Chapter 506

At nine o'clock in the evening, Pi Ergou called Wan Shanhong to discuss the candidate for the head of the second village.Wan Shanhong learned that he had selected Liu Cherry, a female college student, and immediately said impatiently: "Ergou, I agreed to let Tian Ling go. You let Liu Cherry go, this... Where will I put my face?" ?”

"Sister Wan, this is your fault. Who told you to agree first? I think Liu Cherry is very suitable, so she is the only one!"

"That's fine, you are the first underground brother, you have the final say!"

"Okay, then I will report to Secretary Zhang now." Hanging up the phone, Pi Ergou called Zhang Dakuang, but unexpectedly, no one answered after calling for a long time.

Call again, Zhang Dakuang answered: "Xiaopi, what's the matter?"

"Secretary Zhang, there is a vacancy for the head of the second village. Do you want to find out who will be the head of the new village as soon as possible?"

"Oh, this matter, Xiaopi, do you have a suitable candidate?"

"Secretary Zhang, you have the final say on such a big matter as the election of the village chief," Pi Ergou said politely.

Hey kid, it's not a thing.

What I say has the final say, what I say has the final say.If he really chooses one that he is not satisfied with, it will mess him up in minutes.

Zhang Dakuang knew that he couldn't beat Pi Ergou, so he said without temper: "Xiao Pi, you are the star of making money in Danai Village, so it's better for you to nominate."

"Ah, then I'll be blunt. What do you think of Cherry Liu? She graduated from university and served as a village group leader. She has ideals and rewards. She aims to transform the poor and backward Danai Village! I think she is the best. Appropriate!" Er Gou threw a thunderbolt and said.

"Liu Cherry, Xiaopi, it's better to choose a village head or a man. The job of a village head is a high-pressure job, and ordinary women can't afford it. Can you choose a man?" Zhang Dakuang vetoed.

"Secretary Zhang, the purpose of the current village head is to serve the peasants, not a repressive management. Men are prone to bullies like cannons. I object! If Secretary Zhang disagrees with my candidate, then I will report it to District Chief Bai. Goodbye!" The current Piergou has Mayor Fan standing in line, and he notified Zhang Dakuang, just not wanting to embarrass him.Unexpectedly, Zhang Dakuang forgot one thing, the current Baiyang Town is really in the hands of Pi Ergou.

Putting down the phone, Pi Ergou was about to have fun with the fragrant lotus, when Ding Qing ran in sweating profusely and said, "Brother Dog, it's not good, something is not right!" The girl ran so fast that she was out of breath.

"Girl Qing, why are you in such a panic?"

"Fragrant, fragrant, fragrant lotus! She..." Ding Qing ran in a hurry, panting for a long time, unable to utter a complete sentence.

"What's wrong with the fragrant lotus?" Hearing this, Pi Ergou was taken aback, feeling an ominous premonition.

"She, she's dead, woohoo!" Ding Qing squatted down on her buttocks, and burst into tears.


The lotus is dead? !

Pi Ergou beat him to death and said in disbelief: "Ding Qing, are you kidding, the fragrant lotus is fine, how could she die?"

"If you don't believe me, go and see it. It's on the road beside the field. She was hit to death by a car!" Ding Qing cried heartbroken when she saw that the lotus was dead.

Seeing that Ding Qing said it seriously, Pi Ergou didn't have time to put on his clothes, so he rushed out shirtless.Went to the entrance of the courtyard and bumped into Dongfang Stevia, Dongfang Stevia knew the relationship between Ergou and Xianghehua, she said anxiously: "Boss, Xianghehua was knocked down, someone saw that it was hit by a red car, I am now Just go chase it back?"

"Okay, Dongfang, you go and arrest people!" Pi Ergou ran to the field road without hesitation.From far away, I saw lights flickering, and a group of people surrounded me not far away.Er Gou squeezed into the crowd and saw that it was okay if he didn't look at it, but when he saw it, his soul flew away, and he saw that the neck of Xianghehua was broken, basically the head was separated, and there was a large pool of blood on the ground, and he had already passed away. up.

Pi Ergou made a plop at that time, pushed the golden mountain and overturned the jade pillar, knelt down for the fragrant lotus, and shouted: "Lotus, why are you leaving, woo woo!"

"Er Gou, you can't be resurrected after death, don't be too sad!" Seeing him crying heartbroken, Wang Hongshang cried and stepped forward to comfort him.

"Impossible, Hehua is only 33 years old, how could she die. She is such a kind and gentle woman. She will live a long life, I want to save her!" All the pink fairy energy was sent into Xiang Hehua's body, trying to revive her.

However, although Pi Ergou has the title of genius doctor, he is not a god after all.Xiang Hehua's head was broken, and Er Gou worked with immortal energy for an hour, but Xiang Hehua not only did not come back to life, but her body became colder and colder.

Wang Hongshang was afraid that Pi Ergou would be too sad, so he quickly asked someone to take him home.

In the following week, Pi Ergou held a grand funeral for Xiang Hehua.As an outstanding son and daughter of Danai Village, Xiang Hehua was buried in Mount Danai.

One day in late September, Pi Ergou slowly recovered from the shadow of Xiang Hehua's death.

At the same time, the people under Pi Ergou have been trying their best to track down the real culprit who killed Xiang Hehua.

Pi Ergou was in the field, and surveillance cameras were installed in important places. Through the surveillance, it could be seen that the red car had crashed into it on purpose.

However, according to Dongfang Stevia who was chasing the murderer that night, the red car disappeared mysteriously after escaping from the monitoring range.

Early this morning, Pi Ergou woke up Dongfang Stevia and said, "Dongfang, come out with me."

"Boss, I have been checking the surveillance all the way these days, and I can confirm that the red car did not reach Baiyang Town. Unless it takes a detour."

"Dongfang, the night Xianglian was hit, she didn't seem to be wearing an amulet on her neck. Is it possible that it was done by a living paper man?" Pi Ergou had an idea.

"I didn't pay attention to it. If Xianglianhua didn't wear an amulet, it might be done by the paper figurine!"

"Let's go, let's take a look along the road. If it's a living paper man, it will definitely leave clues!" After finishing speaking, Pi Ergou came out. Seeing that he was depressed, Ding Qing wanted to make him happy: "Brother Dog, How long has it been since you smiled, how about a smile?"

"Girl Qing, don't make trouble, the real murderer has not been caught, how can I be happy?"

"Brother Dog, there is something wrong with the bathroom, why don't you go and check?"

Seeing that Ding Qing said something seriously, Pi Ergou really went to the bathroom to check.Unexpectedly, as soon as she entered, Ding Qing closed the door, took off her clothes, and in a blink of an eye she became naked. She said shyly, "Brother Dog, I want to make you happy. You want me!"

"Ding Qing, I'm too busy catching the murderer now, so I don't have time to think about it." As he spoke, he pushed Ding Qing away, turned and walked out.

I heard a car coming outside the courtyard.The person who came was none other than Bai Lan who opened a large pharmacy.

She was dressed in black, stepped forward and said, "Brother Dog, are you in a better mood?"

"I'm much better. Are you here to pick up the goods?" The death of Xiang Hehua hit Pi Ergou hard, and there was a kind of vicissitude on his face.

"Brother Dog, come here, I have something to tell you—" Bai Lan called Er Gou into the room, closed the door and said, "Brother Dog, I fell and my tailbone hurts, can you help me take a look? "

It was only then that Pi Ergou realized that Bai Lan was wearing a pair of leggings, which tightly wrapped the tailbone.For some reason, his heart agitated.

Seeing that he was thinking of a woman, Bai Lan said shyly, "Ah, brother dog, you are shameless!"

"Where am I shameless?"

"You're thinking about women, hmph!" After Bai Lan said a word, her heart became wet, and her lower abdomen suddenly felt hot, and she also felt like a young girl.

"Don't worry about this, didn't you hurt your tailbone? I'll show you—"

Bai Lan blushed like a powder, and hesitated now: "Brother Dog, I heard that Wang Hongshang promised to be your slut. Didn't she even let you touch her?"

"Bai Lan, this is my privacy. Why do you care so much? Do you want to see it?" Pi Ergou wondered, why am I still begging her?

"Or, I'll go to the hospital." Bai Lan saw that his eyes glowed green, and it seemed that he was crazy about women.She was so frightened that she pulled up her pants and fled out in a panic.

Pi Ergou had never tasted a woman before, and he could endure it for a year or so.However, after he got well with Xiang Hehua, if he didn't do that for a day, he would panic.After getting along with the fragrant lotus, he thought he could point to the fragrant lotus to satisfy himself.

I never thought that there are unpredictable things in the sky, and people have misfortunes and blessings.When the two were like glue, the fragrant lotus suddenly disappeared.

Seeing that Bai Lan couldn't even take care of the goods, she was so frightened that she went back home.He asked Dongfang Stevia to drive, and the two searched for clues left by the murderer along the way.

Went back and forth twice and found nothing.

On the way back, we passed through the Baiyang Grand Canyon section.A strange car mark caught Pi Ergou's attention, he stopped the car hastily, and got out of the car to check the strange car mark.

It turned out that the traffic marks extended towards the woods.

Dongfang Stevia also saw something was wrong and said: "The traffic marks are so strange, even if you need to pee urgently, there is no need to drive the car into the woods?"

"Look and go!" The two followed the car marks all the way into the depths of the dense forest.Suddenly, Dongfang Stevia screamed in fright: "Boss, look, paper cart!"

"Ah?" Seeing a paper car the size of a real car appearing in front of his eyes, Pi Ergou was startled immediately, thinking about it, he was terrified, and his whole body was covered with goose bumps.

"Oh my god, who is that onmyoji? He can also hit people with paper carts, it's too scary!" Dongfang Stevia was born as a female killer with excellent psychological quality.But when she saw weird things beyond common sense, she was terrified.

"Bastard, are you coming at me? Killing an innocent woman, don't let me catch it, if I catch it, kill me!" Pi Ergou was furious.

After lighting a fire and burning the terrifying paper car to ashes, Pi Ergou called Gongye Xianxiang, the chief of the special situation department.After the call was made, he poured beans out of a bamboo tube, and told Gongye Xianxiang how the onmyoji controlled the living paper man to harm people, and how the paper cart killed the fragrant lotus.

Gongye Xianxiang regards Pi Ergou as a lifesaver, and when he saw him in trouble, he immediately agreed, "Ergou, you can find me for this matter! I will give you an answer within three hours!"

"Gongye, there is no time limit. Let me know if there is any news!"

Two flowers bloom, each representing a branch.Besides, Yang Chaochun, the village leader of the Yangkeng Group, was considering candidates for a new village head during this period of time. He was afraid that the new village head would take office, so he fired his village leader.If he can't be the head of the village group, no one in the group will take him seriously.Therefore, Lao Yang has been in a hurry these days because he has no taste for food and tea.

(End of this chapter)

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