The strongest village doctor

Chapter 265 It turns out like this

Chapter 265 It turns out like this

"Da Pao, how have I served you these past few decades? How have you served me?" Jiang Ying laughed angrily.

Hearing this, Pi Dapao's eyes darkened, and he almost fainted and said, "Oh my good Jiang Ying, you mean I cook vegetables, wash clothes, grow vegetables in the vegetable garden, and be a family husband? I don't know how to do this!"

"Can you learn if you don't know it? Who is born with it, Lao Caiti, sometimes you ask me. Come here, call me aunt!"

"Grandma!" Pi Dapao said obediently.

"Hey, cook and cook for me!"

"Okay, okay, auntie, I'll cook for you!" Pi Dapao now has a request for Jiang Ying, and he can't come back without Jiang Ying's adopted son.Without an adopted son, Pi Dapao doesn't have enough strength to compete with Uncle Ergou in the matter of dividing the land.Therefore, no matter how angry he was, he couldn't express it, so he had to be obedient.The problem is that Pi Da Pao grows so big that he has never cooked at all.When there is no wife, there is a mother to take care of, a wife, and a wife to take care of him. This earth emperor doesn't know how to do housework at all.

There was no other way, the old traitor had no choice but to call the dog leg millennium bug over, and the millennium bug learned that the boss wanted to cook by himself in order to make his wife happy.But the millennium bug can't do it either, just invite a little daughter-in-law from a relative's house to cook.

When it was time for dinner, Pi Dapao not only had to serve Jiang Ying with food, but he also had to help her back like a servant.

The service made Jiang Ying feel so comfortable.Taking a bath at night is served by Leather Cannon.For some reason, Jiang Ying's thoughts started to sprout in the bathroom.Urging the leather cannon, he said: "Dapao, I want it, give it to me!" As he said, he was about to pick the leather cannon.

Pi Dapao opened his mouth wide in surprise, and complained like a small grievance: "Daughter-in-law, you asked for it twice today, twice?"

"I don't care, will you give it or not? If I don't give it, I will never be able to help you call Pi Jishi. I will do what I say, and you can do it!" Jiang Ying said without discussion.

"Okay, okay. Daughter-in-law, wait for me!" After finishing speaking, Pi Dapao went out with a bitter face, and called Bao Lei, the director of the Township Enterprise Office.

Bao Lei is planning to report the new information collected to Pi Ergou.Suddenly received a call from Pi Dapao, she immediately answered, "Uncle Dapao."

"Bao Lei, can you get Suoyang Pills? Get me one, I'll use it urgently, please!" Pi Dapao only treated Bao Lei as a comrade-in-arms on a ship, and said straight to the point.

"You want Suoyang Pill? Didn't Master Pi Ergou make it up by Wang Langjun? However, I am familiar with Bai Lan, so ask her, wait a minute!"

As soon as Bao Lei agreed to help, Pi Dapao immediately said gratefully: "Bao Lei, thank you!"

"By the way, Uncle Cannon, what's going on in the village, can you tell me about it?" Bao Lei was now focusing on Pi Cannon.As long as there is trouble, she will report it to Pi Ergou.

"Here in the village, I presided over the village committee meeting in the afternoon. At the meeting, the village committee unanimously agreed to revoke the positions of Wang Hongshang, the village leader of the Danai group, and Pi Dapeng, the leader of the Yaoqian group. The Danai group was led by Pi Jishi. Take over the village group leader, and the Yaoqian group will be taken over by the millennium bug. The most fertile farmland in Danai Village is concentrated in these two groups, and there is also a Xiaohe group. The village group leader of the Xiaohe group is Tian Ling. I am not sure about Tian Ling at the moment. Which team is it in? I'm going to test it out at night!" Pi Dapao treated Bao Lei as his own, and he didn't have any defense against her, so he said anything.

"Wow, Uncle Da Pao, what a big move today! Pi Guru is your adopted son, and the millennium bug is your most loyal dog leg. The two fattest village groups are all in your hands. Even if the village is divided, Pi Ergou I can't get any cheap!" Bao Lei held the leather cannon up to the sky.

"Hehe, it's all thanks to Director Bao. If it wasn't for Director Bao's vision and enlightenment to me, I wouldn't have thought of it!" Pi Dapao said complacently.

"Alright then, I'll help you get Suoyang Pills!"

Bao Lei put away the phone, and made another call to Pi Ergou: "Ergou, do you know? Pi Dapao was forced to agree to divide the village. But this afternoon, Pi Dapao held a village committee meeting. He put the kiln Pi Dapeng from the former group was removed and replaced by the dog-legged millennium bug. Wang Hongshang’s village leader was also removed and replaced by his son Pi Jiangu! Danai Village has the most fertile farmland in these two groups, plus the Xiaohe group , these three village groups have [-] mu of farmland. Once you are controlled by Pi Da Pao, the division of villages will be very bad for you!"

"I'll go, this old bastard is very fast. But it's useless. It's not up to him to decide how to divide the village. He can divide it as he wants? I'm not a fool, let him do it first!" Pi Ergou was The family hugged Ding Qing and kissed, and was not in a hurry to get the latest information from Bao Lei.I saw that Ding Qing seemed to be possessed, kissing him passionately, and at the same time gossiping: "Brother Dog, I want..."

Pi Ergou was so scared that he covered Ding Qingxiu's mouth: "Girl Qing, I'm on the phone, please keep your voice down!"

"Ergou, Pi Dapao is a village tyrant. If you want to say that he has a good brain, it's because his adopted son has a strong skin. This man, Ergou, you have to be careful! He's an adulterer, and he will come back soon. Come back from the provincial capital. You have another formidable enemy!" As she spoke, Bao Lei was sweating for him.

"You said that the skin is strong. No matter how powerful he is, I am as good as him? Let him come, I will beat him to the ground!" Pi Ergou said bullishly.

"Well, that's great. You have great strength, so I don't have to worry at all. By the way, Pi Dapao wants me to help you get a Cynomorium Pill. Ergou, do you have any on hand? If so, give him one." Let’s give him a sweet treat from time to time, so he will trust me!”

"Suoyang Pills. I still have some on hand, how can I get them to you?" Pi Ergouxin said that Bao Lei was undercover next to Pi Dapao, and that Pi Dapao's every move was under his control.

"To avoid suspicion, I'll call you when I get to the entrance of the village. See you at the old place!"

Putting down the phone, Pi Ergou didn't have the heart to get bored with Ding Qing, and quickly dialed Wang Hongshang's number.After asking, I found out that Wang Hongshang was not in the village. She went to the city to attend a friend's birthday.

Pi Ergou pretended to be calm and said: "Daughter-in-law, the latest information, Pi Dapao announced at the village committee meeting this afternoon that he would withdraw you and replace him with his son Pi Qiao. This old thing is very aggressive, and he dismissed you Even if, he removed his cousin Pi Dapeng as the village leader and replaced him with the dog-legged millennium bug. Logically speaking, Pi Dapeng is his cousin, so why remove him? Pi Dapao is out of his mind?"

Before the words finished, Ding Qing jumped in and submissively said in a low voice: "Brother Dog, that Liu Yan is looking for you! She said she has something important to tell you!"

Hearing that Liu Yan came so late, there must be something important.Thinking about it, he said to Wang Hongshang on the phone: "Daughter-in-law, Liu Yan is here, I'll call you later!" Putting down the phone, he ran out of the room to greet Liu Yan with the wind under his feet.

Dou saw that Liu Yan was wearing a Qibi skirt, white sneakers, and a tight top. When he saw Pi Ergou, he dragged him into the room and said, "Ergou, I put Pi Dapeng in front of Pi Dapao. That's it." -" At that moment, she told all about how to blame Pi Dapeng, how Pi Dapao was furious, how to remove Pi Dapeng's village leader, and how she asked Bao Lei to borrow money to buy a car.

Hearing this, Pi Ergou suddenly realized: "That's right. I said, Pi Dapao lost his mind and removed his brother's village leader for no reason. So that's what happened?"

"Ergou, Pi Dapeng was kicked out by Pi Cannon's camp. He probably will join our camp. Otherwise, he won't be able to survive in Danai Village!" Liu Yan looked at Pi Ergou with a smile on his face.

"You said Pi Dapeng, this guy has no skills. He depends on his wife for food. If it weren't for Guang Jiaojiao and Pi Dapao, he wouldn't be a fart!" Ergou looked down on this guy from the bottom of his heart.While talking, this guy turned his attention to Liu Yan, and said with a look of astonishment: "Sister Liu Yan, you are not afraid of accidents if you dress like this at night?"

"Ergou, I worked as a babysitter for Secretary Zhang's house and met an official's wife. She drove me here, otherwise, I wouldn't dare to walk the mountain road at night!" Liu Yan said with a big thunderbolt.

"Mrs. Guan? Who?"

"Shu Xin. She is the little wife of Wang Donghu, deputy director of the Jiuxing City Health Bureau!"

Shrimp, Health Bureau?

Why did the daughter-in-law of the director of the health bureau run to Secretary Zhang's house? My God, is it possible that the small town party secretary has such a big network?

Thinking of this, Pi Ergou said with nervousness all over his body: "No, sister Liu Yan, could she be a fake official wife? There is no reason for the daughter-in-law of the Director of the Health Bureau to come to the township?"

"Ergou, Secretary Zhang and Wang Xingyan are entertaining Miss Shu Xin for dinner at home. How can you pretend to be that? What's more, Shu Xin found us in Baiyang Town, and she is here for you!" Liu Yan looked at Pi Ergou seriously.

"Huh? You came here for me? Are you here to investigate my illegal practice of medicine?" Pi Ergouxin said meowing, this medical qualification certificate must be obtained as soon as possible.Otherwise, anyone could take a chicken feather as an arrow and shoot him right here!
Previously, he had entrusted Feng Xiangrong, the director of the health center, and also mentioned the medical qualification certificate to the deputy head of Huanggu District, Ambergris.But until now there is no text.

It seems that this medical qualification certificate is very difficult to obtain.

"No, no! Sister Shu Xin has taken a fancy to your Suoyang Pill, hehe!" Speaking of Suoyang Pill, Liu Yan burst into laughter.

"Uh, okay, okay. Where's Shu Xin, go ask her if she wants to meet me?" This guy was secretly happy, that's great, now he has a medical qualification certificate.

"Okay. But, Ergou, would you like to give me a kiss?" Liu Yannong was about to hug me.

Pi Ergou kissed Liu Yan like a hungry dog ​​seeing a meaty bone.The kiss made Liu Yanchun's heart flutter, and she said coquettishly: "Ergou, I'm dirty, so I'm afraid you will dislike me?" As she spoke, tears flowed from Liu Yan's eyes.

Seeing Liu Yan crying into tears, he is not a good guy.Think about how she became Pi Cannon's lover for revenge.Thinking about it, Pi Ergou couldn't bear it and said: "Sister Liu Yan, I know it's not easy for you, and I wronged you!"

"Brother Dog, as long as you can help me avenge me and bring down that old bastard, I will do anything!" Liu Yan wiped away her tears as she spoke.

"Okay then, go and ask the chief's wife!"

"Okay, I'll call her!"

After a while, Liu Yan rushed in excitedly and said, "Ergou, Sister Shu Xin wants you to go!"

(End of this chapter)

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