The Complete Works of Wolf Road

Chapter 9 The spirit of the strong, master yourself

Chapter 9 The spirit of the strong, master yourself (2)
The ranks of wolves in the organization can usually be distinguished from the degree of tail up.Alpha wolves always have their tails raised high, beta wolves keep their tails low, and omega wolves always hang their tails between their legs.In addition, wolves will also reflect the ranks of the organization through their actions.For example, the submissive partner's ears will drop, his eyes will avoid looking directly at the other party, and he will roll over on his back with his defenseless body exposed, just like the behavior of dogs in front of their owners.

In a pack of wolves, wolves of higher rank will never satisfy their illusory authority by raising their tails. They need a more direct distribution of benefits.The wolves' food sharing system can meet this just right: when the wolves capture food, the head wolf eats first, followed by the strong ones, and finally the weak ones. If the food is not enough at one time, they organize another attack. Those hungry wolves who are not full will move forward desperately.In this way, the survival chance of the wolves is left to the strong to the greatest extent.

The alpha male wolf has a strong physique, a strong character and amazing courage. Its hunting ability and decision-making ability in the group are first-class. It is the absolute leader of the entire wolf group, and it is the center of the group and the field of defense. main force.

4 Satisfy one's own role and improve teamwork
The greatest quality of wolves is their spirit of cooperation. We can almost regard the actions of wolves as a metaphor for "cooperation".Wolves are great because of their cooperative spirit.

When a pack of wolves crosses the vast expanse of snow in pursuit of their prey, one wolf follows the other slowly in the snow.At this time, only the vast land, the silvery snow and the tenacious wolves shine together. What a magnificent scene it is!
When wolves cross the snow, the most commonly used formation is "single column", and the leader wolf in the pack often plays the role of pioneer.Due to the need to look for prey in the snow and to be alert to the attacks of other natural enemies, the leader wolf has to keep pushing away the soft and boundless snowdrifts in front of him, which will consume a lot of physical energy.

When the leader wolf of the column gets tired, it will move to the side of the team and let the next wolf take the role of pioneer. It can follow the tail of the team, relax, recharge its energy, and face new challenges.In this way, the constantly changing pioneers allow the team members participating in the hunt to retain their physical strength to cope with the upcoming hunting challenges with the least physical energy consumption.

Wolves never act by luck, they are always fully sure of the action to be carried out.When the wolves have to face prey stronger than themselves in the snow, wolves marching in single file will change their formation and attack the enemy group until they turn the prey into food.When attacking, every wolf will do its best, regardless of whether it will be hurt or not.

Wolves never run aimlessly around their prey, screaming and howling.They will always formulate an appropriate strategy and implement it through constant communication with each other.When the critical moment comes, each wolf understands its role and grasps exactly what the collective expects of it.

When an alpha male wolf organizes and directs hunting, he always chooses a weak or old moose or musk ox as his hunting target.At the beginning, they will outflank from different directions, and then slowly approach, and once the time is right, they will attack suddenly; if the prey tries to escape, they will chase after them, and in order to save their energy, they are often divided into several echelons and take turns to fight. until the capture is successful.

Hunters, photographers, researchers, and others who are lucky enough to witness the live action of wolves hunting will be stunned by the scene of wolves hunting. The shock can only be compared with the "force of nature"!The following is the most common scene in the wolf hunt.

An impromptu team of six wolves targeting a herd of musk cattle.The wolves drove the cattle to flee to the highland platform. When the musk oxen reached the top of the highland, suddenly, the wolves began to attack.

The two big wolves in the west, led by a white-necked and white-breasted wolf king, rushed to a prominent hill near the musk cattle herd with lightning speed.The pack of wolves swishing across the plateau, like torpedoes sneaking through the waves at high speed, rushed towards the musk cattle herd with the sharpest and most piercing teeth and wolf eyes.Obviously, this is the last gap in the three-sided encirclement line. If you seize this hill, the encirclement circle will be formed.The sudden action of this group of wolves was like sending out three signal flares for an all-out attack.The pack of wolves jumped up from the grass and rushed towards the musk cattle from the east, west and north.

The charge of the wolves was silent, without a cry or howl.But between heaven and earth, the eyes, hearts and guts of humans and animals are full of the most primitive, cruel and famous horrors in the world!
Just as the herd of musk oxen ran away in panic, each of the 6 wolves became very aggressive in an instant, and frantically rushed towards the weak and unprotected musk oxen, followed closely by one wolf. , another wolf was ahead, and the other wolves came to the clearing.At this time, the musk ox saw a large number of wolves, and some musk ox had already lost their souls.Many musk oxen stood there trembling, and some fell to the ground with their knees down.The fight ended quickly.

Musk oxen have historically relied too heavily on herd protection and have no technically-laden plan for attacking competition.The wolves disarmed the musk ox very easily; compared with the musk ox, the wolves were much smaller, but the wolves had a strategy, and with their tenacious spirit, restrained their temporary hunger and greed, and waited patiently. To the best fighter.

The tacit cooperation between wolves has become the decisive factor for the success of wolves.Several scattered wolves become a cooperative, powerful and united team in hunting. They all know the tasks they must perform, and no matter what they do, they can always rely on the strength of the group to complete it.

They can also sacrifice themselves for the realization of collective goals.

Wolves not only know how to cooperate with each other, but also live in harmony with other animals.Cooperation with other animals is usually to meet each other's individual needs, but sometimes, it may just be for fun.The cooperation between the wolf clan and the big crow is the most typical example.

In the cooperative system of the wolf clan, it also includes the cooperative relationship with human beings.

In Yellowstone Park, through years of research, planning, policy persistence, and strict implementation, the results of raising wolves far exceeded the original expectations. Wild wolves not only survived, but also flourished.The Yellowstone Park's feeding program has also become a milestone in the success of humans feeding wolves.

The excitement in the hearts of thousands of people to learn that wolves, the great predators, once again roamed the vast expanse of Yellowstone Park was unmatched.This conveyed to them such a message: humans and wild wolves can coexist peacefully.

The hunting, games and mutual aid behaviors of the whole wolf clan make the wolves unite together, so that each wolf knows the power of unity and cooperation from an early age, thus cultivating the unity spirit of the wolf clan.

The cohesion, team spirit and training of the wolf pack become the decisive factors in determining their survival.Every member should shoulder the obligation to the group by exerting their unique talents and strengths, and every wolf should take a responsibility for the prosperity and development of the group.Therefore, if an intelligent wolf dies, it will not cause long-term fatal damage to the wolf group, because the young wolves have already been fully prepared for these damages.

Every member of the wolf pack does not want to be a "boss" who only talks and does nothing. Some of them are happy to be skilled hunters, some are good at being caretakers of the pack, and some like to be the pistachios of the pack, etc. Wait.For example, the responsibility of leading the wolf pack is assumed by the alpha wolf, and the rest of the wolves share other affairs of the entire wolf pack.After the female wolf gives birth to a litter of pups, an adult male wolf usually acts as a "nanny".

In fact, during the feeding period of wolves, their "collectivism consciousness" and "spirit of cooperation" are far better than humans.Each adult wolf performs its own duties, shoulders the heavy responsibility of raising offspring, and always cooperates and takes care of each other when they hunt.What's even more touching is that in times of crisis, the wolves always encourage each other by wagging their tails and touching their noses.

In a pack of wolves, not every wolf actively strives for the "position" of leader.However, all wolves are content to play a vital role and strive constantly to achieve the most perfect teamwork.

5 Know how to be grateful for unexpected help
According to historical data, although there are a large number of records of wolves violating livestock and attacking humans in Europe, there are almost no records of wolves attacking humans in the North American continent where wolves gather.Authoritative zoologists generally believe that wolves and humans can coexist harmoniously.

In fact, in the long years of human primitive society, humans and wolves have coexisted peacefully. They looked at each other with reverence instead of fear, and both sides respected each other's social order and hunting habits.

When people in ancient times painted the image of wolf on the stone wall, their hearts were full of surprises; Eskimos and Indians recognized the excellent qualities of wolves very early on, and many Indian tribes chose wolves as their totems.They respect the courage, wisdom and amazing skills of wolves, they cherish the existence of wolves, and even think that on earth, except for shotguns, poison and traps, wolves can compete with almost everything.

All our misunderstandings about wolves stem from our self-righteousness.There is an ancient Chinese idiom called "wolf heart and dog lung", which is generally used to describe a person who accepts favors and help from others, but does not know how to thank and repay the other party, but instead wants to cause harm to the other party.I don't know why the Chinese take two animals, wolves and dogs, as examples.Not to mention that people regard dogs as "the most loyal companions", which is also very unfair to wolves.In fact, wolves are also animals that know how to be grateful.

In the animal world, wolves and vultures are a good pair.They live in peace with each other and are grateful to each other.Both wolves and vultures like to eat the carrion of animals, but wolves move on land, and the range they can see with their eyes is limited after all.Vultures can fly at high altitudes, so they have a wider range of observation, so that they can easily find dead animals, but they cannot tear open the thick fur of animals.Therefore, the vulture will ask the wolf to help, the vulture will lead the wolf to the dead animal, the wolf will tear the animal's fur, and the vulture and the wolf can enjoy delicious food together.

Although the wolf cherishes the food very much and always hopes to have the food alone, it knows that without the guidance of the vulture, it will never find the food easily, so it is very grateful to the vulture.

Let's take a look at an incident that Thomas Watson experienced, which may change your view of the "vicious" nature of wolves.

It was December 1964, and Watson was part of an automotive survey team conducting mine surveys in Northwest California.There are 12 people in their team: 8 driver, 1 technicians, 3 armed soldiers, each equipped with 4 submachine gun and 1 pistol.

During the survey of the last station, the snow on the road was getting thicker and thicker. Although the wheels of their work vehicles were wider and the treads were larger, they still slipped from time to time.At around two o'clock in the afternoon, facing the half-foot-thick snow on the road, the car was finally powerless, panting heavily, the wheels were spinning, and it just couldn't move forward.But you must not retreat, because if you lose control, you will be in danger of sliding down the cliff.

At this time, all the people, including the indigenous guide, came down to push the cart and found some dry branches to pave the road. The car moved forward step by step with difficulty.At this moment, almost at the same time, they discovered that a group of brown things were slowly approaching them on the road 200 meters behind the car.Is it the herd?Not like; a wolf?The color is wrong.Most wolves in the north are gray-brown, why do they turn yellow?
Just as everyone was wondering and guessing, the indigenous guide shouted urgently: "Go up, go up, get in the car quickly, this is a pack of hungry wolves."

We couldn't help but turn pale with fright, and hurriedly climbed into the car. The driver quickly started the car, stepped up the accelerator, and put more force forward and backward, but the car was still idling on the spot.

At this time, the wolves were close to the car, there were 8 wolves in total, all of them looked like little yellow calves, with their belly hanging high and their hind legs even thinner.The mountains were blocked by heavy snow, and it was difficult for the wolves to find something to eat. They were all hungry and crazy.People in extreme panic raised their guns and were about to shoot.

An experienced indigenous guide stopped in time and said that everyone threw the food in the car to the wolves, and when they were full, they would naturally disperse.Otherwise, even with a gun, it would be impossible to stop the attack of the hungry wolves!
So, everyone rushed to throw down the bacon, ham, and very precious dried deer seeds they had brought, piece by piece and string.When the wolf saw the food, his eyes were red, and he roared and rushed towards the food.The first batch of things thrown down were eaten up in the blink of an eye.But they did not go. The eight wolves sat down in a row and stared at the rear door.

The guide continued to give orders - and dropped some more food!There are more than 100 catties of meat in the car. If you go all out, it is important to save your life. Throw it away!The second batch of about 50 kilograms of meat flew out of the rear door. The 8 wolves roared and rushed towards the food again, but the speed of eating was obviously slower. Seeing that each wolf's belly gradually grew bigger and the hanging was not so high.It took only one bag of cigarettes, but the eight wolves were sitting neatly as before, staring at the rear door.

(End of this chapter)

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