Chapter 1141 Pi Ergou Defeated

Pi Ergou suddenly woke up, and suddenly turned his head to look.

A young man in white was standing behind Pi Ergou at this moment, looking at Pi Ergou playfully.

This person looks extremely handsome, with slightly long eyelashes and fair skin. If you don't look carefully, you may mistake this person for a woman.

Pi Ergou glanced at the protruding Adam's apple in the throat of the young man in white, and said, "I don't know what this brother is doing?"

At this time, the injuries on Pi Ergou's body have recovered to a great extent. Even if a person of the same level as the man in black came, he is not afraid. Even if he can't beat him, if he wants to run, why not? not drop?
What's more, if Pi Ergou is not wrong, in the current Tiandu City, among the younger generation, except for those Tianjiao who have not rushed back to Tiandu City, there are very few people who are Pi Ergou's opponents.

"Actually, I have nothing to do. I just want to come and experience the so-called profound meaning of wind..." At this point, the person paused, and said, "There is also the profound meaning of thunder."

Pi Ergou's heart sank slightly. Hearing what this person said, it meant that this person definitely didn't come here just now. Otherwise, how would he know that he knew the profound meaning of wind and thunder?
"You don't need to guess. I was here the whole time last night. That lackey of the Lin family is too weak to find me." After finishing speaking, this person actually smiled at Pi Ergou and said : "So, it's normal that you can't find me, after all, your strength is also weak."

Pi Ergou frowned slightly, thinking in his heart, could this person be some family patriarch who had already accomplished Taoism and then became young again?

The man frowned and said: "What are you thinking about, how could I be those old monsters, let me tell you, I won't pass this year."

As soon as these words came out, the way Pi Ergou looked at this person changed immediately.

Less than eighteen, how powerful should that talent be?
You know, so far, besides Mu Hongling, Pi Ergou has not found another person who can match Mu Hongling's talent.

Pi Ergou didn't speak any more. Judging from his tone, today's battle is unavoidable.

A thunder snake quietly clung to Pi Ergou's arm, and then a blue cyclone suddenly condensed in Pi Ergou's hand.

"go with!"

Accompanied by Pi Ergou's loud shout, the cyan cyclone flew out suddenly, and the earth was blown away wherever it went.

The powerful wind cyclone is like a sharp blade. Even the buildings made of special materials on the side have been blown out with huge holes, which shows how powerful the wind cyclone is.

Seeing the arrival of the Cyclone of Wind, the young man in white frowned, and then a folding fan appeared in his hand. He just slapped the fan lightly, and the seemingly powerful Cyclone of Wind collapsed immediately under this blow.

But at this time Pi Ergou's figure had already arrived.

A fist that condensed the power of thunder and lightning suddenly hit the young man in white.

Seeing that the power of lightning was about to cover the young man in white, Pi Ergou was about to stop, but at this moment Pi Ergou was shocked to find that the young man in white standing in front of him was just an afterimage.

"If you have to be distracted while fighting, you will easily lose!" At some point, the young man in white floated behind Pi Ergou with a smile on his face.

The fan in his hand swiped down lightly, and suddenly a fierce and fierce sword energy swung out towards Pi Ergou's back.

"Teleportation!" Pi Ergou's eyelids twitched, without hesitation, he directly used the special skill of teleportation.

When fighting against the men in black yesterday, it was not so dangerous, but at this moment, Pi Ergou felt that this man in front of him was more terrifying than the ten men in black.

This is an all-round crush.

"Thunder God possessed!" As Pi Ergou teleported out, a soft shout sounded suddenly.

Pi Ergou's figure grew rapidly, and the clothes he had just put on quickly tore through his body, and his whole body more than doubled in size.

As Pi Ergou's figure grew bigger, blue light lit up in Pi Ergou's eyes.

Soon, a huge wolf's head appeared on top of Pi Ergou's head. With the appearance of the wolf's head, Pi Ergou's whole body was bathed in lightning.

"Drink!" Following Pi Ergou's soft drink, he shot out like a cannonball, rushing towards the young man in white.

And the blue wolf head, at the moment Pi Ergou rushed out, also rushed out with Pi Ergou.

The berserk energy swept across the world, and this man and wolf rushed towards the young man in white at a terrifying speed.

In this blow, Pi Ergou poured out all the strength in his body, if he can't beat this person, then Pi Ergou is probably in danger today.

Seeing the overwhelming force sweeping towards him, a smile appeared on the corner of the young man's mouth, and then he lightly waved the folding fan in his hand.

A faint sword energy suddenly emerged from the folding fan, and he whispered: "The sword energy that has been cultivated for so long, I will try it with you today."

After saying that, his folding fan suddenly shattered, and a burst of space power shook, and with the turbulence of this space power, he pulled out a long sword from the space.

As soon as this long sword came out, it caused a riot of spiritual energy. The long sword was only a few feet long, but the sword energy on the sword had already condensed into a substance, which was several feet long.

As the person drew out his long sword, terrifying cracks appeared in the space.

Pi Ergou, who was coming quickly, punched the white-clothed young man fiercely, and as Pi Ergou punched down, the blue wolf head also roared fiercely, and swooped down.

Compared with the battle between Ripi Ergou and Li Family Li Mu that day, no matter what aspect it is at this time, it has risen by more than a few levels.

That heavy punch seemed to destroy the world.

However, the young man in white didn't even bat an eyelid.

He closed his eyes slightly, and then handed out a sword.

At that moment, in Pi Ergou's eyes, there was only a white sword intent left in the world!
Pi Ergou wanted to hide, but found that he had nowhere to hide.

The blue wolf head, like a firework, shattered immediately, while Pi Ergou was pierced by a long sword from the right chest, and at the same time, countless sword qi, like rain hitting plantains, dripped down. On Pi Ergou.


With a soft sound, the long sword was accurately nailed to the wall, and along with the long sword, there was Pi Ergou.

At this moment, Pi Ergou looked extremely miserable, bleeding profusely all over his body, and countless wounds were cut by the fine sword energy.The only fortunate thing is that those sword auras don't seem to want his life, more of a warning.

When the dust settled, the man landed in front of Pi Ergou, and asked Pi Ergou a little confused: "Is there anyone you want to protect?"

(End of this chapter)

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