Chapter 446
Thinking of this, Pi Ergou called Wang Hongshang aside, and whispered: "Wang Hongshang, you must be hiding something from me?"

"What are you hiding from you, Hun Dan!" Wang Hongshang wanted to laugh but didn't dare to.That's right, she did conceal the true identity of the high official's daughter from Pi Ergou.The problem is, she made a poisonous oath with her family to rely on her own ability, start from the bottom, and climb up step by step until she becomes famous.

She not only concealed her real identity from Pi Ergou alone, but almost everyone did not know that she was the daughter of a high-ranking official, except for a few powerful figures such as Qiu Qingdi.

"Wang Hongshang, don't think I'm a three-year-old child. You said that you are an ordinary rural teacher, how could you be best friends with a first-line actress like Ye Mei? Children wouldn't believe it!" Pi Ergou categorically the way.

"Pi Ergou, did you hear clearly, did you say that you are a high school classmate? I am from an ordinary working family in Baxian City, and so is Ye Mei. She has achieved her current status through her own hard work. Besides, the best friend of a celebrity , it doesn’t have to be a very high status, is it?” Wang Hongshang said calmly.She pretended to be comparable, but she didn't give up too much.

"Okay, you're ruthless!" Pi Ergouxin said that Wang Hongshang was not telling the truth, and it was useless for him to doubt it.She must have had her own reasons for doing so.

Soon, the trial planting contract for ruby ​​grapes was signed.

Ye Mei is a first-line star and spends almost every day filming in the studio.After signing the contract, she was in a hurry to rush to work, and under the escort of bodyguards, she hurriedly left Danai Village.

The stars moved, and the days came to September in a flash.

With students returning to school after summer break, the hottest sauna days of the year are basically over.

On September [-]th, the ten-kilometer four-lane asphalt road from Danai Village to Baiyang Town, funded by Piergou, held a grand opening ceremony at [-]:[-] am!

Thousands of people attended the ribbon-cutting ceremony, including city leaders, district leaders, town leaders, and bigwigs who had friendship with Pi Ergou.The reporter from the provincial TV station followed the filming throughout the filming. Pi Ergou now has a deposit of [-] million in Guangchuang Bank.

Under the strong demands of a group of women, his habit of low-key appearance was broken, and he spent 200 million on a Mercedes-Benz luxury car.

After the [-]-gun salute was fired, the Mercedes-Benz luxury car that Pi Ergou was riding on was the first to embark on a virgin journey to Danai Village.Behind him, dozens of cars of leaders at all levels and ten large agricultural machinery followed closely, heading towards Danai Village in a mighty manner.

Looking from the car window, the four-lane asphalt road is clean and spacious, and there is no need to worry about passing cars anymore.The common people along the way beat the gongs and drums and sang songs, the firecrackers shook the sky along the way, and the sound of locks was heard.

Everyone's face is filled with joyful smiles.

The happiest one is Pi Ergou.This guy has been laughing from ear to ear since the ribbon cutting.Wang Hongshang, the daughter of a high-ranking official who accompanied the whole process, was also sincerely happy.

The successful opening of this asphalt road means that the impoverished and backward Danai Village will soon be a thing of the past.The history of Da Nai Yi Village has opened a new page, and a wealthy star village of wealth creation will soon become a reality!
At noon that day, the Eight Immortals Hotel under the name of Pi Ergou held a big banquet, because hundreds of female workers who worked for his family all the year round were invited, and there were several floors of running water seats.

As a result, too many people came and had to add tables.

The banquet lasted until three o'clock in the afternoon.

Pi Ergou has a lot of alcohol, but he can't hold back the many people who are toasting, and he is happy today, so he is very drunk.He was put into the car by Toda Erika, and when he woke up, it was already past eight o'clock in the evening.

Opening his eyes, he found a pile of fragrant hair next to the bed. When he lifted the hair, it turned out that the person sharing the bed was not someone else, but his ideal Wang Hongshang!

For a while, the four eyes met, as if there was a crackling sound.


Wang Hongshang seemed to have regained normal consciousness, and after realizing that she was sharing the bed with Pi Ergou, she let out a cry of surprise and slid off the bed as quickly as possible.Looking down, there was nothing on her body.Immediately, her lungs exploded with anger. She grabbed something and threw it at Pi Ergou.Pi Ergou caught whatever he picked up and threw away, "Wang Hongshang, are you crazy?"

"Hun Dan, did you take that from me?" Wang Hongshang glared at him with raised eyebrows.

"Wang Hongshang, I was so drunk that I couldn't wake up. I just woke up now. Why are you?"

Reminding Pi Ergou, Wang Hongshang quickly checked, but found no trace of being that, basically she was still intact as jade.Immediately, the young lady breathed a sigh of relief: "Hmph, you don't even dare to measure it! Today's matter, if you dare to say a word, I will never end with you!" Put on your clothes , she angrily hit Hanlinju.

At this time, Toda Erika came in and reported: "Boss, Song Yueqin, the chairman of Huangyan Group, please see me!"

"Okay, please invite her in!" Pi Ergouxin said that this sister Song really knows how to time, the two hundred acres of tobacco against the sky are mature, and these days are the time to cut the tobacco.At noon, he had a big banquet for relatives and friends, and Song Yueqin attended as a friend, so he thought she had gone back to the provincial capital.

After a hasty wash, Pi Ergou got dressed and went down to the living room on the first floor.I saw Song Yueqin wearing a blue dress, looking dignified and generous.

"Ergou, I heard that several tobacco factories approached you, wanting your Defying Tobacco?" Song Yueqin was really worried about this.

"Yes, yes. The local tobacco factory Jiuxing Tobacco Factory, the factory manager is Xu Aiguo. Xu Aiguo actually invited Fan Diayu, the deputy mayor, to get into my flue-cured tobacco. Call!" Speaking of this shit, Pi Ergou also had a big headache.

"What, Mayor Fan has come forward? Then how do you answer him?" Song Yueqin's nerves tensed up immediately after hearing Fan Dayu's intercession.

"How can I, a small farmer in the countryside, answer me? Don't worry, I'll let Sister Bao handle it!" The Sister Bao that Pi Ergou said was his chief publicist, Bao Meier.Bao Meier is the younger sister of Bao Siming, the mayor of Baxian City, the provincial capital. This woman has a very wide network and great magical powers.Let her deal with officials, Pi Ergou basically doesn't have to worry about anything.However, the strange thing is that it has been several days since Bao Meier took this task, and there is no news so far!

"Ergou, it was my idea to smoke against the sky. The peach tree I planted, you can't let others pick the peaches? I signed an exclusive supply agreement with you!" The flue-cured tobacco that came out made the Huangyan Group go against the sky.A piece of Nitian cigarettes produced from the 2188 catties of Nitian flue-cured tobacco planted in the early stage was sold for 900 yuan.As soon as the Nitian cigarettes were launched, they were sold out.The [-] emperor editions were sold out, bringing a net profit of more than [-] million yuan to the Huangyan Group!
The 800 million debts owed by Huangyan Group have all been paid off, and more importantly, Song Yueqin's position as chairman has been successfully retained. Those board members who questioned her ability have now shut up and are convinced by her.

(End of this chapter)

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