Chapter 1133
"Could it be that the spirit body of Donghuang Bell started to repent? He wanted to prevent me from entering the top ten, so he threw out this big temptation to attract those top experts back?" Pi Ergou thought in his heart.

Compared with Pi Ergou's suspicion, Donghuang was clearer, Donghuang said: "Don't worry about this, although Donghuang Zhongling doesn't like you, but he will never use such low-handed means to deal with you .”

Pi Ergou fell into deep thought, but no matter what he thought, he couldn't think of a reason. He couldn't figure out what Tianzun thought. After all, the two were no longer on the same level.

Listening to the discussions of the people around, the champion reward of this big competition, from the initial one-time call from Tianzun, directly became Tianzun's recruitment of disciples.Not only that, but among the awards, a big jackpot, a holy spirit stone, was added.

The Holy Spirit Stone is a kind of treasure that can't be found, regardless of its value, just because of its rarity, it cannot be touched by ordinary people.

Once the Holy Spirit Stone comes out, I am afraid that all the families in Tiandu City will be jealous.

"Pi Ergou, if you can help me get the Holy Spirit Stone, I can absorb the power of the Holy Spirit Stone. At that time, if everything goes well, the power I will lend you in the future can reach the real late stage of the Heavenly Wonderland."

As soon as Donghuang's words came out, Pi Ergou became short of breath.

If the Eastern Emperor can display the power of the late stage of the Celestial Immortal Realm, and when he finds the way to go back to the earth, he will have the power to protect himself even in the midst of many terrifying monsters.

Pi Ergou clearly remembered that among the many monsters that flooded into the earth at that time, the highest was no more than the fairyland!

"East Emperor, are you sure?" Pi Ergou asked.

"Sure, that piece of holy spirit stone is originally one of the treasures of refining weapons. For me, it is definitely a great supplement!"

When Donghuang said this, Pi Ergou was not happy, but suddenly hesitated again, and said: "Donghuang, tell me, could you be a plot by Tianzun?"

Donghuang fell silent, but Pi Ergou was not in a hurry, and waited slowly.

"I was negligent all of a sudden. You are right. It is very likely that they set up a game to lure you to fight. But..." Donghuang's voice hesitated.

"But what?" Pi Ergou asked.

"But I really can't think of any benefit to them?" Donghuang said.

Pi Ergou thought about it carefully, and found that the Venerable did not seem to do any harm to him.

If he can't win the championship, then the Holy Spirit Stone belongs to someone else, and at most he is defeated. With Donghuang around, it is impossible for him to die. Donghuang Zhongling and Tianzun should be very clear about this.

And if he got the Holy Spirit Stone, then Donghuang absorbed the Holy Spirit Stone and became stronger, wouldn't that be a good thing for him?
So no matter what Pi Ergou thought, he couldn't figure it out.

"Donghuang, do you think there are other possibilities?" Pi Ergou asked.

Donghuang was silent for a moment, and said: "Could it be that our guess was wrong from the beginning?"

Pi Ergou couldn't think of anything else, so he nodded and said, "Maybe what you said is right."

Pi Ergou walked to the edge of the ring, tapped his toes, and jumped onto the ring directly.

After entering the ring, there were many discussions in the audience.

"This person is Pi Ergou, and I haven't seen how strong he is?"

"Hey, not strong? Why don't you go up and try!"

"Ahem...I said relative, relative!"

"This skinny dog ​​is very good at hiding his clumsiness. I heard people say that he is not favored every time in the competition, but he is the one who laughs at the end every time. The last time he competed with Zhao Family Zhao Er, everyone I thought that Pi Ergou was doomed, but the ending was unexpected, and Zhao Er was killed by Pi Ergou in an instant."

hiss!Everyone gasped.

"Then what do you think of this victory?"

"Then who is he to fight against? If I'm not mistaken, there are no more than five fingers in Tiandu City who can compete with Pi Ergou."

"I heard that the person who will fight against Pi Ergou this time is Li Tianjiao, the pride of the Li family in the east of the city. Could it be that she can't do it?"

The person who spoke just now shook his head, and said, "Li Tianjiao is at the same level as Zhao Er. Unless Li Tianjiao also hides her strength, otherwise, Li Tianjiao will not play Ergou's opponent."

Pi Ergou on the stage frowned when he heard the discussion in the audience.

He didn't expect that he would be drawn into a group with Li Tianjiao.

Pi Ergou's eyes were on the other side of the ring, and a graceful figure floated up from the audience.

Today's Li Tianjiao is wearing a long white dress, her hair is pulled high, and a hairpin carved with this delicate phoenix pattern is inserted in her hair.

On Li Tianjiao's back, there was a light blue long sword on his back, and a trace of chill emerged from the long sword.

As soon as Li Tianjiao took the stage, Pi Ergou felt a deep chill spread across his face.

Pi Ergou said, "Congratulations on the breakthrough."

Li Tianjiao said coldly: "In the arena, you and I are the enemies of life and death. Talking about such nonsense will only speed up your death."

Pi Ergou didn't care, turned his head to look at the referee, and under the disbelieving eyes of everyone, he said: "Referee, this man is too powerful, I can't beat him, can I choose to give up?"

Li Tianjiao frowned, but the referee nodded and said, "Of course."

Pi Ergou smiled at Li Tianjiao and jumped off the ring.

Li Tianjiao's face was cold, and she watched Pi Ergou's figure go away. Now there is only a little over a week before the one-month deadline.

The more she thought of this, the colder Li Tianjiao's face became.

Leaping off the stage, the onlookers gave way one after another. The chill on Li Tianjiao's body was about to solidify, like a knife, scraping against the people around her.

Everyone couldn't help taking a few steps back.

They were all very surprised, surprised by Pi Ergou, and suddenly gave up the competition. You know, this competition is different from ordinary competitions. In this Tiandu City Genius Competition, as long as you squeeze one point ahead, you will get one more point. bonus points.

These rewards are all things from the Tianzun Pagoda, and they are not comparable to ordinary rewards.

After Pi Ergou left, he kept thinking about the question he had thought about before.

As for why Li Tianjiao treated him like an enemy when meeting him this time, Pi Ergou already knew it well, so he could only sigh.

There's still a week left... Even he feels that time flies, let alone Li Tianjiao, after all, the woman will always suffer the loss in this kind of thing.

Pi Ergou walked out of the martial arts arena, and just after he walked out of the martial arts arena, a man who looked like a servant greeted him.

Said: "Young master, my young master would like to treat you to a meal at Tianzi No. [-] in Xianyuan Inn tomorrow. Do you have time?"

(End of this chapter)

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