The strongest village doctor

Chapter 219 Wang Xingyan Helps

Chapter 219 Wang Xingyan Helps

Seeing that he had an expression that I couldn't help, Liu Yan was disappointed for a while and said: "Ergou, I was dirty by the leather cannon, I am not worthy of being with you, I am self-aware. But, knowing you If you like me, I am content!"

"Sister Liu Yan, you were also forced by Pi Cannon. If you don't get along with him, your farm will not be able to continue! The thing can't turn over forever!" Thinking that it was Pi Dapao who caused Liu Yan to suffer, Pi Ergou became furious.

"Ergou, I'm in a hurry to find you today. It's Pi Dapao who is such a shit, guess what, in order to force Zhang Dakuang to cancel the sub-village plan, he actually offered a huge reward of 20 yuan, saying that I only need to talk to Zhang Dakuang It was a good time to take a sneak shot of him. As long as I hand over the things I took to him, he will pay me 20 yuan in labor fees!" Liu Yan said with a big thunderbolt.

Let me go, is Pi Cannon crazy?Lao Zhang is his relative, this old guy, in order to keep the power of the village chief, he doesn't even want his relatives.

Sacrifice Liu Yan, and then take a sneak shot.Oh my god, you can figure it out!

Thinking of this, Er Gou jumped up angrily and said, "Sister Liu Yan, you must never promise him this. This is playing with fire, you know? What does he think of you, that old bastard? Why did you follow along, It's outrageous, it's outrageous to want to send you to someone else after it's over!"

"Second Dog, Leather Cannon is a bitch, in order to protect the position of the village chief, let alone a mistress, he will even risk his life and wealth!"

"By the way, did the monitor I gave you come in handy?" Right now, Pi Ergou is mainly collecting evidence of corruption of Pi Da Pao.As long as the evidence is in hand, the next step is to take the initiative in the matter of subdividing the village.

As soon as he reminded, Liu Yan hurriedly handed over a memory card and said, "It's recorded, here it is for you. There is also a transfer of 10 yuan from Pi Cannon, and I printed it out!"

Seeing the ironclad evidence that Pi Dapao had reached out from the village collective funds, Pi Ergou repeatedly reminded Liu Yan: "Sister Liu Yan, there is evidence. Next, you have to behave in front of Pi Dapao that you hate me! If necessary, you can yell at me !"

"Well, I'll listen to you!" Liu Yan knew it well, it was not difficult to get the evidence, but the difficulty was to use the evidence as a bargaining chip, so that Pi Dapao would not suspect her.

After finishing speaking, the two walked out of the woods and parted ways.

Back at the house of the Danai group, when I entered the door, I saw Xiang Hehua and Ding Qing, leading a group of left-behind women in the village, making Suoyang pills in the yard.

After Ding Qingwei walked into the room, she excitedly reported: "Brother Dog, there is a woman named Wang Xingyan looking for you! This woman looks dignified, she is not an ordinary person. Who is she?"

"She is Lao Zhang's third-married little wife. Where is she, why didn't I see her?" Knowing that Wang Xingyan came to the door in person, he knew that the deal was done.

"As soon as you hear her coming, your eyes light up. Do you two have an affair?" Ding Qing looked at him sourly and said.

"Girl Qing, don't talk nonsense! She really has one leg, and she dares to come here in broad daylight? You speak with a brain!"

"Hmph, it's hard to say!"

"Stop talking nonsense, where is Wang Xingyan?"

"Seeing that you are not here, she may have gone to the village chief's house for tea!"

When he heard that Wang Xingyan had gone to Pi Dapao's house, Pi Ergou said that Sister Wang was helping her secretly, and Pi Dapao couldn't let Pi Dapao know that he had a relationship with Sister Wang.In this case, he can't find her, let alone call her.

At this time, Xiang Hehua came in and said, "Ergou, come and eat!"

When Ding Qing saw the fragrant lotus coming in, she quickly slipped out.The girl also closed the door.

For a while, there were no men and no women in the house.Seeing Xiang Hehua lying on the bed, Pi Er Gou Li stared straight at him.This guy pretended to be stupid and said: "Sister-in-law Lotus, are you sleepy and sleepy?"

"Ergou, I want to sleep with you!"

"Ah? Sister-in-law Lotus, how about I give you a massage?" As he spoke, the fairy energy in his body came and went like the wind, and flowed into Xiang Hehua's back at once.I saw his palms fluttering, pinching and patting, massaging the fragrant lotus until it felt comfortable.

The fragrant lotus said with a spring heart: "Ergou, I miss you, did you kiss me?"

Pi Ergou was about to kiss him when a phone call came in.Picking up the phone and seeing that it was Wang Xingyan's, the guy had to make a noise, stepped out and answered, "Sister Wang, where are you?"

"Ergou, I'm on a fishing boat in Baiyang Lake. I heard that you have returned to the village, so hurry up!"

"Okay, I'll be right here!" Putting down the phone, Pi Er Gou Pi Dian left the house, took a desolate path, and came all the way to the shore of Baiyang Lake.He saw a few motorized fishing boats floating on the calm lake, and he didn't know which one was made by Wang Xingyan. Just as he was about to make a phone call, he saw a fishing boat rushing towards him with full power.After docking, Wang Xingyan showed a pretty face from the cabin and said, "Ergou, get on board!"

This guy jumped onto the bow of the boat and saw Feng Xiangrong, the director of the health center, glaring at him angrily.Suddenly, his heart skipped a beat, and he meowed to himself, why is this Feng Xiangrong looking at me like that?

Thinking of this, he cat went in and said, "Director Feng, are you here too?"

"Pi Ergou, you bloody liar, so you are Wang Langjun?!" Feng Xiangrong covered her face with this sentence. She asked people everywhere these days to inquire about Wang Langjun's whereabouts, but found nothing. In the end, she eavesdropped on Zhou Yun's chat. Only then did I get the shocking inside story.Knowing that the so-called Wang Langjun is Pi Ergou, Feng Xiangrong almost vomited blood out of anger.

"Director Feng, please don't mess around with the mandarin ducks, please. Wang Langjun is a master outside the world, how can I compare to him? Just kidding!"

"Stinky boy, I heard from Zhou Yun himself, do you still want to deceive me?" Feng Xiangrong was angry because she called him a few days ago and asked him who Wang Langjun was.

Wang Xingyan was present, so it was difficult for him to disclose how close he had been with Zhou Yun.He pretended to be stupid and said in a daze, "Director Feng, who is Zhou Yun?"

"Ergou, Zhou Yun is Lao Zhang's ex-wife!" Wang Xingyan interrupted.

"Look, Director Feng, I have a relationship with Zhou Yun, right? I don't even know her, how can she insist that I am Wang Langjun? By the way, she told you personally?" Er Gouxin said to me Go, what's going on with Aunt Zhou?Last time I praised her for her brains, why did she show such a big flaw this time?
"I... eavesdropped!"

"That's right. Maybe she knew you were looking for Wang Langjun, and deliberately revealed the news to you! You are still too young!" The guy shook his head.

"Why, Zhou Yun has a grudge against you?"

Wang Xingyan smiled bitterly and said, "Xiao Feng, her son Zhou Chuxi regards Ergou as a serious problem, what do you think?"

"Oh, so that's what happened! Oh my god, Er Gou, I blamed you wrong, I'm sorry!" Feng Xiangrong's shameful expression made Er Gou very happy.Seeing her frowning, she must be thinking, who is Wang Langjun?It drives me crazy!

"Director Feng, why are you looking for Wang Langjun? Did he bully you?" Pi Ergou asked knowingly. He knew that Yao Dayan was a dog, so he went to Baiyang Town to report.

"Ergou, it's Yao Dayan, the director of Yaoding Pharmacy Institute, who went to the health center to report him for practicing medicine illegally. I just wanted to find him to investigate, but I didn't expect that after a few days of searching, I didn't even catch a hair!" Feng Xiangrong said The face told the truth helplessly.

"Director Feng, let me tell you the truth. I am the exclusive agent of Wang Langjun Suoyang Pill. Why did Yao Dayan report him? Dayan has been treated here for two years, and he was drugged and paid 200 million yuan! It is clear at a glance who is practicing medicine illegally!"

"What, you know Wang Langjun. Tell me, where is he?" Yao Dayan reported Wang Langjun, Secretary Zhang attached great importance to it, and she had to investigate.

"Boss Feng, I'll give you a suggestion, to investigate Yao Dayan. That bastard is definitely a scammer!" Er Gou was still slandering, this Feng Xiangrong, could it be that he took advantage of Yao Dayan and was so active? help him?
"Ergou, why are you looking at me like that? I'm confiscating the benefits of Yao Dayan. This is the task that Secretary Zhang sent me. It's Yao Dayan who reported it. I must accept it? Come on, tell me Wang Langjun is here. where?"

"You're joking, Wang Langjun is a worldly expert. You can see him whenever you want, is that still a worldly expert? In this way, I am the sole agent of the master, what do you have to tell me!" Pi Ergou He was very upset as he said this, and thought that this Feng Xiangrong was really determined.

"Okay, Yao Dayan reported Wang Langjun's illegal practice of medicine. Can you show him his medical qualification certificate?" Feng Xiangrong said in a desperate manner.

"You want to see a certificate, I don't have it, no! You said that Yao Dayan reported it, so how can he prove that Wang Langjun practiced medicine illegally?"

"Nonsense, Wang Langjun cured Xiao Baili, and her little wife Liu Xifei was also treated by Wang Langjun. This is the proof!"

What?Concubine Liu Xi's little girl, didn't she agree to tell her not to admit that I have seen her cervical spondylosis.It is said that the spondylosis is cured by Yao Dayan's own medicine.What did this little girl do? Words don't count!

"I don't know about Concubine Liu Xi. Let's just talk about Xiao Baili, did Xiao Baili admit it herself?" He knew it, Xiao Baili absolutely couldn't say such stupid things.

"She doesn't need to admit it. She was supposed to buy medicine from Yao Dayan, but she didn't buy it because she changed doctors, and this person is Wang Langjun!"

"Director Feng, what logic do you have? The big eye has not been cured for two years, and you are not allowed to change doctors? Changing doctors is breaking the law?"

"It's not that changing doctors is breaking the law, it's because Wang Langjun doesn't have a medical qualification certificate, he practiced medicine illegally, do you understand what I mean?" Feng Xiangrong wanted to stomp his feet angrily.

"If Wang Langjun really cured Xiao Baili's stubborn illness, how do you plan to deal with it?"

"This case is not a medical malpractice. At most, it is an illegal practice of medicine, which can be dealt with as a fine!"

"How much is the fine?"

"Depending on the seriousness of the case, the fine is generally between 10 and [-] yuan!"

"Director Feng, Wang Langjun is practicing medicine for free, he is doing good deeds!"

"It's two different things, okay?"

Wang Xingyan saw that Feng Xiangrong had no intention of being accommodating at all, so she said: "Xiao Feng, Master Wang cured Xiao Baili, but he didn't take the money. I think it's okay? I'll tell Lao Zhang later!"

"Okay, Sister Wang has spoken, then listen to Sister Wang!" After speaking, Feng Xiangrong left first.

Looking at Feng Xiangrong's back, Pi Ergou couldn't tell if she was right or wrong.After all, Secretary Zhang said she wanted to investigate, so she had to do so.

Fortunately, Wang Xingyan stood up to prevent the disaster.Thinking about it, he said gratefully: "Sister Wang, thank you!"

"Ergou, do you know that I treat you well? Then, for your four trump card deals, can you give me one more card?" Wang Xingyan took advantage of the fire and said.

(End of this chapter)

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