The strongest village doctor

Chapter 383 Seven Tons of Raw Jade Stone

Chapter 383 Seven Tons of Raw Jade Stone

"Yes, those rumor-mongers will one day create rumors on his own head. He will know the pain at that time!" Liu Xifei said in her heart that it is really not easy for a person from a farming family to get ahead.If you fail, you will be ridiculed by others. If you succeed, there will be a lot of people jealous and jealous, and rumors will fly everywhere.

"Let's not talk about the unhappy things. Sister Liu, according to my preliminary judgment, your cousin Dongfang Stevia should be a ghost. She has no mental illness, so don't send her to that kind of place in the future. Also, stop taking the medicine immediately! Like Li Western medicine like Pertone can cause irreversible damage to the human brain, liver and kidney. It is not good to take too much, stop immediately!" He solemnly confessed.

"Ah? So it's a ghost? What should I do?" When she heard that her cousin was a ghost, she immediately became very nervous.

"The upper body of a ghost is usually a resentful ghost. The resentful ghost seeks the upper body of a living person for a purpose. Wait and see if the resentful ghost has any unfinished wishes, and then I will help it fulfill its wish. Just go away, don't worry!" To the ghost For the upper body work, Pi Ergou has handled several cases and has rich experience.

Hearing what he said, the boulder hanging in Liu Xifei's heart fell to the ground.She suddenly leaned forward and said, "Ergou, in the mental hospital today, that damned bald doctor and the short Cun Ding surnamed Liang spread rumors and affected your mood. I feel sorry for you! You are a billionaire, but you have to endure this kind of personality insult!"

"Sister Liu, there are only a small number of people who spread rumors about me, and most of them are still sharp-eyed. But I'm used to it, it's okay!" He said this, but he was not very happy in his heart and was depressed.After all, his heart is not made of iron, and it is impossible to completely ignore it.

Rumors spread behind his back, and he didn't hear it.Even though Pi Ergou slapped those who talked cheap in person, his mood was not much better.

There is no place to talk about the feeling of being wronged.

"Ergou, I see that you are under a lot of pressure, you need to find a place to vent your pressure. Take me, I am willing to give you warmth!" Said, Concubine Liu Xi took the initiative to kiss her.

Pi Ergou was depressed, so he kissed him.

The two kissed for several minutes. Strangely, the haze in his heart was swept away, and he said emotionally: "Sister Liu, thank you for your dedication!"

"Ergou, I have ordered someone to do what you want me to do. Yao Dayan was suspected of rape and was prosecuted by the public prosecution agency. Now he is in the detention center. It won't be long before the verdict will come down! From now on I will It's up to you, you want me, I am willing to be your underground woman!" Liu Xifei said emotionally.

"Ah? Yao Dayan was thrown into the detention center? Good, very good! Such a big deception and Lao Liumang, he deserves to suffer!" Hearing that Yao Dayan was punished, Pi Ergou couldn't help but feel dark Cool.

"Ergou, you're always off topic. I said you wanted me!" Liu Xifei said shyly.

"Ah? Sister Liu, don't want this one. I told you, I'm a department-level cadre, and I was reserved for my Ma Ziwang Hongshang."

As soon as she heard Wang Hongshang's name, Concubine Liu Xi became irritable for no reason.She stomped her foot and said, "You don't want to forget it!" As she said, she left the hotel in a fit of anger.

At noon, Pi Ergou was having dinner with Toda Huilixiang when he suddenly received a call from Wang Hongshang, the head of a village.After the connection, Wang Hongshang said anxiously: "Ergou, Yang Chaochun, the village leader of the Yangkeng Group, summoned more villagers to surround the village committee compound today. I suspect that this person was ordered by Village Chief Pi! "

"Don't doubt it, Pi Dapao ordered it! Just ignore it and deal with it when I come back!"

"Ergou, early this morning, Pi Dapao took a group of cronies and went up to the mountain to enclose land. According to reason, Danai Mountain is the collective mountain forest of Danai Village. Now that the village is divided, we have half of the village. You have to hurry up Come back, otherwise, the mountains and forests will be surrounded by leather cannons!" Wang Hongshang was furious when he mentioned the leather cannons.

"I'm busy here to help people catch ghosts. You are the head of a village. Mobilize the villagers of a village to snatch it back! By the way, Akui is back. This guy is good at force, you call him. Wait. Next, I'll send Big Sword Girl over to cheer you on!"

"Okay, I'll call someone to go!"

After a while, Pi Ergou quickly notified Daomei Jiang Juling.When Jiang Juling heard that there was a new mission, she was very excited, and immediately took twenty horse boys and rushed to Danai Village in a mighty way.

After lunch, Ergou has the habit of taking a nap, and he is thinking about who to call to accompany him to bed.He heard the sound of ringing the doorbell, and it was Ding Baoyi who came.

Ding Baoyi took out a stack of documents in high spirits and said, "Ergou, your application for road construction has been approved by the Highway Bureau. This is a permit!"

"Ah? So fast! Sister Ding, I don't worry about your work!" He clicked his tongue secretly, it's good to have connections.Apply for a certificate or something, and do it in seconds.If ordinary people do it by themselves, some people may not be able to do it if they break their legs.

"Ergou, I did it for you, do you have any reward?" Ding Baoyi looked at him eagerly and said.

"Well, what reward do you want?"

"Let me be your secret lover!" Ding Baoyi said undeterred.

"Uh, okay, but, I'm ugly, I can't do that!"

"If you don't want to do that, then don't do it! As long as you let me accompany you, I will be satisfied!" Since this morning, her younger brother Ding Dapang has successfully pulled back [-] yuan from Ergou's Nietiancai base. Catty goods.Ding Dapang was so excited that he felt like he had been injected with chicken blood, and enshrined her sister as a god.

"Well, that's fine. I'll give you a gift later as a token of love. Tell me, what gift do you want?" Pi Ergou was willing to agree to this matter because he truly realized what a person with authority would do. Great convenience.In layman's terms, this is the network.

As Pi Ergou is doing more and more important things, he urgently needs powerful contacts like Ding Baoyi to help open the way.When a person is poor, the first priority is to make money.After earning money and having a certain amount of wealth, the second thing to do is to manage one's own network, that is, to gain a position of authority.

"Okay, I don't need anything else. How about you give me a piece of jadeite? I've seen several rich wives wear it. It's very stylish!" Ding Baoyi said not enviously.

"Okay, I know some great people in the jade world. Someday I can help you get a pendant and bracelet made of imperial green!"

"My dear, kiss me!"

The two hugged and kissed for a while.This guy has someone to accompany the bed, so he took a nap comfortably.Ding Baoyi accompanied them closely, the two really didn't do anything, they were really just companions, and they fell asleep after a while.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, Pi Ergou was whimpering when he was suddenly woken up.When he woke up, Toda Erika called him: "Boss, Yuan Qiongyu is looking for you!"

At this time, Ding Baoyi, who was accompanying the bed, heard Yuan Qiongyu's name, immediately sat up and hid in the wardrobe.

Pi Ergou was in a daze when she saw Yuan Qiongyu hopped in, and her silver bell-like voice exploded, "Ergou, lazy ghost, sleep late!" After saying that, she fell on the bed and said loudly. so comfortable.

"Qiongyu, you go to the Three Treasures Hall for everything, did you find any treasures?"

"Oh my god, the big bed in a five-star hotel is comfortable. I want to sleep in too!" She tilted her head and pretended to sleep.Suddenly, she jumped up and shouted, "You have a woman hiding in your room!"

"No, no?" Seeing that the situation was not good, Pi Ergou slid off the bed, picked up Yuan Qiongyu and left.Dragging it to the living room, Li Xiang served tea and brought out a rich fruit plate.

"Tell me, are you looking for my palm eye?"

"No, who is hiding in your room?" Yuan Qiongyu asked, holding on tightly.

"No one is hiding, even if you are hiding, it doesn't matter to you?"

"Well, that's how it is. Lu Shao bought a seven-ton rough jade stone from the Bajie Mineral Company in the Emerald Country. It cost 3000 million kyats, or 15 yuan in Hetianchao currency. At present, this rough jade stone has been pulled from thousands of miles away. Arrived at Nine Star City. The deer is less than 100 million, please keep an eye on it!" Yuan Qiongyu explained her intention.

"Qiongyu, I won't be involved in Palm Eye. I'll help him watch it, and he will gamble with stones himself, and let him earn all the money. Shall we drink northwest wind?" The family said cunningly.

"Ergou, why don't you, come with me to have a look. If there are real materials, you don't need to express your opinion. When the time comes, you will share [-]% of the money you make from betting on stones!" Yuan Qiongyu said enthusiastically.

"If he doesn't make a statement, will Young Master Lu be suspicious? What if he resolves the stone himself? Then he won't make a lot of money?"

"Ergou, he spent 10 yuan on the purchase of this seven-ton raw jade stone, and it was pulled from the Emerald Country to Jiuxing City, and the shipping cost alone was 10,000+. Lu Shao is a shrewd businessman, and he will not risk losing money. Risk!" Yuan Qiongyu explained clearly.

"What should he do with such a big jade stone? Take it out for a stone gambling competition?"

"It's not 1000% sure, it's usually dealt with like this. Like this seven-ton rough jade stone, the bid price will not be less than 3000 million. If Lu Shao finds a few big names to participate in the auction, it is estimated that he can earn [-] to [-] million ! This is a steady profit, if he solves the stone himself, if there is no material, then he will have to lose his money!"

Hearing what Yuan Qiongyu said, Pi Ergou nodded and said, "Okay, I want to see how much this rough jade stone is worth? But, you can take [-]% of it at once, isn't that okay?"

"Thirty percent?"

"Twenty percent! If it's okay, I'll go and see it, if it's not, I'll pull it down!"

This guy is intensively implementing the road construction plan, and the land occupied by the road construction needs a lot of compensation, which is a lot of money here.The price offered by Yang Chaochun, the village leader alone, was as high as 5 yuan per square meter!
Therefore, he wanted to try his luck to see if he could make money from Yu Yuanshi.

"Er Gou, if it weren't for me to pull the skin, Tiao, ah, no, I'll tie the thread for you, no matter how powerful your ghost eyes are, you won't be able to make money, right?" Yuan Qiongyu said dissatisfied.

"You have connections, and it's true that you can get the goods. The problem is, without my ghost eyes, you dare not make a move, right? Even if a lot of jade rough stones are placed in front of you, you are not sure, and you dare not make a move. What's the use? ?”

"Okay, then [-]%!"

The two discussed it properly, he just went to the bathroom, unexpectedly Yuan Qiongyu rushed ahead of him, and conveniently said: "You don't need to go out, and you can't see it, it's nothing."

(End of this chapter)

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