The strongest village doctor

Chapter 1003 Huge beetle!

Chapter 1003 Huge beetle!
From Fatty's mouth, Pi Ergou got a general idea of ​​what happened, all the changes started four days ago.

Fatty and Lao Li were originally maintenance workers in a factory, usually doing odd jobs.On that night four days ago, the two of them happened to be working overtime in the factory. When those overwhelming monsters appeared, relying on the solid walls of the factory, they escaped unharmed.

But as the past two days passed, another serious problem appeared in front of them, food.

That's right, although the factory's walls are reinforced, and the location is remote, the number of Zergs is small, and they can't break through the walls for a while, but food has become a big problem.

There was water in the factory, but no food. At the beginning, they still held the idea that the government would send troops to rescue them, and endured hunger for two days relying on water.

But as time passed bit by bit, their inner hopes were shattered bit by bit. In the end, their desire for food overwhelmed their rationality, and they decided to come out to find something to eat. By the way, this What is the situation.

They were lucky. Not long after they came out, they found a small supermarket, but before the two of them were happy, the huge beetle appeared.

That guy was like a bulldozer, destroying the small supermarket in front of them and digging out the two survivors to eat.

They still remember the appearance of the giant beetle chewing on half of the human corpse, the sound of bone breaking ringing around their ears, and the bright red blood turning into the color of its huge mouthparts.

At that time, Fatty and Lao Li were so frightened that they hid in the distance and did not dare to move, for fear that they would be discovered by the beetle if they made any noise.

Fortunately, the beetle seemed to be full after eating two people, and dragged its huge body to the corner of the street not far away.

Although the fat man and Lao Li were very anxious, what could they do? Going out would be a dead end. They saw with their own eyes a few people who couldn't help being hungry ran out of their hiding places, and planned to fight, but in the end they couldn't Once they survived, they all became the food of that giant beetle.

If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, it would be really hard to imagine that such a big beetle would have such sharp movements. It was clearly at the corner of the street just now, and the next moment it appeared in the middle of the road, blocking the way of those people.

Undoubtedly, those people eventually became the rations of this beetle.

This involuntarily caused Fatty and Lao Li to have a terrible idea in their hearts. This beetle is not a simple creature, it is intelligent!
Obviously, the beetle knew that there were other survivors here, but it didn't want to waste that time searching for survivors. It chose to sit on the sidelines and wait until the extremely hungry survivors couldn't help but come out by themselves and waited. Food comes to your door, why not do it?

As a result, the two of them dared not go out even more. Fortunately, in their hiding place, they also found a few pieces of bread and biscuits.

To be on the safe side, they also purposely made their surroundings stinky, deliberately piled up the blood-stained and smelly garbage around them, so as to cover up their own smells.

Although I don’t know if it’s useful, but insects use smell to distinguish objects around them. In the current situation, it can be regarded as a comfort.

Fatty and Lao Li have survived until now, today, on such a small amount of food.If Pi Ergou hadn't appeared, I'm afraid they would have to venture out to find food.

After listening to the narration of the two of them, Pi Ergou's heart suddenly relaxed. Fortunately, it was only four days, which is not too long. If ten days and a half months have passed, Pi Ergou will be really embarrassing. .

However, although it has only been four days, judging from the current situation.It seems that human beings are in a situation of total collapse, and there is no resistance at all.

Mobile phones and the Internet have also lost their signals one after another, and all places are in a state of being closed and disconnected.

Although Xiangcheng is not big, it still has a population of 10,000+, so it stands to reason that it will not be easily given up.

But until now, no rescue army has come. This can only explain one problem, that is, the army itself has been overwhelmed and has no spare power to rescue the outside world.

"Is there any one of you who is more familiar with the surrounding roads? I need a guide to take me to Danai Village in North China." There is no way, it is also the first time for him to come to the road conditions in Xiangcheng, so he really doesn't know. Need a guide urgently.

"Of course, I will guarantee the safety of this guide." Since he needed help, Pi Ergou didn't mind protecting them.

Pi Ergou's words revived Fatty and Lao Li immediately. Pi Ergou had slapped the beetle to death in an understatement before. It is obviously better to stay by his side than to hide in a corner and wait to die alone. Much better.

The only thing they hesitated in their hearts was that North China was too far away. When the army wiped out the Zerg in Xiangcheng, how would they come back penniless.

"Then... after taking you there, how do I get back? I don't have any money with me." The fat man said in a bit of a dilemma.

"Money??" Pi Ergou showed a strange look, it seems that the fat man has not recognized the current situation.

"I can give you a lot of money if you need it then."

With the full-scale invasion of foreign races, the old social system has completely collapsed, and the coins and status of the old society have no value at all.

In the future, only those with power can gain a foothold on this planet.

Of course, power is often accompanied by responsibility. The stronger the person, the more they have to face more and stronger aliens.

Now, the old social thinking is still imprisoning their minds, and they can't turn around for a while, and they don't realize what the situation is like now.

The fat man glanced at Lao Li next to him.Concentrated, he said, "I know the way to Danai Village in North China, but the journey is far away. We need a car and a person who can repair the car first, otherwise if the car breaks down on the road, we will all be in trouble." If it’s the same situation in other places outside, there probably won’t be any car repair shops open.”

"Then do you have any candidates to recommend?" Pi Ergou looked at the fat man and said with a half-smile.

The fat man's scalp was numb from Pi Ergou's sharp gaze, but he still mustered up his courage and said, "Old Li is the best maintenance worker in our factory, with him, even if the car is scattered into a pile of parts, he can fix it for you." it is good."

(End of this chapter)

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