The strongest village doctor

Chapter 571 Billion Plan

Chapter 571 The Billion Plan
"Five, five hundred million?" Ergou's current deposit is 31 billion, plus he showed Yuan Qiongyu seven or eight big orders last winter, and his foreign income should exceed [-] million.This Yiyuan Qiongyu needs a large sum of money to run its own jewelry city, which is equivalent to borrowing Ergou [-] million.

In addition, he sold two batches of Danai Yangsheng Oral Liquid in the provincial capital, and the account has not yet been paid.According to Cai Huahua, the director of the factory, the net profit should be 5000 million.

Otherwise, his deposit should be 32 billion.

There is another thing that must be mentioned, that is, in November last year, Pi Ergou took control of the Yaoding Hospital left behind by Yao Dayan.Yao Dayan is still in prison, and Yao Dayan is gone. The Yaoding Hospital under his name has a serious brain drain and serious losses. Liu Xifei can't support it at all.She had no choice but to package and transfer it to Pi Ergou at a very low price.

After Pi Ergou took over Yaoding Hospital, he changed its name to Danai Hospital. He acted as the president himself and appointed Shangguan Meihua as the vice president.After the hospital was refurbished, people were poached from major tertiary hospitals with high salaries.Like Niu Buxiao, a well-known old Chinese doctor in China, who specializes in rhinitis and pharyngitis.There are also Feng Jiqi, a famous gastroenteritis doctor, Li Manyai, an expert in gynecology, and Yao Honghong, an expert in dermatology.

In addition, Ergou was willing to spend a lot of money to purchase imported medical equipment in large quantities, which suddenly raised the hospital's grade.

However, there is a problem here, that is, among Pi Ergou's five trump card industries, only Nitian Sanqi and Suoyang Wan are the only ones.No matter how powerful Sanqi is, it cannot cure all diseases. It is generally used to stop bleeding, reduce swelling, improve immunity and other diseases.Suoyang pills are limited to men's dysfunction.In such a large hospital, he alone relies on him, he is incapable of dividing, and there are only two main medicines that are against the sky, and most of the other medicines are ordinary medicines.

There is an urgent need to develop new Chinese medicine against the sky.

Therefore, Ergou specially opened up a special planting base of Chinese herbal medicines, which has tens of thousands of acres, and is used to produce various mainstream Chinese herbal medicines on the market.Then it holds a holding in a pharmaceutical factory, specializing in the production of anti-tian traditional Chinese medicine.At that time, there will be a huge variety of anti-tian medicines, and the Danai Hospital under his name will not need him to do everything by himself, but can be a hands-off shopkeeper.

Pi Ergou is the boss. It is impossible for him to be like an office worker who is stuck in a hospital from nine to five every day and cannot go anywhere. This is impossible.

"Ergou, you are dishonest. It is the channel through which you won the Imperial Supermarket, and it is the royal channel. Your monthly income is several hundred million. In October last year, your deposit reached [-] million. Half a year later, you told me that only Five hundred million?" Wang Hongshang had an expression like you can't fool me.

"Hey, you've become a genius. Well, 20 billion!" Er Gou yelled in his heart, his wife is too smart, there are many bad luck and bad luck.

Wang Hongshang rolled her eyes at this moment, and said coquettishly: "I heard Jiang Xuemei, the vegetable manager, and Ren Yanyan, the medicinal material manager, complaining that there are too many goods and not enough arrangements. You have so much spare money, you never thought about making a big deal What? Where's your dog-headed military division? Didn't she call you?"

"Neitian vegetables and Nitian medicinal materials are really in short supply. There are also Nitian rice, Nitian sorghum, and Nitian flue-cured tobacco for wine making. I have decided to take out [-] million and rent them at one time. [-] mu of fertile land!" Er Gou Xin said that he meowed, and if he wants to shoot, he can shoot one big!
"How many acres of land have you rented so far?"

"Less than two thousand acres."

"Da Nai Village has [-] mu of arable farmland in total. How about you take a step forward and rent enough [-] mu at a time?" It's been a year, and less than [-] acres have been rented.At present, the list of rented land is still based on lottery, but the villagers are afraid of poverty. Seeing that the annual rent of those tenants who rent the land alone is worth half a year’s total income of the whole family, many villagers feel unbalanced and pester the village head Wang Hongshang. Let go, and strongly demand to join the ranks of renters.

Especially after the beginning of spring, more villagers asked to join the renting households.Almost every day, a group of uncles and aunts pestered Wang Hongshang.

Dozens of villagers called her every day, which made Wang Hongshang almost suffer from phone phobia.

"Sister Hongshang, are you saying that the [-] mu of land is only leased to one village? What about the second village?" Ergou's eyes widened.

"I am the head of a village. Of course I only take care of one village. I don't care about anything else. If you rent [-] mu, if you don't agree, I'll pester you every day!" Wang Hongshang was terrified by the villagers. Spend one billion yuan and rent [-] mu of farmland in one go, which can basically cover all the farmers in Danai Village.

"Hey, Wang Hongshang, you are unreasonable, aren't you? One village rents [-] mu, and the second village also needs [-] mu, and [-] mu costs two billion. Where can I get so much money?"

Ergou's total savings so far is more than 31 billion. If it rents 20 mu at one time, it will cost 11 billion.He still has [-] billion, it's not that he can't afford to rent.The problem is, he has his own plans.Land renting is mainly responsible for providing raw materials, which is an upstream industry.Right now, the downstream industry of Pi Ergou has not yet spread out.

The downstream industry, to put it bluntly, is entering the city.Pi Ergou said that he established the Danai Group Company, but the industries under the name of the company are only two holding tobacco factories, a winery, a health care product factory, a hospital with [-] employees, and supermarkets.It's all small fights, there is not enough scale, and the combat effectiveness is very small.

If you patronize the production of upstream raw materials and ignore the development of downstream industries in the city, you will inevitably become top-heavy and unstable.

Ergou's plan is to use one billion yuan to rent land, one billion yuan to expand downstream industries in cities, and another one billion yuan to use for large-scale construction, such as the planned hospital building and pharmaceutical factory.With hospital buildings and pharmaceutical factories, there must be corresponding supporting staff dormitory buildings, canteens, etc. These projects are very costly.

"Then rent [-] and give [-] to the second village. If you don't let Liu Cherry know, she can't come to the first village to investigate from house to house, right? Actually, I know it's a bit unreasonable, but, you don't know, every day villagers knock The door of my house strongly requests to join the tenant farmers. Every day, I will go crazy if this continues!" Wang Hongshang was really scared by the villagers.

"Sister Hongshang, you are not unreasonable, you are a domineering president, you know that? You have people pestering you every day in the first village, but in the second village, Liu Cherry is not pestered by the villagers? To do things, you need a bowl of water Ping!" Er'er was speechless.

"Hmph!" Wang Hongshang saw that he was stubborn and didn't know how to adapt.She couldn't help snorting coquettishly, and then she jumped up and said: "Then let me ask you, who am I to you, and who is Liu Yingying to you?"

"You are my horse."

"Where is Cherry Liu?"

"She is the head of the second village."

"It's okay. I'm your horse, of course you have to take care of me more. Otherwise, it's boring for me to be your horse, isn't it?" As he spoke, Wang Hongshang became full of beauty, all of a sudden He rushed forward, his peerless eyes seemed to be able to speak, and confused the two dogs.

"Sister Hongshang, you said you are my slut, do you look a little bit of a slut? Touching you will kill you. Kissing you will beg you. Is this a slut?" Ergou complained.

"Damn Ergou, you didn't agree. When I become the mayor of Nine Star City, we will go to get the certificate. After I get the certificate, I will be your wife! By then, you can touch every day!" Wang Hongshang was furious. come from everywhere.She said in her heart that you think I am stupid. If I give it to you now, it will be a few years after I become the mayor.At that time, if you are tired of me and have no novelty, will you still marry me?

No matter what, there is one thing she knows, that is, what is not available is always the most precious.Now, she is hanging on Ergou's appetite, so that Ergou will not give up on her.

"Ah? I agreed, I don't need to touch you, but you can't make special demands on me, right?"

Seeing that his boy had no room to maneuver, Wang Hongshang said in a defeated way: "Okay, the [-]-mu target, the two villages are split equally!"

After the two discussed it properly, they opened the door, and Liu Yingying, who was anxiously waiting in the living room, rushed in and said, "Sister Hongshang, how are you doing?"

"Ergou agreed to rent [-] mu of land at one time, and we will split it in half from one village to the second, and each get [-] mu of land!"

Upon hearing that there was a quota of [-] mu, Liu Cherry jumped up excitedly and said, "Wow, Ergou, you are so generous! There is [-] mu, so the villagers can shut up now haha!"

"Ergou, when will you allocate the rent, five hundred million!"

"I'll notify the chief financial officer now!" Ergou called the chief financial officer, Ye Miaoyin, in front of the two beautiful village chiefs.However, in terms of finance, Cao Mangong, the president of the company, has an approval authority of less than [-] million. If it exceeds [-] million, he needs to sign.

Seeing him make a phone call, the second daughter went back to the village happily.

Pi Ergou called Li Xingju, the designer of Yu Yong, to his home.After a while, Li Xingju drove over, and when he entered the door, he said excitedly: "Ergou, the total budget for the Gemini Hospital building has been announced!"

"Total budget? How much?"

"Each building has 28 floors, with a single floor area of ​​5000 square meters. Ma Erdan gave 500 square meters, plus building materials, 28 million yuan. Plus various certification and inspection fees, 5000 million yuan, and decoration, each The first building will cost 5000 million until it is completed. The other building, also 200 floors, is used as a dormitory building for employees, mainly single rooms. The budget is [-] million, and the total budget is [-] million! Of course, my design fee [-] million is not included."

"And the cafeteria?" Ergou's total budget for large-scale construction projects is one billion.Therefore, the budget given by Li Xingju has no pressure on him.

"The canteen has three floors, with 2000 seats on each floor, and can accommodate 6000 people for meals at the same time. The budget for this area is about 5000 million."

"Okay, a 28-story hospital building, a 28-story staff apartment, and a canteen, with a total cost of [-] million yuan!"

Li Xingju thought that Ergou couldn't afford so much, and worried about him: "Ergou, if you have financial difficulties, you can build the hospital building first, and the staff apartment can be postponed. My 200 million design fee can also be owed first, Not in a hurry."

(End of this chapter)

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