The strongest village doctor

Chapter 614 Find out the real murderer

Chapter 614 Find out the real murderer
The black immortal energy in Pi Ergou's body came and went like the wind, and he held down the position below the witch's neck with both palms, and the black immortal energy was sent into their bodies separately.

Soon, the immortal energy drove out the black smoke inhaled from the body one by one.It sprayed out from the nostrils, and was swallowed by the mouse monster squatting beside it.

No, after the immortal energy is strengthened, it doesn't need to take more than half an hour.It took Er Gou only 10 minutes to clean up the poison this time. Seeing the two witches wake up, they suddenly withdrew their immortal energy.

"Mu Gong, the lives of these two sisters are saved, but they need to be recuperated for a while!"

"Yes, boss!" At that moment, Mu Gong arranged for the two witches to be brought back to the base camp.

It didn't take long for Pi Ergou to wake up the unconscious witches one by one.These witches inhaled a small amount of tobacco poison and did not vomit blood.After cleaning up the smoke and poison, he is basically the same as a normal person.

"Wow, brother dog, what kind of therapy is this, qigong?" If Lao Xiaoai hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she would not believe it. A person's fingertips can spray black mist, and this black mist seems to have eyes. Yes, an ancient brain flows into the patient's body.After a while, the poisonous smoke inhaled was cleared out.

"It's not qigong, it's immortal energy!" Ergou said proudly.

"My God, no wonder it's so amazing!" When Lao Xiaoai looked at Ergou again, her eyes were full of admiration.

"The boss has something even more amazing!" Toda Erika amused Lao Xiaoai's fuss.

"Lixiang, call Liang Er over here!"

"Yes, boss!"

Liang Er stumbled in, and when he saw the black blood in the basin, he quickly covered his mouth and nose.

"Old Liang, this blood is vomited out by the victim who inhaled the poisonous smoke. Does it look the same as your wife's vomited?"

"This..." Liang Er was speechless now.Even fools know that Li Chunzhu's death was caused by inhaling black smoke.

"Uncle Liang, you won't say that my boss did it now, will you? Just now everyone was chasing and killing the masked man, and you were there. Who is the murderer, do you understand?" Lao Xiaoai chimed in.

"Okay, I blamed you wrong!" Liang Er lost his temper now.

"Old Liang, did you call Liang Qiqiu?" The hearse was hidden in Liang Qiqiu's house, and Liang Qiqiu must be found as soon as possible.

"Called, no one answered!"

At this moment, the mouse demon king came back, and he pulled Er Gou's trouser legs and walked out.A group of people hurried all the way, and soon returned to Liang Qiqiu's house.

When they came to the Liang family's courtyard, it was okay for Er Gou not to look, but he was surprised when he saw a dozen huge demon rats throwing the masked man to the ground, and the two sides fought desperately.

The masked man's physical strength was astonishing, the demon rat was caught by him, he flung it with his hand, and smashed it hard against the wall, his brains burst and he died on the spot.

"Brother Mouse, quickly withdraw your men!"

"Squeak, squeak!" After the mouse demon king gave the order, more than a dozen mouse demons withdrew back one after another.

However, the masked man was not much better. His clothes were torn into rags by many rat demons, and his body was covered with bruises. When he looked down, he was disemboweled by rats, and even his intestines fell out!

Seeing the intestines with pocket eyes, a group of people exclaimed in surprise.

"Boss, look at this person's shape, he looks like Liang Piqiu!" Jiang Xuemei's expression changed drastically.

"Impossible, Liang Qiqiu is a gambling rogue, he is not so capable!" Liang Er has been the village head of Tiankeng Village for more than ten years, and he knows the details of Liang Qiqiu best.

"Master, is it possible that Liang Qiqiu became his puppet with the upper body of the skeleton ghost?"

When the female ghost Xiaohong reminded her, Ergou agreed: "Honghong is right, Liang Qiqiu has become a skeleton ghost!"

"Master, use your Divine Firmament Seal to destroy the skeleton ghost!"

"Honghong, the seal of the gods is useless today. I'll shoot out the skeleton ghost first, and then you don't have to be polite, just eat it!" Er Goudi whispered.

"Master, is my morality not enough?"

"Honghong, your magic power has just been super-enhanced, so it's no problem to swallow a skeleton ghost!" Before finishing speaking, Pi Ergou slammed his fist at the masked man.The huge air waves set off uprooted the trees in the courtyard.The masked man exploded and broke into eight pieces.


He heard the sound of a series of howls of evil spirits erupting in the dark night.A black phantom separated from the masked man's body, and entered the garage with lightning speed.


The hearse started and sped out backwards.Turning his head around, he rushed to the gate of the Liang family's courtyard without hesitation.The female ghost Xiaohong tried to pounce on it, but before she got close, she was punched back by the skeleton ghost.

The skeleton ghost also opened its bloody mouth, and spit black smoke at Ergou and his party.

"Brother Mouse, put out the smoke!" With an order, the Mouse Demon King led his disciples and grandchildren, and opened their mouths one after another, swallowing the black smoke bit by bit.

The demon smoke spewed by the skeleton ghost was so poisonous that everyone backed away in fright.

Er Gou saw an opportunity, squeezed his nose, rushed out of the black smoke formation, and punched the hearse which was running wildly to pieces.Seeing that the situation was not good, the skeleton ghost abandoned the car and flew away.In the blink of an eye, it disappeared into the night.

"Master, I'll go after him!"

"Honghong, come back, you are no match for it!" Er Gou frowned involuntarily as he looked ahead and couldn't see his fingers.

"Brother Dog, this skeleton ghost escapes too fast, like lightning!" Lao Xiaoxin said, oh my god, tonight I have seen what a ghost is.This day with Brother Gou, I learned more than ever before.The 19 years before the relationship were all in vain!
"Boss, I guess, this skeleton ghost was specially framed for you. It should be sent by your enemy!" Toda Erika judged.

"Lixiang is right! The skeleton ghost escaped this time, and will come out to harm people next time. All of you, don't take off the amulet!" After saying this, Pi Ergou couldn't help but get angry, it was such a coincidence, The Shenxiao seal was not available, and the skeleton ghost was able to escape for his life.

"Boss, I don't know how many subordinates Brother Shu has. How about letting Brother Shu personally protect everyone?" Toda Huilixiang suddenly thought.

"Lixiang, you have a good idea. I'll discuss it with Brother Shu!" Er Gou squatted down, touched the head of the Mouse Demon King, and said in a discussing tone: "Brother Shu, you are in Jiuxing!" There are many rat soldiers and generals in the base camp on the peninsula. If you send a hundred rat soldiers to Danai Village to protect the villagers 24 hours a day and night, would it be difficult?"

"Zhi zhi, zhi zhi!" After nodding his head vigorously, the Mouse Demon King turned around and summoned several mouse generals to communicate.After a while, the Mouse Demon King sent two mouse generals to go back to Jiuxing Peninsula to rescue soldiers in the dark.

Seeing that the Mouse Demon King had arranged everything properly, Pi Ergou heaved a sigh of relief and said, "Mugong, Akui, it's okay, you guys go back!"

"Yes, boss!" The two teams withdrew, and Ergou took Lao Xiaoai, Li Xiang and Jiang Xuemei back to the village.

It was nine o'clock in the evening when I got home.Suddenly Li Xiang pointed at the courtyard door and said, "Boss, isn't that Fang Cuinong's car?"

"Ah? It's so late, the military division went to the countryside to find me in person, there must be something big!"

(End of this chapter)

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