The strongest village doctor

Chapter 554 Soul Inducing Flower

Chapter 554 Soul Inducing Flower

"Wow, that's great. The person Sister Fang invited must have real skills. It must be called Master Pi. By the way, Master Pi sent his apprentice?" Huang Lianlian's husband, Zhu Buqiong, is well-known in the circle. Producer.He glanced at Pi Ergou and found that he was a young man in his twenties, so he frowned involuntarily.

"I said Boss Zhu, he is Boss Pi, not an apprentice!"

"Sister Fang, you are so young, how can you be good at it? No, no, no hair, what's the use of it?" Zhu Buqiong shook his head like a rattle.

"Boss Zhu, you are already a middle-aged uncle, why are you still so naive? The depth of morality has something to do with your age?" Toda Huili said angrily.

"I'm sorry, based on my experience, the business of exorcising evil spirits and treating doctors really has something to do with age. The skills are all developed. You just debuted, and you told me that you have a very deep Taoism. It's not fair! You say he's a genius, genius is good, but the question is, how many are there in the world?"

"Boss Zhu, don't you even trust me? Boss Pi has real skills. He has no skills. How dare I bring him to your house?" Fang Cuinong didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"Sister Fang, of course I am convinced of your ability. But you said that this young man has ability, I really don't believe it!"

"Is this going to work? If Boss Pi cures your big actor, you will give me 100 million reisees. If you can't cure it, I will give you 100 million!" Fang Cuinong opened the table.

"Okay, okay, you mean what you say?"

"It counts, every spittle is a nail!"

After finishing speaking, Fang Cuinong pulled Er Gou aside and discussed in a low voice: "Er Gou, do you accept this bet?"

"Sister Fang, I won't pick it up. He won't let me see, so I'm still going after him, let's go." After speaking, he turned around and left.

Fang Cuinong was so frightened that he hurriedly pulled him and said, "Ergou, Boss Zhu doesn't know your strength. You don't look at the monk's face and the Buddha's face, so give me some face and treat it as a favor for me, okay?"

"This is fine. But, you send this annoying uncle away!"

"Well, I'll drive him away right now!" After finishing speaking, without saying a word, Fang Cuinong grabbed Zhu Buqiong by the collar, dragged him into the room forcefully, and locked him inside.

When it was over, Fang Cuinong said with a smirk on his face, "Ergou, it's quiet now!"

"Sister Fang, it's okay, I'm looking at your face. Otherwise, I wouldn't bother to show him!"

"I know, I owe you!" After speaking, Fang Cuinong gave Ergou a charming look.

After a while, Pi Ergou called out Xiaohong, the female ghost.I found Huang Lianlian's jade photo from the Internet, and called Xiaohong: "Honghong, this is the artist Huang Lianlian. She is missing, you go and find her back!"

"Yes, master!" The female ghost Xiaohong jumped up and down happily as soon as she was released.After receiving the task, he immediately floated away.

Only then did Fang Cui Nong know that Er Gou had raised a little ghost, and he couldn't help being surprised: "Er Gou, you raised this female ghost? My God, she looks so good!"

"Honghong is fine, don't be afraid."

Saying that, Ergou came to Huang Lianlian's mansion and looked around.After going upstairs and downstairs, Ergou went to Huang Lianlian's bedroom to check it out. It's okay if you don't look at it.

He didn't say anything, just turned around and left.

Both Fang Cuinong and Toda Huilixiang were puzzled, and they caught up and said, "Ergou, why don't you watch it?"

"Look good, come back at twelve o'clock in the morning!"

Fang Cuinong saw that it was ten o'clock in the evening, and there were two hours left, so she also got on the driveway: "Ergou, are you going back to the hotel where you are staying?"

"Go to Huang Lianlian. From now on, protect Huang Lianlian personally, or she will die!"

"How do you say that?"

"If I'm not mistaken, the problem lies with Zhu Buqiong!"

Fang Cuinong's curiosity was further aroused by the nonsensical words, and she kept asking: "Ergou, there are rumors that Zhu Buqiong has a mistress. But no evidence has been found, it's just a rumor .”

"I saw something in Huang Lianlian's bedroom, it's called Soul Flower!"

"What, so that bouquet of flowers is called soul-inducing flowers, my God, I said, Zhu's Fengshui layout is impeccable, why is Huang Lianlian still bewitched by evil spirits?" Fang Cuinong horrified.

"We just need to find Huang Lianlian herself and ask her who sent the bouquet of flowers!"

"It's over, it's over! Li Xiang, drive faster, you must find Huang Lianlian as soon as possible, I feel something is wrong!" Fang Cuinong's complexion suddenly changed.

"What's wrong?"

"Ergou, I remembered. After accompanying you into her bedroom just now, I smelled a breath of death. This means that the owner of the room will not live long!"

Seeing Fang Cuinong's serious words, Pi Ergou called Xiaohong: "Honghong, did you find it?"

"Master, Huang Lianlian jumped into the river, and he's already gone!"

Fang Cuinong heard it clearly, and when she learned that Huang Lianlian had set foot on Huangquan Road, she couldn't help crying, "It's a pity, it's a pity! Huang Lianlian is only in his forties, so he left as soon as he said it. How can I explain to Ye Mei now?"

"Lixiang, go to the river!" A few minutes later, Pi Ergou and his party drove to the Tianzi River, the moat of the imperial capital. Sure enough, when the flashlight was turned on, a female corpse was soaked in the swollen river water under the bridge!
"Ergou, what are you doing?" Fang Cuinong couldn't help being surprised when he saw him take off his clothes quickly.

"Boss, are you going down the river? The water is deep, you can't go!"

At this time, the female ghost Xiaohong floated up, and when she saw this, she volunteered and said: "Master, you don't have to go into the water yourself, I will do it!"

After finishing speaking, Xiao Hong made a whoosh and floated towards the female corpse.

After a while, Fang Cuinong and Li Xiang were surprised to see that the female corpse in the river moved!

As if a pair of invisible hands were pulling the female corpse, the female corpse passed through the ten-meter-wide rapids and swam towards the beach on the other side.

Seeing this, Pi Ergou and his party made a detour, followed the trail above the river to the beach by the river.At this time, the female corpse was dragged to the beach by Xiaohong, and Pi Ergou took a photo of it with a flashlight, and saw a pale face, which could be seen from the facial features, it should be the famous artist Huang Lianlian.

"Sister Lian, why did you leave, woo woo wa—" Fang Cuinong thumped, knelt down in front of Huang Lianlian, and began to cry as he caressed the corpse.

Without further ado, Pi Ergou quickly pressed his palm against Huang Lianlian's bust, the immortal energy in his body came and went like the wind, and then it was sent into her body.

After more than ten minutes, Huang Lianlian finally woke up when he heard a violent coughing sound, and then, with a wow, he spit out a full stomach of water.

"Ergou, oh my god, are you a god? You can save your life!" Seeing this, Fang Cuinong and Li Xiang had incredulous expressions on their faces.

"She just entered the water not long ago, so she was saved. If it takes a long time, it will be useless for the gods to come!"

"Boss, do you want to send her to the hospital?"

"No need, I used my fairy energy to help her recover most of her vitality. Now help her to vomit and spit out the river water she drank!" As he said, Pi Ergou took off Huang Lianlian's shirt and kept pressing her stomach , press it, spray water from Huang Lianlian's mouth.After working hard for half an hour, Huang Lianlian almost vomited up the water in his stomach. At this time, Huang Lian was exhausted.

"Cui Nong, who is this big brother?" Huang Lianlian panted.

"Sister Lian, he is Pi Ergou, the genius doctor I told you about. Even though he is only 20 years old, he is very knowledgeable!" Fang Cuinong couldn't help but be overjoyed to see Huang Lianlian brought back to life.

"Brother Ergou, you gave me my life. You are my benefactor, and I will repay your great kindness in the future!" After saying that, Huang Lianlian was about to kneel down, and Ergou hurriedly threw her pull up.

"Sister Lian, how did you fall into the river?" At this time of autumn night, it was a bit shady at night, so Er Gou gave Huang Lianlian his own clothes to put on.Then put her on the back, and Lixiang played a flashlight behind her, and carried Huang Lianlian to the shore step by step.

"Brother Ergou, I was the one who was pushed down!" Huang Lianlian sobbed silently when he spoke of his sadness.

"Who is it?" Hearing this, Pi Ergou and Fang Cuinong were shocked.

"It's that bastard Zhu Buqiong, woohoo!"

As soon as this remark came out, several people opened their mouths wide in surprise.

"Sister Lian, who gave you that bouquet of white flowers in your bedroom?" Fang Cuinong suddenly remembered.

"This is Zhu Buqiong's birthday present from me!"

"That's not a birthday present, but a soul flower!"

"What, what is soul-inducing flower?" Hearing the words "hunting-inducing flower", Huang Lian's skin pimples even rose.

"Sister Lian, I'll talk about this later. You are in danger now, so go to the hotel where I'm staying for a few days!" After finishing speaking, Ergou waited for Huang Lianlian to get into the car, and several people hurried back home.

Back at the hotel where she stayed, arranged for Huang Lianlian to take a bath, and Fang Cuinong bought some clothes for her.Due to her relatively weak body, Huang Lianlian lay down on the couch after taking a bath, and soon fell into a drowsy sleep.

After Huang Lianlian settled down, Pi Ergou changed into clean clothes and took a rest. At 11:30 in the evening, Pi Ergou arranged for Li Xiang to stay and protect Huang Lianlian, and asked Fang Cuinong to drive to Zhu Buqiong's house.

Zhu Buqiong's family has a big wolf dog, which is very fierce and barks at everyone.Pi Ergou asked Fang Cuinong to park the car farther away, and he got out of the car, released the female ghost Xiaohong, and called Xiaohong: "Honghong, it's best if you knock down the main gate of Zhu Buqiong's house." Break the wiring, then go to Huang Lianlian's bedroom and bring out that bouquet of soul-attracting flowers!"

"Yes, Master!"

Xiaohong floated into the air, and with a whoosh, she turned into a gust of dark wind and went straight to Zhu Buqiong's house.After finding the electric switch of this house, Xiaohong didn't bother to pull it, found the scissors, cut the bus to pieces, and then flew into the room where the monitoring host was placed, and smashed the computer host.

At this time, Zhu Buqiong was having a night of carnival with his new girlfriend, and suddenly the power went out at home, so the villain picked up a flashlight and went downstairs to check.Hearing a strange noise from the room on the first floor, Zhu Buqiong kicked open the housekeeper Lan Shichun's room, and woke him up, "Housekeeper Lan, a thief has broken into the house!"

Lan Shichun had just fallen asleep when he was woken up suddenly, so he yelled: "Bastard, it's none of my business if you break into a thief. Give me a cigarette!" Lan Shichun dared to be so arrogant to his master because he found out Zhu Buqiong's ulterior secret.

Therefore, in front of the housekeeper Lan Shichun, Zhu Buqiong had no choice but to nod and bow down to please him.Those who didn't know, thought that the owner of this mansion was Lan Shichun.

"Master Lan, calm down, calm down, come, smoke a cigarette!" Sure enough, in front of Lan Shichun, Zhu Buqiong couldn't lose his temper.Lighting a cigarette for Lan Shichun with a flattering expression.

Lan Shichun puffed a cigarette, and said like a gentleman: "Old Zhu, why haven't you called the one million you promised?"

"Master Lan, don't worry, I'll be there tomorrow, I'll be there tomorrow haha!" Zhu Buqiong was also a tiger with a smile on his face, respectful on the surface, but in his heart he gritted his teeth at Lan Shichun, wishing to tear the old thing into pieces.

"Which bastard next door is smashing things, take a look!" Lan Shichun felt comfortable, and then swaggered to accompany the host to the room next door where the monitoring host was placed.The two went in with flashlights and took a look, Lan Shichun yelled: "Bastard, who smashed it? You told someone to smash it?"

Zhu Buqiong saw that Lan Shichun's suspicion was on his own head, and he couldn't laugh or cry: "Master Lan, you are joking. Why should I smash my own things?"

"You've done something shameful. You think I'm a fool if you want to destroy the corpse?" Well, Lan Shichun slapped Zhu Buqiong viciously.

Zhu Buqiong was slapped in the face, but he dared not say a word.

"What are you still waiting for, go and see the main gate!" Lan Shichun relied on the handle, bossing around his master Zhu Buqiong, treating Zhu Buqiong as a subordinate.

"Yes, Master Lan, I'm going right away!" As he said, Zhu Buqiong stumbled to the main gate with a flashlight on, and found that the bus had been cut, and his lungs exploded.He broke out hysterically: "Hey, what bastard cut the wires in my house. You bastard!"

"Bastard, who are you yelling at? Ah, who are you yelling at? Do you suspect that I cut your thread?" Well, Lan Shichun was so vicious that he slapped Zhu Buqiong around in a circle.

"Master Lan, I didn't scold you. I scolded the thread-cutter thief?"

"Calling the thief, don't you just scold me, you bastard?"

At this moment, the female ghost Xiaohong was invisible on the ceiling, and she saw the big villain Zhu Buqiong quarreling with the housekeeper.Suddenly there was a coquettish giggle, turned into a gust of dark wind, and pierced towards Lan Shichun.In an instant, Lan Shichun got up on the ghost, and his fat body trembled violently.

Suddenly, Lan Shichun opened his bloody mouth, baring his teeth and claws, and grabbed Zhu Buqiong's throat.

Zhu Buqiong had difficulty breathing, desperately trying to shake off Lan Shichun's hand.Unexpectedly, Lan Shichun became extremely powerful when he got up behind the ghost, Zhu Buqiong struggled for a few minutes, his body went limp, and he died!
(End of this chapter)

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