Chapter 675

Pi Ergou said in horror, he meowed, what's the matter?Is this wolf girl named Huang Fangfei the same as the werewolves in the elevator?

Gongye Tiemu is possessed by a fierce ghost and behaves strangely. Huang Fangfei should be responsible for it?
If Huang Fangfei was a normal human being at the beginning, then she couldn't have turned into a black wolf.Er Gou traveled all over the world, only heard that the evil wolf cultivated into a spirit, changed into a human appearance and came out to harm people.

To talk about turning a man into a wolf is unheard of, it's ridiculous!
Therefore, it can basically be concluded that Gongye Tiemu is possessed by a ghost, and the murderer is probably Huang Fangfei and the team behind her.

The problem is that Gongye Ironwood is at best a leader of a state-owned enterprise.If there is anything special, there is only one, and he is the second brother of Gongye Xianxiang, the director of the Special Affairs Department.

Suddenly thinking of Gongye Xianxiang, Ergou said in shock: "No, the werewolf is after Sister Xianxiang! Go back to the hospital!"

Teng Teng Teng, the second floor rushed downstairs, recalling Bai Dongshuang and Xiao Hong.He got into the car and ordered Bai Dongshuang: "The werewolf came for Gongye Xianxiang, go back to the hospital!"

"Master, so that woman is a werewolf? She was with the people in the elevator. I saw her drive the hearse away!"

"Yes, her name is Huang Fangfei, Gongye Tiemu has become like this, she is the murderer!" Ergou glanced outside, and sure enough the two hearses were gone.

The car sprang out from the Jincheng Xingwan community and went straight to the hospital.

"Aaron, there may be werewolves sneaking into Gongye Xianxiang's ward. From now on, no one is allowed to enter her ward!" Ergou called the Dragon Queen of the East China Sea, and then called Toda Huilixiang, telling her not to Half a step away from Xianxiang.

At this time, the Land Rover drove to an intersection, which happened to have no traffic lights.Seeing that there was no car crossing, Bai Dongshuang continued to move forward at a speed of sixty miles.

Suddenly, a heavy dump truck rushed out of the intersection like a ghost, and slammed into Ergou's Land Rover.


As soon as it was said, the afterimage of the female ghost Xiaohong flashed, like a bullet out of the chamber, and slammed into the dump truck.The steering wheel of the dump truck turned quickly, and with a loud bang, it kissed the green trees beside the road.

"Meow meow, if it wasn't for Honghong, I would have confessed here!" Er Gou broke out in a cold sweat after being almost crushed by a dump truck.

"Master, that dump truck is the killer sent by Qian Longhui!" the female ghost Xiaohong said with certainty.

"Honghong, go, bring that dog driver here!" Ergouxin said to Niang Xipi, the werewolf and Qian Longhui's minions were chasing after him, the road ahead was very dangerous.It seems that these few days have to cheer up.

Soon, some passers-by saw a burly man floating in the air, and some timid passers-by fainted in shock.The driver was supported by Xiao Hong and stuffed into the Land Rover.

Bai Dongshuang immediately stepped on the accelerator and rushed out.

Ergou and Bashang hit the man in the face, and the man woke up with a grunt.

At this time, his throat was locked by Ergou, and Ergou shouted: "Who sent you here?"

"I do not understand what you're saying!"

A punch flew to the man's face, the man's face suddenly became elongated, the front kiss protruded, and hair grew.It turns out that this guy is also a werewolf!

The werewolf's fangs were extremely sharp, and it roared, scaring Bai Dongshuang and Xiao Hong.Although Bai Dongshuang is the ghost queen, Xiao Hong has also practiced high-level spells, but they can only tremble in front of the werewolf.

Ghosts are pure yin bodies formed by resentment after death, and usually only come out at night to move around.As for demons, animals and plants are cultivated into spirits and transformed into human form, with strong mana.It can be dispatched at any time. In this world, the wolves change into human forms, lurking among you and me.

Bai Dongshuang is a queen-level ghost, and with the help of Ergou, Xiaohong has also cultivated to a high-level level.They can't deal with wolf demons.

Of course, the wolf demon has nothing to do with Bai Dongshuang and the others.

The ghost queen is a born king of invisibility, Xiao Hong runs away, and the wolf demon can only catch the blind.

"Master, be careful!"

It was too late to say it, and then it was too late, Er Goudou struck out with his big fist, smashing the wolf's head with one punch, blood spurted from the seven orifices, and with another punch, the werewolf's fangs burst and flew.

"Sister Shuang, stop!" Pound, Pi Ergou opened the car door and flew out dragging the werewolf.In the dense green belt bushes, his fist smashed the wolf's head alive.Cut open the belly, and took out a shiny demon core.Yaohe Pi Ergou is a good thing. This guy opened his mouth and swallowed Yaohe in one gulp.

When the demon core entered the dantian, the Yang God in his dantian suddenly moved, the demon core merged, and the power of the Yang God surged.The black immortal energy in his body turned purple, and his divine power rose to another level!
At this time, the werewolf lost its demon core and turned back into a wolf, already dead beyond the point of death.

Seeing his whole body's muscles become more ferocious, and his fists are made of steel bars, Xiaohong was so excited, she kept boasting: "Master, you have become stronger again!"

"Master, can we eat the demon core of the werewolf?" The ghost queen Bai Dongshuang asked curiously.

"Sister Shuang, you must not. If you swallow the demon core, your pure yin body will be refined by the demon core. This is called backlash, you know?" Ergou warned.

"Master, I understand!"

Xu Yi, the Land Rover rushed into the hospital where Xianxiang was staying.

"Brother Mouse, it's strange, where is Brother Mouse?" As soon as he got off the car, Ergou immediately summoned the Mouse Demon King.The result was called for a long time, but there was no shadow of the mouse demon king.

"Master, your mouse soldiers and generals must have been scared away by the werewolf!" the female ghost Xiaohong smacked her tongue.

"That's right. Brother Shu is in front of the werewolf, and he can only be caught blind! The werewolf sneaked into the hospital first, let's go!"

While talking, the two dogs rushed up to the hospital building like flying.While taking the elevator, a beautiful and gorgeous girl who was traveling with him suddenly hugged Pi Ergou, stretched out his fangs and bit him.After being slapped unconscious by Er Gou, he pulled out a demon core the size of a dragon circle from her belly, and ate it in one bite.

"Honghong, move this wolf corpse to the rooftop and throw it away!"

"Yes, Master!"

Hurrying to the seventh floor, Er Gou ran to the bathroom first. Seeing that his hands were covered in blood, several men ran away in fright.

After cleaning the pole, Ergou came out and found Gongye Xianxiang's ward.When he entered, he saw Gongye Xianxiang motionless on the sickbed, as if he had fallen asleep.Only Erika Toda waited on her.Seeing this, Ergou became very nervous and said, "Lixiang, where's Aaron?"

"Boss, just now a doctor came in with a nurse in a white coat. We thought it was a doctor who came to make rounds. Aaron let them in. Unexpectedly, the doctor's face suddenly elongated and turned into the face of a wolf. I wanted to bite Miss Xianxiang's neck. Aaron punched it out, and then chased it out!" Speaking of werewolves, Toda Erika's complexion changed drastically, and she trembled when she spoke.

"Where's the nurse?"

"Nurse, run away!" Toda Erika calmed down when she saw Ergou.

Ergou Yipidun sat in front of the bed, picked up Gongye Xianxiang's jade hand, took her pulse, and checked her body again.Secretly wondering, there is nothing unusual, why sister Xianxiang has been falling asleep.

"Lixiang, she can still talk when I'm on the phone, why is she so sleepy now!"

"Boss, the doctor said she was anemic. I went to the pharmacy to get a few boxes of oral liquid according to the prescription. I checked and it was an iron supplement drug. What is it called Shengxuening Tablets! Then, here it is!"

"It's strange, it's reasonable to take iron supplements, so you won't fall asleep?" Er Gou slapped his thigh, his expression changed slightly, and he said, "Oops, the Shengxuening tablet you took has been tampered with!"

After finishing speaking, Ergou pressed Gongye Xianxiang's belly with one hand, and the purple fairy energy was like electricity and flow, and it submerged into sister Xianxiang's internal organs in the blink of an eye.The army of immortal qi was divided into six groups to cleanse the toxins in her body.

Ten minutes later, Gongye Xianxiang heaved a sigh of relief and opened his eyes.

"Second dog, how is my second brother?"

"Sister Xianxiang, the situation of your second brother is still unclear. If you guessed correctly, he has become what he is today, and his girlfriend Huang Fangfei can't escape the suspicion! And Huang Fangfei is a werewolf. Run away!" Speaking of Huang Fangfei, this wolf girl is actually good at illusion.If it weren't for his strong concentration, he would probably die in Huangquan.

"My God, the wolves that have disappeared for many years are haunting the deep city! Werewolves are invulnerable to swords and guns, and they rely on human blood to cultivate. Only by taking out the demon core in their bodies can they be killed! In China, only people with supernatural powers like you can deal with wolves !" Speaking of the wolf clan, Gongye Xianxiang frowned.

"Sister Xianxiang, there are indications that the wolf clan represented by Huang Fangfei is probably targeting you!" Ergou guessed.

"Ergou, you're wrong, it's not aimed at me, it should be aimed at you! Can you take a look at your ghost-killing artifact——Shenxiao Yin?" Gongye Xianxiang suddenly sat up.

"Xiami?" Hearing this, Er Gou went to take out the seal of the gods from his pocket.He got a total of seven Heavenly Master seals from the Tianshi Temple, among which the three seals of the Northern Emperor Fire Bell Seal, the Tiangang Seal, and the Killing Ghost Seal are used for healing, because the consumption of mana is too great, and he has immortal energy in his body. , These three seals were rarely used, and were collected by him.The only things he carries with him are the artifacts for killing ghosts - the seal of Shenxiao, the seal of the city god for summoning ghosts and gods, the seal of Xiaoguanghuo for marking the territory, and the seal of the arctic canopy for wearing to avoid evil.

The three seals of Shenxiao, Chenghuang and Xiaoguanghuowen are all placed in the inner trouser pockets of the body.At the beginning, Ergou's mana was weak, and a seal was the size of a matchbox, and it was conspicuously bulging in his pocket.Later, as his magic power became stronger and stronger, these seals were compressed by his magic power, and gradually shrunk to inches, only a few thin pieces.If he doesn't tell, no one knows where it is hidden.

However, Pi Ergou rummaged through all his pockets, and the three most important seals of the Celestial Master were gone!

"I'm going, Huang Fangfei! Huang Fangfei must have stolen the seal!" Ergou was startled for a while, and said to Niang Xipi, since his debut for a year, he never thought that someone would have his idea of ​​Shenxiao seal!
(End of this chapter)

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