Chapter 1013 Escape
In desperation, Donghuang Bell could only concentrate on paying attention to its surroundings with 12 points of energy.

At the beginning, Shenlong was able to fight against the young monk by virtue of his size and energy advantages, but with the young monk's fighting consciousness, after he got used to it, he quickly reversed.

"Bang!" I saw that the young monk almost pressed the golden dragon to hit it. After dozens of moves, Shenlong had a chance to fight back.

The most amazing thing is that you can clearly hear the sound of punching to the flesh.

You must know that although this is a lightning creature, it is not a real creature after all. It is really amazing that such a situation will appear.

"Roar!!!" Shenlong swung its tail violently, the huge dragon tail swept away the distance between the two, opened the dragon's mouth, and the golden light flickered faintly.

At this time, the young monk appeared in front of the dragon's head, roared, grabbed the jaw of the dragon's mouth with one hand, clenched his other hand into a fist, and slammed it on its nose violently.

Then he kicked the middle part of the dragon's body heavily and sent it flying.

Hearing only two muffled grunts, the dragon's mouth of the golden dragon exploded immediately. The young monk forced his mouth to hold down the dragon's flame breath just now, so it could only explode in his mouth.

This made it severely injured by its own attack, and even the scales on its body became blurred. It seemed that the blow just now had consumed a lot of itself.

"Heavenly Demon, subdue!" The young monk clasped his hands together, and a huge "卍" character appeared directly above Shenlong, and slowly pressed down on him.

The thunder light on the golden dragon's body caused the "卍" seal to fall a little slower. Taking advantage of this gap, its body rolled in mid-air, shrunk quickly, and got out of the blockade.

However, it was so easy to hide when the demon subdued. Before it escaped and ascended to heaven, six golden "卍" characters appeared in all directions around him, completely blocking its escape route.

Since he couldn't escape, the golden dragon let out a low growl, and its tiny dragon body began to swell, and it actually pushed those "卍" characters apart!
The young monk shook his head, muttering something, the golden light on the "卍" character was shining brightly, he no longer retreated, but moved forward, constantly compressing the golden dragon.

Seeing that the overall situation was settled, at this moment, a pale palm appeared behind the young monk.

The alarm bell in Donghuangzhong's heart rang loudly. This hand looked ordinary, but it exuded a dangerous aura. Even though it was so far away, Donghuangzhong still had a feeling that it could be killed at any time.

"Get out of the way!" Donghuang Zhong reminded, but it was too late. The palm seemed to move very slowly, but it gave people a feeling that they couldn't dodge.

An ordinary palm, but it implies countless changes, blocking all the retreat and dodge routes of the young monk, and the only way to go is to resist.

If Donghuang Bell couldn't guess whose palm it was at this time, it would be too stupid.

God, only it can launch this kind of attack that cannot be dodged at this time.

Tiandao pressed the palm of the young monk's back.

The young monk, who had no time to dodge, could only expand his long-six golden body to the maximum in an instant, and his whole body turned golden yellow. The moon-white monk's robe on his body burst open at once, revealing his muscular body inside, like It is like a golden man made of gold.


After a sound of knocking on the copper block, blood spurted out of the young monk's mouth, and a clear palm print was printed on his back. The most amazing thing is that the palm print is very clear, but there is no Any palm prints also confirmed Dong Huang Zhong's conjecture, because the Palm of Heaven does not have palm prints.

The young monk stood up unsteadily, looked at the white jade palm in front of him, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said with a smile, "I've been waiting for you for a long time, God, you finally appeared. But you don't seem to be Wonderful."


A cold snort came from Tiandao's palm, and he replied coldly: "You don't need to ask me about my affairs. Since you already know my identity, you should hurry up and arrest me!"

The young monk grinned and wanted to laugh, but he didn't want to affect his own injuries. He grinned and said: "It seems that your situation is worse than I thought. Heavenly Dao, which should not have emotions, has such intense emotions now. "

Donghuang Bell's eyes lit up when he heard this, not to mention only one hand appeared in the Dao of Heaven today, and there are such violent mood swings, could it be...

Sure enough, Tiandao's hand radiated a strong light, and finally turned into a blurry man's appearance, which was indeed Tiandao's appearance!
Tiandao glanced at the Eastern Emperor Bell, frowned and said, "Eastern Emperor Bell? Why did you appear here? Wait, no, you are the Eastern Emperor Bell from a thousand years later, damn it, you hateful master of time and space!"

On the other hand, with a grass in his mouth, Donghuang Zhong glanced at Tiandao in a social atmosphere and said, "What's wrong? If you don't agree with me, come and bite me?"

"Humph!" Tiandao snorted coldly, and instead of continuing to argue with Donghuangzhong, he turned his head and said to the young monk, "I know your thoughts, you want to kill all Taos, and let the aliens who will come in 1000 years later , suppressed, to enhance your human race's chances of survival."

"Is it really appropriate to sacrifice yourself to save those ordinary people? Thousands of races coexist, and if the human race wants to continue to dominate the entire world, it must suffer such a test."

"Your sacrifice is not worth it."

The young monk smiled and said, "Ahem, when did the Dao of Heaven begin to have a compassionate heart?"

Tiandao was very dissatisfied with the young monk's frivolous and joking way of speaking, and frowned: "I just don't want you to be troublesome. This is not good for you or me..."

"Then let's see the real chapter under my hands. I also want to see the strength of the heavenly way." The young monk wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth happily, and said auspiciously with the same demeanor.

"as you wish!"

Seeing the two people who were at war with each other, Donghuang Zhong chose to stand by and watch.

This is his struggle.

Donghuang Zhong said silently in his heart.

A battle with the belief of death is also a battle that ends.

I won't let anyone steal your limelight, Donghuang Zhong clenched his fist tightly.

Tiandao waved to the right, and the "卍" seal that blocked the golden dragon was instantly broken, and the golden dragon turned into a long spear coiled by a golden dragon, and fell into Tiandao's hands.

"Amitabha!" The young monk uttered the Buddha's name, one hand sank into the void, and a black stone stick appeared in his hand.

The appearance of the stone stick made Tiandao's pupils shrink slightly, and he said with a bit of surprise: "Chaos stone! I didn't expect you to have this thing. It seems that it is the reliance to survive the punishment of heaven a few times ago."

The Chaos Stone is an extremely rare stone, it is only produced in the chaos, and it is born with the ability to be immune to the Dao, so for the young monk, with the Chaos Stone, most of the methods of the Heavenly Dao are ineffective.

(End of this chapter)

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