Chapter 1053

At the beginning, Li Mu didn't care about that trace of blue light.

But soon, Li Mu's pupils widened!
That gleam of blue light, like the beginning of the evolution of all things, one life two, two begets three, relying on the energy released by devouring him, it continued to evolve, and in just a few breaths of time, it was overwhelming, forming a monster in the air, even bigger than him. The lion's head is even bigger, the blue wolf's head!
Pi Ergou had already floated up, standing in the center of the giant wolf head.

A cold light flashed in his eyes.

"Since I came to this world, your Li family has repeatedly troubled me. It seems that if you don't give you some trouble, do you really think I'm a soft persimmon?"

Pi Ergou pressed his palm down, and the giant wolf head in the sky roared fiercely, rushing towards Li Mu like thunder.

"Ah! Impossible! You can swallow my wild lion's roar!" Li Mu roared angrily, his whole body was filled with energy, and a huge poodle appeared above his head again.


Li Mu's lion head met Pi Ergou's blue wolf head, and there was a big collision.

A violent aura gushed out from inside the poodle. If the wolf head was the first one, it might not be able to bear it again and explode directly.

But now, under the situation of this ebb and flow, Pi Ergou's blue wolf head has solidified terrifyingly.

The blue wolf head opened its mouth, and actually swallowed the fiery red lion head directly into its belly.

Then, under Li Mu's horrified eyes, it exploded in front of him!

Li Mu was thrown flying, and after landing on the ground, there was no more movement!

"Mu'er!" Li Yuan shouted loudly with red eyes, and appeared on the ring with a single movement.

The girl was even more in disbelief, "Brother Mu actually lost!?"

Wang Hao, who had already walked not far away, turned his head in surprise when he heard the voice, and looked at the ring in a daze, "Li Mu has actually lost!"

Originally, no one was optimistic about Pi Ergou. They felt that such an unknown person as Pi Ergou could fight Li Mu on the same stage and last for a period of time, which was already something worth showing off.

Unexpectedly, the ending was so reversed that everyone felt a burning pain on their faces!

Li Yuan landed on the ring, hugged Li Mu, a burst of spiritual energy poured into Li Mu's body, and checked the situation in Li Mu's body.

"Oops, the meridians in Mu'er's body seem to be severely damaged!" Li Yuan's face became more and more gloomy.

The referee originally wanted to stop Li Yuan from entering the field. After all, the result of the game had not been announced yet, but Li Yuan's speed was too fast, and he had no time to stop it.

"I declare that Pi Ergou wins this game!"

The referee saw that Li Mu had already breathed in more air than released it, and basically lost his combat effectiveness, so he announced loudly.

Li Yuan's face turned ashen when he heard the voice, wishing he could slap the kid surnamed Pi on the spot.

But thinking about it, that would be tantamount to breaking the rules, and would arouse the venerable's fury.

Li Yuan had no choice but to give up, and immediately shouted: "Referee, this is not fair, that kid cheated!"

Li Yuan acted like that before, he didn't pay attention to him as a referee, he had long thought that Li Yuan was not pleasing to the eye, and immediately sneered: "Oh, Elder Li, how can you say that you are cheating? Could it be that you won by relying on your own strength? In your eyes, Elder Li, is it also a kind of cheating?"

The referee belongs to the Tianzun Pagoda, and his strength is not much weaker than Li Yuan, so he is not worried about Li Yuan's revenge at all.

Seeing the referee speak for Pi Ergou, Li Yuan was a little annoyed immediately: "As the referee of the Grand Competition, how can you be so bloody? Everyone saw it with their own eyes just now. This is what made Mu'er defeated!"

The referee's face turned cold, and he shouted: "Li Yuan, don't make trouble! In the ring, as long as you win, you can use any means. This is the rule set by His Excellency himself. If you have any questions, feel free to go to him!" My lord!"

Li Yuan choked, but had nothing to say, there seemed to be such a rule in the competition rules!
Li Yuan suddenly thought of something, and said: "Master referee, then, may I ask if the competition is over now?"

The referee pondered for a moment, remembering that he had announced the result of the competition, and replied: "Yes!"

"So, may I know my personal grievances here?"

"Of course!"

Li Yuan stared at Pi Ergou firmly, and said, "Pi Ergou, my Mu'er was defeated in today's ring competition, because his skills are inferior to others, I agree with the referee's ruling."

"However, everyone knows that the "Hongyin" sword in your hand is the inheritance of my Li family, but in the name of a competition, you erased the will of my Mu'er stored in it and took it as your own. , this is not only an act of theft, but also an act of extortion!"

"Now the old man is going to bring you back to the Li family for trial, do you have anything to say?"


Before Pi Ergou opened his mouth, everyone in the audience was in an uproar.

The people from the Li family are too shameless. In this ring competition, life and death are separated in an instant. If Li Mu's sword is taken away, his consciousness is not erased, so how can he wait for Li Mu to control his own sword and stab him from behind? Sword yourself?
Hearing the discussion of the people below, Li Yuan snorted coldly.

The tyrannical aura of the peak of the Earth Immortal swept out in an instant, and the scene was suddenly dead silent!
The families they belong to are all small forces, where they dare to compete with Li Yuan, even if there are some members of big families, they will not be the first bird to confront the Li family.

Immediately, no one spoke in the entire arena, and everyone forcibly suppressed their resentment in their hearts.

Wang Hao in blue looked at the ring and said to Wang Yuan: "Pi Ergou may be in trouble. I didn't expect this old bastard from the Li family to be so shameless, openly distorting the facts to target him, and even willing to make people angry. I don't know what kind of vendetta they have."

Wang Yuandao: "Brother Hao, do you think our Wang family needs to help him? After all, an enemy's enemy is a friend!"

The light in Wang Hao's eyes flickered, obviously lost in thought.

It would be fine if Pi Ergou was an ordinary person, the Wang family naturally didn't need to make a move, but judging from Chen Ergou's performance, he is actually a genius who is not weaker than Li Mu. As long as Pi Ergou fully grows up in the future, he will definitely be one master.

So as long as the Wang family helps Pi Ergou now before he grows up, the Wang family will have another powerful ally in the future.

It seems like a seamless idea, but Wang Hao is still hesitating. What he fears most is that the Li family is like a mad dog, and it will bite the Wang family's house now!

Compared with the Li family that is now in full swing, the Wang family is obviously inferior. If there is a full-scale war, it will definitely be very unfavorable to the Wang family!

The light in Wang Hao's eyes was flickering. While thinking, he suddenly patted Wang Yuan on the shoulder, gritted his teeth and said, "Help! Not only do you want to help, but you also need to help beautifully. Wang Yuan, hurry up and contact the elders at home and explain to him. Everything, let him rush here quickly!"

"This time, I want to touch the Li family's tiger's butt to see what it feels like!"

"Yes, Brother Hao!" Wang Yuan responded immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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