Chapter 678

"Boss, if one day I'm gone, will you miss me?" After the incident, Toda Erika was different from the previous few times. She didn't smile at all, but her eyes were sad.

It looks like she has something on her mind.

Pi Ergou was immersed in the satisfaction after relaxing, and entered the sage mode.Therefore, he didn't notice the change in Toda Erika's expression at all.

"Li Xiang, don't say bad words, why are you not here? You will be there wherever I go, you are mine, you know?" Er Gou admired secretly, Li Xiang's skin is so good.Being with her can bring different stimulation.

"Boss, there is no feast that lasts forever. If one day I'm gone, you won't miss me, right?" Li Xiang knows that there are many women around the boss, and many women are like moths to a flame. Paste his upside down.If she's gone, to the boss, it's just one less woman.They are like dead lotus flowers.

"What stupid things are you talking about? One day, I will miss you every day!" Ergou said sweetly for a while.He has seen a lot of people, and he has mastered a rule, that is, he will always only say nice things in front of women. Women love to listen to nice things, so he will keep saying nice things, whatever is flirtatious, what people say.

"Boss, do you love me?" Toda Erika asked, as if she was about to say goodbye to Ergou.


"Boss, I understand, go to bed early!"

Suddenly there was a ding dong, and Li Xiang's cell phone received a text message, she glanced at it hastily, quickly deleted it, and then lay down as if nothing had happened.

Ergou had always trusted her, so he lay down side by side without asking any further questions.

In the middle of the night, Toda Erika sat up, and when she heard Pi Ergou breathing lightly, she called softly again: "Boss?"

When there was no response, she went down to get dressed.This time she disguised herself as a man, put her long hair up and covered it with a hat, then left the room like a ghost, and quickly went downstairs.After getting into a black car, the black car pulled her and quickly disappeared into the night.

"Master, where are you going?" Erika Toda asked a white-haired old man in the back row.

"Rika, I thought this was a victory, but an accident happened. I need your help!" The person Lixiang called master is none other than Toda Erika's master Kawashita Huahuo before his debut, and this person is also Sakura National Youth The owner of Sakura Stream.

"Master, have you got the Shenxiao Seal yet?" Toda Erika was secretly surprised.

"Haha, Lixiang, it's all due to Huang Fangfei's contribution to get Pi Ergou's seal this time. Huang Fangfei has only been a student for a year, and she has made great contributions to Qingyingliu and our country. According to the reward rules, Qingyingliu rewarded her with one billion cherry dollars. One billion cherry dollars, according to the exchange rate, is equivalent to 6000 million yuan. Lixiang, you have to learn from Huang Fangfei, you know!" Kawashita Huahu said triumphantly.

"Master, isn't Huang Fangfei a werewolf? I just found out now that she is my junior sister!"

"Haha, Lixiang, my teacher didn't mean to hide from you. You have been lurking beside Pi Ergou for more than a year, and now is the time to come in handy! Pi Ergou never dreamed that you are my undercover agent, haha!"

"Master, don't say it so loudly!" Toda Erika said in shock.She was so entangled in her heart. Originally, if the boss Pi Ergou hadn't touched her in Niutou Village, she wouldn't have been so entangled.She has always been an undercover agent for Master Kawashita Huahu Ancha next to Pi Ergou.But the strange thing is that Master seldom contacted her for a year.Occasionally, he also asked about her recent situation, and basically did not assign tasks to her.Unexpectedly, as soon as the boss's survival seal was lost, Master Kawashita Huahu came to her!
Along the way, she was at war between heaven and man, and there were two voices fighting in her heart.One said: "You are the boss, you love the boss deeply. The boss trusts you so much and treats you so well, how can you betray him?" The other said: "You were raised by Master, you have everything you have today, They are all given by Master.The master spent a lot of effort to arrange you next to Boss Pi. When you are needed, you betray the master. Are you still human? "

Not long after, the black car drove out of Shencheng, passed through a farming field in the suburbs, and stopped.Toda Erika was a little dazed, mechanically followed her master Kawashita Huahu, and boarded a luxury yacht.

The master took Lixiang to a luxurious room on the lower floor. When she entered, she was secretly surprised. The man sitting on the sofa was none other than the boss Pi Ergou's rival Lian Zhanjun in the provincial capital!

Oh my god, why is this lunatic Wu here?
He and Master are allies of a group?

"Lian-jun, this is my chief female disciple Erika Toda!"

When the training army was fighting Pi Ergou in the provincial capital, he met Toda Huilixiang. When he saw her, he almost spit out a mouthful of tea: "Senior Hu, she is that bastard Pi Ergou's bodyguard!"

"Mr. Lian, be safe and don't be impatient. Listen to me slowly—" At that moment, Kawashita Huahu was telling how he knew that Pi Ergou had invented the Celestial Vegetable, how it was for the sake of stealing the master, and how it was for the benefit of Sakura Kingdom. And how to make a clever arrangement, so that Lixiang can tell the whole story about being an undercover agent next to Ergou.

"Senior Tiger, come here!" Lian Zhanjun is a big man, a famous super strongman in the provincial capital.This guy is huge, with tight muscles and great strength, and he walks like a tiger.

Lixiang heard them discussing behind closed doors.

"Senior Tiger, is your apprentice absolutely reliable?"

"Lian Jun, she is equivalent to my daughter, do you think she is unreliable?" Kawashita Huahu seemed a little unhappy when faced with Lian Zhanjun's questioning.

"Senior Tiger, I doubt it! If you don't believe me, ask yourself if Li Xiang has become Pi Ergou's woman!" Lian Zhanjun said unrelentingly.

"Baga, don't doubt it! I know the character of my apprentice best! If you don't believe me, you can try it!"

"How to try?"

"She has been an undercover agent next to Boss Pi for a long time, so she must know the secret of using the Shenxiao Seal!" Chuanxia Huahu said confidently.

While the master was having a secret discussion with the training army, Toda Erika made a decisive decision and quietly sent a text message to Pi Ergou!Then he called him, woke up the boss, and hung up immediately.Immediately afterwards, she quickly deleted the text messages and call records.

"What are you doing here?" A seductive woman with a devil's figure walked in with her legs shaking.

"Who are you?" Toda Erika felt that she was evil when she saw this woman.Secretly concluded that this woman should be Huang Fangfei who stole the boss's seal of God!
Thinking that it was Huang Fangfei, Li Xiang became very nervous.

This woman can take his life and root from the boss, she is very capable.

(End of this chapter)

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