The strongest village doctor

Chapter 207 Wang Xingyan Undercover

Chapter 207 Wang Xingyan Undercover

After taking a deep puff of the cigarette, Lao Zhang finally made a decision and said, "Okay, temporarily cancel the cooperative pilot project in Danai Village!"

"Old Zhang, this time Pi Dapao is very considerate. Fortunately, he consulted Pi Ergou before the trial! Otherwise, it would be an unmanageable disaster!" Wang Xingyan said with a burst of palpitations.

"That's right. In this poor town of ours, we are very passive in everything. We just can't find suitable projects, and no businessmen come down to invest. Only a Pi Ergou has this ability! This person's influence It has reached the point where it cannot be ignored! There is no way who can tell him that his strength is scary? Whoever makes the most of it will talk. In the future, we will make many decisions, and I am afraid that we must discuss with this person in advance!" After taking a puff of cigarettes, Lao Zhang was exhausted His voice was full of helplessness and resentment.

"Old Zhang, you won't be afraid of Pi Ergou, right? You know, Pi Ergou is Da Pao's mortal enemy. At the same time, he is also our mortal enemy! Wan Shanhong is dead, she dares to be so arrogant, Just have the backing of Pi Ergou!" Wang Xingyan is now helping Pi Ergou stand in line, but on the surface, she has to play the image of a loyal dog in the headquarters.

"Yan, I've thought about it for Pi Ergou, and I want to treat him with kindness and power! However, I don't know how to grasp the scale. Do you have a clever plan?" When Pi Ergou was mentioned, Zhang Dakuang really had a headache. .On the one hand, he needs to keep Pi Ergou.We can't force him away, otherwise, such a big cash cow will undoubtedly make people from other places take advantage of it.Not to mention anything else, just the 300 million dividends that Pi Ergou handed over to the town government every year is a considerable sum.And what about the wealth creation effect brought about by his large-scale lease of land?The benefits are simply endless!
However, it is true that Ergou is a cash cow, and it is also true that he can lead the villagers to make a fortune.However, as the leader of Baiyang Town, he can't let this shitty day be empty!

This requires the use of thunderbolt means, both kindness and power, one hand to support, the other to suppress, this is the way to control people.

Of course, he knows many theoretical things, but in terms of actual operation, he is blind.

"Old Zhang, you asked a good question! I'm also thinking about how to get along with this dog day. If you say ignore him, his strength is so powerful that it can be said that it is related to the entire Baiyang Town. Destiny! Many of our decisions, without his participation, are absolutely impossible! But if we support him, our position will only shrink and shrink. Maybe at some point, the entire Baiyang Town will be dominated by him. Forget it, we have become puppets! This is the scariest thing!" Wang Xingyan said more and more seriously.

Hearing the three-married little wife speak so seriously, it seems like the end is coming.Zhang Dakuang's face changed: "Yan, what do you think should be done?"

"Old Zhang, as the old saying goes, if you know yourself and the enemy, you will never slacken in a hundred battles! We can send a trustworthy person into Pi Ergou's camp and keep abreast of his every move. At that time, our soldiers will come to stop us, and we will be flooded with water! "Wang Xingyan came up with an idea.

"Undercover? Nonsense, we are public officials, how can we do such a thing? Besides, we don't have suitable candidates, do we?"

"Old Zhang, don't you think I'm the most suitable undercover agent?" Wang Xingyan threw a big thunderbolt while talking.Originally, she planned to try her best to hide it from Lao Zhang, and only kept in touch with Pi Ergou in secret.For business affairs, she used Wen Qiaoqiao's cover, and most people don't know the inside story at all.However, just now, she had a flash of inspiration. If Lao Zhang was persuaded to let her work as an undercover agent in the Pi Ergou camp, then she would be able to associate with Pi Ergou justifiably.In this way, he can openly do business with Pi Ergou, but also confuse Lao Zhang's eyes, killing two birds with one stone!
Wang Xingyan's eyes blurred, where did the strange person go?Taking a closer look, Zhang Dakuang fell to the floor.On the ground, his fat face twisted into twists, and he kept screaming for pain.He got up and took a breath and said: "Ma'am, what you said really shocked me! You are the daughter of the director, how can you be allowed to be an undercover agent? If one is not good, people will die. No, no!"

"Look at what you said, how can it be so serious? I can tell you that yesterday I pretended to faint in Piergou, and deliberately got him to see a doctor for me. Guess what, he cured my myocardial infarction, and then I Pretending to be his benefactor. He thought that if he saved my life, I would obey him. Next, as long as I continue to pretend to be nice to him and keep step by step, he will definitely be fooled!" Wang Xingyan said oh my god, I just found , So I have the talent to be an actor.

"This..." Hearing this, Lao Zhang was in a dilemma, and he couldn't make up his mind for a while.

"Old Zhang, I don't want my children to be tied to wolves. You see, I am the chief's daughter, and Pi Ergou must know it. This bastard came from a poor background, rich but not noble. The next thing he has to do is to rely on money Open the way and try my best to make friends with people in the officialdom. If I pretend to be nice to him, he will surely climb up the ladder, right? I believe it will not take long to win his trust! At that time, you don’t know what’s going on with him? Right? ?”

Hearing what Xiaojiao's wife said confidently, Zhang Dakuang still hesitated and said: "Yan, you didn't hear what Da Pao said, you are so impatient, ghost, what if he puts you... ah, no, Can not be done!"

"Old Zhang, I am the wife of the top leader in Baiyang Town, and my father is the director of the Township Enterprise Bureau. Give him ten guts, if he dares to disrespect me, he doesn't want to mess around anymore?"

"This... okay, okay! You can try it, and if you find something is wrong, immediately retreat, you know?" Zhang Dakuang mainly saw that Xiaojiao's wife was determined, and it was useless for him to object.Just give someone a gift of water, so as to win the favor of my little wife.

Sure enough, seeing Lao Zhang nodded, Wang Xingyan was overjoyed and said, "Old Zhang, I knew you were a reasonable husband! Then it's settled. From today on, my main task is to lurk beside Pi Ergou as an undercover agent!"

"Well, wife, you can figure it out!" After finishing speaking, Lao Zhang laughed a lot, and the smiling monkey came up and said, "Hey, good Yanyan, can I have you now?"

Seeing that Lao Zhang was in such a hurry, Wang Xingyan tapped the man's forehead and said coquettishly, "Damn it, I want it in broad daylight. Then go to the room!"

"Yes, ma'am!" After finally coaxing his little wife, Lao Zhang was so excited that he had a chicken blood.

The two closed the door and rolled up the sheets...

After an unknown amount of time, the storm stopped.Lao Zhang walked out of the room comfortably, put on his clothes, and went to work in the town hall.

As for Wang Xingyan, as soon as Lao Zhang left, she made a call to Pi Dapao.

(End of this chapter)

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