The strongest village doctor

Chapter 462 The Ghost Queen's Request

Chapter 462 The Ghost Queen's Request
"Ergou, there are so many bugs in your wound! Vomit—" After Feng Hongyu let out a miserable howl, he hid aside and retched.

Pi Ergou glanced around and couldn't help but gasp.I saw that where the ancient sword had been inserted in the left arm, a piece of black flesh had rotted away, and dozens of black bugs were crazily crawling in and out.There was a stench of rotting corpses, and what was even more horrifying was that these black worms quickly grew in size and lay eggs in his carrion flesh, which soon hatched into piles of larvae!The larvae are about the size of a sewing needle and clump together, rolling in the flesh.

"Ergou, there are more and more of them, what should I do?"

One sentence reminded Pi Ergou, while carrying the immortal energy to his left arm, he told Feng Hongyu, "Go to the car and bring my medical kit!" Feng Hongyu agreed, and kicked off. Teng Deng ran downstairs.

The pink immortal energy was extremely fast, reaching the rotten flesh of the wound, immediately outflanking the ever-expanding rotten part from all directions, and began to crazily strangle the poisonous gas and poisonous insects!

When the poisonous insect encountered the pink immortal energy, it immediately turned into a ball of black pus.Black pus kept falling onto the floor, and suddenly, the air was filled with a stench that could kill people!
Pi Ergou had pulled out the ancient sword carefully, but fortunately he had divine power to protect his body, the ancient sword didn't penetrate deep, only hurt the flesh.

The strong immortal energy quickly narrowed the encirclement, killing all the poisonous insects.The wound site began to stop bleeding and scab, and the pain gradually disappeared.

Meow meow, fortunately I was the one who got hit by the sword, otherwise, ordinary people would have died long ago if they got into trouble with this terrible poisonous insect!

This is the first time Ergou has seen such a poisonous insect that can lay eggs and hatch in a very short time!

God, terrible, terrible!

Suddenly, Pi Ergou shuddered violently, rubbed his eyes, and fixed his eyes on the ground, only to see the female ghost Xiaohong running out out of nowhere!

Xiaohong's current Taoism ranks among the strongest in the underworld, but her Taoism has not yet reached the point where she can move freely during the day.So, when he saw Xiao Hong running out, he shouted loudly: "Hong Hong, come back quickly!"

Unexpectedly, the female ghost Xiaohong didn't listen to his orders at all, but kowtowed vigorously in front of a mirror, and kept shouting: "The queen is a thousand years old, a thousand years old!"

Hearing this, puff, Pi Ergou almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

Looking in the direction of Xiaohong's kowtow, he's fine if he doesn't look at it, but goose bumps all over his body when he looked at it.I saw the biggest mirror on the wall, and in the mirror was actually sitting a young woman in ancient costume wearing a phoenix crown and Xiapei.The young woman in ancient costume had an arrogant expression, not angry or pretentious.He yelled at Pi Ergou: "Bold and unreasonable, why don't you kneel down when you see Bengong?"

"What are you talking about? Do you want me to kneel for you? You think so beautifully!" Pi Ergou shook his head, thinking to himself, Mother Xipi, am I hallucinating or something?Why did a woman in ancient costume appear in the mirror?What's even more bizarre is that the female ghost Xiaohong kept kowtowing to this woman and calling her a queen?

After a while, this guy didn't know he was in a dream, rubbed his eyes and looked again, the female ghost Xiaohong was indeed kowtowing in front of the mirror, and the ghost queen in the mirror was absolutely real, she could see it clearly!
Just when he couldn't distinguish between reality and hallucination, the female ghost Xiao Hong hurriedly pulled him forward with a red face and said: "Master, she is the Queen of Ghosts, kneel down!"

"Honghong, how could I kneel down to a female ghost. Impossible!" Pi Ergou flatly refused.

"Bold!" There was a loud shout, and suddenly, a cloud of black air flew out from the mirror.The cloud of black air seemed to have eyes, and it rushed towards Pi Ergou without hesitation.It was too late to say it, but suddenly, the arctic canopy around his neck suddenly shone brightly, and the black gas was instantly sucked into the arctic canopy as soon as it met the light.

The ghost queen in the mirror was shocked and said, "Are you a descendant of the Celestial Master?"

"Ghost Queen, I have seven Heavenly Master seals on me. You'd better behave yourself and tell me, why did you harm Boss Ding's family?"

"Little master, I can't blame this palace. It was the family surnamed Ding who bulldozed my thousand-year-old dragon throne and used my huge gloomy wooden coffin as a bed. As a result, this palace was no longer able to protect future generations. Seven descendants of this palace I am poor, living in poverty, becoming a pariah, living in shantytowns, working as the lowest coolie! Out of helplessness, I have no choice but to turn into a ghost, to let the Ding family know how powerful I am!" The ghost queen He spoke coldly, which made his scalp tingle.

"Ghost Queen, if I help your descendants prosper. Can you put down the butcher's knife?" Pi Ergou asked tentatively.

"Hmph, you are a little Taoist priest, you are powerless, impossible!" The ghost queen shook her head like a rattle.

"Queen, my master, Pi Ergou, is a well-known wealth-creating star in Danai Village. He is worth billions and owns five trump cards. As long as he takes out any one of them, he can help your clan prosper, really! "The female ghost Xiaohong testified.

"Okay, let me believe you for once! My clan's surname is Shangguan, and Shangguan Meihua is my No. 18 grandson. She has dropped out of high school and has become a girl in a medical clinic. She is beaten and scolded every day!" Ghost When the queen mentioned that her descendants were so miserable, she couldn't help crying.

"Ghost Empress, please tell me which clinic? I will rescue your eighteenth grandson when I go back!" Pi Ergou vowed.

"This hospital is called the First Hospital!"

Hearing this, Pi Ergou felt very comfortable, and said in his heart that he meowed, and it was the first time he had a conversation with an ancient ghost over a thousand years old, and some words were difficult to understand.Is the girl the Ghost Queen is talking about a nurse or a cleaner?I'll find out when I ask Wu Ping later.

"Okay, I'm going to find your eighteenth grandson now!"

"Wait a minute, I haven't finished my words yet."

"Okay, you say it!"

Pi Ergou was listening attentively, when suddenly, Feng Hongyu came up with a medical box, she saw Pi Ergou talking to a mirror, and said in a daze, "Ergou, you are crazy, why are you talking to a mirror? ?”

Um?what happened?

Sitting in the mirror is the ghost queen. Feng Hongyu can't see such a big phoenix crown?Immediately, he bit her ear and said, "Red Fish, there is a ghost queen living here. She just appeared in the mirror, can't you see it?"

"There is a ghost queen in the mirror, isn't there? I just see myself, how can there be a ghost queen?" Feng Hongyu wanted to laugh but didn't dare.

"I'll go, it turns out that you are not good enough, you can't see ghosts during the day!"

"Little master, what are you muttering about? Listen to Ben Gong!"

"Okay, say it!"

"You tell the owner surnamed Ding to bulldoze this villa and restore the tomb of the palace. The Ding family must worship it for generations! Can it be done?" Ghost Queen threw a big thunderbolt.

"Ah? Queen Ghost, wait a moment, I'll ask Boss Ding!" After saying that, Pi Ergou followed Hongyu to ask for Boss Ding's number, and made a call to Boss Ding, saying, "Boss Ding, what are you doing?" Who is talking?"

"Boss Pi, I have the final say on my house. Please order!"

"It's like this—" At that moment, Pi Ergou opened the sack and poured the yam, and put the gloomy wooden bed. Confidentially tell Boss Ding.

(End of this chapter)

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