The strongest village doctor

Chapter 294: Leather Cannon's Performance

Chapter 294: Leather Cannon's Performance
"Comrade Shanhong, don't go to extremes. I know that Pi Da Pao is somewhat controversial in Danai Village. But I have to say that it was Pi Er Gou who challenged his authority! Before Pi Er Gou's rise, Pi Da Pao's village He is well-behaved. This is enough to prove that Pi Dapao is qualified to be the village head of Danai Village! Originally, Pi Ergou was a star of wealth creation. The new village brought a speech to Fulu! Now that he has passed away, do you count on a little village teacher Wang Hongshang? What will she do to lead the villagers to become rich? Comrade Shanhong, my decision is not over-the-top, nor is it to support the cannon! You have to understand!" Lao Zhang said meaningfully.

"Secretary Zhang, Pi Ergou did a lot of good things for Danai Village during his lifetime. He gave the villagers free medical treatment, and invented Suoyang pills, which rejuvenated the majority of men who were not very good at it, and saved many people's marriages. More importantly, he has increased the income of some poor families! If he hadn’t died young, Danai Village might really become the country’s number one rich star village in the future! Now that his bones are still alive, how can you treat Pi Ergou like this? As far as I know, it is Pi Dapao, the local emperor, who suppresses Pi Ergou everywhere! He is afraid that Pi Ergou will steal his limelight, so he secretly spoils the water and puts down the ingredients! The real problem is Pi Dapao, not Pi Ergou! When Wan Shanhong saw Lao Zhang commenting on Pi Ergou like this, she turned pale with anger.

Lao Zhang sees that Wan Shanhong maintains Pi Ergou everywhere, and now Pi Ergou is dead, so what if he maintains it well?If it weren't for the support of Pi Ergou for a dog day, would you, the mayor, be able to regain real power?
Well now, you should go back to being the mayor who took the blame for you!

After thinking about it, Lao Zhang smiled like a tiger and said: "Okay, okay, no matter how good Pi Ergou is, didn't God accept him? No matter how scumbag Leather Cannon is, why didn't God accept him? Comrade Shan Hong, Seeing that a person can’t act on his emotions! When Pi Dapao is the village head, at least he doesn’t mess around. With him as the village head, Danai Village has always been stable. Poor is poor, but the spiritual world of the villagers under his rule is very rich. This is commendable Oh! Look, when Pi Ergou came, he magnified his words and said that he wanted to lead the villagers to get rich. This made people in Danai Village panic, and some women followed him around, and became restless! The plan to divide the village was cancelled, so How about this!"

What Lao Zhang meant was obvious. This matter is a certainty and there is no room for negotiation.

"Secretary Zhang, even if you don't discuss it with me, there is no democratic voting process for such a big matter as the division of villages. If you say you can cancel it, you can cancel it. Is it appropriate to do this?" Wan Shan Hongxin said that anyway, Pi Ergou died, and she didn't want to be there. Baiyang Town will go on.As long as the Nitian rice and sorghum under Ergou's name are mature, and the last batch of Nitian wine is brewed, she will immediately ask the organization to transfer out of Baiyang Town.

"Comrade Shanhong, I have the final say on the division of villages! I say it's appropriate, so what, do you have an opinion?" Old Zhang said with a straight face.

"Hmph, Secretary Zhang wants to make a speech. How dare I have a problem with you, the mayor who is a small backer? Goodbye!" When Wan Shanhong stood up, she was weak and wobbly.She didn't know how she got back to the office.

Liu Yan, who was locked in the nanny's room, waited for Secretary Zhang to leave before she took out her mobile phone and called Wang Hongshang.She didn't know that Wang Hongshang led a professional mountaineering team to search for Pi Ergou's body in the vast Shiwan Dashan.

There is no signal in Shiwanda Mountain, so the phone will definitely not work.

Seeing that she couldn't get through, Liu Yan stopped struggling.Originally, Pi Ergou promised to help her avenge her, let her work as an undercover agent next to Pi Cannon, and collect evidence of Pi Cannon's corruption, so as to bring him down in one fell swoop.Who would have thought that, seeing that the work was done, at the critical moment, Ergou died!

Moreover, what made Liu Yan most desperate was that once Pi Ergou died, Lao Zhang quickly turned into a tiger and went down the mountain.He lost his scruples and clearly supported Pi Cannon, not to mention Wan Shanhong, even Wang Xingyan would give him three points!

After some consideration, Liu Yan decided not to work for Pi Da Pao anymore.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, she rode a battery car to Danai Village.Make an appointment with Pi Cannon to meet at the old place.

At this time, Pi Dapao saw that his mortal enemy Pi Ergou had gone to see Hades, and he was as happy as a new year.Just an hour ago, he received another good news from Secretary Zhang, saying that his application had been approved and the sub-village plan had been cancelled!This is undoubtedly a double blessing for Pi Cannon!
Once Pi Ergou died, Pi Dapao took full control of the largest village in the country—Danai Village again!

Now, the leaders of the three most important and lucrative village groups in Danai Village are all his confidants.Backed by Secretary Zhang, Pi Dapao was so happy that he couldn't close his mouth from ear to ear all day.

The old bastard has never been so sour in his life.

Hearing the sound of a woman crying from Pi Ergou's house, the old bastard set off firecrackers to celebrate Pi Ergou's meeting with Hades!
When the old guy received Liu Yan's invitation, he thought Liu Yan wanted to do something with him!
Satisfied in his heart, Pi Dapao came to the thatched barn in the village arrogantly.The cat went in and took a look, only to see the delicate Liu Yan standing among the piles of straw!
Pi Dapao thought he was dazzled, and waited for him to hug Liu Yan.Feeling Liu Yan's warm body, I believed it was not a dream.Immediately, Pi Dapao excitedly said: "Yan, I miss you so much! Wait for me, I'll be right back haha!"

As he said that, Pi Dapao slammed, and a guy came to Pi Ergou's house.

After searching for a day and a night, Pi Ergou has not been found.Most of the women in the family gave up hope, and everyone agreed that Ergou didn't want everyone to see his death, so he ran into Shiwanda Mountain alone.

Wang Hongshang, Toda Huilixiang and the others led the mountaineering team into the mountain to search for Ergou's body. On the home side, Xiang Hehua, Huang Yan, Bai Xing, Ren Yanyan and other women were all around. A mourning hall was set up at home, and the urgently made portrait of Ergou was placed in the center of the mourning hall.Everyone cheered up and prepared to have a grand funeral for Ergou.

When Pi Dapao rushed in, including Bai Lan and Cai Huahua, who had received the bad news, all took out their white funeral clothes, and prepared to wear linen and mourning for Ergou.

All the women in the family had tears in their eyes. Bai Lan and Cai Huahua had just arrived, and they were kneeling in front of Pi Ergou's portrait and weeping loudly.

There are also some villagers who have been favored by Ergou come to mourn.

Pi Cannon saw that the huge courtyard was full of people, there were hundreds of people.Immediately upset, he found Xiang Hehua with a dark face, called her into the room and said, "Lotus, is Pi Ergou really honorable? To be honest, Ergou is a wealth-creating star after all, and his death is a big blow to Danai." The village and even the entire Baiyang Town are a huge loss! He died, and I feel sad too. You know, he was only 20 years old, 20 years old. He didn’t even marry a wife. It’s so pitiful!”

Xiang Hehua was obviously very happy to see Pi Da Pao, and even shed a few crocodile tears.Immediately, he said disgustedly: "Cunnel Chief Pi, I heard that Pi Ergou died. You held a celebration reception at home and set off firecrackers to celebrate!"

"Lotus, you... What nonsense are you talking about? My family is not celebrating a reception, but my son Pi Jishi got married, so I will hold a make-up banquet. I set off firecrackers, not to celebrate Pi Ergou's pigtails, but to celebrate my son's marriage! You know Is it?" Pi Cannon roared.

"Oh, oh, it's a coincidence that your family will hold a wedding banquet as soon as Pi Ergou dies, isn't it a coincidence?" Xiang Lianhua taunted.

"Yeah, it's such a coincidence! By the way, did you find Ergou's body?" To be honest, when Pi Cannon set off firecrackers to celebrate Ergou's ascension to heaven, he really didn't realize that there were so many people present after this guy's death. Come to his funeral.

Seeing that more and more villagers came to express their condolences, Pi Dapao, the villain, changed his mind. As the village head, he had to put on a show no matter how happy he was.At least, let the villagers of Danai Village see that his leather cannon is also a supporter of Ergou.In this way, the hearts of the lost can be brought back to some extent.

Immediately doing what he said, Pi Dapao hurriedly called Jiang Ying, the yellow-faced woman at home, and asked her to go to the town to buy a wreath and come back.Jiang Ying thought that Pi Dapao had changed his sex, so he happily ran to the town to buy wreaths.

While waiting for the wreaths, Pi Dapao pretended to invite a pair of suona players he was familiar with, and helped to contact the theater troupe.

Some villagers who came to express their condolences saw that Pi Dapao ignored the previous suspicions and made funeral arrangements for Pi Ergou.The bad impression of him has been greatly changed.

"Village Chief Pi is not bad. When Ergou was alive, the two fought so fiercely. Ergou ascended to heaven, and Village Chief Pi ignored the previous suspicions, tsk tsk, what a belly!"

"You don't know, do you? When Ergou died, someone held a celebration party at home and set off firecrackers!"

"No way? Is there some misunderstanding?"


When Pi Dapao saw that the villagers started talking about him setting off firecrackers, he asked the dog leg millennium bug to bring his electronic horn.After getting the trumpet, the village chief Pi delivered a speech at Ergou's house: "Folks of Danai Village, Pi Ergou is a once-in-a-thousand-year wealth-creating star, and he is a god! His death is the responsibility of our elders. The loss of Naimura is the loss of Baiyang Town, and it is a huge loss for the people of the whole country! Pi Ergou died, and I am very sad! Did you see that my eyes are red, why, because I cried? "

"Just now, when I came to help, I heard some villagers talking, saying that I held a celebration party at home and set off firecrackers to celebrate Pi Ergou's death! This is simply nonsense! Regarding the firecrackers, I will explain to everyone Ha, that’s it. I have an adopted son, Pi Jian. Everyone knows that. Just a few days ago, that kid brought back a girlfriend from the provincial capital. Because they have obtained the certificate, they haven’t done it in their hometown yet. Banquet. I will organize a small-scale wedding banquet for that child. The day is an auspicious day chosen by Mr. Feng Shui. I never expected that something happened to Pi Ergou! Is it correct? Firecrackers were set off at my house, and then there were a few unscrupulous rumors, saying that I was celebrating the death of Pi Ergou! This is really worse than Dou E!"

The folks present saw that Pi Dapao's words were reasonable and almost impeccable.Suddenly, the bottom exploded.

"Let me tell you, Village Chief Pi is the village chief of Danai Village, he won't do such a wicked thing!"

"That's right, who is wicked to create such rumors?"

"If Village Chief Pi celebrates, he won't come over to help Er Gou with his funeral!"


At this time, a few villagers apologized to Pi Dapao: "Mr. Pi, we also believed in rumors by mistake. I'm sorry, I blamed you!"

"Cunleader Pi, you are a good village chief of Danai Village. We are lucky to have you as village chief in Danai Village!" the millennium bug flattered us.

Seeing that he had successfully restored his reputation, Pi Dapao was secretly proud, and wondered if there was someone as smart as me in Danai Village, no!

After a while, Jiang Ying brought back the wreath he bought, and Pi Dapao pretended to write the words "Pi Ergou, the star of wealth creation", and pasted it on. With a sad expression on his face, he bowed three times to Pi Ergou's portrait.

Ding Qing, Xiang Hehua, Li Chunzhu and other women all knew that Pi Dapao hated Pi Ergou to the bone. When Ergou died, he even set off firecrackers to celebrate.But they still have to run around and jump up and down, nothing more than trying to win the hearts of the people.They all stared at Pi Da Pao with unfriendly expressions.

Pi Dapao knew that he was not welcome in Ergou's house, but this old guy was thicker than a chopping board.

After putting on a show, he ran to Pi Ergou's bedroom to search for things.When Xiang Hehua and Ding Qing heard something was wrong, they rushed in and asked, "Cun Chief Pi, what are you doing?"

(End of this chapter)

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