Chapter 478
When he was happy, Pi Dapao didn't go home, and the time was around ten o'clock in the evening.This old treacherous villain misses Liu Yan out of the blue. For Liu Yan, a little daughter-in-law, Pi Dapao loves Liu Yan from the bottom of his heart.Not only is she only 23 years old, with delicate eyes and tender flesh, but there is also something that attracts him.He couldn't tell what it was, but Liu Yan was like a magnet to him.This is incomparable to Xinhuan Erying. Erying has almost four cards each, and Pi Dapao is just playing around with her.To put it bluntly, Erying was just his spare tire.

Only when Liu Yan runs into a wall, can Erying have a chance to get his favor.

Speaking of Xiaoqinger Liu Yan, she is very gentle when she is good, but she always asks for money.This time, the adopted son Pi Jian got into big trouble and had to pay Wang Hongshang 100 million.In order to raise money, Pi Dapao was a little injured.However, if he took out tens of thousands of yuan, he could still take it out.

After thinking about it, Pi Dapao rode to Liu Yan's house in the Yellow House Group with only 1 yuan left.

At this point, most of the farmhouses have turned off their lights. Only Liu Yan’s and Huang Jin’s are playing cards and gambling in the chess and card room every day, and the lights are turned off very late all the year round.

Her deaf mother-in-law is even a night owl, sitting in the yard alone in a daze, she can be in a daze all night.

Pi Cannon has a psychological shadow on this deaf old lady, she speaks in a strange way, and Pi Cannon wants to hide when he sees her.

However, Liu Yan was upstairs, and if she wanted to see her, she had to go through the deaf old lady first.

Fortunately, Pi Dapao has a big heart and doesn't have the same knowledge as the old lady.

Wang Wang Wang!
The big yellow dog guarding the gate knew him, barked twice when he saw him, and soon lay down on the ground.Pi Dapao entered the door with a bang, and the deaf old lady saw him at a glance, and said hello, "Cun Chief Pi, are you here to kiss Liu Yan again?"

"Grandma, I don't want to kiss Liu Yan, I'll find your Liangliang!" In front of the old lady, Pi Dapao didn't dare to talk nonsense.

"What, looking for my mother? There is only one Liu Yan in my family, where is the mother?"

Seeing that the old lady said strange things again, Pi Dapao hurriedly stuffed a piece of money to the old lady, and was so frightened that he hurried upstairs.Debo came to Liu Yan's bedroom, and saw that she had just washed her hair, her hair was wet, and she was drying her hair with a blow dryer.

Pi Dapao went in, closed the blower, salivated and said, "Yan, I miss you again. See what this is?" Pi Dapao took out a wad of money from his bag.

"Hmph, it's only 1 yuan, thanks to you for getting it!" Seeing Pi Dapao coming to pester him again, Liu Yan became furious.

"Yan, you know, the damn Pi Ergou is broken. His horse's legs are not caused by my strong skin. He insisted on planting my son. He is a village tyrant. We can't fight, so we have to lose money. Alas, 100 million, I begged my grandpa to tell my grandma to borrow it everywhere!" When Pi Ergou was mentioned, Pi Dapao wanted to cram his tendons, peel his skin, and strangle Pi Ergou to death.

"What, I paid you 100 million?! Is it true?" Wen Fang, Liu Yan's heart is so open.She almost didn't snicker, thinking that Er Gou is really good and did a great job!It was just to make a tough angle and make Pi Dapao suffer.Cannon with double eyelids lost her temper after Er Gou made her lose her temper, so she just let out a bad breath.

"Can I still lie to you? Yan, for my unlucky sake, you have pity on me!" Pi Dapao desperately tried to squeeze out a tear, but for some reason, he couldn't.

"No, I won't give you fifty thousand less!" Liu Yanjiao snorted.

Seeing that Liu Yan refused so simply, Pi Dapao said depressedly: "Yan, why do you want so much money? I only gave you 10,000+ a few days ago. You said to buy a pickup, where is the pickup?"

"Da Pao, the thieves stole the 10,000+!" Liu Yan actually deposited the money in the bank, and the 10,000+ was not lost at all.She listened to Pi Ergou's words and tried to squeeze Pi Cannon dry.Let him keep reaching out to the village to save money.

"What?" He suddenly heard a plop, and then looked at the person?Looking at the ground, I saw that Pi Dapao sat on the ground and cried out in pain when he got up.

"Yan, 10,000+, if you don't have it, it will be gone? Why don't you let the bank squeeze it? Ah, I'm so mad!" Pi Dapao felt a burst of heartache when he heard that the money was gone.

"I was going to buy a car in the daytime, who knows that thieves will be eyeing it?"

"Yan, your Jin Liang likes to gamble. Is there anything he can take?"

"It's not him. He doesn't even know I'm rich!"

"Then what should I do? I helped my son lose money and borrowed a lot of money, so I can't help you anymore." Pi Dapao clicked his tongue and looked confused.

"Whoever said that depends on whether you have the guts?"

"Liu Yan, I'm full of guts, whoever says I don't have guts, I'm in a hurry!"

"A few months ago, Pi Ergou bastard gave 100 million forest rent. Isn't it still in the village collective account? You make up an excuse, don't you just take it if you want?" Liu Yan came up with a bad idea.

When it comes to the village collective fund, Pi Dapao repeatedly shook his head and said: "No, no, no. I took 20 from the collective fund before, and I didn't dare to stretch out my hand. I reached out again, and the higher authorities checked it out. It's a trivial matter for me to take off my black hat, and I have to be firm. Sit and wear!"

"Coward, no kind!"

Seeing Liu Yan scolding him for not having a seed, Pi Dapao said angrily: "It's not that I don't have a seed, it's the village's money, not mine!"

"What's none of my business? If you want it, you can't do it without fifty thousand!" Liu Yan said decisively.

"You little goblin, it's only 5 yuan. I'll borrow it, you wait!" Pi Dapao stomped downstairs in a fit of anger.Riding a bicycle to the Yangkeng Group, the village leader Yang Chaochun was taken advantage of by him.Seeing that the old Yang's house was lit, the old guy just called Erying.

Erying was sleeping when he suddenly heard the phone ring.He picked it up and found that it was the village chief Pi who called, and immediately said with joy: "Village chief, are you looking for me?"

"Erying, come out, I have something to tell you!"

Lao Yang was looking at his mobile phone on the side of the bed. When he heard that the village chief was looking for him, he told him: "Erying, the village chief is our family's benefactor. You have to serve the village chief well. Whatever needs he has, you should try your best to meet them." .what."

"Damn ghost, if you want me to stand in front of you to serve the village chief, you won't flatter yourself?"

"Erying, is there any use for me to curry favor with a man? If Village Chief Pi wants to be nice to you, you can give it to him. Don't offend him, do you hear me?" Now Lao Yang is the village leader of the Yangkeng Group, The whole group of villagers had to be polite when they saw him.Lao Yang has never lived with dignity and value like now.Whenever the villagers in the group ask him to do something, he suddenly feels a sense of pride in honoring his ancestors.

"Old man, where do you want to go? I'm your wife. How can you give it to him? You're out of your mind!" Erying had actually gotten along with Pi Dapao a long time ago, but she was afraid that Lao Yang would catch him. Life and death do not admit.

"Come on, just know what's in your heart. In a word, if you have a good relationship with Village Chief Pi, you will be my good helper!"

"I'm too lazy to talk to you!" As he said, Erying changed into the beautiful clothes bought by Pi Cannon, and happily went downstairs to meet Pi Cannon.

When the two came to the bottom of the bamboo forest, Erying rushed forward and said, "Little dear, I miss you so much!"

The two hugged and kissed, and Erying thought that she was looking for her to solve her needs.She took the initiative to lift her skirt and said, "Da Pao, have you thought about it, I'll give it to you?"

"Erying, I'm sorry for doing this to Lao Yang. I'm looking for you, it's... that, oops, I can't speak!"

"Dapao, what's the matter with you, just say it. I, Erying, is your third son, and I have to help you get through it even if I risk my life!"

Seeing what Erying said so confidently, Pi Dapao plucked up his courage and said, "That's right, my son's strong lame leg has rotted, and he needs major surgery, and he still needs 5 yuan. Look——"

"5 yuan, okay, I'll help you figure out a way!" Erying couldn't do anything, she asked her daughter.Her daughter, Yang Liuye, works as a stewardess at Nine Star Airlines, and she is dating a man surnamed Mei.That man is rich.

Thinking of this, Erying walked a little further away, dialed Yang Liuye and whispered, "Daughter, I am your mother, and I found out uterine fibroids today. There are several of them, the size of eggs, and the hospital said they would not do it again." Surgery is dangerous."

"Ah? Mom, how much does the operation cost? I'll call you!" Yang Liuye became very nervous when she heard that her mother had uterine fibroids.

"The doctor said that the operation fee is estimated to be 5 yuan. Daughter, you gave 20 yuan to your family a few days ago, and now you are asking for money. I—"

"Mom, don't worry, I have money! I'll raise money right away!"

"Daughter, if you raise money, call my card. Ah."

After a while, Erying received a money transfer text message.Seeing that the 5 yuan had arrived in the account, Erying excitedly went upstairs to get the bank card.Seeing his wife looking for a bank card, Yang Chaochun understood a bit and said, "Mum, the village head Pi is here to borrow money again?"

"His son has a rotten foot and needs money for surgery. Do you want to give it?" Erying asked the man for his opinion.

"If Village Chief Pi wants it, he must give it. You bitch, you have to ask!"

"You are the head of the family, so it's wrong for me to ask for your opinion?" Erying gave Lao Yang a white look.

Lao Yang came forward with a grinning monkey and said: "Good Erying, although you have four cards, you have the same advantage, the upper circumference is taller. Village chief Pi likes the upper circumference height. How is it? Did he hint at you? "

"Hint me? What did Village Chief Pi hint me to?"

"Oh, you motherfucker, why are you so stupid? Do you want to be a husband and wife?" Although Lao Yang is the village group leader, he is always in fear every day.I'm afraid that one day Pi Dapao will be upset and remove his village leader.Therefore, he was going to sacrifice Erying, and only by entangled Pi Dapao's heart could he hold the post of village leader firmly.

"Old man, what are you thinking about? You and I are husband and wife, what kind of husband and wife are you and Pi Dapao?" Erying angrily hit the man violently.

"Hey, Erying, he is the head of the village. Our family's status today is due to him. You serve him, what's the point?"

"You old fellow, do you have the face to push me away?"

"As long as you can be the head of the village group, you are shameless. What are you doing with shame?"

"I'm too lazy to care about you!"

Erying took the bank card and ran downstairs. She called the leather cannon to an empty room where no one lived, stuck it on and said, "Dapao, I want it very much. I will give you [-] yuan. Do you want me once?"

"No, no, I'm doing this, I'm sorry for Lao Yang." Pi Cannon didn't find out because of his conscience, but because he was afraid that Lao Yang would find out and catch him, and he would quit.

"Lao Yang and I have been husband and wife for 20 years, and we have lost our feelings for a long time. What does he do? Besides, if you don't tell me about this matter, who knows?"

Seeing that Erying really thought about it, Pi Dapao had no choice but to say: "Then, okay!"

The two lingered in the empty room for a while, and Erying was satisfied, and went upstairs with a smile on her face.As for Pi Dapao, he returned to Liu Yan's home excitedly after getting a bank card worth 5 yuan.

(End of this chapter)

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