eyes on their prey, waiting patiently, looking for the best time.

The bison had already sensed the danger and stepped up their vigilance.Although the average wolf weighs only 40 kilograms, which is about the same weight as a lamb, why should these tough, strong bison have to worry?That's because the pack of wolves rely on their own unique killing array, no matter what kind of animal they hunt, they will always win every battle.

To be successful, wolves must solve three problems—selecting the right prey, waiting for the right moment, and hunting cooperatively.If you make a mistake in choosing your target, you will end up ruining your own life.Therefore, wolves must look for prey that is relatively weak, old, young and sick.

When the whole herd was resting, it was difficult to distinguish the weak members from the strong bison. The wolf had to observe carefully and wait patiently.

At this time, if the wolf moves rashly and continues to approach the cattle, it will be attacked by the bison.Therefore, the first thing the wolves do is to isolate the weak bison.

Gradually, a pack of wolves surrounded the bison, and the air was extremely tense.The strong bison are not worried, they are not threatened, but the weak bison cannot fight.Finally, while running, a bison entered the killing array of wolves and was captured by the wolves.

Scientific research has confirmed that in fact wolves rarely hunt large beasts, and only attack when food is very scarce.Wolves are good at hunting weaker animals than themselves, and rarely attack stronger prey.When hunting alone, wolves will be countered by large prey.

This is why wolves attack beasts in all directions.This principle also applies to company management. Even a weak company, as long as its internal employees unite, can gain a position in the highly competitive market and beat those seemingly huge multinational companies.

Although the wolf is very fierce, it is the most team spirit and competitive animal in nature.In fact, a pack of wolves is usually no more than seven or eight wolves, but their combat effectiveness is very strong.In the face of wolves, the most ferocious lions and tigers dare not provoke them, and will take the initiative to back away. This is the power of wolves to kill.

Wolves are animals that are best at cooperation and mutual assistance and tacit cooperation.The law of market competition is survival of the fittest, and only by paying attention to teamwork can we win.Members of the organization must be like wolves, cooperate with each other, have courage, perseverance and intelligence, in order to continuously defeat competitors and win opportunities.At the same time, everyone in the team must have a sense of being a lone wolf and be able to stand alone in a certain field.It should be said that "wolves kill the battle" and "lone wolf consciousness" are an important part of modern company management. If the survival rules of wolves are applied to the enterprise, the overall competitiveness of the enterprise will be greatly improved.

(End of this chapter)

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