The strongest village doctor

Chapter 356 Village Chief Wang Hongshang

Chapter 356 Village Chief Wang Hongshang

"Mr. Pi, stop pretending. Most of the ten village committee members of the original Danai Village are your cronies. Even if there is opposition, they dare not speak out! As long as you sign, the village division plan will be finalized. From now on, you will be in the second village. , I will help you rent 5 mu of farmland every year. [-] yuan per mu, that’s [-] million yuan. Village Chief Pi, are you still satisfied? I think you don’t want to toast or eat fine wine, you should sign Good. Once you sign, as long as Secretary Zhang approves, Danai Village's sub-village plan will be completed!" Pi Ergou said simply and clearly.Having said that, the rent for this [-] mu is as high as [-] million.He can only get more than [-] million yuan, and it is certainly impossible to eat so many fields at once.To step by step.

"[-] mu is gross, and it's not mine. It has nothing to do with me? The Danai group, the Xiaohe group, the Yaoqian group, and even the Huangwu group, all the good village groups have been snatched away by you bastard. Well, just give it to some remote village groups that don’t shit, and you can’t even drive in! In a word, I won’t sign if I die, what can you do to me? You want to hit me? Come on, have a kind Come and hit me?" Pi Dapao put on the look of a dead pig not afraid of boiling water.

"Pi Dapao, you are my boss's defeated opponent now, what are you doing? Are you qualified? Let me tell you, this time my boss is negotiating with you, and I got the support of the secretary's wife!" Toda Erika raised eyebrows. road.

"Mr. Pi, my patience is limited. I'll give you another 5 minutes to think about it!" Pi Ergouxin said that this old thing is at the end of its strength, and if you don't sign it, you have to sign it.It really doesn't work, there is only a big move!

For this negotiation, Pi Ergou was fully prepared and prepared three plans.Anyway, he is determined to win the territory of Danai Village!
"Bastard, I'm the village head, you know! Why do you have to be condescending. Who are you shouting for? Ah. What are you, dare to dictate to the village head?! Get out, get out of here!" The more Pi Dapao roared crazily, the more he proved his guilt.

"Mr. Pi, why are you acting like a child? I'm here to talk to you about the subdivision of the village. This is a major national event, understand? No matter how loud you shout, it's of no use? That's enough to scare me? Don't you Sign, how can I get out? If I scare away so easily, I won't come to your house, understand?" Pi Ergou looked at Pi Dapao with a naughty look.

"What do you want?"

"Fencun, how about it? I'll give you 5 minutes, how about it?" shouting, Pi Ergou began to pinch the watch, and said: "It's only three minutes and eight seconds!"

After a while, Toda Erika also reported: "One point, only 1 minute!"

"Fuck, I just don't sign, what can you do?" Pi Dapao sneered, snorted, rolled his eyes and felt guilty, disdainful.At this time, he seemed to have opened a colorful shop, his face was colorful, as exciting as it could be.

"Boss, it's time!"

When Pi Ergou heard that the time was up, he said confidently: "Cun Chief Pi, are you sure you don't want to sign? Have you made up your mind?"

"Do you still need to think about it? Who are you? If you say that the village is divided, the village will be divided? I just don't sign, what can you do to me?" Pi Dapao glared at Pi Ergou bullishly.

"Okay, Lixiang, you go to the car and get the notebook. I have something to show you!" Ergouxin said meowing, when I arranged for Liu Yan to be an undercover agent, was it for nothing?
"Bastard, are you scaring ghosts? I, Pi Dapao, have been the head of Danai Village for more than ten years. I have a clean sleeve, clean and honest, and I don't take bribes or corruption. You're a bitch, and you're still exposing bad news. Hahaha! "

"Mr. Pi, you won't be able to laugh anymore!" Pi Ergou said with a calm face.

Soon, Toda Erika returned with a laptop in her arms.After turning it on, record all the audio and video recordings recorded by Liu Yan.From Pi Dapao, in order to win Liu Yan's favor, sending a watch and money, and sending a 20 car to Pi Dapao, in order to keep Liu Yan, Xu Yi village leader and 10 yuan benefits, etc., all played out .

Halfway through, Pi Dapao soon couldn't hold back anymore, and said in horror: "Pi Ergou, you bastard, you secretly photographed me? Oh no, that stinky Liu Yan must have sold me, She recorded it for you, right? You bastard?"

"Major Pi, don't you want Liu Yan, okay? Liu Yan is infatuated with you, how can you suspect her? It was I who asked someone to sneak in Liu Yan's house, farm, including her body, and in her bag. , and your home has installed pinhole monitoring equipment!" He said with a few words that pulled Liu Yan out.

"You!" Pi Dapao said in his heart, "Shut up, calm down, calm down!"If such a big news is really exposed, not only will the village chief's black hat be lost, but he will also have to be sentenced.

"Cun Chief Pi, according to the evidence I have obtained, you took more than 50 yuan from the small treasury of Danai Village privately under various names. All the money was used for the pleasure of underground lovers!"

Frightened by these few words, Pi Dapao looked around and saw that his mother-in-law Jiang Ying was not present, so he relented and said, "Ergou, as long as you promise to destroy these things and keep them secret for me, and my village chief won't Throw it, I'll sign it right away!"

"As long as you sign the village division agreement and all evidence against you is destroyed, you will still be the village chief of Danai No. [-] Village!" Pi Ergou decided.

"Okay! Then who will be the new village head of Danai No. [-] Village? Are you going to be the head of the village yourself?" Now Pi Da Pao is completely lost.The other party had the evidence to kill him, but he was kept in the dark.If any of the evidence that Er Gou produced was exposed, it would be able to take off his black hat.There is no way, in order to keep the position of village chief, Pi Dapao finally chose to compromise.

"No, no, I'm not the village chief!" Pi Ergouxin said, what's so good about being a village chief?He has no intention of going into politics at all, he just wants to make money in a low-key manner, and make a lot of money!As for the village head, he only needs to support one of his own people!

"Oh." Pi Cannon was thoughtful.

"Cunnel Chief Pi, since we've finished the negotiation, let's sign it!" Ergou urged with a smile on his face.

"Okay, I'll sign!"

In this way, the two sides who were originally at war, shook hands and made peace as soon as they turned around.

After the signing of the two parties was postponed, the Danai Village sub-village plan was finalized.

That afternoon, the village division agreement was approved by Secretary Zhang.

Pi Ergou excitedly showed Wan Shanhong the agreement.Wan Shanhong glanced twice, and saw that there was a signature and a seal of Pi Dapao on it.On the header of the agreement, there are two big words—Agree

It looks like Secretary Zhang's words.

Immediately, Wan Shanhong was very pleasantly surprised and said: "Ergou, if it wasn't for the autograph of Leather Cannon on it, I still wouldn't believe it!"

"Wow, Brother Gou, you are really amazing! Let me see—" Tian Xiaoxia excitedly stepped forward and said.

A few people were happy as if they were celebrating the new year, and Wang Xingyan also walked in with a happy face, announcing the good news: "I have made a deal with Lao Zhang. He agreed that Wang Hongshang will be the village head of Danai No. [-] Village. There is a vacancy for the village party secretary. Wang Hongshang is actually the top leader! Are you happy now?"

"Well, well, I admit it's a happy event!"

"Mayor Wan, Lao Zhang said that you will go to Danai Village in the afternoon and hold a village meeting. Announce the matter of the sub-village?" Wang Xingyan looked at Wan Shanhong with a smile and said.

"Sister Wang, I'm afraid this is inappropriate. For such a big event in the sub-village, if you want to make news, you must call a reporter from the city. I can't wait for such a big scene. Secretary Zhang must announce it in person?" Although Wan Shanhong's backer has returned, several years of polishing have made her smooth and steady.At this time, the more she can't steal the limelight.

"Well, that's fine. I'll tell Lao Zhang!"

Early the next morning, the branching work of Danai Village was officially launched. The relevant staff from the town, including those from the Land and Resources Office, were the first to enter the site and were responsible for reconfirming the boundaries of the two villages.Because the line between Dashuxia and Xiaohe Formation has long been drawn.The demarcation this time is just to confirm, basically it is a process.

If there is a change, it is that the village committee headed by Pi Dapao has moved out of the village committee compound one after another.This three-story village committee compound is located in the Danai group, and now the Danai group is in the Danai No. [-] village under Wang Hongshang's management.Pi Dapao moved away, and the village committee compound naturally became Wang Hongshang's office building.

Just before ten o'clock in the morning, the village committee compound of Danai No. [-] Village was replaced with a new plaque.

Wang Hongshang officially settled in the village committee compound as the head of Danai No. [-] Village.

At 10:30 in the morning, the village meeting was successfully held.This division of the village is of great significance, and the town specially invited reporters from the city.Zhang Dakuang, the leader of Baiyang Town, gave an important speech at the meeting, and Wan Shanhong, the mayor of Baiyang Town, attended the meeting.

So far, Danai Village has transformed into two villages, one is Danai Village, with Wang Hongshang as the head of the village.The other is the second village of Danai, where Youpi Dapao is still the head of the village.

I was busy until five o'clock in the afternoon, and the work after the village division came to an end.

Let's talk about Pi Ergou.At this time, he was soaking vegetable seeds, notoginseng seeds, the five raw medicine seeds of Suoyang pills, rice seeds, and sorghum with the spiritual rain that he had prayed for.This time, Jiang Xuemei, the manager of vegetables, Ren Yanyan, the manager of medicinal materials, and Jin Lan, the manager of Nitian Rice, wholesaled a large number of seeds from Nine Star City.Ready to further expand the scale of cultivation.

Working until seven o'clock in the evening, Pi Ergou was so tired that he was sweating all over his body. As soon as he arrived at the door, he received a call from Pi Dapao.

Now Pi Dapao is much more polite when talking to him.

"Ergou, according to the village division agreement, you rent 5 mu of farmland in Danai No. [-] Village. This is a prerequisite, [-] yuan per mu per year, no less. You have to hurry up!" Pi Dapao urged him Rent a field.

"Major Pi, for 5 mu of farmland, [-] yuan per mu, the total rent is as high as [-] million. I don't have that much financial resources, and it is impossible to rent it all at once. However, if I rent [-] mu within a year, I will definitely No problem!" Pi Ergou nodded.

"No, the agreement didn't say to rent in batches? Ergou, now that the villages are divided, you said that you want to rent fields in batches. Isn't this a scam?" Pi Dapao said dissatisfied.

"Mr. Pi, the agreement didn't specify that the rent should be rented out all at once? It's impossible to pay [-] million rent at a time, isn't it?"

"Hey you guy, you took advantage of the loophole again. Then tell me the truth, how much can you rent these days?"

"In the past few days, with my financial resources, I can rent about a thousand acres, 5000 million yuan. This is possible!"

Hearing this, Pi Dapao smacked his lips secretly, thinking that this bastard has made so much money in just a few months?He can spend 5000 million yuan just to rent a field.If you do the math, this guy's card must be at least [-] million!Thinking that Pi Ergou was already a billionaire, Pi Dapao suddenly lost his temper and said, "Okay, then it's settled, let's rent a thousand acres first. I will start renting land tomorrow, and wait for the thousand households The quota is registered, and I will call you again!"

(End of this chapter)

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