The strongest village doctor

Chapter 416 Say No to Old Zhang

Chapter 416 Say No to Old Zhang
"Pi Ergou, what's the matter? The villagers in the Yangkeng group asked for 5 yuan per square meter, so it has nothing to do with me? Don't blame me for everything!" Pi Dapao said roguely.

"Pi Da Pao, you ordered the 5 yuan per flat. Yang Chaochun has admitted it. Do you want to call him over to confront him?"

Seeing that Pi Ergou looked like he was holding the chance to win, Lao Zhang quickly smoothed things over and said, "Ergou, it doesn't matter who instigated this. The important thing is that after our town government came forward, let the villagers of the Yangkeng Group The price has come down. From [-] to [-], the village head Pi did the work, right? From this point of view, you should thank him. He has everything wrong, at least in the construction of the road, which is related to the national economy and people's livelihood. He is not ambiguous about major matters, right? So, he helped you, and if he is in trouble, you should help him too!"

I'll go, what logic is this?

It was obviously Pi Cannon who instigated Yang Chaochun to raise the compensation for land expropriation to [-] yuan. Now that Pi Cannon is under pressure from the town government, he has lowered the price. I also want to thank him?

"Secretary Zhang, that's not right. Whoever instigated it is not unimportant, but quite important. If this is not clear, the following will not be able to make a fair decision! The 5 yuan matter was clearly instigated by Pi Dapao. Now You came forward to suppress the price and lowered the price. If I want to say thank you, I can only thank you, Secretary Zhang!" No matter how angry he was, he said.

"Okay, you said it yourself, you should thank me for the land acquisition, right? Then I have a heartless request, please rent the mountain forest in the second village, okay?" To be honest, Lao Zhang helped Pi Da Pao stand this time , but also at a great risk.He is an old fritter, and he knows that Pi Ergou is no longer that poor farm boy no matter in terms of strength or connections.As time goes on, the contacts he can make will only become stronger and stronger.

Therefore, if Pi Dapao hadn't repeatedly begged and kept advocating the Pi Ergou threat theory, he really didn't want to go into this muddy water!

At this moment, his intestines are full of regret.

I would rather offend Pi Cannon than Pi Ergou.

Now, all three parties are moving sideways, and no one is willing to back down.Zhang Dakuang is riding a tiger.

"Secretary Zhang, I'm done thanking you for the land acquisition!" The guy said in his heart that the 100 million labor fee has already been paid, and that is the thank you fee.

"You..." Zhang Dakuang also choked to death, speechless.Indeed, for the land acquisition, Ergou has already paid a labor fee of 100 million. It is said that it is a labor fee, but it is actually a thank you fee!The land requisitioned is for Pi Ergou to build an asphalt road to build the front station. To be honest, the Baiyang Town Government should thank Pi Ergou.The people of the whole town must thank him!Thinking of this, Lao Zhang said helplessly: "Ergou, your wings are stiff. To be honest, I really dare not offend you. Well, maybe you have considerations, so I won't rent it!"

Seeing Lao Zhang backing down, Pi Ergou became more and more tough, Pi Dapao said with a mournful face: "Secretary Zhang, you are the secretary of Baiyang Town, why do you give in to a country boy who is less than 20 years old? The forest in Ercun has thousands of acres, he If you don't rent it, it will be abandoned? Secretary Zhang, you don't have to talk nonsense with him, just give the order directly?"

Seeing that Lao Zhang got up to leave, Pi Dapao hugged Lao Zhang's thigh beggingly.Hugging tightly, like a maggot attached to the bone, Lao Zhang complained incessantly: "Da Pao, I didn't blame you. You know that you can't do without Er Gou, and you can't do without Er Gou, so why do you have to confront him?" He also spread rumors about him everywhere to tarnish his reputation. He also said that he is a thief. He is really a thief. Where did Nitian Cai, Nitian Sanqi, Suoyang Pill and Nitian Rice come from? His family is the only one in the whole celestial dynasty Technology, where to steal it? He is a billionaire, so he still needs to go out and steal it? You can also create something with technical content if you spread rumors!"

"Secretary Zhang, I don't have it. I said I didn't! If I made a rumor about Pi Ergou, I would be raised by a dog!" Pi Dapao swore.

"Village Chief Pi, you and Song Yueqin made rumors about me yesterday, and you forgot so quickly? How dare you swear that this mouth of yours is for farting!" Pi Ergou was speechless.

"Yes, Village Chief Pi, do you want to call Song Yueqin to confront him? See if we have wronged you?" Toda Huilixiang chimed in.

Seeing that Pi Dapao looked like he had been wronged, Lao Zhang agreed, "Dapao, if you say you don't have one, then confront Song Yueqin? If it is true that you have been wronged, I will ask Ergou to apologize to you!"

"Secretary Zhang, that Song Yueqin is Ergou's partner. Of course she is going to Pi Ergou?" As soon as the confrontation was mentioned, Pi Dapao began to push and procrastinate in every possible way, losing all confidence.

"Look, when you talk about confrontation, you make excuses. Forget it, don't come to me about your shit, I have a meeting in town, so I'll be back first!" After finishing speaking, Zhang Dakuang threw Pi Dapao away in a fit of anger. , Get in the car without looking back, and go home.

He dropped the leather cannon and stood there in a daze.The old traitor shuddered violently, got up and said: "Pi Ergou, if you don't rent the forest in my village, I have plenty of ways to deal with you, do you believe it or not?"

Now Pi Da Pao's intestines are full of regret.

If you want to blame it, you can blame that bastard Huang Jinliang, he didn't come up with such a bad idea, he didn't intend to cheat here at all.

I thought that the old mountain forest agreement would be terminated, and I could ask for more rent before signing a new one.

This is what he thought, he had the backing of Secretary Zhang, and Pi Ergou dared not rent out the forest in Ercun.It can be said that Secretary Zhang is his confidence
I didn't expect Pi Ergou to stop renting it!

What was even more unexpected was that Secretary Zhang asked him to rent it, and this guy would not rent it anymore!
In other words, Pi Ergou is not afraid of the leader of Baiyang Town at all!


How dare a small farmer with no power dare to say nothing to the leader of the town!
My dignified old village head, there is nothing I can do with a guy in his twenties!

God, I beg you to send down a thunder and kill that damn Piergou!
"Leather cannons, soldiers come to block them, water comes to flood the soil, whatever you want!"

Hearing Pi Ergou's tough words, Pi Dapao lost his mind for a while.The old villain staggered and walked heavily, and when he got home, he picked up Erguotou and poured it.

At nine o'clock in the morning, after Pi Ergou had finished his breakfast, Wang Hongshang came to the door with a document.

"Er Gou, are you going out?" Wang Hongshang said in a peachy and plump manner, the moment she stood there, Bai Mei was born, and the whole yard was lit up.

"Sister Hongshang, I have something to go to the city! What did you get?" This guy was worrying about the [-] million land acquisition compensation.Let's see if I can borrow some money from Bao Meier, Yuan Qiongyu and the others.The deadline he gave was half a month, half a month was up, so he had to hurry up.Don't fail to post it at that time, and there will be big troubles.

"This is the land acquisition list given by Mayor Wan. Our village has a total land acquisition of 120 square meters, involving 2000 farmers. The Yangkeng group has 2000 square meters and [-] farmers. The total compensation is [-] million yuan! My God , [-] million!" Looking at such a huge number, Wang Hongshang, the daughter of a high-ranking official, couldn't help but click her tongue.

Hearing that it was a land acquisition list, Pi Ergou looked at it twice and saw that the bank card number of each farmer was clearly registered.He praised this guy: "Not bad, the work is done very carefully. Regarding the distribution of land acquisition compensation, I issued a military order with Secretary Zhang, and the distribution will be completed within half a month!"

"No, Ergou, where are you going to borrow so much money? 2000 million, who would lend you so much money! The insurance method should be that all villagers raise funds and then apply for appropriation from above. Everyone together With money and effort, you won't be under so much pressure!" Wang Hongshang said while holding his sweat for him.

"Sister Hongshang, there is no need to discuss this matter. As I said, the land acquisition plus road construction costs, 8000 million, will be borne by me alone! This list is in your hands, and I will call the money to You, you are responsible for distributing them. Okay?"

"That's no problem! What I'm worried about is, where did you get so much money?" Wang Hongshang felt a little distressed for Er Gou. To be honest, she didn't know Er Gou at all.A master who is willing to pay 8000 million yuan to build roads alone, in any case, there is no way to connect him with that foolish and always controversial Pi Ergou.

Only now did she know that her understanding of Pi Ergou was very superficial and only limited to the superficial.

"Sister Hongshang, I'll figure out how to deal with the money. Let's do this first, ah." After finishing speaking, Pi Ergou saw that it was getting late, so he called Toda Huilixiang, and the two drove straight to Nine Star City.

I don't want to meet Wang Xingyan in Baiyang Canyon.

It turned out that Wang Xingyan went to the countryside to find him, and the two parked their car on the shoulder of the road.Wang Xingyan said anxiously, "Ergou, I heard that Lao Zhang was dragged to the platform by the leather cannon. Did he make things difficult for you?"

"No. He just asked me to rent the mountain forest in Ercun, and I didn't agree!" When Pi Dapao's name was mentioned, Pi Ergou felt disgusted.

"Sister Wang, that leather cannon is too bad. He spreads rumors every day, saying bad things about my boss. Like the one hundred mu mountain forest agreement, it was obviously torn up by the leather cannon, and he insisted on planting my boss! This kind of insidious villain has no bottom line It's no wonder that the scum would hire him!" Toda Huili Xiangxiang didn't say anything.

"That's right, don't be afraid of him! I've heard all the rumors about you. How do you steal things? Fuck me, you're a billionaire, so you need to steal? If it wasn't for the sake of stability, Get rid of this shameless villain a long time ago!" Wang Xingyan is also on fire.

"Sister Wang, I just can't figure it out. Why is Secretary Zhang free to help Pi Dapao stand today? Knowing that Pi Dapao is causing damage to the water, he pretended not to see it and insisted on renting the forest of Pi Dapao. He has always been mature and prudent, why should he go into the muddy water?" Ergou said suspiciously.

"Ergou, don't you know? Old Zhang is willing to help Pi Dapao this time because he was encouraged by Pi Dapao. Guess what Pi Dapao said, saying that in Baiyang Town, your limelight overwhelmed Lao Zhang .You are the underground brother of Baiyang Town. If you don’t suppress you, he will be a puppet! After talking a lot, Lao Zhang was led into the ditch by him, and he came to help him stand when he got hot-headed!" Wang Xingyan revealed the whole story.

"Um, so that's how it is!"

"Boss, you are already the No. [-] underground brother in Baiyang Town. It seems that your enemies have upgraded! Lao Zhang will treat you as a thorn in his side and a thorn in his flesh!" Toda Huilixiang said with a wry smile.

"Li Xiang, don't worry. With me here, Lao Zhang dare not do anything to you!" Wang Xingyan said decisively.

"Well, with Sister Wang's words, I don't have any worries!"

"Ergou, are you two going to the city?" Wang Xingyan changed the subject.

"Yes, yes, I'm going to town to do something!"

"What are you doing? Is it borrowing money? Why did I hear that the compensation for the land acquisition alone would cost 2000 million? You are responsible for such a large amount of money, aren't you a bit stupid?" Wang Xingyan said in dissatisfaction. glanced at him.

"Sister Wang, you know that in Danai Village, most of the villagers here are still struggling to get rid of poverty. If they really come to collect money, or apply for grants or something, this road will not be repaired until the monkey years. I One person pays, fast wolf, easy!" Er Gou said calmly.

"2000 million, with so much money, you still say it's easy! You silly boy!" Seeing that Er Gou couldn't be persuaded, Wang Xingyan patted his head with great distress.

"2000 million is not a lot of money, I have connections, don't worry!"

(End of this chapter)

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