The strongest village doctor

Chapter 301 Inheritance Dispute

Chapter 301 Inheritance Dispute
After the two daughters discussed it properly, they went back to Ergou's house all the way.Going into the bedroom, I saw Jiang Xuemei and Ren Yanyan sleeping like dead pigs, unable to wake up no matter how much they screamed.Huang Yan looked for her mobile phone in her lap, only to find that her mobile phone was gone!
At this time, someone said: "Where is Akui? Akui is the security guard of the four major bases. Where did he go?"

Xiang Hehua sighed and said, "Ah Kui followed Wang Hongshang and went into the mountains to find Pi Ergou!"

While the women were at a loss, they heard the roar of the motorcade outside the courtyard.It's a convoy of more than a dozen people!
A few women ran out full of anticipation, only to see that the person who came was none other than Jiang Juling, the big knife girl they were looking for!

I saw Jiang Juling wearing black clothes, even her shoes were black, and she was wearing a black cloth on her shoulders.Wearing big sunglasses, she jumped out of the car with a solemn face, and then asked someone to remove more than a dozen wreaths from a pickup truck behind, and placed them outside the courtyard gate of Ergou's house.Due to too many people sending wreaths, Ergou's huge yard couldn't fit them all, so they had to place them outside in a row.

With an order, Jiang Juling brought more than a dozen black-clothed men to Ergou's spirit and bowed three times to Ergou's portrait.

Suddenly, Jiang Juling threw herself in front of the portrait and cried loudly, "Brother Dog, why did you leave? Wuwu, you left me, what should I do? Wow, I'm going to die too!"

Thump, thump!
Jiang Juling slammed her head on the table in grief, and the table shook loudly.Seeing that the situation was not good, her subordinates hurriedly pulled the boss away.

Huang Yan stepped forward and said, "A-Ling, my condolences. We are looking for you in a hurry!"

"Find me?"

"Yes, after Ergou's death, the village head, Pi Dapao, made plans for Ergou's property. No, just last night, this old fellow held a village committee meeting, saying that Pi Ergou was an orphan and had no direct heirs. , declaring that all properties under his name will be taken over by the village committee!" Huang Yan said heartbroken.

"Fuck, Pi Dabao is an old thing, so arrogant?" Jiang Juling's fighting spirit was aroused by one sentence, and she was gnashing her teeth for a while, as if she was gnawing on someone's bones.

"A Ling, right now, at the Nitiancai base, the village chief Pi announced that he will take over the buying and selling rights of the Nitiancai. The proceeds from selling the vegetables will belong to the village collective! Also, in order to save money, the village chief took the 150 yuan per day The wages were reduced to [-] yuan. The female workers are not happy!" Ding Qing said angrily.

"Sisters, Pi Dapao wants to snatch Brother Gou's heaven-defying vegetables. We are good friends of Brother Gou. Even if we do our best, we must get back Brother Gou's property. Let's go!" The car turned around and went straight to the Nitiancai base.She took the lead, and her horse girl drove the locomotive, followed closely by Tutu.

The battle was about to break out, and the air in Danai Village suddenly became tense.

Xu Yi, Jiang Juling's convoy stopped at the roadside of Nitiancai base. Jiang Juling got off the car, spit out the chewing gum in her mouth, and looked at Pi Qiao in a foolish way and said, "Hey, who are you? Why are you robbing me?" Brother Gou's heaven-defying dish, do you want to compare your face!"

"Haha, isn't this Jiang Juling, the little sister of the Jiang family? Oh, I haven't seen you for a few years, she looks so beautiful? Wow, Pi Ergou is a corpse, what do you call Brother Gou? Why don't you mess with me? Okay, I'll give you 5000 yuan each, how about it?" Pi Jishi knew the name of Jiang Juling, the big knife girl, this girl is very famous in Jiuxing City, regardless of her young age.

"Fart your mother! This is my dog ​​brother's heaven-defying food, why are you running here? Get out!" Jiang Juling said with a livid face.

At this time, Ding Qing ran forward and told Jiang Juling that Pi Qiaoshi was the adopted son of Pi Dapao.

"Hey you little girl, don't be ignorant of flattery. Pi Ergou's gourmet food is now under the control of the village committee of Danai Village, and Secretary Zhang personally approved it. If you have the ability, go to Secretary Zhang!" Pi Ergou The firmness is full of flow.

As soon as Jiang Juling heard the name Pi Gouti, her delicate body trembled and her face changed.However, she forced herself to be calm and said, "Shit, Secretary Zhang will take care of this? You think I'm a fool, only you and your son can do this! I won't talk to you, and leave the base within 5 minutes! "

"Haha, Daomei, you have someone, I don't? You wait!" After Pi Jishi finished speaking, he made a call.After a while, three black cars were heard coming quickly.

Seven or eight black-clothed women got out of the car. These black-clothed women were all covered with veils, and their faces were faintly visible, which looked a little weird.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Jiang Juling saw the woman in black at the head, her complexion changed drastically: "Mu Gong, this dead Sanba can release snakes, her snakes are deadly!"

Seeing Mu Gong coming, Jiang Juling bit the bullet and said: "Skin is strong, I have relatives on me now, so it is not convenient to fight. Three days later, you will bring your troops and go to Danai Mountain for a duel, do you dare?"

"Haha, okay, okay, I'll stay with you to the end haha!" Pi Jishi was famous for being an adulterer, as soon as he heard it, he knew that Jiang Juling was afraid, and he was immediately happy as if it was a New Year's Eve.

"Little ones, three days later, there will be a decisive battle at Danai Mountain, let's retreat first!" Jiang Juling gave an order, and in the blink of an eye, she fled back to Nine Star City with a dozen of her men.

Ding Qing, Xiang Hehua and the others saw that the culprit of poisoning Pi Ergou was Pi Jian's subordinates, they were so frightened that they didn't dare to breathe.

At this moment, a small red car drove rapidly from the town.

After a while, the car raised dust all the way and stopped at the base of Nitiancai.Wan Shanhong was dressed in a black dress, with a black cloth pinned to his arm, walked up to Pi Qiaoshi and said, "Pi Qiaoshi, you are very capable, I heard that you have taken over all the properties under Pi Ergou's name. Is there such a thing?"

"Report to Mayor Wan, I am wronged! This is agreed by Secretary Zhang. Since Pi Ergou is an orphan, he has no direct heir. Therefore, Secretary Zhang agrees that the village committee of Danai Village will take over all properties under the name of Pi Ergou. The profits will be distributed to all the villagers of Danai Village at the end of the year! It is not I who want to take over, but the village committee. To be precise, Secretary Zhang agreed to take over!" The secretary goes.

"Skin is strong, don't press me with Secretary Zhang! You, a small village leader, dare to talk to me in such a tone. Who do you think you are, call your father over!" Wan Shanhong angrily yelled.

Pi Gyu was scolded bloody, and at his level, he really didn't have the right to speak out.He drove home disheartened and took his adoptive father, Pi Dapao, over.

Although Pi Dapao was backed by Secretary Zhang, Wan Shanhong was also the mayor of the town. He, a village chief, didn't dare to refute face. After getting off the car, he salivated and said, "Oh, mayor Wan is here, is it too far to welcome him? Wan Zhen Long, it’s too hot here, why don’t you go to my house for tea. Then I’ll explain it to you, okay?”

"Just say it here. You avoided seeing me last night, Pi Dapao, you old bastard is getting fatter and fatter? Tell me, your son has taken over Pi Ergou's food, what's going on? "

"Mayor Wan, it's like this—" At that moment, Pi Dapao opened the sack and poured potatoes, revealing everything about the village committee meeting held last night.When it fell, I didn't forget to carry out the great god Secretary Zhang.

In order to convince Wan Shanhong, Pi Dapao specially played the recording of Secretary Zhang's phone call.

After listening to the phone recording, Wan Shanhong straightened her face and said, "Pi Dapao, I didn't hear the meaning of Secretary Zhang's approval from the beginning to the end. He means that there is no historical precedent for taking over Pi Ergou's business, is it legal? , can you take over, you have to ask the lawyer first! Have you asked the lawyer yet?"

"This... I really want to ask the lawyer, our Pi family is the legal heir, right? I don't want the Pi family now, and I will share it with all the villagers of Danai Village. Mayor Wan, in dealing with the inheritance of Pi Ergou In this matter, I really dare not have any selfishness! Besides, Secretary Zhang handed over the decision-making power to me, and he let me handle it! This is tantamount to acquiescence, that is to say, the matter of taking over the Piergou industry will be obtained. With Secretary Zhang's consent!" Pi Dapao argued in an orderly manner.

While the two were arguing, Tian Xiaoxia stepped forward and reported: "Mayor Wan, Secretary Zhang is on the phone!"

As soon as Secretary Zhang called, Wan Shanhong answered, "Secretary Zhang."

"Comrade Shanhong, I heard that you went to the countryside to find Pi Da Pao. How is it? What did Pi Da Pao do? Please report to me!"

"Secretary Zhang, it's like this—" At that moment, Wan Shanhong told Lao Zhang truthfully how Pi Da Pao took over Pi Er Gou's business.

Lao Zhang pondered for a while, and then he expressed his opinion: "Comrade Shanhong, I think this Pi Ergou is gone. He is an orphan and has no direct heir. According to the law, Pi Dapao is Pi Ergou's uncle. , his family can be legally inherited. Now, Pi Dapao doesn't want to monopolize it, he is willing to share the property of Pi Ergou with all the villagers of Danai Village. It was a resolution passed by the village committee, so let him take over temporarily! What do you think?"

Seeing Lao Zhang turning a corner to support Pi Cannon, Wan Shanhong couldn't lose his temper and said, "Secretary Zhang, according to the information I got, Pi Ergou confessed his will to his girlfriend Wang Hongshang before he died. He made it very clear that after his death, the profits from the property under his name will be used to build a four-lane asphalt road leading to the town! That is to say, only Wang Hongshang has the right to deal with Pi Ergou's inheritance!"

"Didn't Wang Hongshang lose contact? I think, before Wang Hongshang comes back, let the village branch take over the property under Pi Ergou's name! That's it. It just so happens that the town is holding a new environmental protection conference, and there are leaders in the city. Participate, come back quickly to attend the meeting!"

Seeing that Lao Zhang had no room for negotiation, Wan Shanhong stomped her feet angrily, but she was only the mayor of the town, and she had to listen to the top leaders in everything.There was no other way, Wan Shanhong said to Tian Xiaoxia depressedly: "Girl, let's go back!"

(End of this chapter)

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