The strongest village doctor

Chapter 646 Headless Boy

Chapter 646 Headless Boy
"Okay, I'll go and have a look!"

After the phone call, Ergou looked at the time. It was nine o'clock in the evening, three hours before midnight.He ordered Lixiang to go to the Yuankeng group.

Toda Erika skillfully reversed the Land Rover and drove in the direction it came from.After driving for a while, Lixiang suddenly said: "Boss, look, there is a bridge here. How about crossing the bridge here?"

"Yuan Jiali didn't say there is a bridge here, she said that after leaving the Niuwu group, the fork in the road!"

"This is the fork in the road!"

"No, no. Out of the village so soon? Lixiang, stop!" The car stopped suddenly, and everyone nodded forward.Ergou turned on the flashlight and got out of the car to check.

After a while he sat back in the car and said, "This is a ghost's excuse, so I can't go there!"

"Master, do you want me to go?" the female ghost Xiaohong volunteered.

"Honghong, then you go! If there is any situation, report it immediately!"

"Yes, master!" She turned into a gust of dark wind and swept towards the other side of the river.

At this time, Bai Dongshuang flew back in fluttering white clothes and said, "Master, that villa has too much yang energy, and an expert has set up a yang gang formation. Even if it's me, a ghost descendant, if I enter, I will die!"

"Dongshuang, the big villa is guarded by the door god, the Dragon King of the East China Sea. Leave it to me, and you go to the opposite Yuankeng group, join Xiaohong, and find the Yuan family to slip away. Go!"

"Yes, Master!"

About half an hour later, Xiaohong called and said: "Master, we found a headless male body in Yuan's house. The man is in his twenties and has no clothes on him. His head has not been found yet, so we are not sure." Is it from the Yuan family?"

Hearing this, Pi Ergou's heart sank, and he had an ominous premonition and said, "Honghong, take some photos and send them to me!"

After a while, several photos of the headless male corpse came through WeChat.After receiving the photo, Ergou sent the photo to Yuan Jiali again.

"Sister Yuan, do you recognize her?" Er Gou called and said.

"Hey, Niu Dadu must be the one who murdered and silenced him!" Yuan Jiali said in grief.

"Sister Yuan, I'm sorry by the way! I will help you find the murderer!" Er Gou gritted his teeth for a while.


A sudden loud noise scared Feng Hongyu out of his wits.Pi Ergou looked up at the roof of the car, and there was a big hole.

"Boss, someone sucked on our car!"

"Lixiang, this is Tiaohulishan, the purpose is to distract us. Leave it alone!" Before the words finished, a small black car drove up the road.The black car had its high beams on, so that Ergou couldn't look directly at it.However, the black car was very fast, at a speed of [-] mph, and slammed into their Land Rover viciously!

It was too late to say it, but Lixiang slammed the accelerator and bumped forward.At the moment when the cars met, Li Xiang slammed the steering wheel, and the two cars passed by.

The black car bumped into the century-old tree without thinking, made several somersaults in the air, and finally fell heavily on the ground, igniting a raging fire with a bang!

I saw that the two living zombies had no time to escape and were quickly engulfed by the fire.Let out a creepy howl!
"Boss, look!" Erika Toda pointed at a figure on the way.

Er Gou looked at the car accident behind him, heard Li Xiang's call, turned his head to look ahead, and saw a person walking towards the moonlit night.

"I can't see clearly, it looks like a child!"

"Boss, it's so late, and this kid is still running around, it's outrageous. Get him in the car!" Seeing that it was a seven or eight-year-old boy, Li Xiang felt distressed.

"Lixiang, please forgive me. A child who dares to come out in the middle of the night must have a ghost!"

When the voice fell to the ground, I saw the little boy walking over in a bouncing manner.He glanced at Ergou and laughed twice.Without looking back, he hopped forward and walked forward.

"Boss, the little boy's head is gone!" Toda Erika was terrified this time, pointing to the back, holding her breath.

"I'm going, headless boy!" Looking from the firelight, only one body of the little boy was moving, and the head was gone!

"Ergou, the headless boy seems to be going to the Niu's villa!"

"Strange thing, why are these headless walking corpses going to Niu Dadu's house?" Ergou said with a dazed expression.

"Ergou, Yuan Jiali is right. Niu Dadu probably has a team of walking corpses. These walking corpses are similar to zombies and are fed on human blood. In order to control these walking corpses, Niu Dadu needs to prepare human blood regularly. Feed them!" Fenghongyu said methodically.

"Understood. Compared with ghosts, walking corpses have one advantage, that is, they are not so afraid of yang energy. The Niu's villa has people like the Dragon King of the East China Sea as the door gods, and they also set up a large array of yang gangs. Walking corpses can do whatever they want. in and out, but ghosts cannot!"

Hearing what he said, Toda Erika came up with an idea: "Boss, why don't we follow that headless boy?"

"Okay, Lixiang, drive!" The headless boy is a walking corpse, as long as you follow him closely, breaking through ghosts and hitting walls is not a problem.

Hey, hey, hey!

It turned out that the headless boy stopped in the firelight and let out a hey laugh.

As soon as Erika Toda turned the car around, the headless boy started again, bouncing around like a carefree schoolboy.

Sure enough, with the headless boy leading the way, Ergou and his party successfully walked out of the ghost wall and drove along the cement road in the middle of a chili field.The large pepper fields are all equipped with thermal insulation greenhouses.Looking under the moonlit night, the vast plains of Niutou Village are all covered with thermal insulation greenhouses.

If it weren't for the haunting here, Niutou Village would be a beautiful and peaceful mountain village.

"Hehehe, no, no more!" The car was driving forward steadily, when suddenly a woman's flirting and cursing came from the shed in the field.

"Husband, don't, don't want to--" The voice was so flattering, if a man without concentration would definitely stop halfway, he couldn't help but watch a good show.

As he walked, the women's fights became more and more loud, more and more explicit.Toda Erika said angrily, "Boss, what's going on in Tianli?"

"Lixiang, drive your car, don't bother!"

At this moment, a burst of fragrance blew out from nowhere.When the aroma got into the Land Rover, Toda Erika smelled it first, and said intoxicatedly: "Wow, it smells so good! Boss, have you smelled it? It's so fragrant!"

"Lixiang, hold your breath!" Er Gou immediately held his breath, and immediately covered Feng Hongyu's mouth and nose with lightning.


Toda Erika didn't know what was going on, she was dizzy, and bursts of spring emotions kept surging in her body.After a while, the Land Rover took an S-shaped route on the cement road.Pi Ergou exhaled a puff of immortal energy, cleared the aroma in the car, then hurriedly took hold of the steering wheel and stepped on the brakes.

The car stopped, and Toda Huilixiang couldn't help but stop Ergou and said, "Boss, I want it, give it to me—"

(End of this chapter)

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