The strongest village doctor

Chapter 247 Improving Divine Power

Chapter 247 Improving Divine Power
"Second dog, the millennium bug is a dog's day, willing to be the dog leg of a cannon, that wimp knows to steal the family's money to buy chips, or go out to gamble every day, doing everything except business, I rely on No more. I will rely on you from now on!" Saying that, Liu Yuemei rushed forward and hugged Ergou.

Pi Ergou heard the meaning in her words, and said in surprise: "Sister Mopan, the millennium bug has always been like this. Dogs can't change eating shit, and no one can do anything about him!"

"So, I can only rely on you? Can you plant an acre of land for me? Oh no, an acre is too greedy, just a fifth of the field!" Once it matures, the yield per mu is about 60 catties, and it can sell 60 catties a month, at [-] yuan per catty. My God, you can earn [-], [-] a month!

If it is a fifth field, there are also 30!
Thinking of this, Liu Yuemei was so surprised that she could stuff an egg into her mouth.

But then, what Pi Ergou said almost didn't make Liu Yuemei's jaw drop: "Sister Mopan, I thought about planting an acre of land for you, but your millennium bug is Pi Cannon's most loyal dog leg. I'm sorry , I can't help him send money and food, and then point the gun at me when I have strength!"

"Ergou, you are right! I earn some money, but I can't hide it. That bastard has a dog's nose, and he can smell it when he smells it. If you help me farm, it's really a helper." Send guns, send cannons! Oh, what should I do? I said divorce, and the millennium bug disagreed!" Liu Yuemei said with a confused face.

"Sister Mopan, it's good if you can understand! In fact, if you don't have Pi Da Pao, it's nothing to help you plant an acre of land. In the future, Pi Da Pao will no longer be the village head of Danai Village, I'm sure I will help you farm, don't worry!" Pi Ergou looked at Liu Yuemei with pity and said.

"Ergou, that bastard of the millennium bug, he knows how to kneel and lick the cannon every day. I give up on him, and now I think of you every day. Do you love me?" A red cloud flew up on his face, and his eyes were full of longing for love.

"Sister Mopan, I can't butcher pigs right now. But I can help you moisturize your lips!" This guy pretended to say.

"Ergou, you are a strong man, why can't you butcher pigs? You said before that you have allergies, I don't believe it. You probably have unspoken taboos, right?" Liu Yuemei raised her eyebrows. For the lost way.

"Ah, taboo?" He said allergic disorders, Liu Yuemei didn't believe it, so she believed in taboo?This time Pi Ergou was also confused.

"For example, your magic power to exorcise evil spirits and catch ghosts. If you lose your childishness, it won't work? Isn't it?" Liu Yuemei said with a big brain.

"Ah? Well, that's what it means! The main reason is that my spell level is not high right now. When the spell level rises in the near future, I can touch you!" At this moment, Pi Ergou's brain was wide open.

"Well, then I'll wait for you! Ergou, I'm yours, don't let me down, I'll always wait for you!" Saying this, the two kissed, and after a few minutes, Liu Yuemei kissed home.

At this time, the sky was dark, and the weather in early July was a bit muggy.

After eating dinner, Pi Ergou thought of Qiu Qingdi, the founding patriarch of the Great Shaman Palm.This guy wondered, why didn't the stinky old man come to me when he was so awesome?

If they really want to fight, Ergou has no idea whether they can win him!

The old-fashioned big monk's palm is so amazing, it doesn't force outwards, but sucks things inwards!Thinking about the hotel where she was staying at that time, Toda Erika was naked by the terrifying suction force of the old man, and meowed, it was scary to think about it!

Speaking of which, Emperor Qiu Qing is really his nemesis!

If he hadn't played a dirty trick last time and blinded Qiu Qingdi's eyes with medicine powder, maybe he would still be lying in the hospital.

Pi Ergou didn't know that it was his sweetheart Wang Hongshang who secretly helped him, and he just blocked Qiu Qingdi, the murderer, back.If it weren't for Wang Hongshang's secret help, with Qiu Qingdi's crazy and old-fashioned urination, he might have to hunt him down every day, and the second dog would peel off his skin if he didn't die!
When Emperor Qiu Qing went crazy, he was even scared!

The most urgent task is to find a way to improve Qianjin's divine power.Pi Ergou has figured out one thing, that is, his spells for catching ghosts and immortal energy, which can be nourished by swallowing Yin energy through magic seals.But somehow his power system has been stagnant for months without any improvement.His existing supernatural power is no problem to deal with masters, but it is a bit difficult to meet first-class masters like Mu Tiezhu.Forget about super gods like Qiu Qingdi!

The question is, how can this damn divine power be improved?

He's going crazy, he can't figure it out even if he wants to break his head!
Just when he was in a hurry to get angry, suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and Pi Ergou slapped his thigh immediately, and said to himself, I am rich now, so I can buy ginseng to eat, as well as Millennium Ganoderma lucidum, Cordyceps sinensis and goji berry, these fairy grasses in the world, are full of aura and are great tonics for men.Eating this might help to improve divine power.

Thinking of this, Pi Ergou immediately called Bai Xing for help: "Sister Bai Xing, can you get authentic wild Changbaishan ginseng? Not to mention century-old ginseng, can you get decades old?"

"Ergou, I know a few ginseng customers from the east and north. If you want decades of hard goods, you should be able to get them, but it will cost a lot of money. The last time I saw a 50-year-old ginseng essence, it was taken by a big The boss bought it for 300 million!" Bai Xing is now being watched by the Gu Wu Jiuzhi Granny [-]/[-], her voice is hoarse and dull, and she has lost the cheerfulness of the past.

Ergou is not a god, so he didn't think that the nine-fingered old lady was not a good person. He didn't think too deeply about it, he was only thinking about how to improve his divine power.Hearing what Bai Xing said, she immediately got excited and said: "Sister Bai Xing, as long as you can get authentic wild mountain products, I will pay for any amount! By the way, not only wild ginseng, but also millennium ganoderma lucidum, cordyceps sinensis, saffron, Tianshan snow lotus Wait, as long as it's authentic wild, it's fine!"

"Ergou, do you want to buy it and grow it yourself? Rare and immortal grasses like Changbai Mountain wild ginseng and Cordyceps sinensis require a specific environment. For example, Changbai Mountain wild ginseng can only be bred in the climate of Changbai Mountain. And Winter grass and summer grass must be in the climate of Tibet! If you plant them in the Danai Mountains, I’m afraid it won’t work!” Bai Xing persuaded him bluntly, fearing that he would waste money.

"Sister Bai Xing, I bought it at a high price for my own use. It's not secondary planting!"

"That's it, then okay, I'll follow along for you and let you know when it's in stock! Ergou, I think..." Bai Xing is now controlled by the nine-fingered old lady and the boss behind her, and she feels very bitter. The dog begged for comfort, but the guy hung up the phone right away.

After putting away the phone, Pi Ergou made another phone call to Ren Yanyan, the director of Chinese herbal medicines.Ren Yanyan quickly answered, "Boss, what's the matter?"

"Sister Yanyan, are there any goji berries in the field that can be picked? Is there any problem if you get four or five catties?" He thought that goji berries are also a nourishing yang, and he first ate some goji berries to test the water.

"Boss, it seems that there are still some dried goji berries in the warehouse. You can ask Aunt Lotus to find them. I'll be in the city now!"

"Yes." After the call, Pi Ergou asked Xiang Hehua to go to the warehouse to look for wolfberries. After a while, Xiang Hehua excitedly took out a small basket of sun-dried wolfberries, which seemed to weigh three or four catties.Seeing this, this guy grabbed a handful and stuffed it into his mouth, and he ate it all up, making Toda Huilixiang, Xiang Hehua and Ding Qing dumbfounded.

"Sister-in-law Lotus, what's wrong with Brother Gou? Why is he eating wolfberries?" Ding Qing's big eyes flashed brightly.

Xiang Hehua also looked confused and said: "I don't know, maybe Er Gou wants to make up his body? Goji berries are strong and yang!"

"Boss, you might as well eat Suoyang pills directly if you eat goji berries!" Toda Erika reminded.

"Ah?" Pi Ergou looked embarrassed, and said meowing, I was only thinking about improving my divine power, and I forgot that Suoyang Pill is the essence extracted from goji berries and other five-flavored strong and yang medicines.Immediately, the guy laughed at himself and said, "Li Xiang, I would have been stupid if you hadn't reminded me. Ding Qing, help me get a handful of Cynomorium Pills!"


As soon as these words came out, the three women opened their mouths wide at the same time.

"Ergou, if you eat a lot, it's tantamount to suicide. What's wrong with you, can't you think about it? You want a woman, don't you have me?"

"Brother Dog, you want to have fun, can you come to me?" Ding Qing also said in a tone of willingness to agree with her body.

"Boss, Suoyang Pill is so overbearing, you can only take one pill, you can't eat a handful, it will explode?" Toda Erika squeezed a sweat for him.

"Me!" Pi Ergou was also taken aback immediately, he couldn't say it was for improving his divine power, could he?Tell women this, and they won't believe it unless they understand it.In their eyes, Pi Ergou is like a god.Thinking of this, he shook his head like a rattle and said, "Hey, there are some things you don't need to know. Then grab five pills, only eat five pills, it won't explode, don't worry!"

"What, five pills?" The three women said the same thing as if they had discussed it.

Seeing three pairs of big eyes staring at him in surprise, Pi Ergou patted the dog's head and said, "Hey you guys, are five grains a lot?"

"Brother Dog, you haven't tried it. It is said that Suoyang Pill, if you eat one, the man must do things immediately, or it will explode!" Ding Qing said with a face that changed in fright.

"Yes, yes, Ergou, this thing has too much stamina, you don't dare to eat too much. What if you have troubles, what shall we do?" Xiang Hehua doesn't say that she is Ergou's woman, but at least she subconsciously pretends to be Ergou is a family.Ergou is her backer, and of course she doesn't want Ergou to put herself in danger.

"Boss, you can only eat one pill at a time, one more pill is not acceptable! You are not alone now, there are us too!" Toda Erika said in an orderly manner.

"That's right, you still have women like us!" Xiang Hehua and Ding Qing said at the same time.

"Hey, you prodigal bitches, you control the sky and the earth, and you still care about my shit?" Pi Ergou said furiously.

"Ergou, you are right, I really have to take care of your shit!"

Ding Qing also chimed in and said, "Yes, I want to take care of it too!"

Immediately, Pi Ergou felt like beeping the dog, and said in one gulp: "Then three pills, we can't miss it, we can't miss it!"

"One grain, not too much, too much will not work!" The three women teamed up to beat him to death.

(End of this chapter)

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