Chapter 373

"Okay, for the sake of 500 million, I won't argue with you. You are the leader, what will you do next? I will follow your command!" After learning of Pi Ergou's true strength, Feng Hongyu dared not Too big.She finally knew that without Pi Ergou, no one would be able to deal with this ghost villa.

Now, Pi Ergou is her God of Wealth.No matter how bad her temper is, she won't have trouble with the God of Wealth, right?

"Okay, my plan is this, after Niubapi sees the Yin soldiers and escorts him away. Let's break your master's soul lock and go straight to the basement. I suspect that the basement is the haunt of ghost generals! Okay, let's go to the basement." Is there a problem?"

"There's nothing else wrong. Just how to divide the 500 million?" Feng Hongyu is actually similar to a steak, only she earns other people's money, and it's harder than heaven to get the money out of her pocket.

"I exorcise evil spirits and see a doctor for free, and the 500 million yuan is yours. You don't need a penny!"

The bomb thrown by this guy made Fenghongyu's ears ringing, and he said in surprise: "No, Ergou, it's 500 million, you really don't want it?"

"I said no, are you unhappy?"

"No, no! I just thought you were a bit stupid. This is the first time I've seen people in this world who don't want money!" Feng Hongyu said with an incredulous expression.

"Who said I don't need money anymore? I just don't need money to catch ghosts and see a doctor, because my parents missed the best time because they didn't have money. Do you understand?"

"Oh, then you have done good deeds? There are tens of thousands of sick people in the world, and you can help them alone? It's not a drop in the bucket, it's worth it!"

Seeing Feng Hongyu's persistent gossip, Pi Ergou said angrily, "Shut up! Let's go!"

After finishing speaking, Pi Ergou came to the gate of the courtyard and punched him, thump!
The heavy courtyard door snapped open with a dull bang.Suddenly there was a gust of wind gushing out.He pointed the steak skin at his nose and sneezed violently.

Immediately afterwards, the second door was also bounced open by his punch.Then, Pi Ergou and Feng Hongyu, one on the left and one on the right, protected the steak skin.

The three of them entered the hall of the villa side by side with their headlamps on!

Unlike last night, as soon as they entered, there was a clapping sound.

The sound of ghost clapping exploded in the pitch-black villa, which sounded very strange, giving people the illusion of coming to the underworld.

"Boss Pi, Hongyu Guliang, is there really a ghost? Are all ghosts clapping their hands? Why are they clapping their hands?" Niu Papi was bold enough, but he heard so many ghosts clapping with his own ears. He was so scared that his scalp exploded!
"Ghosts clap their hands, that's a sign of welcome! You're here, which means that the Yin soldiers can have a big meal!" The guy said dejectedly.

"Ah? I'm not a woman, my meat doesn't taste good!"

"Old cow, Yin ghosts don't eat your flesh, they suck your yang essence until they turn you into a mummy!" Feng Hongyu didn't say anything good.

"Oh my god, Hongyu Guliang, mine, I won't watch it, I'll withdraw it first, ah." Saying that, the steak skin wanted to grease the soles of his feet.

Feng Hongyu grabbed him and said, "Old Niu, the Yin soldiers haven't come out yet. You can't leave!"

"Yeah, tell me later that we cheated you of your money under the guise of a shady soldier! You can't leave if you don't see the yin soldier!" Pi Ergouxin said that this old traitor made a lot of money, and he deserved it Take it easy.

Before the words fell, the beef steak suddenly came, oh my god!Scream like a pig slaughtered.When Pi Ergou turned on the light, he saw that Niu Papi was tripped by the female corpse and fell to the ground.

There was only one body yesterday, but now there are two red fruit female corpses.The smaller one looked fresh, but white maggots began to come in and out from the seven orifices.

The highly decomposed female corpse had colorful corpse water flowing out from her whole body, densely packed maggots kept huddling and rolling, and some of them wriggled on the skin of the steak.

Niu Papi was scared out of his wits and crawled around the ground.Pi Ergou carried him behind him and said, "Lock the Soul Talisman!"

Feng Hongyu flew out two soul-locking talismans, pinning the two female corpses to death.

"Be careful!" Feng Hongyu yelled, and then slapped a soul-locking talisman on the forehead of a Yin soldier.

The yin soldier was immediately hit by the immobilization method and couldn't move.

"Ghost, there is a ghost, ah!" Now Niu Papi knew what a ghost soldier was.It turned out that these Yin soldiers were all blasted out of ancient corpses. A skeleton was wearing a heavy armor, holding a spear, and some held a big knife. He rushed at anyone, very fierce!

Pi Ergou knocked seven or eight Yin soldiers into the air one after another, and every time he flew one, more Yin soldiers would charge into the battle.

The villa was so dark that a skull popped out of nowhere.The burdock skin was frightened, his trouser legs were dripping with urine, and he fell to the ground, shaking with fright.

"Boss Niu, these are Yin soldiers. There are at least a hundred Yin soldiers stationed in this villa, all raised by hundreds of thousands of ancient corpses! Can you see clearly?" Ergou was so frightened when he saw the old traitor , could not help a burst of contempt.

Feng Hongyu had sharp teeth, and couldn't help mocking: "Lao Niu, you are a big boss, why did you pee in fright?"

"Ah? I don't have it. Boss Pi, Hongyu Guliang, I saw it. You are telling the truth! Now, please escort me out, okay?"

"Lao Niu, I will escort you out now, in case you are safe and turn your back on it. Who do we go to? Then, you write a check on the spot!" Pi Ergou said worriedly.

"Okay, okay, I'll write it!" As he said that, Niu Baopi took out the checkbook, swiped the pen, and wrote in the column of the payee's name. Niu Bapi asked, "Whose name should you write?"

"Write about her. I don't want money!"

"Ah? Boss Pi, you don't want money? Then what do you want?" Niu Papi was taken aback, thinking that he knew that Pi Ergou would catch ghosts for free, why would I pay 500 million.I'm so stupid to spend so much money.Thinking of this, this old treacherous villain regretted it.

"I catch ghosts for free, I don't want you!" Pi Ergou said decisively.

"Oh my god, Boss Pi, you are the reincarnated Bodhisattva. If I had known, I would have invited you!" After saying this, Niu Ba Pi realized that he had slipped the tongue and offended Feng Hongyu.

"Lao Niu, you don't know Pi Ergou without me, don't you? Besides, I have reached a verbal alliance with Pi Ergou. In the future, we will watch Fengshui catch ghosts, and both will be dispatched. He is free, and I will charge a fee!" Feng Hongyuxin said, Pi Ergou is a bastard, he is free, and he has gone to him, so I won’t starve to death?
Hey, you damn girl, you're really cunning and cunning, pull me back.

"Guliang Hongyu, I made a mistake, I'm sorry! The check has been written, here it is!" Saying this, Niu Baopi handed over a 500 million cash check.

Feng Hongyu looked and looked again and again with the lamp on, and after confirming that it was correct, he helped the bullock skin up, and Pi Ergou and Pi Ergou each sided, the Yin soldiers rushed over, one slammed with an iron fist, and the other slapped the forehead with a soul-locking talisman.Finally, he blazed a trail and escorted the devastated burdock out safely.

Soon, the bodyguard picked up the ox skin. Ding Baoyi went back to the city first. Toda Huilixiang was worried about Ergou, so she stepped forward and said, "Boss, how are you?"

"I'm fine, let's rest for a while!" Several people sat on the ruins, eating something to replenish their energy.

At this time, more than a dozen women in black appeared like ghosts, stepped forward, and respectfully said to Pi Ergou: "Boss!"

"Hongyu, this is Mugong. Sister Mugong, how many people did you bring with you?"

"To the boss, there are fifteen people in total, basically all of them who can leave have been brought!" Mu Gong said faithfully.

"You stay put and wait for my arrangement!"

"Yes, boss!" Mu Gong stood aside and waited for orders as if he had accepted the imperial order.

Pi Ergou called Shangfeng Hongyu, and the two returned to the lobby of the villa.

The lobby is a patio pattern, and you can see the sky when you look up.As soon as the two of them came back, the whole villa erupted in a strange clapping sound again.

"Er Gou, listen to the sound of clapping hands, how many Yin soldiers are there? One hundred, two hundred?" Feng Hongyu couldn't help feeling a little nervous when she saw such a large formation.

As soon as the words fell to the ground, a group of Yin soldiers rushed forward without thinking.The spear stabbed towards him very powerfully, but it was too late and then it was too fast. Pi Ergou grabbed the spear and bent it in the opposite direction, and the spear broke into two pieces with a click.With a punch, the two Yin soldiers flew out backwards at the same time.After a while, two loud bangs were heard.

"Red fish, don't use your soul-locking charms indiscriminately, I'll blow them away!" Pi Ergou stretched out his hand and pulled Feng Hongyu towards him.Unexpectedly, with excessive force, a certain part of Feng Hongyu was released, and her lower abdomen became hot immediately, and she actually felt agitated.

He didn't have time to think, he protected Feng Hongyu with one hand, and kept punching iron fists with the other, knocking out the Yin soldiers who rushed up one by one.

Thump, thump, thump!
The sound of holes in the wall continued to be heard, dust and smoke filled the lobby, and it was completely chaotic...

After more than a dozen punches and more than a dozen Yin soldiers blasted away, Pi Ergou finally arrived at the door leading to the basement.Only after I touched it did I realize that it was an iron door. The soul lock amulet pasted on it was blown apart, and the soul lock chain was gone.

"Ergou, you guessed right, my master's seal has been broken. The ghost general's lair is in the basement!" Feng Hongyu felt goose bumps all over his body when he thought of the ghost general hiding in the basement.However, even though she is a girl, she is extraordinarily courageous!

The old treacherous steak skin was scared to pee, but Feng Hongyu was fine.

"Well, you prepare the soul-locking talisman, I will lead the way, and you will be in the back! Be careful, no matter what happens, don't leave me half a step!" Feng Hongyu's mana injection was used for defense, and she had no attack power.Therefore, Pi Ergou was worried about her.

"Okay, I'll listen to you!" The two adjusted their positions, and Pi Ergou punched the iron door open, and the first one rushed in.In this short period of time, Feng Hongyu sent out seven or eight soul-locking talismans one after another, until the entrance to the basement was blocked by the doomed Yin soldiers, and the attack from outside stopped.

It was only when I went in that I realized that the steps leading to the basement were very steep. If you don't pay attention, you will roll down.

At this time, a large gust of dark wind gushed out from the basement, and the two of them were wrapped in the dark wind, feeling their head and eyes explode, as if they were in the underworld.

(End of this chapter)

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