Chapter 402

All eyes on the scene focused on Bailong.

At this time, Bailong's face turned blue and red, and he seemed to hear countless slaps on the face.His face was swollen and swollen by Pi Ergou, and he lost his face in the end!
"Okay, I'm willing to bet and admit defeat! However, I request to fulfill the bet alone!" After all, Bailong is the boss of Baidi Real Estate Company, a boss with a net worth of tens of billions, and he kneels down to a peasant boy from the countryside in full view of everyone. If you recognize the boss, how will he mess around in the future?
"Yes. I'll give you face!"

After speaking, Pi Ergou, Ambergris, Toda Huilixiang and others followed Bailong to the small suite that he had just booked.

Bailong pushed the golden mountain and inverted the jade pillar, then knelt down in front of Pi Ergou, his face pale and said: "Boss!"

"What are you talking about, I can't hear you clearly, shout louder!"

"Boss, I'll listen to you from now on!" Bai Longxin said, how did this farmer get so much money?Now his intestines are full of regrets!

What is this called? It's a slap in the face.

He has humiliated the face of the eight generations of the Bai family ancestors!

"Bai Long, you bloody city guy, don't look down on farmers from now on, you know?" Pi Ergou taught Bai Long a lesson, seeing that Bai Long behaved like a lamb, he suddenly felt dark. Cool.

"Got it, boss!"

"Get up, and leave your phone number! When you are called in the future, you will be there whenever you are called!"

"Okay!" At that moment, the two exchanged their phone numbers, Bailong was ashamed to attend the dinner, and left the hotel in despair with his entourage.

Ambergris next to her was stunned, and it took a long time before she said excitedly: "Ergou, you are so majestic. I love you to death!" He rushed forward and kissed again, Toda Huilixiang was embarrassed and had to avoid it.

As soon as the two came out of the small apartment, a waiter came forward and said, "Boss Pi, our lady boss wants to talk to you. Please come with me!"

"Who is your lady boss?"

"Sang Danhong, she said you know her!"

As soon as he heard that Sang Danhong was looking for him, this guy said to Ambergris: "Sister Long, you go back to Wanyan hall first, I will come as soon as I go!"

After leaving Ambergris, Ergou followed the waiter to Sang Danhong's office on the eighth floor.

Looking at the big and luxurious office, Pi Ergou said in surprise: "Miss Boss, I didn't expect you to open a hotel. What can I do for you?"

Sang Danhong is the strong-skinned horse of the big villain.Therefore, Ergou is very wary of her.

If he had known that this hotel was opened by Sang Danhong, he would not have stayed here.

"Boss Pi, don't worry, I have made a clean break with Pi Jiji. What he did has aroused public outrage, and I can't stand it!" Sang Danhong is a very realistic woman. Ergou is disabled, even if he is cured, he still has to use a cane.It can be said to be half a waste person.

After Sang Danhong confirmed that Pi Jianshi was no longer oily, she made a quick decision and said goodbye to Pi Jianshi!

"Miss Boss, didn't you two get a marriage certificate? Show me the divorce certificate?" Pi Ergou still couldn't believe what Sang Danhong said.As far as he knew, Pi Jirou opened a health care product company in the provincial capital, and this Sundanhong was Pi Jirou's virtuous wife.These two husbands and wives have a very good relationship, how could they break up because they were injured?

"Give you!"

Unexpectedly, Sang Danhong really handed over a red book.After confirming that it was a genuine divorce certificate, Pi Ergou breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Mr. Sang, why did you divorce Pi Jishi? Can you tell me?"

Sang Danhong specifically found Pi Ergou, and it was she who came up with the idea of ​​cooperating with Pi Ergou.Therefore, when Pi Ergou asked a question, she would answer: "Report to Boss Pi, the main reason is that Pi Jian is too strong to be a man, and another one is that his father objected! After all, you know, I am 20 years older than him!"

"Didn't Pi Gyo start a health care product company in the provincial capital? Who will manage his company?"

"Of course it's me. I own 40.00% of Nine's shares!"

"That is to say, the health care product company is still strong, and he has the final say?"

"Yes, that's right. If you don't like it, I can withdraw the capital!" Sang Danhong looked at Pi Ergou very sincerely, and she suddenly changed the subject: "During the few days I was in Danai Village, one day There is a dark shadow at your window, helping you report. Do you know who it is?"

"It's you?" Ergou asked with a confused is this possible?

"I know you don't believe it! At that time, the Pi family and his son joined forces to fight against you, trying to make Wang Hongshang a bad name. I reported to you at the time, not because of a sense of justice. It was Pi Cannon who objected to my entry into Pi's house. I thought so at the time, if The Pi family and their sons have successfully suppressed you, so Pi Dapao has time to deal with me. In order to protect myself, I reported to you! Is this reason sufficient?" Sang Danhong was really a bit stupid when she thought about it.

"Well, I believe it's you! You've said so much, but you haven't told me, what are you looking for?" Although Sang Danhong has repeatedly stated that it has nothing to do with Pi Jiji.But some time ago, in the fierce fight between him and the Pi family and his son, this Sang Danhong more or less acted as an accomplice.Therefore, Pi Ergou didn't have much affection for her.

"Boss Pi, I'm here in the provincial capital. There are three three-star hotels and two university cafeterias. I need to consume up to [-] catties of vegetables every day! I hope that in the field of vegetables, all ordinary vegetables will be changed to yours. Vegetables. As long as you are willing to cooperate, the price is negotiable!" Sang Danhong said with a big thunderbolt.

Sure enough, I didn't guess wrong, I knew that this Sang Danhong was going to be against the sky.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Sang, I have already signed an exclusive supply agreement with the proprietress of Yanji Hotel. According to the agreement, unless Rong Yanji agrees, and I use it myself, I can only go to my mother's house!"

For Pi Ergou's reply, Sang Danhong was already mentally prepared, so she proposed a second plan: "Then, according to your practice, you can use the ratio of [-]% to control all the catering companies under my name!"

"Mr. Sang, I have to say that your plan is very sincere. If it is someone else, I will definitely sign the agreement! As for you, after all, you have been an accomplice with a strong skin, and it remains to be investigated!"

After he finished speaking, he stood up and said goodbye.

"Boss Pi, don't leave yet!" Sang Danhong's profit this quarter has dropped significantly, and the contract for the two college cafeterias she contracted is about to expire.And she got the gossip that after the contract expires, the cafeterias of the two colleges may have to change people.She was very anxious these two days, while she was worrying, Pi Ergou, the inventor of Nitiancai, came to the provincial capital, and coincidentally, he actually stayed in her hotel!

Soon, Sang Danhong thought of a way to bring the dead back to life, that is to find Pi Ergou to cooperate, and to use Pi Ergou's heaven-defying vegetables for all vegetables.At that time, she will have the trump card of Ni Tiancai, and she will be able to make a big splash in the two university cafeterias.Let the college students know that without her, they would never be able to eat against the sky again.

When the weather becomes clear, the students will be unable to do without the anti-tiancai, and the school will have to weigh it up if it wants to drive her away.

"What else?"

"Boss Pi, you're afraid that I'll keep in touch with Pi Jishi and make a mess of you, aren't you? You're really worried, so you can get rid of me! I'll be your secret lover, is that okay?" Sang Dan Hong gritted her teeth, and said in her heart that as long as she can be brought back to life, as long as she can make money, the old lady will go all out!

(End of this chapter)

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