The strongest village doctor

Chapter 429 Yang Xiuli's Resurrection

Chapter 429 Yang Xiuli's Resurrection

It was Toda Huilixiang who called, and after answering, her anxious voice came: "Boss, Wu Ping, the head nurse of the First Hospital, ran to our house to take refuge!"

"What? It's hard to hide. What's wrong with hiding? Something happened in the hospital?" This guy's heart skipped a beat.

"It seems that someone was put to death, and the patient's family put the responsibility on Wu Ping. Wu Ping drove to our house, and the patient's family chased him all the way in a van. I heard that there was a corpse in the car!" Unbelievable way.

"Okay, got it." Putting down the phone, Pi Ergou went all the way home.

When I went to the door of the house, I saw two cars parked, a sedan and a van.Five or six fierce men pointed at Toda Erika who was guarding the door and cursed.

Seeing that the two men treated Li Xiang roughly, Pi Ergou punched him and knocked the leader of the big fellow to the ground.

"Who are you? Hand over that stinky bitch Wu Ping, she'll kill her!" Two big men stepped forward to challenge.

"Everyone, Wu Ping is my good friend. I'll ask her to find out what's going on. Don't be impatient!" After persuading the provocative big man to retreat, Pi Ergou came to his courtyard.A group of female workers at home were all nervous. Seeing him coming, they immediately breathed a sigh of relief and continued to work.

When Pi Ergou found out that Wu Ping was in the room, he knocked on the door, Wu Ping hugged him as soon as he opened the door and said, "Ergou, I have caused a disaster, what should I do?"

"Sister Wu, what's going on? Why did you kill someone as delicate as you are?"

Seeing the question, Wu Ping became excited and said, "Ergou, this patient was bitten by a cobra. I came to the hospital for anti-venom. Before I took the medicine, I checked it three times to make sure it was correct. Unexpectedly, just now After the medicine was given, the patient’s family members took two empty medicine bottles, which were tubular glass bottles for the hepatitis B vaccine. They insisted that I was given the hepatitis B vaccine! I went to the ward to check and found out that the patient was dead! The family kept asking for my life , I was afraid of hurting my uncle, so I ran away to your house. Ergou, save me!"

"Okay, I got it! You stay in the house and don't come out until you are told!" Pi Ergou strode out of the courtyard and said to the big man, "Uncle, I heard that you brought the corpse here." Yes, show me?"

"Sweetie, you are not a doctor, so I can show you an egg? Call Wu Ping out, if you don't come out, I will set fire to your house!" The man threatened.

"Okay, you are not afraid of being imprisoned, just set it on fire!" Pi Ergou swished forward and punched the man into panda eyes.Seeing that Pi Ergou could fight, the family members were stunned in fright.

Pi Ergou roared viciously: "Open the car door!"

Opening the car door, Pi Ergou took a look. There was a stretcher inside the van, and a female corpse was lying on the stretcher.Lifting the hijab to see, Er Gou's heart sank. It turned out to be a girl in her early twenties.He sniffed, but it was okay if he didn't sniff, and he was surprised when he sniffed: "I'm going, I still have breath!"

It's just that the patient's breathing is quite weak, if it is later, the patient will really die!

Before he had time to think about it, the pink fairy energy in Pi Ergou's body came and went like the wind, and soon flowed into the girl's chest, penetrated into the patient's nervous system, and quickly strangled and cleaned up the snake's venom.

"Da Liu, what is this young man doing?" an accompanying female family member yelled.

"What the hell, this guy is a pervert, he took advantage of Xiuli?" said the knocked down big man with his lungs exploding.

Several big men believed it to be true, and suddenly exploded in anger, and rushed forward together.

It was too late to talk, and then I saw a delicate figure flashing, blocking the car door, and heard her say softly: "My boss is treating the patient! If you don't want the patient to really die, just be good to me!"

As soon as this remark came out, a few big men looked at me, and I looked at you.

"He just gives birth to melon eggs, about the same age as my Xiuli. Is he the only one who can see a doctor?"

"Hey, don't be joking. Tell your boss to let go! Otherwise, we are not easy to mess with!" The fierce man said viciously.

"I'm sorry, my boss can't talk or be distracted when he's doing his exercises!"

"What? Failing? Using qigong, isn't that the trick of charlatans? Hey, bastard, get out of here and don't touch my sister!" A big man was impatient, and he couldn't help but rush forward.

Wrestled with Toda Erika.

The hero couldn't stand the crowd, and seeing these few people break through the line of defense.A group of women from Ergou's family cheered, rushed forward, and formed a human wall hand in hand.Ding Qing said delicately: "My dog ​​brother is saving your family? Why are you still scolding him, do you have a conscience?"

"My sister is dead, save me!"

"My two dogs have been rescued, so it proves that they are not dead!" Xiang Hehua said in a nonchalant manner.

"Bullshit! A raw melon egg under [-], he can cure snake venom? Can he bring the dead back to life?" The big man couldn't hold back his sneer.

"Brother, what if my second dog saves your sister. How are you?" Jiang Xuemei asked him.

"Hey, how is it possible? If he is saved, I will call him uncle!" The big man didn't believe that a small farmer in the countryside could cure his illness at all.

"You keep your word!"


Half an hour later, Pi Ergou suddenly withdrew the immortal energy into his body.Sweating profusely, he said, "I'm so hot!" His whole body was soaked, as if he had just been fished out of the water.

"Haha, let me just say, this is a charlatan, a trick to deceive people, and he dares to show his eyes here! Bastard, my sister's clothes are removed, you took advantage of my sister, and you lose money!" The big man jumped up. Three feet high.

Before the big man finished speaking, he suddenly heard two coughs.

Immediately afterwards, I heard a childish voice saying: "Brother, where is this? Am I dead?"


Seeing their loved ones really come back to life at first glance, all those men burst into tears with excitement.

"Xiuli, you are lucky, please thank this benefactor!"

The man was so excited that he held Er Gou's hand and said, "Thank you, benefactor! May I ask your name?"

"My wife's name is Pi Ergou. See, my boss brought your sister back to life!"

"Lixiang, don't talk nonsense. This girl is feigning death!" Pi Ergou explained.

"Boss Pi, my name is Yang Laoliu, and I'm doing a small business. Fortunately, you saved my sister, otherwise, my sister would really die!" Yang Laoliu said with red eyes.

"Yang Laoliu, what did you say, my second dog saved your sister, what will you do?"

"Ah?" Hearing this, Yang Laoliu touched the dog's head in embarrassment, laughing silly.

"Sister Xuemei, I'm just kidding, forget it." Ergou saw that Yang Laoliu was over 30 years old, and he was more than ten years older than himself, so he was afraid that his life would be shortened.

"Brother Dog, my name is Yang Xiuli, a sophomore girl from Jiuxing No. [-] Middle School!" Yang Xiuli stepped forward and introduced herself.

"Yang Xiuli, right? The snake venom in your body is basically cleaned up. But, just to be on the safe side, you have to come for treatment in a week!" Pi Ergou saw Yang Xiuli's cuteness and cuteness, and suddenly fell in love with her.

"Okay, brother dog, I listen to you!" Yang Xiuli sweetly agreed.

The Yang family saw that Yang Xiuli was lively and cute, and she didn't look poisoned at all, so they laughed happily.

As soon as Yang Laoliu was happy, he would write a check.Pi Ergou hurriedly stopped him: "I see a doctor for free, no money!"

"Ah? It's free to see a doctor, how is that possible?" Hearing this, Yang Laoliu's family was so surprised that you looked at me and I looked at you.

Yang Xiuli looked at the two dogs with a peachy face and said, "Brother Gou, my brother is rich. Don't be polite to him, take as much as you should!"

"My boss sees the doctor for free. He doesn't charge money, don't worry!" Toda Erika saw that everyone was happy, and she was also in a good mood.

At this time, Wu Ping heard that Yang Xiuli had been resurrected, and she ran out to see it with an unbelievable expression.Seeing that Yang Xiuli was alive and kicking, she burst into tears and said, "Ergou, you saved her? My God, am I dreaming?"

(End of this chapter)

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