Chapter 707
At this time, it was midnight, everything was silent, and the huge Fan village was in darkness, with no lights to be seen.

Er Gou took Li Xiang and hurried to Fan Daliang's house.He didn't even knock on the door, just climbed over the courtyard wall and entered.Ergou knew Fan Daliang's bedroom, so Mao Yao touched under the bedroom window and called out in a low voice, "Mr. Fan?"

After calling for a long time but no one answered, Ergou asked Lixiang to knock on the door.Suddenly Lixiang said nervously: "Boss, look, it's locked!"

"I'll go, what's the situation?" Ergou took out his mobile phone, found a signal, and dialed Fan Daliang's number.

No one answered the first time, Ergou called again.This time it was connected, and Fan Daliang said, "Boss!"

"Brother Fan, where are you?"

"Boss, I'm at home! There was a bizarre murder case in the village tonight. I called you, but I didn't get through. I just wanted to go to the city tomorrow to find you!" On the other side of the phone, Fan Daliang was panting, and he seemed to be Difficulty breathing.

"Brother Fan, no, I'm right outside your bedroom door, and your bedroom door is locked!" At this time, Bai Dongshuang searched all the rooms, and came back to report: "Master, no one was found!"

"Boss, I seem to be lying in a coffin!" Fan Daliang said nervously.

"Ah? Brother Fan, this is a ghost burial. Tell me quickly, where are the graves in your village usually buried?" Ergou has heard that there is a kind of ghost, which specializes in fascinating people, and then puts them in coffins and digs pits to bury them. .

"Fan Village's ancestral grave is on the west hill!"

Knowing that it was on the west mountain, Ergou hurriedly called Bai Dongshuang: "Dongshuang, hurry up, you lead the way, let's go to the west mountain to find it!" Several people got a shovel from Fan Daliang's house, took the shovel, and walked through Most of the village groups saw a large area of ​​graves halfway up the mountain.

The mass graves in the middle of the night are particularly eerie, and not far away, there are dots of will-o'-the-wisps wandering.

"Boss, this road is easy for you, go this way!"

Er Gou hurriedly dragged Li Xiang back: "That's not a road, it's a fake road made by Li Gui with illusion, you're done walking up it!"

"Huh?" When she heard that there were ghosts here who used illusion to deceive people, she was startled.

At this moment, Bai Dongshuang floated back with a whimper and said, "Master, there is a new grave ahead!"

"Look!" Er Gou pulled Li Xiang, and ran to where Bai Dongshuang was standing in a gust of wind.Sure enough, I saw a new grave, and it seemed that the grave was just filled with new soil.

"It should be like this!" Er Gou raised his shovel and quickly dug up the grave.Not long after, a coffin appeared in the pit.

"Boss, look, there are holes in this coffin!"

"Great, brother Fan should die. You see, the hole just now faces the gap in the tomb passage in front, and air can get in!"

Boom, boom!
"Boss, did you hear the sound of knocking on the coffin board!"

"I heard it, it's Brother Fan!" After confirming that it was Fan Daliang who was buried in the coffin, Ergou jumped down into the deep pit and slapped the coffin lid, and the coffin lid was blown away by several thousand catties of divine power.


Seeing Fan Daliang sitting up suddenly, he opened his mouth wide, gasping for breath.

As soon as the flashlight hit, Ergou was stunned, only to see that Fan Daliang was actually wearing a shroud!

"Brother Fan, why are you doing this? Come up quickly!" At that moment, Er Gou carried Fan Daliang out of the coffin, seeing that Fan Daliang was weak and almost unable to walk.He squatted down, put Fan Daliang on his back, and walked quickly: "This is not a place to stay for a long time, let's leave here! Dongshuang, you open the way ahead, Lixiang, follow Bai Dongshuang!"

Not long after, the group returned to Fan Daliang's home.

At the door of the house, Ergou ordered Fan Daliang to take off his shroud and shroud shoes, and set fire to them.

Putting on clean clothes and eating something, Fan Daliang poured beans out of a bamboo tube, how he received news from the villagers, how he found out that the soldier was hanged in an abandoned old house, how he reported to the township government, and how he fell asleep as soon as he poured it. , How did he find out that he was buried when he received a phone call?

"Brother Fan, if it wasn't for the hole in the coffin, you probably have to confess!" Li Xiang exclaimed.

"Yes, yes, Big Brother Fan is lucky!"

Fan Daliang's vitality has almost recovered, he stood up suddenly and said: "Boss, come with me!"

At that moment, Fan Daliang took a flashlight and brought Ergou and the others to a deserted old house.In the past, the old house had beams inside, and the boy in the red dress was hanging in a wing room.

When I came to the wing room, I felt panicked.As soon as the flashlight was turned on, it was indeed the same as Ding Dafei's description. The boy was dressed in red clothes and shoes, and the style of clothes was still a shroud!
Ergou ordered: "Dongshuang, put him down!"

"Yes, master!" Bai Dongshuang floated into the air, helped the boy in the red dress untie, hugged her and came down.

Fan Daliang found a door panel and stopped the boy in red.

Seeing a nail being driven into the forehead of the boy in the red skirt, Fan Daliang said in a bewildered expression: "Boss, why did you nail that bastard? Pull it out!"

Er Gou hurriedly pulled it back and said, "Brother Fan, this is the soul-locking nail, you can't move it!"

"Then what about this white lotus? Look, there is still a weight hanging on the baby's feet, you bastard, it's too inhuman, you don't want to be so harmful!" Fan Daliang said very sadly.

"This flower is a soul-inducing flower, and the weight is a falling soul extension! The mage who made it is a master at first glance, and this child must be a pure yin body born in a cloudy year. After the soul-locking nail locks the soul, The three souls and seven souls will not fly away. The flower of attracting souls is a medium, and the extension of falling souls is an external force, which can attract the souls of soldiers to the life-continuers. However, this is the practice of a mage who has changed his life against the sky and done evil. , he won't live long!"

"Boss, why can't you remove the soul-locking nail, the soul-inducing flower and the falling soul extension? What's the point?"

"Xiao Bing is a pure yin body, and he is naturally easy to attract ghosts. The soul-locking nails, soul-attracting flowers, and falling soul extensions on his body are equivalent to telling the ghosts that there is a master, and the ghosts will not dare to go up. He kept the whole body!"

"Wuwu little soldier is such a miserable child! Boss, it must be a good thing for the cave blood demon rod!" Seeing such a young child die unexpectedly, Li Xiang's nose soured and she shed tears.

"By the way, boss, I forgot to tell you that something very evil happened when the mountain was blown up on Huabi Road today. Originally, according to our plan, the stone mountain was going to be flattened. It turned out to be very evil. The large boxes of detonators brought in were inexplicable, all of them were stained red with blood! One box turned red and the other! The explosives workers were scared away! There was no other way, and the construction at Stone Mountain had to be suspended!" Fan Daliang truthfully reported.

"It just happened today, right?"

"Yes, it was this morning! I called you, but I didn't get it!"

"Brother Fan, let me tell you the truth, on the way we came..." At that moment, Ergou also opened the sack and poured out the yam, telling the whole story about the blood demon he encountered along the way.

"Oh my god, what is a blood demon? This is the first time I've heard of such a thing in my life!"

"Mr. Fan, the blood demon can still change into your appearance. He came to Hanlinju to ask for help. We lost a general!" Speaking of the female ghost Xiaohong, Toda Huilixiang felt another burst of angina.

"Ah? You mean, the blood demon changed into my appearance and went to Nine Star City to find the boss?" Hearing this, Fan Daliang was horrified.

"Yes, yes. Not only do you look exactly the same, but you also speak in the same tone. I never expected that!" Thinking of the Gorefiend pretending to be taking a bath in the bathroom at home, he felt sick for a while.

"By the way, Lixiang, call Aaron and tell him to check the bathroom to see if there is anything unusual!" Fortunately, every member of Ergou's family is wearing evil spirit talismans.As long as there is a talisman against evil, the Gorefiend can't get up.

"Yes, boss!" Li Xiang went to the side to make a phone call.

After a while, Li Xiang came back and reported: "Boss, Aaron said, nothing unusual was found!"

"That's good."

"Boss, shall I take you to see Stone Mountain?"

"No need, the blood demons are basically wiped out. You can explode tomorrow!" Bai Dongshuang swallowed several blood demons, and his mana increased dramatically.

"Then, for the little soldier's funeral, do you want to do a Taoist temple? Should he be cremated or buried? If buried, according to the Fan family's system, those who died violently cannot enter the ancestral grave. What is the burial method? Please tell the boss!"

"How to bury Xiaobing, we must first obtain the consent of his family. What about his family?" Speaking of Xiaobing's family, Ergou was shocked, why didn't he see his family members.

"Xiaobing has only one deaf Nai Nai. His parents are divorced and he is working in the southern coast. He will not return until tomorrow."

"I'll go, this baby is suffering enough. Let's talk about it tomorrow!"

"Okay, boss, you are staying at my house tonight. Come with me!"

It was already past one o'clock in the morning, and everyone was sleepy.Ergou arranged for Bai Dongshuang to stay on guard, and then took Lixiang back to Fan Daliang's house for the night.

At Fan Daliang's house, Li Xiang asked curiously, "Brother Fan, where is your wife?"

"I'm not married yet." Fan Daliang smiled a little foolishly.

"Brother Fan, you are so handsome, there must be girls who like you. Get married early!" As she said that, Li Xiang changed the subject and said to Ergou: "Boss, why don't you lend some money to Brother Fan and help him?" Buy a house in the city. It's too late, isn't it?"

"No, I have to earn the money for the marriage. If I rely on borrowed money to start a family, then the wife will not be happy. When the time comes to divorce, why bother?"

"Brother Fan, you are in your late thirties. Lixiang is right, you can't delay any longer, and it will be too late! In this way, I will help you sell a piece of land on Taoyuanwei, and build a house first. Then I will send you a car , It’s easy to find a girlfriend like this!” Er Gou nodded.

"Boss, you are too kind to me. You have to pay more than [-] million yuan for the road from Fancun to the village. I need you to pay for building a house and getting married. This can't be done, can't be done!" Fan Daliang said resolutely.

"Brother Fan, I gave you money to build a house and get married, not just for you, but for your Fan village. Think about it, you have a daughter-in-law, you can be taken care of in life, and you can feel good when you taste the sweetness. Get up. You are in a better mood, so that you can serve the villagers with the best attitude. Is this the truth, right?"

"Boss, well said, well said!" Li Xiang clapped her hands.

(End of this chapter)

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