Chapter 492

Pi Ergou just came home from the vineyard and saw Pi Dapao yelling at the door.He just stepped forward and said, "Pi Da Pao, who are you scolding?"

"Pi Ergou, where is my wife?"

"You said Jiang Ying, she works here with a monthly salary of [-] yuan. Now it's working hours, so don't make trouble, she will go home after work!" Ergou wanted to laugh when he saw Pi Dapao's distraught look.

"She moved everything away. You must have asked her to move it? Where did she go?" Pi Dapao said angrily.

"She's just my employee, I don't know where she lives!" Ergou said cheerfully.

"Pi Ergou, believe it or not, I'll kill you!"

"Pi Da Pao, you raise a mistress, force your wife to divorce, domestic violence, are you still justifiable?" Teng Deng Deng, Pi Ergou's blood rushed straight to his forehead, he knocked down the Pi Da Pao, punched and kicked like rain, and beat Pi Da Pao Nosebleeds flowed sideways, and a pair of eyes became panda eyes.

"Pi Ergou, beat me to death if you have the ability! Come on, keep hitting!" Pi Dapao almost couldn't open his eyes, he was still yelling.

At this time, Dongfang Stevia came out and said with a murderous look: "Boss, do you want to scrap this old thing?"

"Don't waste it. This man is so insane that even the Emperor of Earth can't describe him enough. He is a bully! For this kind of person, pull him off the horse and let him fend for himself!" Pi Ergouxin said Niang Xipi, this person is too disgusting up.Let him serve as the head of Danai No. [-] Village, and the villagers of No. [-] Village will never want to stand up.It's time to take him down!
Pi Dapao was beaten by Pi Ergou, and the news spread like wildfire.With a cry, a large number of villagers came to watch.Wang Hongshang hurried over after hearing the news.

After she learned the ins and outs, she called Er Gou aside, and whispered: "Er Gou, tell Ambergris that you remove the village chief of Leather Cannon?"

"This man raises a mistress, beats his wife, and comes to the village every day to make trouble. How can such a person be the village chief?" The villagers watching at the gate were very angry at Pi Dapao's behavior.

"Ergou is very capable, let him walk around on it and pull Leather Cannon off the stage!"

"It's too much, such a person can be a village head!"


Seeing that the public opinion was outraged, Pi Ergou made up his mind and planned to pull Pi Dapao from power.He holds a pile of evidence of leather cannons, recordings of him embezzling village public funds, and evidence of his mistress cheating and cheating.If necessary, Liu Yan can also be asked to testify.

Having these two items is an extremely serious violation of discipline for village cadres.No matter how powerful Zhang Dakuang is, he probably won't be able to keep it.

Just as everyone criticized Pi Dapao with one voice, Jiang Ying squeezed in from the crowd.Knowing that it was Ergou who beat Leather Cannon, she immediately clapped her hands and shouted, "Well done, Ergou, I support you in beating up this bastard!"

"Smelly woman, I'm your husband. Do you have a conscience for asking outsiders to beat me?" Pi Dapao was beaten so badly that his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, and he couldn't even open his eyes.Seeing that his wife was still gloating, his lungs exploded with rage, and he jumped straight at Jiang Ying.

Pi Ergou saw that Pi Cannon was going to be unfavorable to Jiang Ying, so he shot with lightning, pushed Pi Cannon a few meters away, and said with an evil smile: "Pi Cannon, Jiang Ying is my employee, I don't allow you to hurt her!"

"Pi Ergou, she is my wife. I don't care about my wife, it's none of your business!" Pi Dapao's face was hideous and terrifying.

"Old man, you raise mistress, beat Jiang Ying, lawless, dominate, you are a bully. As long as you are a bully, I will beat you one by one!" Pi Ergou said domineeringly, and he heard thunderous noise applause.

"Ergou, we support you to deal with bullies!"

"Er Gou, fight well, croak!"

"Ergou, you are so capable, take off this man's black hat!"

When it came to taking off the black hat of the leather cannon, hundreds of villagers at the entrance of the courtyard applauded in unison.

Jiang Ying also looked at Ergou eagerly and said: "Ergou, when I was desperate, you took me in, gave me food, arranged for me to live, and gave me a high salary. You are my lifesaver. I beg you again, pull Pi Dapao down, this man can no longer be the village chief!"

"Jiang Yingshen, I will report the serious violation of discipline by Pi Cannon!" After Pi Ergou finished speaking to Jiang Ying, he took over the tweeter and announced to hundreds of villagers: "Followers of Danai Village , Pi Dapao is a bully. He has bullied people and bullied everyone for many years. It is time to remove him from the position of village chief. I believe that our higher-level government is wise and correct. There must be Lord Qingtian to help us decide , Clean up the big bully, Leather Cannon!"

"Okay!" As soon as the words came out, the villagers below applauded and cheered again.

Seeing that Pi Dapao aroused public outrage, he is a treacherous and cunning old man who knows that no matter how much he talks nonsense, he will still be beaten.Simply put oil on the soles of your feet and run away in a hurry.

After the onlookers dispersed one after another, Pi Ergou asked Dongfang Stevia to drive a pickup truck to leave Danai Village and come to Baiyang Town after lunch.

At this time, the town government was off work, and Pi Ergou went straight to Wan Shanhong's home.

Wan Shanhong was taking a nap when she saw Er Gou coming, she said joyfully, "Er Gou, you seldom come to the house. I heard District Chief Bai made peace with you, right?"

"Yes, yes. Sister Wan, I came to you today to discuss something with you!"

"What's the matter?" Wan Shanhong offered tea and brought out a rich fruit plate.

"The villagers of Danai Village strongly demand that Pi Dapao be removed from the position of village chief!" Pi Ergou said with a big thunderbolt.

"Ergou, it's because you want to kick him out, isn't it?"

"I think so, and so do the villagers. I'm not avenging private revenge. The point is that Pi Dapao committed serious violations of discipline. Shouldn't such village cadres be dealt with?"

"Ergou, if you just look at the violation of discipline by Pi Dapao, he should have stepped down long ago. But, you know, Secretary Zhang has his own considerations, and he needs an agent to check and balance you. Otherwise, you will lose your natural enemy. Secretary Zhang's top position is very hot. And Pi Dapao is undoubtedly the best candidate for him! In addition to the district government, District Chief Bai is obviously in the team of Zhang Kuang, and for a while, he wants to pull Pi Dapao Dismounting is very difficult!" Wan Shanhong said helplessly.

"Sister Wan, as the mayor of the town, you are afraid of wolves and tigers. This is not okay, and that is not okay. Are you tired?" Pi Ergou jumped up.He said to his mother, Xipi, just report it directly to the city, so there are so many twists and turns.

"Ergou, you don't understand!" Wan Shanhong's face was numb. In Baiyang Town, she was the mayor who took the blame.Despite the support of Pi Ergou, she regained the power that the mayor should have.But, no matter how powerful she is, she is still the second in command.In the villages and towns, the top leaders have the final say on everything.She is a second-in-command who doesn't have much foundation, can she still go to heaven?

"Okay. Sister Wan, you misunderstood me. I'm here just to discuss with you. I don't want you to come forward and pick off the black hat of the cannon. Do you understand?"

"I understand what you mean. Didn't I analyze the pros and cons with you? Now Pi Cannon is backed by Zhang Dakuang and Bai Quandan. What do you say? Unless you can convince Bai Quandan!" Mentioning the name of Pi Cannon, Wan Shanhong It's also a look of disgust.With this person in power in the second village of Danai, the villagers of the second village will not have a good life.

"Okay, okay. I'll talk to Laobai!" Heck, Pi Ergou stood up, and when he left, he picked up a piece of melon, and walked out while eating the melon.

Wan Shanhong originally wanted to let Pi Ergou dispel the idea of ​​reporting Pi Dapao, but he didn't expect him to be serious.Immediately he said nervously: "Ergou, don't go yet! You still don't understand what I mean, I mean, we have no chance of winning when we take down Leather Cannon. Please, let's bear with it for now, shall we?"

"Mayor Wan, I have endured the cannon for a long time! I can't bear it, I can't bear it!" Ergou said decisively.

"Ergou, calm down and listen to me. Yesterday, Secretary Zhang just announced that toll stations will be set up on the Bainai Highway you built. Your toll stations have not been closed yet, and now you have opened a new battlefield! Now your five major industries have not yet To become bigger and stronger, your company has just been established, and there are weak contacts in the city, and there are no strong contacts available! In addition, there is a manpower guarantee for the leather cannon. In this unfavorable situation, what we have to do is to be ready to go No matter how hard it is, endure it first, and when the time is right, give Pi Dapao a fatal blow!" Wan Shanhong can be said to be earnest, she wants to be steady and steady, and doesn't want Pi Ergou to be too aggressive.

"Sister Wan, it should be said that your strategy is very correct and you can't find any faults. However, I am not a member of the system, and I don't have to be afraid of wolves and tigers. And let me tell you, it is the big cannon that stands in the way. Everything gets in the way! It can be said that a large part of my energy is spent on pointless struggles with Leather Cannon. If you take off Leather Cannon’s black hat and saw off his horns, he will try to bully me again. I can't stand it!" Pi Ergou is a businessman, and he thinks about problems from a different angle than Wan Shanhong.

Wan Shanhong is the mayor of Baiyang Town. She thinks more about issues from a political point of view, so she inevitably has her hands tied.

"Well, I know your character, and I know I can't convince you! However, I can bet that within three months, you still won't be able to defeat the cannon!" Wan Shanhong said decisively.

"What if it's knocked down?"

"Ergou, you can really bring down Pi Dapao within three months. Not only will I promise you with my body, but I will listen to you whatever you say in the future!" Wan Shanhong looked at Pi Ergou swearingly.

"Haha, okay, Sister Wan, you said it! Xiaoxia, you come to testify!" He was worried, and when he saw Xiaoxia coming, he grabbed Xiaoxia and said.

"Brother Dog, Mayor Wan is right. There is someone above Pi Da Pao. With your current strength, it will be very difficult to take him down!" Tian Xiaoxia also expressed her objection.

"Xiaoxia, you only need to testify!"

"Okay, I testify!"

After discussing it properly, Pi Ergou asked Dongfang Stevia to drive into the city.He went straight to the Huanggu District Government to look for Bai Quandan.

At the gate of the building, Ergou first called Bai Quandan, but unexpectedly, no one answered.He called Bai Lan to ask, and Bai Lan agreed to ask.After a while, Bai Lan called back: "Brother Dog, my Uncle Quan Dan went down to inspect, and it will take a few days to return!"

When the security guard of the building saw a pickup truck parked at the door, he immediately rushed forward and said, "Where are you a farmer from, you can't park here, drive away!"

(End of this chapter)

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