The strongest village doctor

Chapter 244 Nian Chong Was Dumbfounded

Chapter 244 The Millennium Bug Is Dumbfounded
When Pi Dapao heard what the mother-in-law said, he said with a heartache: "From now on, you will be in charge of the family's financial power! Is this the head office?"

"That's not enough. What else?" As he spoke, Jiang Ying looked at Pi Dapao eagerly.

Why don't you, this woman is annoying.If it wasn't for that kid who was strong, I would have asked her for instructions.

Thinking of this, Pi Dapao gritted his teeth and said, "At least once a week!"

"Damn ghost, you're not stupid. But once a week, it's too little, not enough to eat!" Jiang Ying was fed up with being left alone, so she asked directly.

"Then twice? Ying, I'm getting old and my body functions are degraded. I'm not a cow. Are you trying to exhaust me?" Pi Dapao said in his heart that I have Liu Yan. Daughter-in-law, you can only have passion when working with her.

"Okay then, I've recorded what you said! You keep what you say, don't go back on your word!"

"Daughter-in-law is right, I will nail every spit, and I will never go back on my word!" Pi Dapao swore.

"Then I'll see how you behave now! If you behave well, maybe I will help you!" Jiang Ying was really fed up with Pi Dapao's cold violence. Don't touch her once, just treat her as the nanny at home.Just work hard, serve tea and pour water.As for her happiness, the old slippery man never thought about it at all.Therefore, once Jiang Ying turned around, he immediately rebounded and began to crazily squeeze the energy of the old slippery head.

Upon hearing this, Pi Dapao's eyes darkened and he almost fainted.It took a long time to shake his head, and suddenly said: "Daughter-in-law, I just finished my work at your mother's house at noon yesterday. It's only been half a day, and you have to plow the fields again. Even a cow will die of exhaustion?"

"Old man, you must be someone out there, and you have to push and push the fields! Didn't Er Gou develop Suoyang Pills, wouldn't you buy some from him?" Jiang Ying said in his heart that it's a dog's day, let you go Playing wild food outside, my mother has the right to speak, so if you don't torment your mother to death, your mother will not be surnamed Jiang!

"My daughter-in-law, you're blind and don't know. Pi Ergou and I hate each other all over the world. Let alone whether he sells it or not, I don't have the face to ask him for it? Jiang Ying, you are being unreasonable. !" Pi Dapao ran away in anger.

"I don't care, this is your business! You can't handle such a small matter, and you still call it the village chief! Hmph!" Jiang Ying said contemptuously.

"Okay, just wait!" Pi Dapao now wanted to die.After being married to a woman for so many years and being the village chief for so many years, this damn woman has learned to despise him!
Oh my God, I'm the head of Da Nai Village!
Isn't Huanglianpo three obediences and four virtues? How can she despise me?
Pi Dapao wailed in his heart, ran out of the courtyard gate, and called the dog leg millennium bug.The millennium bug is playing cards with a few idlers in the village, betting 50 yuan a game.Just as he was losing his temper, he suddenly received a call from village head Pi, and he stepped out to answer: "Boss, do you have any instructions?"

"Millennium bug, I need three Cynomorium Pills. Tell your Damopan to find Pi Ergou to buy them. I need them within half an hour. Hurry up!"

Seeing that the boss gave the order to die, the millennium bug didn't dare to be negligent, and stopped playing cards. Pidian ran back to the supermarket at home, and when he entered the door, he saw his daughter-in-law Da Mopan's face was flushed and red, and he became suspicious: "Da Mopan, your face is not as good as it is!" It's like a monkey's butt, what bad things did you do?"

Big Mopan is full of thoughts about Pi Ergou, hoping that Pi Ergou will give him a piece of sunshine and rain.Just as he was thinking about something good, he suddenly saw the wimp at home come to chew maggots, and immediately cursed: "Old Caiti, my old lady guards the supermarket all day, doing such a bad thing? You said I was blind at the beginning, why did I fall in love with you?" You are a worthless wretch! Every day you are kneeling and licking cannons, or playing cards and cards, and all the money in the family is tied to you for gambling, you prodigal bastard!"

"Hehe, hehehe, daughter-in-law, I just took 500 yuan from you. You look like you are dying! As for what, when I win it back, I will pay you back twice!" The millennium bug was criticized by the daughter-in-law, and his arrogance immediately dwarfed. half.

One sentence exploded Damopan's lungs, she angrily grabbed something at hand, and smashed the millennium bug's pockmarked face with her head.Jiao scolded: "Millennium bug, yesterday you bought a special code and spent two thousand in one go, did you win a penny back? I'm surprised, anyone from other houses can win back a thousand and eighty thousand, you dog Damn, why are all the postings wrong? My old lady told you that if you steal her money to buy special codes in the future, my old lady will divorce you and kick you out!"

"Oh, don't mention it, daughter-in-law. I thought it was a dragon at first, but when I bought it, everyone around me bought chickens. I bought the chicken with a flick of my hand. But at 09:30 in the evening, when the special code came out, it was really a dragon! Why don't you, you're so mad at me!" Speaking of buying codes last night, the millennium bug couldn't be more angry.

"I'm mad at you big-headed ghost, I don't think you're angry at all! I hope you'll be happy if I lose all my hard-earned money. You bastard, you're not allowed to buy codes. If you dare to buy again, chop your hands!" I lost my temper.The heart said that people cannot be compared with each other, and people are more angry than others.Look at Pi Ergou, who is only 20 years old, earns millions of dollars a day, has extraordinary skills, and has started a vigorous career in this impoverished village.How many women treat him as a treasure, how many people cry and ask him to do business!
God, why did I think of Pi Ergou again?
The bastard Pi Ergou is not a good thing either.The old lady sent him to the door and asked him to do his homework. This girl is still pretending to be compared to me.What do you mean you have an allergic disorder, you are allergic, you are a three-year-old child!

But when it comes to talking about business, when Cai Huahua in the town didn't cooperate with Ergou before, she and Huang Wei would point at Ergou and yell at him every day, calling Ergou into a pile of shit.With the cooperation now, Cai Huahua earns hundreds of thousands of dollars a month, won't he still be tamed by Ergou?

Damn, even she gets business from Ergou, so can I?
Thinking of this, Liu Yuemei made up her mind and decided to find Pi Ergou for some business.Not to mention earning hundreds of thousands a month, earning [-] to [-] is scary.

When the millennium bug was looking for a wife, it originally wanted to buy Suoyang Pills from Pi Ergou through her.I didn't expect to be scolded when I came up, but now that the millennium bug asks my daughter-in-law to do something, no matter how big the fire is, I have to endure it.He also wanted to please: "Good wife, I swear to God, I won't buy codes anymore! What, can you do me a favor?"

"What's the matter, you won't ask me for money again, right? Let me tell you, if you want money, there is one!"

"Daughter-in-law, I'm not asking for money. I have six hundred here. You can buy a Cynomorium Pill from Pi Ergou. This is not what I want, but the village chief wants!" Saying that, the millennium bug released six big bills.

"It also requires me to run errands, you won't buy it yourself?"

"Oh my daughter-in-law, I'm the dog's leg of the village chief, and the village chief and the second dog are at odds. I'll buy it, but the second dog won't sell it?"

"Look, what kind of face do you have. If you really want to fight Ergou to death, why don't you use his things if you have the ability?" Liu Yuemei thought about Pi Dapao and the others, and felt disgusted at Ergou when nothing happened.She can't stand it anymore!

"Daughter-in-law, this is what Village Chief Pi wants to buy, not me! By the way, Suoyang Pills are so popular, why don't I try to buy one too?" Millennium Bug said enthusiastically.He hadn't bought Suoyang pills before because he didn't believe that the things made by Pi Ergou could be of any use.But, are there many people who can't hold back and snap up Suoyang Pills?If one person says yes, it is not necessarily good. If hundreds of people say yes, it may be really good.The main reason is that the Millennium Bug sees that Village Chief Pi buys this thing, and he is imitating it, and he is eager to try it.

"Millennium bug, I'm not Leather Cannon's dog, why do you want me to buy it? I was raped by Leather Cannon, you don't believe me, let it go, and help Leather Cannon to excuse. Just for this, I It's impossible to buy it for you!" Liu Yue said angrily, glaring at the Millennium Worm.She said in her heart that my heart belonged to Pi Ergou, and Ergou helped my mother take care of whatever happened to me.Millennium Bug is a wimp, let's cool off!

Seeing that the big mopan refused to help, the millennium bug grabbed the money and left the house angrily.Wandering to the Baiyang River, I saw Ding Qing, the third daughter of Ding, approaching lively, and the millennium bug smiled and said, "Ding Qing, I will give you 100 yuan as a reward, and help me find Pi Ergou to buy two pills." Suoyang Pill, how is it?"

"Oh, what a coincidence, Uncle Millennium, Suoyang Wan was sold out yesterday. If you want to buy it, you have to wait for the next batch!" After finishing speaking, Ding Qing ran away in a hurry as if seeing a ghost.

Seeing Ding Qing hiding from the plague, the millennium bug jumped up and down.Ding Qing didn't help, so he ran to find Xiang Hehua, Huang Yan and the others. Unexpectedly, these women seemed to discuss it, and said that Suoyang Pills were sold out.And when she said this, she was no different from Ding Qing, she looked at him with strange eyes.

The millennium bug knew that these women looked down on him because he was willing to be Cannon's dog.

After figuring out the joints, Millennium Bug asked Pi Dapao for instructions, rode a moped, ran to the town, and found Bailan from Bailan Pharmacy to buy Cynomorium Pills.In the end, when she ran to ask, Bai Lan's attitude was even worse. Seeing that he wanted to buy it, she said impatiently, "If it's sold out, I won't sell it to you!"

In front of District Chief Bai's niece, the millennium bug dared to fart, and went to Cai Huahua's big pharmacy to buy Cynomorium Pills.Before Cai Huahua opened his mouth, he stepped forward and said, "Miss Boss, I'll buy two Cynomorium Pills for 2000 yuan!"

How did Millennium Bug know, when he asked Ding Qing for Suoyang Pill, Ding Qing immediately ran to Pi Ergou to complain.

When Pi Ergou learned that the millennium bug was turning a corner and wanted to buy his Suoyang pills, he immediately called all the buyers and notified Bai Lan, Cai Huahua, Liu Wen, and Li Chunzhu, telling them to kill them and not sell them to the millennium. People like worms and leather cannons are Cynomorium pills.Whoever dares to buy it for his enemies will immediately and permanently suspend the supply once it is found out.

Er Gou put down his harsh words, even if they were given ten guts.

Therefore, the millennium bug approached Cai Huahua and said that he wanted to buy Suoyang Pills, and Cai Huahua politely said, "Sorry, brother, the Suoyang Pills were sold out yesterday!"

"Miss Boss, did Pi Ergou tell you not to sell it to me? I won't sell a single grain until I open it to 1000 yuan?" The millennium bug was extremely depressed, and he said to his mother, Xipi, Pi Ergou is so cruel. !

(End of this chapter)

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