The strongest village doctor

Chapter 716 Xingzhong Tang Concession

Chapter 716 Xingzhong Tang Concession

After Xingzhongtang walked out, Ergou smiled cheaply and said, "Uncle Shang, your lethality is so powerful. If you hadn't been in charge, Xingzhongtang would have been able to go to heaven!"

"Xiaopi, I'm not omnipotent. Xingzhongtang is not giving me face, but the mayor's face. To be honest, if it weren't for you, I wouldn't be able to get ahead if I beat someone to death. Don't say that you offend others, but also fall into the trap !" Shang Tiebing cried out in agony.

"Uncle Shang, I know that it is not an easy decision for you to make such a head. First, it may damage your reputation, and second, you owe favors. However, with me , Xingzhong Tang dare not do anything to you? He dares to do anything, you inform me as soon as possible. I can prevent him from messing around in Nine Star City!" Er Gou said with nose and eyes.

"Xiao Pi, don't make too many enemies when doing business. Didn't you say before that you should keep a low profile? Today I think you are very high profile!" Shang Tiebing knew that Ergou started from nothing after all, from nothing to over [-] million Net worth, it is easy to form an upstart mentality.Therefore, he felt that it was necessary to beat Ergou.

"Uh, heh heh, I will keep Uncle Shang's teachings in mind. Today is a bit high-profile!" As he spoke, Ergou stroked the dog's head, and said to himself that he had meowed, and that he was acting like a nouveau riche tonight.A mere [-] million debt dispute actually invited Uncle Shang out.What is this called, kill a JI with a butcher's knife.By doing so, he put Shang Tiebing in danger.

Ergou was doing a self-criticism, and saw Xingzhong Tang's bulky body move in, and said with a smile on his face: "Mayor Shang, Boss Pi, my leader approved it. However, my leader made a small request, that is, to invite Boss Pi opened an account with our Xingfeng Bank, with a deposit of more than [-] million?"

"Ah? President Xing, I did make some money. However, as you can see, I just took control of Nine Star Airlines, and the debt of five billion yuan fell on me. I can't afford so much money right now. Save it to you, really. After a year, don't say five hundred million, one billion will do!" Er Gou cried poorly for a while.He thought meow, you guys are too cunning, you can scrape oil from the legs of mosquitoes.Maybe one day Xingfeng will close down, so who should I cry to?

"Mayor Shang, our bank has made such a big concession. This is a great sincerity. If it weren't for Mayor Shang's face, my leader would definitely not approve it. It is said that Boss Pi is worth tens of billions, and five hundred million is right. He is Drizzle. Mayor Shang, please do me a favor and persuade Boss Pi?" Xingzhong Tang was so smart that he actually kicked the ball to Shang Tiebing.Shang Tiebing owed him a favor, and he couldn't do without catching the ball.

"Xiao Pi, Lao Xing has indeed shown his sincerity. You also expressed it, huh?" Shang Tiebing said speechlessly.

"Uncle Shang, President Xing, I am now in the stage of starting a business. I have used all my money to invest. Rent land at high prices, donate money to build roads, build hospital buildings, build factories, build greenhouses, open hotels, supermarkets, and set up factories. There is also channel expansion, which one is not money? I haven’t even heard the sound now, and I really can’t get 1000 million. Or else, save 20 million first?” Ergou continued to cry poorly.He has a deposit of [-] billion yuan, which is mainly stored in Jiuxing Bank and two state-owned banks.

Because Jiuxing Bank gave him a loan when he was in trouble and was kind to him, so of course he would reciprocate.If Ouyang Chaofu knew that he took out the money from Jiuxing Bank and deposited it in Xingfeng Bank, what would Uncle Ouyang think?
Isn't that offending people?
"Ah? It's only 1000 million. This... If it is said, people in Nine Star City won't laugh their ass off? Saying that Boss Pi has deposited so much money in Xingfeng Bank, isn't it embarrassing?" Xingzhong Tang said cunningly.

"President Xing, this is not a question of face, but a question of whether I have it. I don't have so much spare money, where do you want me to find it? It's just 1000 million, and I still picked it out from between my teeth!" Ergou Big pour bitter water.

"Boss Pi, your savings must be more than 1000 million. You used to claim to be worth tens of billions. No matter how you start a business, you will always have a deposit of several billions, right? I know that most of your money is in Jiuxing Bank. The reason is Jiuxing Bank has helped you, and it is only natural for you to repay. The problem is, I will also cut the interest in half for you, which is tens of millions! You just give 1000 million sincerity, and I am not good at dealing with the leaders!" Xingzhong Tang bitterly said.

"Boss Xing, the tens of millions of interest cut off is originally illegal interest. It's not your money, so it should have been cancelled." Li Xiang chimed in.

"For the mayor's face, how much do you add?" The headquarters of Xingfeng Bank is in Jiuxing City, and most of its branches are also in the province.Therefore, Xingzhong Tang dared not take the risk of offending Shang Tie Bing and fight Ergou to death.

What's more terrible is that Pi Ergou has contacts in the province.

"Then 2000 million, how about it?"

"That's okay, for the mayor's sake, it's a deal!" Xingzhong Tang said in pain.

Xingzhong Tang's throat and hair are bitter, and Pi Ergou, this guy is really happy.However, this guy didn't show it, and said sincerely: "Thank you President Xing for giving Uncle Shang face. I also want to see Uncle Shang's face, otherwise, 2000 million really won't come out!"

"Okay, I'll ask my assistant to bring over the original agreement, wait a minute!"

After a while, the agreement was reached, and Ergou also returned 500 million yuan through online banking in front of Xingzhong Tang.As for the 2000 million deposit, you have to go to Xingfeng Bank to open an account tomorrow.

At 11:30 in the evening, Ergou and Lixiang returned to Hanlinju, loaded with various brand-name cosmetics purchased from Xiangjiang, loaded them into the car, and drove back to Danai Village.

Tiankeng Village is in front of Danai Village, so Ergou first went to Tiankeng Village to find Jiang Xuemei.Jiang Xuemei hesitated on the phone, maybe she was in trouble.

Carrying a set of cosmetics, Ergou made a phone call at the door of Xuemei's house, and soon, the door opened, only to see Jiang Xuemei pounced on her like a small bird, and said softly: "Boss, I miss you to death. You went to Xiangjiang, did you bring me a gift? I want a gift!"

"What do you think this is?" Er Gou revealed the cosmetics like a magic trick.

"Ah, this is an imported famous brand. Boss, I love you so much, come with me!" Received the gift, Jiang Xuemei was as happy as a little girl.

Excitedly came to the bedroom on the second floor, and closed the door as soon as he entered. Seeing that Jiang Xuemei had disappeared, Ergou said greedily, "Sister Xuemei, I'm going to the bathroom!"

When they came to the bathroom, Bai Dongshuang, the queen of ghosts, floated out of the seal, and said anxiously, "Boss, this is not Jiang Xuemei!"

"Xiami?" Ergouxin said that he meowed, but Bai Dongshuang didn't remind him, he really didn't pay attention, because he trusted Jiang Xuemei too much.Just now that Jiang Xuemei threw herself into his arms, he felt a little cold.Another one, now this Jiang Xuemei is more charming and coquettish than the real one, he thought Jiang Xuemei was a different person.

"Jiang Xuemei's real self is in danger, I'll look for it in another room!" Hula, Bai Dongshuang disappeared in place and went out to find someone.

Seeing that something was wrong, Ergou quickly sent a text message to Toda Huilixiang: "Lixiang, I have a talisman against evil in my medical box, wear it!"

"Roger that!"

After Lixiang wrote back, Ergou returned to the bedroom without incident.When I went in, I saw the counterfeit talking there again: "Boss, I miss you so much, I can't live without you for a day. I think you're going crazy!" He kissed her.

It was too late, and then it was too late, Ergou's Shenxiao seal was sacrificed, and there was a wail, and the female ghost who transformed into Jiang Xuemei was instantly transformed, and a wisp of ghost was swallowed by the Shenxiao seal.

(End of this chapter)

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