The strongest village doctor

Chapter 657 Fang Yao Doesn't Believe It

Chapter 657 Fang Yao Doesn't Believe It

"I told you that you won't believe it. In this case, why don't you take me to the Pentagram Square first?" Ergou wanted to make a field trip to see what Fang Yao said about the farmer's market.

"I am the boss of the group company anyway, do you think I will go out with you, a kid? If you were the boss of the company, would you believe what a young man said?" Fang Yao wondered if I was crazy, He actually talked so much with a young man.

"Under normal circumstances, I wouldn't believe it either."

"You said you didn't believe it yourself, so why should I listen to your fooling around? I think you should find Miss Lao, she is more effective than you!" Fang Yao's meaning is obvious, I don't recognize anyone, just recognize the eldest Miss.

"Mr. Fang, what's the use of you looking for Miss Lao? She firmly stated that she will not take care of your troubles. The only person who can save you now is me. Do you understand? Get in the car!" He snatched his car keys, pressed the remote control to open the car door, and forced Fang Yao into the driver's cab.

On the way to the Pentagram Square, Fang Yao was agitated, and recalled: "Stinky boy, why should I listen to you?"

"Fang Yao, we've come so far, it's not a few steps away. Take me to see, and you won't lose a piece of meat? I can help you, everyone is happy. If you can't help, you have nothing to lose. Isn't it? "

Seeing what he said so confidently, Fang Yao was a little tempted.However, she still pays more attention, after all, the current Pi Ergou is no different from a stranger to her.Thinking about it, she pretended to say: "That's fine. I'll ask the two brothers to come over and accompany you. It's a better scene!"

"Haha, I understand. Call your bodyguard!" Apparently, Fang Yao was afraid that Ergou might be up to no good, so she wanted to call the bodyguard.

After a while, a car came.Two burly men in suits and leather came up, and they were wearing sunglasses, silently staring at Ergou's every move.

Pentagram Square is located in a large urban village in Nancheng. The square is very large and surrounded by new high-rise buildings.It looks like it's all finished, but it hasn't been activated yet.After getting off the car, Ergou took a look. The location of this farmer's market is not good. Except for a clothing city, most of the nearby are industrial parks.The roar of the machine continued to be heard, and there was a huge chimney not far away that towered into the sky, constantly emitting black smoke into the sky.

"Mr. Fang, this is a factory area. How did you decide to build a farmer's market here in the first place? I see you, you are so bold!" Ergouxin said meowing. Fang Yao was lucky to meet him. nobleman.If it was an ordinary farmer's market, with such a poor location, she would be blamed if she didn't pay for it!
"Brother Ergou, when Gao Xinghua found me, he was full of hype. He said that the industrial park in the Wujiaoxing area will be relocated as a whole because of pollution problems and changed to a commercial and residential area. In a few years, the city government will have a subway It was repaired to the Pentagram Square. I believed him, who knew, this is a scam. My farmer's building is completed, and he is finished!" Fang Yao said in a moment of disappointment.

"Fang Yao, you don't need to be discouraged. Before long, this industrial park will definitely move out. Your farmer's market can be revitalized! Of course, only I have the ability to help you revitalize it. It's impossible to replace it with other people!" Ergou boasted than the road.

"Ergou, don't brag, can you? Did you hear that, our two brothers couldn't help snickering!" Fang Yao also looked disdainful when she saw that Pi Ergou was blowing more and more outrageous.

"I'll go, look down on people. Are you married?" Er Gou looked at Fang Yao again, and visually estimated that the woman was no more than three years old.

"I'm divorced. Huh? I'm going to tell you!" Fang Yao said angrily.

"So you're single. That's easy! I'll get rid of this nasty industrial park and build the subway in. What about you, let me hold the five-pointed star farmer's market! How about it, is there any discussion?" Ergou threw a A big thunderbolt said.

"Shrimp? The industrial park is gone, the subway is built, and then you don't need to spend a penny to control my farmer's market?" Hearing this, Fang Yao almost fell to the ground.

"Fang Yao, I helped you get rid of the heavily polluted industrial park, and let the subway build to your square. Isn't this enough? If you do it, will you be able to do it no matter how much you spend? To be honest with you Tell me, without me, your five-pointed star farmer's market will be a dead end!" Ergou said with a big mouth.

"Hey, little bastard, you are not very big, and you speak so loudly! Do you think you are the mayor? The industrial park pays hundreds of millions of taxes to the city government every year. You can move if you want. There are also subways, and even the secretary of Yangcheng I can't even decide. You little brat dare to say such big words? Get out!" Fang Yao said in his heart, am I crazy?So much nonsense with a little kid from the country!
"I'm not the mayor, do I have connections? A tax of hundreds of millions is gross. When the farmer's market is revitalized, I will double the tax revenue to the city government every year. If there is money to be made, and the people are angry, why should the city government Don’t move? There’s also the subway, just the above sentence, I can really do it!”

Seeing that Pi Ergou said it seriously, Fang Yao was a little tempted, thinking that this kid doesn't seem to be making fun of me.Why not take a gamble with him.Anyway, Pentagram Square is now a dead end.Even if she can come to Lao Aiguo, Lao Aiguo can't save her.Thinking of this, she expressed her opinion: "Pi Ergou, then tell me, how do you hold a shareholding? Also, where do you have the confidence that after holding a shareholding, you will definitely be able to make a profit?"

"After I took control of Pentagram Plaza, I opened the market here with boss Pi's food from Danai Village, Nine Star City. As far as I know, the food from Boss Pi's family has not yet entered Yangcheng. Yangcheng has a population of tens of millions. There is a daily demand of at least 100 million catties of heaven-defying vegetables in the mega-city. I approved the goods from Boss Pi at a unit price of 30 yuan per catty, pulled them to Wujiaoxing, and then changed hands at a price of 50 yuan per catty. 100 million catties per day , the gross profit of 20 yuan, you do the math, according to the ratio of six to four, you can earn 800 million yuan of gross profit every day, and the monthly gross profit is 4000 million yuan. Your investment of one billion yuan can be achieved in less than half a year Pay back!" Ergou's abacus was crackling.

"Haha, Pi Ergou, you will make plans. Take ten thousand steps back and say, I agree with you holding the shareholding, and I agree with your plan of [-]:[-] split. The key is whether you can approve Boss Pi's heaven-defying dish." ?Here in Yangcheng, I have a dozen friends in the catering industry. According to the information I got, the boss Pi in Danai Village, the heaven-defying vegetables he grows, are not approved by outsiders at all! Nine Star City can’t even supply them locally! Of course, starting this year, Boss Pi's production capacity has increased, but he has also expanded his territory to the imperial capital. As for the southern coastal cities, he has no share yet!" Fang Yao shook his head.

"Fang Yao, it's a matter of connections. I have connections, and I'll be fine if I can get the food against the heavens!" Ergou said seriously.Nonsense, he himself is the boss of Danai Village, can he not approve the goods?
(End of this chapter)

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