Chapter 699 Booty

Once a werewolf loses its demon core, it is basically dead.Huang Fangfei was no exception, her wolf-headed body was deforming at a visible speed.In the end, it was reduced to a wolf and fell to the ground, dying beyond death.

After swallowing Huang Fangfei's demon core, Pi Ergou's most direct change was that the purple immortal energy in his body turned golden.The golden color is the supreme color, which means that the golden fairy energy in his body has reached the highest level.At the same time, the divine power in his body, conservatively estimated, should break through tens of thousands of catties!
My God, if you use all your strength, what will happen if you hit it with all your strength?It's unimaginable!
At this time, the leader of the werewolf was dead, and the next step would be easy.The few werewolves hiding in the underground blood pool were just low-level werewolves, and a few werewolves tried to escape from the underground tunnel.As a result, the underground secret passage was filled with sea water by Bai Dongshuang, making it impossible to swim out at all.

When the last eight low-level werewolves saw Pi Ergou, they were so frightened that they prostrated themselves on the ground, bowed their heads and said, "Big Boss, don't kill us. Please spare our lives. We are willing to follow the Big Boss and serve as the Big Boss." The pawns. The big boss wants to fight!"

"Big boss, please accept the little one!"

"The big boss is merciful! We didn't want to kill people, but Huang Fangfei, a wicked woman, did it before us. We were wronged!"


"You eight werewolves, who has the final say?" Ergou's business empire is getting bigger and bigger, and his men are most in need of helpers.Like these few low-ranking werewolves, as long as they are trained and trained well, there is nothing wrong with punishing evil and promoting good.

"He has the final say!" Several werewolves pointed at the middle-aged werewolf at the front in unison.

"What's your name?"

"The big boss, the little one is Hanba!"

"Well, from now on, you and the seven werewolves will form a werewolf guard, and you will be the captain of the guard. You will be responsible for the security of all my properties in Danai Village, and you will always obey orders!" Ergou said.

"Yes, big boss!"

"Thank you big boss!"

"Long live the big boss!"


The eight werewolves saved their lives, and they were all ecstatic.

"Okay, get up! Hanba, come here!" Ergou called Hanba to a room, and when he entered, he saw a shining green light. It turned out to be the boudoir of the former chieftain Huang Fangfei.There are countless rare treasures in the house, and the top-level emerald, gold and silver jewelry are hung all over the bedroom.The most valuable is the night pearl the size of a full moon, which emits a blue and green light in the basement.

"Big Boss, all the rare treasures in this room were collected by Huang Fangfei. Now it's your spoils, Big Boss!" Han Yan said respectfully.

"Hanba, I heard that Huang Fangfei has a special dungeon for detaining the living. How many people are there in total?" Er Gou caressed and touched the Ye Mingzhu comfortably, while secretly marveling.

"Report to the big boss, Huang Fangfei uses human blood to lead her subordinates to practice. Every day, one person must be killed, and the blood of living people is used to practice! Now there are about twelve people imprisoned in the dungeon!"

"Does a werewolf have to use human blood for cultivation? Animal blood is not acceptable?" Ergou said disgustedly.

"Report to the big boss, animal blood is not good, only by cultivating with human blood can we cultivate into a human form!"

"What will happen if you stop practicing? Will you die?"

"If you stop practicing, you won't die, but your attack power stays the same, not as powerful as a high-ranking werewolf!" Han Yan explained.

"What is your food? It's not human blood, is it?"

"It's not human blood, it's animal meat. As long as it's meat, it's fine, raw or cooked!"

"Oh, if that's the case, I'm relieved. I'm afraid that you dogs won't be able to stop eating shit, and go to harm mankind!" Ergou said with a sigh of relief.

"Boss, not all werewolves are inhuman devils. We cultivate human beings from monster wolves, and we will have human kindness. As long as the boss actively teaches and teaches, I believe that the seven werewolves under him will also abandon evil and do good!"

"Hanba, from now on, you stop cultivating with human blood. When my cultivation reaches a certain level, I will help you increase your mana!"

"Understood, big boss!"

"Okay, call your people and release the innocent civilians in the dungeon. Then let them come to see me!" Ergou ordered.

"Boss, I'll do it now!"

After dismissing the drought, Pi Ergou saw a few bags under the luxurious couch, all of which were LV famous brands.He packed Huang Fangfei's gold, silver, jewelry, and jade handicrafts into boxes.The night pearl, the size of a full moon, was packed in a box.In addition, he kept half of the gold and silver jewelry, ready to distribute to innocent civilians in the dungeon.

"My God, brother dog, are not human!" I saw Chunchaili appearing at the door at some point, looking at him in horror.

"Chaili, what am I if I'm not a human?" Ergou couldn't laugh or cry.

"You are a god!"

"Haha, Chaili, you can say that if you want. Come here and give you a pigeon egg!" Seeing Chunchaili approaching, Er Gou put the biggest pigeon egg diamond ring on her ring finger.

"Brother Dog, Huang Fangfei collected countless gold and silver treasures during his lifetime. Now they are all your trophies, and you are rich!" Chunchaili said with a look of admiration.

"To me, this is not a big deal! Except for that luminous pearl, which is worth hundreds of millions, everything else is nothing." Ergou pretended to say.

"Ah? There are two big boxes, and there must be millions of jewels. Don't you think it's nothing? Are you rich?"

"Chaili, let me tell you this, I'm not very rich. But I still have several hundred million in savings!"

Seeing the understatement on Ergou's face, Chunchaili curled her lips and said, "Brother Gou, you can brag. How old are you, how many millions, I don't believe it!"

"Okay, just treat me as a braggart."

At this time, Hanba came in and reported: "Boss, I released the civilians in the dungeon. There are 12 of them in total, and they are queuing at the door. Do you want to call them in?"

Hearing this, Er Gou got up and walked to the door, only to see that the twelve commoners were all fat and strong, and couldn't help being surprised: "Hanba, they seem to be eating well."

"Report to the big boss, Huang Fangfei is willing to spend money on food in order to get purer human blood. The civilians in the dungeon eat well!"

Ergou nodded and announced to the twelve civilians: "Brothers and sisters-in-law, I have wiped out the evil werewolves. Now you are free, and I will give you half of the things I confiscated, which is regarded as compensation for you. People get two gold necklaces, do you have any objections?"

"Look, the big boss is so righteous! Do you have any comments, please thank the big boss?" Han Yan said loudly.

"Thank you big boss!"

"Big Boss is our savior. Thank you Big Boss!"

"Thank you, Big Boss. The Big Boss is my reborn parents. I, Fu, will never forget the life-saving grace of the Big Boss!"


"Okay, you all line up and each get two. Chai Li, you are in charge of distributing!"

"Yes, brother dog!"

Not long after, the gifts were distributed, and the twelve rescued civilians thanked Pi Ergou a thousand times, and all of them smiled.

"Boss, there are so many left, you keep it for yourself!"

"These belong to them. They are my new werewolf guard!"

"Boss, we don't need it, you can stay!"

"This is my order!"

Seeing Ergou's serious face, Hanba had no choice but to accept it.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, before dark, Pi Ergou took Chunchaili, the spoils of war and the newly collected werewolf guards, and escorted twelve civilians to board the ship.Leave Hushan Island by boat and arrive at the land pier smoothly.

When Gongye Xianxiang, Toda Huilixiang and Qian Feiyan saw that Ergou had successfully rescued a group of civilians, they were full of praise for him.

"Boss, what's in this box?"

"Rika, that's a confiscated spoil!"

"Ergou, are you sure Huang Fangfei is dead?" Gongye Xianxiang asked worriedly.

"Huang Fangfei is the leader of the werewolves. She has the strongest magic power and the largest demon core. I have eaten all her demon cores. Do you think she is dead?" Er Gou bulged his muscles as if showing off. .

"I said, you came back this trip and found that your strength is stronger! Ergou, you are awesome!"

Suddenly Qian Feiyan yelled in fright: "Boss, werewolves, they are werewolves!"

"Ergou, they look like werewolves, what's going on?"

"Don't be nervous. These eight werewolves are my newly recruited werewolf guards, and they will follow my command from now on!" Er Gou cheerfully waved at Han Yan, and Han Yan came over with a whoosh.

"Uncle Hanba, Chaili, let me introduce you. Her name is Gongye Xianxiang. She is Toda Huilixiang, her personal bodyguard. She is Qian Feiyan, her personal assistant! From now on, you will be on your own, so don't accidentally hurt your allies! "Ergou's words amused everyone.

At nightfall, Ergou and his party drove back to the hotel where they stayed.

Back at the hotel, Chunchaili smacked her tongue when she saw that the suite Ergou lived in was so luxurious, "Brother Dog, how much do you pay per day for such a big house?"

"It doesn't cost much. Lixiang, come here."

"Boss, what's the matter?"

"Lixiang, go to the mall with Chaili to buy some clothes and shoes, better ones. Then buy her a Huawei Smart Leg[-] mobile phone! Come back and reimburse her!" Ergou ordered.

"Yes, boss!"

"Brother Dog, I have clothes, so I don't need to buy them. Clothes in shopping malls are expensive!" Chunchaili refused.

"Chaili, your clothes are too simple. I'd better buy a few sets, it's only ten thousand yuan, it's a drizzle for me!"

Seeing that Pi Ergou was talking so loudly, Chunchai called him into the room, closed the door and said, "Brother Gou, the spoils you confiscated are only a few million. Even if you sell Ye Mingzhu, you can't be prodigal? Anyway, I don't want it." When buying clothes, the old ones are better to wear!"


"Okay, Brother Gou, don't be angry, okay? How about I save you money?" Chunchai Li's big eyes were full of tenderness.

"Okay, from now on you will follow me and be responsible for my daily life. The monthly salary is [-]. That's it!"

"Brother Dog, what are you talking about, fifteen thousand? Where did you get the money to pay so much?"

"Stop talking nonsense, I'll give you [-] and you can take it. Only those who think it's too little money, I haven't seen anyone who thinks it's too much money!" Ergou said dumbfounded.

"Brother Dog, I don't want fifteen thousand, just give me three thousand!"

"I will give you fifteen thousand!"

"I don't want it!" Unexpectedly, Chunchaili was more stubborn than him.

Ergou said with a defeated expression: "Okay, let's talk when we go back!" Ergou took a bunch of clean clothes from the closet and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

Chunchaili followed in and said, "Brother Dog, I will serve you!"

Before the words finished, Toda Huilixiang jumped in and said, "Chunchaili, this is my job, you get out!"

"Aren't you a bodyguard? I'm in charge of Brother Gou's daily life. That's what Brother Gou said!" Chunchaili said stubbornly.

"Lixiang, Chaili has a stubborn temper, so I can only let her come."

"Boss, this won't work, no one is allowed to take my job!"

(End of this chapter)

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