The strongest village doctor

Chapter 610 Shangma Cooperative

Chapter 610 Shangma Cooperative

After the basilisk was wiped out, the Mouse Demon King led a group of disciples and grandchildren to bow down to Pi Ergou.

He couldn't help being very happy, but the trouble was that the Mouse Demon King seemed to follow him like a bodyguard.Wherever he went, the Mouse Demon King followed him.

In the streets and alleys of Nine Star City, the spectacle of a car and a mouse once again appeared.The two dogs thought it was eye-catching, so they simply invited the mouse demon king into the car, and the two of them and the mouse quickly returned to the Hanlin residence.

It was past one o'clock in the morning, and Ergou was worried about the second generation ancestor Shang Zukuo, so he hurried to his room to check.Seeing that he had already cleaned the poles, he was sleeping on the couch, breathing evenly.

"Boss, I vaccinated him and he should be fine!" Erika Toda came forward to report.

"Okay, Lixiang, it's already midnight, go to sleep!"

After finishing speaking, Ergou came to Liu Yan's room, and when he entered the door, he saw that the light was on inside. He said in surprise, "Yanyan, you haven't slept yet?"

"Brother Dog, I'll wait for you. Is the rat demon thing over?" Liu Yan said with a strong voice.

"It's over. That white-haired monster was transformed from a snake demon. The snake demon took over the mouse demon's nest. The mouse demon led the way and let me destroy the snake demon!" The two demon cores, whether they are immortal energy or divine power, have been greatly improved.The strength of his punch does not know how many catties, but it should be no problem surpassing the Dragon King of the East China Sea.

"Ah, Brother Gou, why did you grow taller? My God, your arms are thicker, how did you do it?" Liu Yan's eyes were full of tenderness as he stroked the rolling muscles.

"Secret, haha!" Ergouxin said that if I told you that I swallowed two demon cores and my body was strengthened inconceivably, Liu Yan would probably be terrified.

"Brother Dog, the Imperial Capital asked me to go back. I have to go back to the Imperial Capital tomorrow. Woohoo, I can't bear to leave you!" Liu Yan became very sad as he spoke.

Hearing that Liu Yan was rushing back to the imperial capital, Ergou slapped his big thigh and said, "Yanyan, I'm going to build a large-scale planting base of Chinese herbal medicines in Tiankeng Village. It mainly grows common colds, pharyngitis and rhinitis. The formula medicine for the disease. You have a good relationship with Liuhua Palace, this time I decided to purchase from the seed company under Liuhua Palace. I leave the purchase to you, is there any difficulty?"

"That's all, it's a trivial matter. Just give me the list!" Liu Yan readily agreed.

"I'll give you Lixiang tomorrow, it's late, go to bed!"

Pi Ergou was woken up by someone, this guy rubbed his sleepy eyes and said, "Lixiang, is it dawn so soon?"

"Boss, it's twelve noon, get up for lunch!" Toda Erika snickered.

Ergou stretched out his hand to touch the couch, sat up abruptly and said, "Where is Yanyan?"

"Liu Yan went back to the Imperial Capital. Before she left, she asked me for a list of seeds. Also, Jiang Xuemei from Tiankeng Village has something to look for, she asked you to call her back!"

Thinking of Liu Yan leaving, he felt a little bit lost.Picking up the phone, he dialed Jiang Xuemei's number: "Sister Xuemei."

"Boss, the list of [-] mu has been released. However, there are more than a dozen villagers who think that the rent is too low and ask you to rent a few more mu. These people are besieging the village compound. No matter how much you persuade them, what should I do?" Jiang Xuemei hurriedly went up. The way of fire.

"What, there is such a thing. Who's in the lead?"

"Liang Qiqiu, this man is a well-known Lao Lai in Tiankeng Village. Because he owed 10,000+ gambling money, he made a wrong idea on renting the land!" Speaking of Liang Qiqiu, Jiang Xuemei was furious.

"Okay, I'll wait until I go back to the village. By the way, send me the bank card numbers of all the tenants in Tiankeng Village, and I will ask Ye Miaoyin to send money to the villagers!"


After a while, after finishing the payment, Pi Ergou got up to wash up. During lunch, the second generation ancestor Shang Zukuo was still in a temper, invited him to dinner, and didn't even leave the room. It seemed that he was going on a hunger strike.

"Boss, the Second Generation Ancestor said he wouldn't eat our food! He's still swearing at people, like a shrew!" Li Xiang had nothing to do with him.

Hearing this, Pi Ergou came to the room of the second generation ancestor, and saw this guy holding a mobile phone, lying lazily on the couch in a big character.

"Shang Zukuo, you haven't got up for dinner yet, so you want me to invite you with eight sedan chairs?" Er Gou said angrily.

"Don't be hypocritical here, who wants you to eat your food. I want to go home, let me go back!" The second generation ancestor stared at Pi Ergou with a distorted face.

"I promised your father that I will help you find a job and make you a net profit. If I let you go back like this, how can I explain to your father?" Pi Ergou suddenly changed the subject and said, "Rat!"

Before the words were finished, a few monster rats came. The eyes of the monster rats glowed green, and each of them was huge.

"Chew his clothes off!"

"Ah? Don't bite, I'll eat, I'll listen to you, okay?" The second generation ancestor trembled when he saw the demon mouse, put on his clothes, and ran to the restaurant in a hurry.

"Brother Shu, it's up to you to treat the second generation ancestor in the future!" Ergou laughed and went back to the restaurant for dinner.

At noon, Pi Ergou drove back to Baiyang Town with Toda Huilixiang and Mouse Demon King.The return rate was 100% along the way, because there were more than a dozen huge rat monsters running in the grass on both sides of the road.

The current Baiyang Town entered the period when Wan Shanhong and Wang Hongshang were in power.These two beauties are in charge, advocating the soft policy and vigorously increasing the concept of service.Really regard the common people as the service object, instill the sense of service among the staff, truly think about what the masses think, and worry about the urgency of the masses.

It is the only way to go back to Baiyang Town, Danai Village, and Ergou misses Wang Hongshang.Lixiang was asked to drive into the town mansion compound. It was a coincidence that Wang Hongshang went to the countryside in the morning to do research and came back at noon.Ergou came to her office and found that Wang Hongshang didn't even have a lunch break and was still working hard.

After she became the mayor of Baiyang Town, she actually hired Liu Wen as her secretary.Liu Wen was originally Miss Wang's servant girl, which is quite normal.The problem is that Pi Ergou doesn't know the identity of Wang Hongshang's high-ranking official's daughter, so Liu Wen, a multi-millionaire woman who runs a company, works as her secretary, which seems unreasonable to Ergou.

"Sister Hongshang, I have always wanted to ask you a question. How did you convince Liu Wen to be your secretary?" Ergou said bluntly after sitting down on the sofa.

"Don't worry about this. You're here. I'm going to discuss a big matter with you. It's about the establishment of a cooperative in Danai Village. I think the time is ripe and it can be put on the agenda!" Wang Hongshang said with a big thunderbolt.

"Cooperatives? No problem. I used to be afraid that Zhang Dakuang would steal his political achievements, but now Zhang Dakuang is gone. It's time for the new era of cooperatives to be launched!" Ergou agreed.

"Ergou, if you start a horse cooperative in Danai Village, it can't be as simple as renting land. I hope you can show more sincerity and let all the villagers in Danai Village get rich quickly!" Wang Hongshang said, looking at him eagerly.

"Greater sincerity? Yes, you can ask Huang Yan and Liu Yingying, two beautiful village chiefs, to hand in the list of all village households. I will help each household plant an acre of anti-day vegetables, and the anti-day vegetables will grow every half a month. Five thousand catties of heaven-defying vegetables can be produced in a crop, and ten thousand catties can be produced in a month. After deducting the cost, the monthly income of the village households can reach 50 yuan!" Ergou decided.In the current rural areas, building a two-and-a-half-story red brick building can cost about 30 yuan for packaging and repairs.If it is built better, 60 to [-] yuan can build a villa.

"Really? If this is the case, all the villagers in Danai Village will be turned around in just one month! At that time, the first thing to do is to destroy the mud-tiled houses and let every household in the village build red brick buildings!" Wang Hongshang couldn't hide his excitement that the dream of transforming Danai Village was about to become a reality.

"Okay, it coincides with my thoughts! In less than half a year, Danai Village will undergo earth-shaking changes. At that time, this will be the achievements of you and Wan Shanhong. It depends on whether you can be transferred to Nine Star City as soon as possible." The level of development of Dana Village!"

"Ergou, my next goal is to be promoted to Huanggu District. To tell you the truth, there are many men chasing me. It depends on your own abilities!" Wang Hongshang said in a side-by-side manner.

"Sister Hongshang, we just need to cultivate Danai Village deeply and set an example in Danai Village. With excellent political achievements, we don't have to worry about being promoted. I believe that as long as we work hard, you will be promoted sooner or later!"

"Okay, I'll call Huang Yan and Liu Cherry to the town for a meeting right away! And you, prepare the seeds against the sky. The total number of households in Danai Village [-] and Village [-] will be [-]. This is a big project! "Wang Hongshang said very energetically.

"Sister Hongshang, why don't you get any reward for helping you so much?" Ergou looked at Wang Hongshang eagerly.

Hearing that the boy wanted a reward, Wang Hongshang's handsome face turned red.She said angrily: "You brat, you know what to do. There's no way!" However, after all, she went into the lounge without hesitation.Seeing this, the two dogs followed in, closed the door, hugged Wang Hongshang and kissed passionately.

After several minutes of kissing, Wang Hongshang finally kicked him out.

On the way back to the village, Toda Huilixiang frowned and said: "Boss, I don't know something. The Shangma Cooperative is good, but it suddenly increased [-] mu of anti-weapon vegetables. Calculated as [-] catties per mu, How much is [-] mu, [-] million catties, oh my god, [-] million catties, where are you going to sell so many heaven-defying vegetables? Don’t you have such a big channel?”

"Lixiang, I've figured this out. With 3000 mu of farmland, the two trump cards of Nitian Sanqi and Suoyang Pill can divide up 3000 mu of land. The remaining 500 mu can be used to grow Nitian vegetables [-] mu is about [-] million catties! Right now, Mr. Bao and the others are actively expanding supply and marketing channels, and more than a dozen surrounding counties and cities have signed contracts. In addition to the God City Market, there is no need to worry about not being able to sell [-] million catties of heaven-defying vegetables!" However, with such a large amount of heaven-defying dishes coming out of the oven, it would be a lie to say that there is no pressure.No matter how big the imperial capital market is, it sells [-] million jacks a day.

Next, he might have to personally launch the larger Channel Against Heaven Vegetables.To find a bigger market, the next step is to expand to the coastal southern metropolis.

"Boss, 3000 million. In Jiuxing City, we bought half of the city's catering industry. Including the previous channels, we can sell 100 million catties a day. At least the surrounding counties and cities, each city has 20 catties. Ten cities can only sell 200 million catties. There is also Baxian City, the provincial capital, which can sell 200 million catties. The market in the imperial capital is 500 million catties? What about 2000 million catties?" Toda Erika held it for him A sweaty road.

"Lixiang, I have my own plan for this. Next, I plan to march into the big southern coastal cities. The big cities over there are migrant cities, which gather migrant workers from all over the country and have a high population density. The demand for sky-defying vegetables is high. It's very big, and it's not a big deal to throw in 2000 million catties of heaven-defying vegetables. Of course, there are difficulties, just overcome them slowly!" Er Gou vowed.

(End of this chapter)

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