Chapter 24
Wang Matou didn't care about indiscrimination, and made a fuss at Pi Ergou's house.Pi Ergou didn't have the energy to waste words with a drunk lunatic, so he just ignored him.

Unexpectedly, Wang Matou thought that Pi Ergou was in the wrong, so he became more energetic and started beating and smashing in the courtyard.

When he saw Wang Ma hitting something with his head, he raised his hammer-sized fist and hit Wang Ma's head with a Bengya fist.Knock Wang Ma's head to the ground.

Seeing that the two men were fighting, Rong Yanji hurriedly stepped forward and explained: "Brother, you misunderstood Ergou, I asked Ergou to call! He didn't want to call your wife, but introduced business for your family." Oh!"

Just as they were making a fuss, Liu Honglian ran over with a pale face, scolded Wang Matou, and dragged him home.

That night, Rong Yanji and Lingyao stayed in the guest room of Pi Ergou's house.

At ten o'clock in the night, Pi Ergou played a flashlight and went out under the moonlight.

Not long after, all the villagers in Danai Village heard that there was sudden lightning and thunder and heavy rain on the other side of Baiyang Lake.However, not a drop of rain was seen in the sky above the village, and the old people yelled strangely, which felt incredible.

In the middle of the night, Pi Ergou was falling asleep when he heard someone calling him.Opening his eyes, he found the voice of the female ghost Xiaohong: "Master, it's not good, Huang Jinliang, the leader of the yellow house group, that bastard led a group of people to steal vegetables from your vegetable field!"

"Xiami? Let me take a look!" Pi Ergou got up his clothes, grabbed the flashlight, and Debo shot out of the house.One foot high and one foot low, ran to the field to watch.He was fine if he didn't look at it, but his lungs exploded when he looked at it.

I saw several black shadows at Kanda's place, rising and falling, and if they looked furtively, they didn't do anything good!

Pi Ergou turned off the flashlight in advance, kicked, and a gust of wind rushed forward, shouting: "Group leader Huang, what are you doing in my field?"

Swipe, the flashlight beam hits it, and the vegetable thieves panicked when they saw their whereabouts revealed, and ran away with oil on the soles of their feet.

Xiaohong came out and said, "Master, fortunately you came in time, the vegetables that those people stole are all here!"

"Xiaohong, help me watch the fields at night. If anyone comes to steal vegetables, you just need to scare him away!" Pi Ergouxin said meowing, Xiaohong is an out-and-out female ghost.Once she moved out, she would scare people to death in the middle of the night.

"Yes, master!" Xiaohong agreed obediently.

Pi Ergou carried home the two big bags of heaven-defying vegetables picked by the thief, washed his feet, and went back to his room to catch up on sleep.

He fell on the bed, suddenly, huh?With a sound, he felt a tender arm in vain.This time Pi Ergou was quite frightened, turned on the light, and saw that the proprietress was wearing a camisole that exposed her navel, with silky long hair on her pillow, sleeping on the bed!

"Oh my god, what's going on?" Pi Ergou was startled, thinking he had gone to the wrong room.But looking around the house, this is his bedroom!

The proprietress obviously slept in the opposite wing, she and Lingyao slept in the same room.As soon as he went out, the proprietress appeared on his bed strangely!
"Hey, lady boss, wake up, wake up!" Rong Yanji fell into a deep sleep even after screaming and shaking, she couldn't wake up no matter how much she screamed.

Er Gou had nothing to do now, and with the eyelid fight, he didn't care about 21, and fell to the side, whistling away.

Early the next morning, Pi Ergou and Rong Yanji woke up almost at the same time.

"Ergou, you...why are you sleeping on my bed?" Rong Yanji sat up abruptly, staring at Pi Ergou shyly.

"Miss Boss, I still have to ask you? Look whose room this is!"

"Ah, by the way, it was convenient for me to come out in the middle of the night, and I accidentally went to the wrong room!" After figuring out the situation, Rong Yanji blushed.

"I called you several times, but I couldn't wake you up. You can't blame me!" He said in his heart, meowing, what a pity, he could have had something to do with Rong Yanji while the moon was dark and the wind was high. .In the end, he did nothing and wasted a great opportunity.

"Ergou, you didn't do anything bad, did you?" Rong Yanji looked at Pi Ergou anxiously and said.

"Miss Boss, what do you think? Is there any meat left to eat?" Actually, this guy was just joking to scare the Madam Boss.

She didn't think about it, but Rong Yanji believed it, and said angrily, "You bastard, I'm ignoring you!"

Three times, five times, two times, put on clothes, and beat out angrily.

Early in the morning, Pi Ergou, Ding Qing and Liu Honglian went down to Kanda to pick vegetables.Busy until ten o'clock in the morning, five thousand catties of vegetables against the sky were all loaded into the truck.

The proprietress was so angry that she never said a word to Pi Ergou again.The weighing and accounting were all handled by Lingyao.

Pi Ergou's family's Shentian, finally picked out three thousand catties of heaven-defying vegetables, at 20 yuan per catty, earning 6 yuan in one breath!Excluding the wages of hired workers for a day, there are more than 5.

Liu Honglian also received 4 yuan for food. This little daughter-in-law has never made so much money. This is all because of Pi Ergou's introduction to her.

"Ergou, I'll give you a gift when I enter the city later!" the little daughter-in-law finished speaking and went home happily.

Early in the morning, the leader of the village group, Millennium Bug, went to the shore of Baiyang Lake to fish.Passing by the ten-acre field of Pi Ergou's house, the millennium bug suddenly screamed in fright, and immediately after, the old fried dough stick rattled and ran back to the village, heading straight to the village head Pi Dapao's house.

Pi Dapao was eating breakfast, and the millennium bug rushed to Pi Dapao and reported: "Village chief, it's not good, something serious happened!"

"What a big deal, you're still in a panic at your age!" Village Chief Pi put down the bowl and chopsticks, and gave the millennium bug a look.

"The ten mu of land you exchanged for Ergou's bastard is also Shentian!" Millennium Bug looked at Village Chief Pi with a pale face and said.

Hearing the bad news suddenly, Pi Cannon's eyes went dark, he almost fainted, he leaned on the dining table and said, "Millennium Bug, what's going on, you mean, Ergou also planted heaven-defying vegetables in the newly replaced ten-acre field?"

"It must be! He was the vegetable seed sown yesterday afternoon. I passed by there early this morning, oh my god, hell, all his vegetable seeds are growing green and green!" The millennium bug was really terrified.

"I'm so stupid, how is it possible? Vegetable seedlings will grow in less than a day? You bastard, did you see it wrong?" Pi Dapao stared at the millennium worm in disbelief and asked.

"Village chief, I'm not dazzled. If you don't believe me, why don't you go and see for yourself?" The millennium bug said that he was going to be criticized again, and he was the one who came up with the idea of ​​changing the fields.If the ten mu of land that was swapped out was also Kanda, it would be no wonder that the village chief wouldn't beat him with a big slap!
"Let's go, take a look!" Just like that, Village Chief Pi swaggered ahead, and the millennium bug followed suit.The two of them greened willows and peaches all the way, and walked to the ten-acre field of Pi Ergou's house. Village chief Pi opened his eyes and looked, it was okay if he didn't look, and there were gold stars in front of him.

"Niang Xipi, this is not true! How is it possible?" Village chief Pi couldn't believe it. When he went down to the vegetable field and pulled up a vegetable seedling about ten centimeters away, he saw the juicy and green planting bead. The small vegetable leaves, and the delicate roots carry a mass of fertile soil, exuding the fragrance of the earth, which can't be truer.

Seeing this, Village Chief Pi burst into jealousy, and spitting and cursing: "You bastard, you fooled us! We were fooled!"

If it gets out that he traded ten acres of Kanda for Pi Ergou's one acre of Kanda, the villagers won't laugh out loud!

My mother, how does this end?
The majestic head of Dana Village has done a stupid thing!

Village Chief Pi's face was ashen, and his lungs were exploding with anger. The Millennium Bug rolled up his sleeves on the spot and said, "Village Chief, let's talk to Ergou or something. We must exchange the fields!"

Before the millennium bug finished speaking, a wrinkled face was burning with pain.It turned out that Village Chief Pi slapped his big mouth!

"Damn it, can you take back the water that was spilled? Who am I? I'm the village head. What I say must be counted. How can I change it casually!" Angrily said.

"Hey, village chief, you can beat me and scold me however you want. It's Pi Ergou. This is ten acres of divine land. He can make a lot of money with one acre. Give him ten acres, and he can go to heaven!" Millennium Worm Moaned with a mournful face.

"No, no!" Pi Dapao was well aware of the ten acres of fertile land.His family has been planting these ten acres of land for decades, and they have never grown anything against the sky. "Kanda doesn't exist at all, we underestimated Pi Ergou!"

"Village chief, do you mean that Pi Ergou invented an exclusive vegetable growing technology?"

"What do you think? It's all your stupidity's fault. We took ten acres of fertile fields and ten acres of mountain forests, and exchanged that poor man's one-acre of thin fields. Only you can think of such a stupid thing!" Village Chief Pi A shit pot was buckled on the head of the millennium bug.

Baba, Baba!

The millennium bug originally wanted to plot against Pi Ergou, but bullying Pi Ergou had no background, so he instigated the village chief to forcibly exchange his family's Kanda.I thought I had taken advantage of it, but in the end I suffered a big loss!
This time, the leather cannon was buckled up with a shit basin, and the millennium bug knew that it was inevitable.Immediately, he kept slapping his mouth and said loudly: "Village Chief, I was wrong, it's all my bad idea!"

"Idiot, just admit your mistake and it's over? You have to compensate me for the loss!" Village Chief Pi stared angrily at the Millennium Worm.

"Ah? Compensation... Compensation. How much?" The millennium bug turned pale when he heard that he was required to pay.

"I'll count you nine mu, and if you pay [-] per mu, this matter will be over! If you don't give it, your village leader will have to be replaced!" Pi Dapao finished speaking, and went back to the village with his hands behind his back.

Leaving the millennium bug behind, he fell to the edge of the field, like a clay sculpture, and struggled to get up after a long while, lost all the way, and went home to discuss with his wife.

Let's talk about Village Chief Pi.The toubob walked halfway, and the more he thought about it, the more angry he became.

A gust of wind hit Pi Ergou's house. When he saw Pi Ergou, he raised his arms and pushed and said, "Ergou, you bastard, you dare to lie to me as the village chief. Damn it!"

"Cunnel Chief Pi, why are you pushing me? Who lied to you?" Pi Ergou was having breakfast with Ding Qing at the dining table, and when he saw Pi Dapao, he also had a big headache.

"My ten acres of fertile land plus ten acres of mountain forest will exchange you for one acre of Susukida. What are you doing?" Pi Dapao stepped forward, snap!He slapped the table heavily.

"Cun Chief Pi, aren't you spitting blood? You are the one who changed the field, and you are the one who repented. What do you want?" Pi Ergou angrily fought back.

"Let me tell you, this ten mu of fertile land will be planted for you for at most half a month! After half a month, you must change it back!" Pi Dapao shamelessly looked at Pi Ergou and said.

(End of this chapter)

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