The strongest village doctor

Chapter 718 Onmyoji Kitajima Masao

Chapter 718 Onmyoji Kitajima Masao

A gust of wind ran to the door of Zhongqian's rented private house, and Ergou summoned the ghost queen Bai Dongshuang, and said, "Dongshuang, go in and have a look!"

"Yes, master!" Bai Dongshuang entered as soon as he floated.

Not long after, Bai Dongshuang appeared in front of Ergou and reported, "Master, Zhongqian is fine!"

"It's fine. Dongshuang, change shifts with Aaron and let Aaron go to sleep!"

Knowing that Zhongqian was safe and sound, Pi Ergou felt relieved at once, and with Bai Dongshuang guarding him, he had nothing to worry about.

At this time, it was midnight, Danai Village was completely silent, half a waning moon was hanging high, and the silver light was sprinkled all over the place.

Ergou wanted Huang Yan, so he wanted to find Huang Yan.Suddenly, he found a brightly lit window beside the village road, and at first glance it was the building where the clinic under his name was located.

There was a sound of giggling and giggling in the house.The voice sounded like Shangguan Meihua, the team leader of the clinic.

Next, Ergou heard a sentence that almost didn't surprise his jaw: "Ergou, do you really like me?"

I'm going, what's the situation?
Shangguan Meihua talking to me?
Her window was closed tightly, and the two dogs were several meters away from that window.That is to say, Ergou's hearing becomes abnormal, otherwise he would not be able to hear at all.

Hearing this, he stomped to the window, when a man's voice came out, and the man's voice was somewhat similar to his: "Meihua, I liked you from the very beginning, you are the most attractive woman." The girl I love! As long as you agree to be a good friend with me, I can help you plant an acre of heaven-defying vegetables!"

"Really? Boss, you are so kind to me! Ah, why are you holding my hand?" Shangguan Meihua acted shyly.

"Meihua, you are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. Your slender hands are really a masterpiece of God, so beautiful! May I kiss you?"

Hearing the fleshy and numb voice, Er Gou was furious. Someone pretended to be him and came out to bluff and cheat. It's extremely hateful!

Shangguan Meihua was still in the dark, and said to the fake boss: "Boss, you are so bad! No, it's too fast!"

"Meihua, you actually like me in your heart, don't you?"

"Boss, do you want it?" Shangguan Meihua said coquettishly.

"Meihua, I want to be with you even in my dreams, I love you so much that I'm going to explode, I love you so much that I'm going crazy! Come on—"

Seeing that the bastard was about to succeed, Ergou coughed towards the window.The person in the room immediately became alert: "Who?"

The glass window opened, and the man jumped out.Ergou ran towards the green bamboo forest by the river at a sprinting speed.The man ran after him with his head turned, and the two were as fast as the wind, and both of them sank into the green bamboo forest.

"Bastard, come to Danai Village to lie to women, don't you see whose territory this is! Tell me, who sent you here?" Er Gou said angrily.

"You are Boss Pi? Why do you look exactly like me? You are a fake! Say, who sent you here?" the counterfeit said confidently.

"Hey you funny guy, obviously you are pretending to be me, and you say I'm a fake?" Ergou was furious, and drifted close to the ground in front of that person with lightning speed.A heavy punch flew out, causing a wave of air, and the fist force of five thousand catties hit the man's face.

He was just waiting to hear the screams. Unexpectedly, he punched out, and that person flew out like a bullet, without even farting.In the darkness, only the sound of pieces of paper falling could be heard!

Looking around, the two dogs let out a sigh, where are people?

I saw a human-shaped piece of paper lying on the ground.However, Ergou couldn't be fooled by this, and with a whoosh, he rushed out of the green bamboo forest without hesitation.Under the moonlit night, a black shadow drifted along the river and towards the road at the entrance of the village at an extremely fast speed.

Ergou called Toda Huilixiang while the wind was blowing under his feet: "Lixiang, there is an onmyoji who turned into my substitute and pretended to be me to cheat girls in the village. You hurry to the road behind the house and intercept her!"

"Yes, boss!"

Putting away the phone, Pi Ergou quickly chased after him without touching the ground.Unexpectedly, a man in black suddenly flew down from the big tree above his head.Before the man in black landed, he drew his knife and stabbed Pi Ergou's Tianling Gai!
It was too late to say it, and then it was too late, sensing the fatal danger from Tianling Gai, Ergou transferred tens of thousands of catties of divine power to his fist.His arms instantly became thicker, like a dragon rushing under the skin.

He punched the sky overhead, and the huge air wave knocked the man in black's samurai sword flying.The man in black was about to reach Pi Ergou's Tianling Gai, but he never expected that Ergou's punch was more than ten thousand catties.Thousands of catties of divine power formed an artificial tornado in the blink of an eye.The tornado dragged the man in black into the sky, ah—ah, amidst howling in despair, the man in black fell heavily into the Baiyang River in a free fall!


The splashed water was five or six meters high, and the man in black hit the water from a high altitude, just like hitting the concrete floor.The moment it fell, the internal organs shifted and fell into a coma, and was soon swallowed by the surging river, and was washed away not long after.

Unbelievably, the big tree above the head was chopped off in half by the divine power of Ergou Wanjin, and the huge crown of the tree overturned into the river with a loud noise.

Ergou's target was the Onmyoji, he didn't stay long, and headed towards the road at the entrance of the village.

Drifting to the back of Jiang Xuemei's house, Ergou was taken aback and saw Toda Huilixiang fighting fiercely with the onmyoji.The high-level paper man sacrificed by the Onmyoji was so powerful that Lixiang was knocked backwards and flew seven or eight meters away.Seeing that he was either dead or injured, Ergou barked: "Lixiang!" Under the moonlit night, he drifted past like a bullet out of the chamber.He caught Li Xiang and landed firmly.

"Rika, how are you?"

"Boss, I'm fine. This person is Masao Kitajima, an onmyoji from the Sakura Kingdom. His spells are very powerful. Don't let him escape!" Erika Toda said anxiously.

"Okay, I'll come as soon as I go!" Seeing that Lixiang was fine, Ergou quickly chased her over.

Kitajima Masao used several big moves one after another, and it is estimated that the mana consumption is also very large.At this moment, Na Doubi suddenly fled towards Danai Mountain.

Mount Danai is the territory of Pi Ergou, and Masao Bei Dao fled to Mount Danai, what he wished for.

Under the moonlit night, the two figures drifted rapidly, getting closer and closer.

"Bei Dao Masao, don't run if you have the guts!" Er Gou whistled under his feet, and it didn't take long for him to come up.

Knowing that he was not Ergou's opponent, Masao Bei Dao got anxious and sacrificed two high-level paper figurines again.High-level paper men are very powerful, but Pi Ergou is even stronger.With one punch, the high-level paper figurine was smashed into pieces.

Only then did Masao Kitajima realize that Boss Pi was so powerful, so he ran towards Danai Mountain.

Right at the entrance of the cave in the base camp of Jiuzhimen, Pi Ergou blocked Masao Bei Dao's way!

In the blink of an eye, I saw Bei Dao Zhenxiong push the golden mountain and overturn the jade pillar, knelt down in front of the two dogs, and expressed his loyalty: "Boss, I surrender. Zhenxiong is willing to follow the boss around, and will do anything for the boss!"

"Your name is Masao Kitajima, right? Who sent you here?" Ergouxin said that the native of Sakura Country is quite knowledgeable about current affairs.

"Back to the big boss, I came here by myself!"

"Why did you go to Da Naimura pole?"

"Back to the big boss, the royal family of the Sakura Kingdom offered a reward of 5000 million yuan to get your seal of the gods! I overestimated my abilities and used the innate advantages of Onmyoji to transform into your substitute and target Shangguan Meihua, the person in charge of the Danai Clinic. After turning her into one of your own, then tell her to use a beauty trick to steal the seal of God from you! Unexpectedly, just as you were about to do it, the big boss found out! Damn the little one!" Kitajima Masao and Pantuo made their debut.

"Shangguan Meihua has been fooled, who else has been fooled by you, honestly!" Er Gou said angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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