The strongest village doctor

Chapter 1175 Getting married!

Chapter 1175 Getting married!

Li Tianjiao looked at Pi Ergou who suddenly became irritable, a little confused.

"Pi Ergou, if you leave today, you will never come back." Li Tianjiao shouted, but Pi Ergou still left without hesitation.

Li Tianjiao's eyes were a little red. When did she, Li Tianjiao, need to remind the same person of the same thing over and over again, and finally this person didn't take him seriously.

Pi Ergou rushed out of the door and came back soon.

He sat back beside Li Tianjiao in a daze.

Just now, just when he was about to step out of the gate of the Li family, the voice of Tianzun suddenly sounded in his mind. Tianzun told him that if he dared to escape here today, then the Li family would be with him to bear the burden from Tianzun. Tower of Rage.

Under this anger, not only Pi Ergou himself will die, but the entire Li family, Li Tianjiao, Li Tianzhan, including Mu Hongling, who is still in the dead state, will die, none of them will be spared.

Pi Ergou knew that Tianzun would never just play a joke on him, so Pi Ergou immediately turned around and rushed back.

Li Tianjiao looked at the preoccupied Pi Ergou, and said softly: "Pi Ergou, I know you have something to do, but you don't want to tell me, it's okay, but why do you give up on yourself?"

"If there is a problem, we can face it together. At worst, we will live and die together. You saved me Li Tianjiao, so just treat it as my return to your life."

Under the pitch-black night light, there was a flash of light in Pi Ergou's eyes.

Li Tianjiao stood up, ready to leave.

Her hand was suddenly pulled.

"I'm sorry……"

The voice in the night was a little choked, and Li Tianjiao was a little flustered.

Pi Ergou was like a big river that broke its embankment, and suddenly burst into tears, Li Tianjiao hurriedly hugged this man who, in her opinion, was already perfect.

"Li Tianjiao, am I useless, I can't protect anyone around me who wants to protect, including myself?" Pi Ergou asked with a sob, this is the question he has been thinking about for the past two days.

Li Tianjiao hugged Pi Ergou's head, feeling very flustered. At first, she just thought that Pi Ergou didn't want to marry her, but now it seems that Pi Ergou seems to have something big in his heart.

"Don't worry, no matter what, I will always be by your side, just like what you told me a few days ago, even if it is a sea of ​​swords, you will always be by my side." Li Tianjiao said.

"Li Tianjiao, you have to promise me one thing." Pi Ergou said.

"Huh?" Li Tianjiao was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect Pi Ergou to make such a request, and immediately said: "Tell me, let alone a request, even if it is one thousand and ten thousand, I will agree to you."

Pi Ergou sat up suddenly, looked fixedly at Li Tianjiao and said, "If one day I'm gone...I mean if, and if your strength is enough, you can help me go to my hometown once and take care of me. My dear, can you?"

"Don't be silly, now you and I are married, not to mention you are still the disciple of Lord Tianzun, who can touch you?" Li Tianjiao said.

Mentioning Tianzun, Pi Ergou's heart shuddered.

But he didn't plan to tell Li Tianjiao about it for the time being.

"If, I mean if!" Pi Ergou emphasized again.

"Okay, okay, I promise you!" Li Tianjiao had a smile on his brows, and a hint of charm appeared on his stunning cheeks. For a moment, Pi Ergou was so fascinated by it.

"Pi Ergou, you..."

On the second day, the Li family was full of excitement.

There are lights and festoons everywhere, and everyone's face is full of joy.Today is the big day for Pi Ergou and Li Tianjiao to get married.As long as today is over, after the Li family establishes a relationship with Tianzun Pagoda, the Li family will climb to the top step by step, and from then on it will soar into the sky and be out of control.

Early in the morning, Pi Ergou and Li Tianjiao came to the lobby hand in hand.

Li Tianjiao's face was full of happiness.

People from many families came to visit one after another to congratulate the Li family on their marriage.

Seeing that everyone is here, the last procedure of the wedding is about to be carried out.

A man in black appeared at the wedding scene with a murderous look.

This murderous aura almost condensed into substance, and almost everyone present felt this murderous aura.

A few people who were closer to the man in black couldn't stand the murderous aura and turned pale. They stepped back and kept a distance from the man in black.

"Whoever comes who is not kind will not come!"

Li Tianzhan stepped forward, came to the man in black, and asked in a deep voice: "Who is your Excellency, today is a day of great joy for my Li family, I hope you will save face, and solve the problem later."

The man in black only showed a pair of eyes outside. After hearing Li Tianzhan's words, the man sneered and said, "Then what if I want to solve it today?"

The momentum of Li Tianzhan's whole body was suddenly released, and a powerful coercion, like a storm, suddenly rolled out. The strong pressure made some people around Li Tianzhan not even able to breathe smoothly.

Fortunately, Li Tianzhan targeted the man in black, otherwise, the people around him might not be able to withstand the explosion and die.

Li Tian's strength in the early days of Zhantian Wonderland was undoubtedly revealed. At this time, there is no need for him to hide his strength!

Li Tianzhan suddenly disappeared on the ground, and the strong pressure also disappeared. When Li Tianzhan reappeared, he had already appeared on top of the man in black.

Li Tianzhan stabbed out with a sword, and stabbed at the man in black, and the man in black saw Li Tianzhan attacking, but he didn't panic at all, he made a seal in his hand, and then punched out.


The two collided with each other, making a loud noise.

All the buildings below where the man in black was standing exploded, and Li Tianzhan's figure was forced back into the sky by a punch.

"Peak in the early days of the Immortal Realm?" Li Tianzhan's heart trembled.

Sure enough, those who come are not kind and those who come don't come.

But if it's just a peak in the early stage of the Heavenly Wonderland, he is not very worried.

"Patriarch Li has worked hard to hide his strength? Are you finally willing to reveal it today?" Another hoarse voice sounded, and a person covered in black mist appeared in another direction.

When Li Tianzhan looked at it, his heart trembled.

He can't see through this person's strength!
He is at the early stage of the Celestial Immortal Realm, so if he can't see through it, it means that this person's strength is at least above the middle stage of the Celestial Immortal Realm.

"I hope there are only these two people!" Li Tianzhan thought to himself.

If there are only these two people, then he can still deal with it, but if there are far more people than these two people, then today may be troublesome.

(End of this chapter)

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