Chapter 695 Thousand Eagle King Furious

"Haha, I haven't seen my daughter for more than a year, and the old man can hardly recognize her. The old saying is true, hahaha!" Qianying King burst into laughter, and the air in the super-large office It actually stirred up, and a moderate air wave vibration occurred.

"Dad, you look good!" Wang Hongshang walked up excitedly and said.

"Hahaha, thanks to my daughter, this old man is in good health. No disease or disaster, everything tastes delicious. By the way, the heaven-defying vegetables you brought over by air are delicious, super delicious. To tell you the truth, I ate it Nitiancai from Danai Village is getting stronger and stronger, thank you Boss Pi for me! Boss Pi is a god, amazing, really amazing!" Speaking of Pi Ergou, Qianying King was full of praise.

"Dad, you can speak beautiful words. Boss Pi is in trouble in Shencheng, and you don't save him. Let me tell you, if Boss Pi has any troubles, in the future, you don't want to eat food against the sky!" Wang Hongshang said cutely for a while.

"It's unreasonable! Who, who dares to fight against my daughter's boyfriend? Good daughter, tell Dad soon, Dad will help you vent your anger!"

"Dad, you'll just pretend to be confused. Who else is there in Shencheng? It must be Qian Longhui, the tycoon in Shencheng's catering industry? , isn’t it?” Wang Hongshang looked at Qian Ying kingly and said slyly.

"No, no. Ah Hui was blaming me on the phone, saying that there was a shameless person pretending to be Boss Pi and causing trouble in the city. I asked Guiyan Tutuo to help him vent his anger! What, Dad did something wrong ?”

"Dad, you're not wrong, but very wrong. Qian Longhui didn't tell the truth at all. The leather boss in Shencheng is himself, and he is not a shameless person at all. It was not someone else who was kidnapped by Guiyantouyuan , but Pi Ergou's chief assistant Qian Feiyan!"

Seeing that Wang Hongshang spoke with a nose and eyes, the Thousand Eagle King immediately said angrily: "How unreasonable! That bastard Ah Hui, relying on the support of the old man, actually deceived his subordinates and concealed his superiority, unreasonable!"

"Father Gan, Qian Feiyan was taken away by Guiyan Tutuo, you have to get someone to fish it out quickly. If something happens to Qian Feiyan and Pi Ergou goes crazy, Daddy Gan, if you want to eat his heaven-defying food, you can just eat him." Difficult!"

"Assistant Xiong, tell Guiyan Toutuo to come over!"

"Yes, boss!"

Soon, Guiyan Tutuo hurried in, saw King Qianying, and immediately said respectfully: "Big boss, little Guiyan Tutuo is reporting, please give instructions to the big boss!"

"Guiyan Tutuo, what did you do? You actually captured Boss Pi's chief assistant. You've lost your mind! You bastard!" Qian Yingwang's most admired person is Pi Ergou. The people around Pi Ergou were arrested.Thousand Eagle King's lungs exploded with anger.

"Ah? Boss, big boss, yes, President Qian gave me the order. He said you agreed. I, I..." Seeing the big boss throwing a tantrum, Guiyan Toutuo looked confused.

"Presumptuous! Boss Pi is the god-man I admire the most. How could I ask you to arrest him? It seems that it is Ah Hui who falsely preached the imperial decree and did evil without telling me. It is unreasonable!" King Qianying got angry, eyebrows and beard Stand upright.

"Boss, it was Mr. Qian who told me that someone pretended to be Boss Pi and came to make trouble in Shencheng. I believed it was true, so..."

"Don't you have eyes? Can't you even recognize the famous boss Pi? How did you become the vice president? What are you doing in a daze, go and release Qian Feiyan quickly. Hurry up and apologize!" Qian Ying Wang Dawei said angrily.

"Yes, big boss, I'll do it right away!" Guiyan Toutuo had never seen Qianying King lose his temper so much, he was trembling with fear, and was about to quit.Suddenly, the big boss's loud voice sounded again: "Wait a minute, you, call Ah Hui. Tell him to come over right away!"

"Yes, boss, I'll do it right away!"

Guiyan Toutuo turned pale with fright, bent over and retreated.

After dismissing Guiyan Touyuan, King Qianying saw Gan's daughter Wang Hongshang, and immediately turned his anger into joy, and greeted him cordially: "Hao Changshang, come, come, Daddy Gan has recently brought a batch of good tea, come and drink tea!"

Speaking of drinking tea, Wang Hongshang slapped her thigh and said, "Wenwen, you didn't bring the gift I brought?"

"Ah? Miss, I forgot, I'll get it right away!" Liu Wen stomped her feet and ran out in a gust of wind.

After a while, Liu Wen came in with a big bulging luggage bag, put it on the desk of Huanghuali Taipan, and said excitedly: "Miss, the gift is here."

Wang Hongshang just opened the luggage bag, took out the gifts one by one, and said, "Dad, these ten Nitian cigarettes are produced by the tobacco factory under Pi Ergou. They are all refined with Nitian flue-cured tobacco. Want to smoke!"

"My God, Boss Pi is amazing, he is a god. This cigarette smells so good, it smells so good, hahaha!"

"Dad, these are ten bottles of Nitian wine. It is produced by Baiyang Distillery under the name of Pi Ergou. It is all made of Nitian rice and Nitian sorghum. Try it, it's delicious!"

"Shangshang, what are these jewelry boxes the size of?" Thousand Eagle King picked up a box curiously.


Liu Wen couldn't help snickering.

"Dad, this is Suoyang Pill. It is a man's favorite baby. You will know how powerful it is after eating it, haha!" Wang Hongshang laughed shyly.

"Ah? Oh, I remembered, last time the patriarch Liu of Liuhua Palace told me that Boss Pi invented a baby that is better than Weige. Oh, good stuff. My Changshang is really filial hahaha !" Thousand Eagle King was very happy.

"Dad, you have accepted the gift, so you have to do something! That's the thing, Boss Pi's production capacity in the field of Nitiancai is overflowing today. There are several million catties of channels. After Qian Longhui found out, all kinds of Wei Bi lured, and wanted Boss Pi to agree to give him a share of 100 million catties in Shencheng. Pi Ergou disagreed, and Qian Longhui actually moved the deputy mayor Huang Guoping out. After Huang Guoping hit a wall with Pi Ergou, he ordered the district level People from the unit dispatched a large number of people to try to seal down the hotel chain controlled by Pi Ergou. If it weren’t for Pi Ergou’s contacts in the province who reported Huang Guoping’s criminal behavior, what might happen to Pi Ergou?”

"Isn't that reasonable? Isn't this retaliation? I've heard that Qian Longhui is the tyrant of the deep city. Alas, it's all my fault. I'm so confused. I became Qian Longhui's accomplice indirectly!"

"Dad Gan, when Qian Longhui comes, you can't listen to his one-sided words. That old tough guy will flatter Dad Gan and make you happy!" Wang Hongshang said coquettishly.

"Haha, good Changshang, I won't do it this time. The old man is not so confused! No matter what he says, the old man won't believe it, haha!"

"Dad, Qian Longhui knows that he has caused a catastrophe. In order to save himself this time, he will definitely try his best to please you, such as giving you strange treasures, beauties and so on. It's up to you!" Wang Hongshang knew beforehand.

(End of this chapter)

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