Chapter 726
"Big boss, it's true. I will rely on the big boss to survive in the future, and I will be satisfied if you can give me 5.00%!" Guo Qing is also a master who can wink. They have all become his younger brothers, so how dare they have the slightest temper.

"Okay, then 5.00%. Feiyan, go and prepare a dividend agreement!" Ergou turned around and told his assistant Qian Feiyan.

"Okay, wait a moment, boss!"

After a while, Qian Feiyan printed out a double copy of the agreement, and Ergou filled out a few strokes. After both parties confirmed that there was no problem, they signed it.

In this way, the two cargo planes under Guo Qing's name were merged into Nine Star Airlines, and Guo Qing received a 5.00% dividend.

After sending Guo Qing away, Ye Yuanxiang called to announce the good news: "Boss, all five cargo planes from Royal Airlines have arrived at Jiuxing Airport. Please instruct!"

"Good thing, good thing. You don't have to worry about running out of luck now, Uncle Ye, first focus on transporting the 500 million catties of the Thousand Eagle King and the 100 million catties of the Liuhua Palace in the imperial capital. As for Yangcheng, Shencheng and Baxian City, these are all our own. Channel, you can rely on the back!"


Putting away the phone, Ergou looked at the time, it was ten o'clock in the morning.The sun is shining outside, today is a big sunny day!

He was thinking about Lu Xiaobing's one billion loan, and was considering whether to repay the money first.His chef, Long Lingcai, came to the study coquettishly, and came up to the study pink and willow green: "Brother Dog, I always feel that I still have a strange smell on my body, can you smell it?"

Before, Long Lingcai was admitted by Ergou because of her natural body odor. After a period of careful treatment, the strange smell on her body was basically gone.Ergou was on a business trip during this period, and when he came back, he was busy with this and that, and forgot about Long Lingcai.

Hearing what she said, Ergou put his dog's nose on her body and sniffed a few places.Strangely said: "Lingcai, my illness has been cured, and there is no strange smell. Not only no, but also body fragrance!"

"Brother Dog, why do I think it's still there? When I went out yesterday, a few people glanced at me, do they dislike me?" Long Lingcai asked innocently.

"Lingcai, can I still lie to you? You think you have it, it's your psychological hint, do you know? You hint every day that you have it, but this won't work. You have to imply that you don't!"

"There's something wrong with me, brother dog, what should I do then?" Long Lingcai was so sad that he shed tears.

"I don't know about mental illness. How about you go to the hospital to see a doctor?"

"Brother Dog, I dare not go alone? I dare not even go shopping. When others see me, I suspect that I have a bad smell!"

"I'll ask Li Xiang to accompany you. I'll reimburse you for the medical expenses!" Er Gou called Li Xiang and told her, "Li Xiang, Lingcai is going to the hospital to see a doctor. Take her there and bring your bank card!"

"Okay, boss!" Toda Erika took Long Lingcai to see a doctor.

At this time, Ergou's phone rang non-stop, and it took another half an hour to answer the call, and he simply switched to silent.Just as he was about to go back to the bedroom to catch up on his sleep, Qian Feiyan came in and reported: "Boss, Mr. Bao of the group company, Fang Cuinong, the military adviser, Weng Chuncao, the general manager of the Eight Immortals Hotel, Mei Zuling, the general manager of the Danai Hotel, and the general manager of the supermarket. Mei Ying, they are all here, saying they have something important to discuss!"


The heads of all departments of the group company came to the door together. This was the first time for a big girl to get on a sedan chair.

Er Gou thought something was wrong, and ran downstairs quickly.I saw Bao Meier, Fang Cuinong, Weng Chuncao, Mei Ying and the others sitting and drinking tea in the living room.Seeing the boss, Qi Shushua stood up and said hello.

"Beauties, what's the matter?" The guy asked with a confused face.

"Ergou, the rest of us, we are going to die today!" Fang Cuinong, the military strategist, spoke first.

"Sister Fang, how could it be so serious that you still remonstrate with death?"

"Boss, have you ever thought about it? Is the price of heaven-defying vegetables too high? In the past, your production capacity of heaven-defying vegetables could not be increased, and rare things were the most expensive. Now, you can produce tens of millions of catties a day. If you still Keeping the unit price of 30 yuan unchanged, it is difficult to open up the market. After all, the rich and the middle class are a minority. Most people can only consume ordinary vegetables that cost five or six yuan a catty!" Bao Meier is in charge of developing The vice president of the channel, she has personal experience in terms of price.In many cases, if a channel is not negotiated, it is all about the price.

"I went out to find channels, and there were more than half of the channels. When I heard that most of your unnatural dishes cost 30 yuan per unit price, many bosses were scared away!"

"Okay. What about Weng Chuncao, if you have something to say, say it!"

"Boss, the business of the Eight Immortals Hotel has always been good. However, I heard many customers complain that the food is delicious, but unfortunately it is too expensive. I hope the boss sells it cheaper! Small profits but quick turnover!"

"Boss, the situation in the supermarket is similar to that reported by Chuncao. Many people complain about the price of the heaven-defying vegetables, and they can't afford them!" Mei Ying also gave feedback.

"You beauties are right. This is my negligence. In the past, the production was limited, so you could set a high price. Now that the production is overwhelmed, it's time to lower the price. Then, all beauties, what price do you think the unit price should be lowered to?"

"Boss, I am looking for channels, most of which are corporate canteens. As long as the unit price of most varieties can be reduced to less than [-] yuan, I can guarantee that I can win more than [-]% of the canteen channels in the city.

"Boss, I agree with Mr. Bao's proposal. The price below ten yuan is acceptable to ordinary people! Most common vegetables now cost seven or eight yuan a catty!"

"I agree too!" After Ergou took control of the seven hotels under Rong Yanji's name, he appointed Mei Zuling as the general manager, and Ding Jinjin as the deputy general manager.

"Ten yuan is just right. As far as the price is concerned, I have conducted a special survey, and most people can accept the price of ten yuan!" Mei Ying also said that it is feasible.

"Okay, the price of heaven-defying vegetables will definitely come down. Your opinions are very important. After today's round of picking is over, the company's general manager meeting will be held tomorrow. After the resolution is passed, a price reduction notice will be issued. Ladies, is there anything else? If you have something to do, stay, and if you have nothing to do, you can take care of yourself." When it comes to major decisions, Ergou usually seeks Wang Hongshang's opinion.After all, Wang Hongshang is his real horse, and it is respect for her to discuss important matters with her.

Of course, the most important thing is that Wang Hongshang has a flexible mind and outstanding strength.Her opinion is very important to Ergou.

"Boss, goodbye!" Weng Chuncao, Mei Zuling and Mei Ying left first and went to work.

Bao Meier sat still, and heard her change the subject: "Boss, this morning, Liu Shuaifo, the owner of Nine Star Tribute Wine, came to me and said that he hoped that you could control Nine Star Tribute Wine. He asked me to ask for your opinion!"

"Liu Shuaifu, right? Tell him that I'm not interested in controlling his winery, but I'm very interested in buying Jiuxing Tribute Liquor!" Before that, Liu Shuaifo was so stubborn and slippery that he ruined Ergou's Baiyang Winery.That time he was bitten by a poisonous snake, and everyone in Baiyang Town thought he was dead.Liu Shuaifo took advantage of the fire to loot.One came and two went, and the two families became enemies.

Ergou hated this old tough guy to the extreme, and had sworn before that one day he would buy Jiuxing Gongjiu.

"Boss, I told him. He said that he doesn't want to sell, he can only hold shares!"

"You don't want to sell it, do you? It won't be long before he doesn't sell it!" The five ace businesses under Ergou's name all took the high price route at the beginning because of limited production.Now, the production of the five ace agricultural products has increased across the board, and the production capacity has exploded.It's time for a price drop.

"Boss, I understand. You are cutting prices across the board for the five trump cards, right?" Hearing this, Bao Meier suddenly became excited.

Fang Cuinong also brightened his eyes and said: "Boss, this idea is good. Like Nitian Sanqi, Suoyang Pill, and Nitian Liquor, these three major businesses are necessities of the people. You can return to the common people's route, with small profits but quick turnover! As for Nitian cigarettes, when the production capacity increases, the price can also be lowered!"

"Yes, that's what I planned. The current 500ml hardcover bottle of Nitian wine sells for more than 200 yuan. This time it can be reduced to less than [-] yuan. When there is a larger production in the future, we can continue Surrender!" Ergou vowed.

"Wow, the boss is wise, you are good at doing business. As long as the price drops, your five trump card businesses will definitely sweep the market, and the business will grow bigger and bigger. One day, our group company will become the world's largest!" Bao Meier said excitedly.

"Yes, yes. Boss, within ten years, you are expected to overtake Bill Gatz and become the richest man in the world!" Fang Cuinong, a goddess stick, never leaves her line of business.

At this time, Bao Meier received an important call, and she left and went back to the company to deal with it.

Fang Cui Nong was left alone, and she leaned forward, winking and said, "Ergou, the market response of this batch of Heaven-Defying Grapes has been unexpectedly good. It has been distributed to various clubs and is very popular. The next step is to expand the planting area, such as planting [-] acres?"

"Yes, yes. When the production volume increases, the price of the grapes against the sky can also be reduced!"

"Danai Village is your home field. You can put the grapes in other villages. Grapes are the most afraid of industrial pollution. They have high requirements on the environment. It is best to find a place with beautiful mountains and clear waters without any pollution. The village!" Fang Cuinong said expectantly.

"Sister Fang, I want to grow the best quality grapes against the sky. Fan Village is good. There is no road to enter the village, surrounded by mountains, and the air is very fresh. I am currently paying for Fan Village to build an asphalt road. Wait for the road to open to traffic. , we can enter!"

Hearing what he said, Fang Cuinong was overjoyed and said: "Boss, you are so smart. Fan Village is Fan Diayu's hometown, and he must be happy when his hometown becomes richer!"

"It's not just happy, it's so happy that I can't close my mouth from ear to ear!"

While talking, Fang Cuinong suddenly pointed to a part and said, "Boss, I'm hurting here. Can you check it for me?"

Seeing her bitter face, Er Gou believed it was true, got up and said, "Go upstairs and show you!"

The two were locked in the bedroom, and Fang Cui Nong slipped away naked and said, "Ergou, how long have you been doing business with me? You bastard, last time you wanted me, you put me aside. Big villain, I hate you !"

"Sister Fang, so you are really in pain?"

"Who said that, my heart hurts!" Fang Cui gave him a thick, peachy look.

"Okay, let me heal you!" As he said, Er Gou kissed Fang Cuinong, and after a while, the two of them started doing nonsensical things...

(End of this chapter)

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