The strongest village doctor

Chapter 669 Qiu Dan's Low 3 Down 4

Chapter 669

"Secretary Zhong, Qiu Dan is my protégé, she is excellent, she is down-to-earth and willing to work hard, and strives for improvement. However, this woman has obvious shortcomings, and she is not suitable for being a leader." Hongmen Gongmo said ambiguously.Because he couldn't figure out what Zhongliang meant.

"Excellent? Comrade Mengong, you may be deceived by her appearance!" After speaking, Zhongliang played the recording that Lao Aiguo handed in.

After hearing Qiu Dan's swearing, Duke Hongmen's heart skipped a beat, it's over, it's over, Qiu Dan, a damned motherfucker, must have offended the big man!Thinking of this, Hong Mengong sweated profusely and said: "Secretary Zhong, I just said that the biggest shortcoming of this girl is her short temper. She is a powder keg and can explode at a touch. I have criticized her many times, but I didn't expect her to still same as usual!"

"Comrade Mengong, you don't know who Qiu Dan is scolding, do you?" Zhong Liang said seriously.

"Please tell Secretary Zhong clearly, I really don't know."

"Pi Ergou is the Pi Ergou who invented the heaven-defying vegetables in Danai Village, Baxian Province! They want to introduce the heaven-defying vegetables into the vegetable baskets of Yangcheng citizens, so they asked Qiu Dan to discuss cooperation in agricultural products. How did you treat him as a proud student? Cursing The family is a bastard, and you still tell him to go! The economic development of Yangcheng has been sluggish in the past two years, why? Comrade Mengong, you have to reflect!" Zhongliang said sadly.

"Secretary Zhong, I am really shocked that Qiu Dan did such a stupid thing. I never expected that Qiu Dan's temper exploded to the level of a shrew. Secretary Zhong, I propose to start the impeachment process. Report criticism throughout the city! At the same time, as her recommender, I am also responsible, and I request the organization to punish me!"

"Comrade Mengong, Boss Pi is a national treasure of our country. He is the vane of the economy and a booster for economic development. If he doesn't come, we all have to beg him to come. When he comes, some of our leaders actually use this Treat him in such a rude and violent way. Shame, shame!" As he said, Zhongliang was so angry that he felt angina.

"Secretary Zhong, I'm sorry. I didn't know that Boss Pi came to Yangcheng. In fact, Boss Pi's trip was too low-key. No one in Yangcheng knows!"

"That's all right, let's hold a meeting of provinces and plants, and you will also participate!" After finishing speaking, Zhongliang walked out of the office angrily, and asked the secretary-general to notify all the officials to leave.

As for Mr. Hong Men, he was completely dumbfounded.Just when he was thinking about how to stop the loss to the greatest extent, Qiu Dan called.

"Secretary Hong, I got into trouble! Where are you? I can't find you everywhere." Qiu Dan was about to collapse.She desperately wanted to grasp the last straw of Mr. Hongmen.

"Comrade Qiu Dan, I've heard about you. Now the province will start impeachment proceedings against you. You must be mentally prepared!" Hong Men said speechlessly.

"Secretary Hong, where are you? I want to talk to you!" Qiu Dan wanted to keep Wu Sha, so he had to find Mr. Hong Men.

"Comrade Qiu Dan, in this special period, it is not suitable for us to meet. The secretary of the province said that he will personally preside over the impeachment meeting and start the impeachment process against you. You should wait for the news at home!" Hongmen refused She, just kidding, if she fails, even he will be involved.

"Secretary Hong, listen to me. I didn't know that the young man who came here was the famous Big Brother Pi from Danai Village? I had never met Big Brother Pi before, so I thought he should be at least a middle-aged uncle. Unexpectedly, he is a young man who was twenty years old? I thought he was a liar, so I rejected his cooperation request! Those who don’t know are not guilty, Secretary Hong, now only you can help me! I only have three cards now , I originally planned to be your right-hand man for the rest of my life. You want to keep me, I don't have this job, so what's the point of living?"

Hearing Qiu Dan's rapid fire, Hong Men said powerlessly: "Comrade Qiu Dan, you haven't realized how serious the crime you committed is! You are in charge of the economy, and you are the front-line decision-maker. Such a big The big boss came to our city, and you scolded him away like a shrew! This is unheard of in the history of Yangcheng. You have caused such a big disaster, and it is over with just one sentence? You are rude and violent. Boss, this is not a mistake, but a crime, you know?" Hongmen Gong said sharply.

"Secretary Hong, I was wrong, I was guilty, I shouldn't be so barbaric to Big Brother Pi! Secretary Hong, you are my only savior, tell me, what should I do?"

Hearing the crying sound coming from the phone, Mr. Hongmen said helplessly: "Comrade Qiu Dan, this is your crime, you should bear the consequences yourself! To tell you the truth, the provincial government sent a ruthless In other words, I’m in the city, I can walk but not fly, there’s nothing I can do to help!”

"Secretary Wuwu Hong, please help me, if I am dismissed, I will have to jump off a building, Wuwu!"

"Comrade Qiu Dan, you can't do this. Otherwise, you can go to Mr. Pi to intercede. As long as Mr. Pi agrees not to impeach you, you will be saved!" Hongmen said as a dead horse.

"Alright, Secretary Hong, try your best to help delay the Chang Wei meeting. I'll go find Big Brother Pi right now!"

Putting the phone away, Qiu Dan wiped away his tears, put on light makeup in front of the mirror, changed into the beautiful clothes at the bottom of the suitcase, and hurried out, calling his cousin Donghai Dragon King at the same time.

"Cousin, listen to me. Now the province has set the tone, saying that I have committed a serious crime against Mr. Pi, and that the impeachment proceedings against me will be launched immediately. You don't know, once the enlarged meeting of Chang Wei is held, my official career will be affected." Your career is over. Please, send me the phone number of Big Brother Pi, will you?" At this time, Qiu Dan was like a drowning man, desperately trying to grab any life-saving straw he could grasp.The former prestige is gone.

"Okay, for the sake of my relatives, I will help you once. However, I only give you the number. Whether my boss will forgive you or not, I can't do anything!"

"Thank you, thank you cousin!"

After a while, Qiu Dan received the number, and she immediately called Pi Ergou.

Because the Dragon King of the East China Sea reminded Ergou in advance, Ergou knew that it was Qiu Dan who called for mercy.He didn't answer the first call, and Ergou answered the second call slowly: "Hey, who is it?"

"Boss Pi, I'm Qiu Dan. Listen to me, now the province has set the tone that I have committed a serious crime against you, and a permanent meeting is about to be held to impeach me!"

"Okay, this shows that the leaders in the province are wise, and even the leaders can't stand it anymore. Call you arrogant!" Ergou deliberately pressed the speakerphone so that Fang Yao could hear it.

"Boss Pi, I was wrong. If I had known earlier, you are Pi Ergou, the well-known gangster in Danai Village. If you gave me ten guts, I wouldn't dare to treat you like this? Boss Pi, I know now Wrong, as long as you forgive me and ask the province to cancel this enlarged meeting, I will treat you like a horse. I will do whatever you want me to do!" Qiu Dan begged for a while.

"Xiami? Are you acting like a cow or a horse for me? To put it nicely, if the province doesn't impeach you, I'll be like a cow and a horse for you. Yesterday you were riding on my head to shit, why don't you do it now?" Saying this, Er Gou was secretly refreshed.

"Brother Ergou, you are a boss. I am a small deputy, how dare I ride on your head? You beat me to death. Where are you? Let me go to you, okay?"

"I've been looking for you for the past two days. It's fine if you don't cooperate, and you call me a dog. Do you think that I am a big boss, so I should be magnanimous and ignore previous suspicions? Tell you, it's impossible!"

"Brother Ergou, no matter what, let's meet and talk, please, give me 5 minutes, just 5 minutes. If you tell me to get out, I'll get out immediately!"

"Impossible, don't say 5 minutes, don't give me a second. You treat me as a park, come and go when you want."

"Brother Ergou, otherwise, I will kick my boyfriend and become your underground woman in the future. You can come to me as soon as you call, and leave as soon as you call. And I will give you all my salary including my current net worth. The whole body is yours!"

"Qiu Dan, in order to keep Wusha, you don't even want the dignity of being a human being. What's the matter? If you don't become the deputy mayor, you won't live? Tell you, it's useless to beg me, because your personality is not suitable for being a parent officer!"

"Boss, I have a sick mother at home. She has uremia, and now she basically uses my medical insurance, and she can be treated for free, and I only need a small fee. If I dismiss my job and investigate, what about my sick mother's dialysis? Another one, I I will become an official, dismissed, and asked me to do other jobs, I can’t do it.”

"Qiu Dan, if this is the case, you resign voluntarily and come to work with me in the future to help me manage the five-pointed star farmer's market. I will give you an annual salary of 100 million. If you perform well, you will get a raise!" Ergou asked Qiu Dan. In this regard, I can't bear to compare her to a dead end.Besides, she is still the cousin of the Dragon King of the East China Sea, so she doesn't look at the face of the monk or the face of the Buddha.

"What, really?" Hearing this, Qiu Dan had a glimmer of hope, and his emotions became agitated.

"Really, before the Changwei meeting in the province is held, you submit your resignation as soon as possible. When the meeting approves it, you can still save some face!" Ergou said very sincerely.

"Boss, you are my savior, thank you thank you!"

"Well, you go and submit your resignation first. Find me at the Alley Hotel next to the Nandu Hotel at eight o'clock in the evening, and we will sign a contract. When the Pentagram Farmer's Market starts, you will be the general manager of this market!" Two The dog clapped the board.

"Okay, I listen to you, I will do it right away!"

Not long after, Qiu Dan handed in his resignation to Mr. Hongmen.Seeing her voluntarily resigning, Mr. Hong Men was a little surprised and said: "Comrade Qiu Dan, you were dying just now, why did you take the initiative to resign after a while?"

"Secretary Hong, I'm going to ask Boss Pi. Boss Pi said that I am not suitable to be a parent officer. He asked me to resign voluntarily, and then help him manage the farmer's market as the general manager! The annual salary is 100 million. With so much money, I will Don't worry about mother's dialysis fee anymore!" Qiu Dan said with a relaxed face.

"Oh, the boss is the boss, and the prime minister is magnanimous if he can pull a boat in his belly. It's not unreasonable for him to have the wealth and status he has today! Then you cherish this opportunity, and you will follow the boss in the future. Take a good shot. Don’t be tricky and slippery again, you know?” Hong Mengong gave advice.

"I will remember Secretary Hong's teachings in mind, and I will definitely work hard in the future!"

"Okay, you go back and wait for news, I'll go to a meeting right away!"

(End of this chapter)

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