The strongest village doctor

Chapter 742 Helping Sun Qingfeng Heal

Chapter 742 Helping Sun Qingfeng Heal
"What, there is such a thing? Doctor Pi, are you sure you heard it right?" Hearing this, Sun Qingxia was taken aback.When he looked at Pi Ergou, his eyes were a little weird.

"I was looking for the bathroom, and I overheard the conversation between his husband and wife by mistake. My hearing is super good, and I can hear small voices accurately! Your second uncle's wife is called Xueying, right?" Ergou's hearing changed, and he confirmed You heard me right.

"That's right. But my second uncle is a Lianjiazi, tall and big, and a muscular man. I don't think it's possible for him to say that he can't do it?" Sun Qingxia thought that a man as masculine as my second uncle doesn't seem to be there. Dysfunctional man.

"On the contrary, they fight and kill all day long, which is the most likely to hurt their lives. What's more, your second uncle is the leader of the mercenaries! You can tell him that as long as he agrees to help me, I can help him Treatment of incurable diseases!"

Hearing what Er Gou said so confidently, Sun Qingxia didn't dare to be abrupt, she stood up and said, "Excuse me!" After she finished speaking, she hurried to discuss with her second uncle.

Pi Ergou was alone in the living room, turning on his cell phone to answer the call.He is now a super boss on the ground of Jiuxing City, and he receives dozens of calls every day. If he hadn't muted or turned off the phone, he would have been busy answering calls every day without using the stick.Look, just in this short period of time, several more calls came in.

Seeing that it was Huang Yan, the beautiful village head of Danai Village, he answered in a low voice: "Sister Huang Yan, I miss you to death. I heard that today [-] mu have been harvested. I want to give [-] mu. Villagers send out money, has the money been handed out?"

Of the 900 mu of heaven-defying agricultural products this time, [-] mu of heaven-defying vegetables were planted.The remaining [-] mu were planted with the four raw materials of Nitian Sanqi and Suoyang Pill.In the field of anti-tiancai, all channels add up to a daily volume of about [-] million catties.

"Ergou, the parents of 15 households donated 50 yuan to each household for the field of Nitian vegetables. For the field of Nitian Sanqi, a total of 24 acres were planted for the villagers, and 15 acres were dug out today. , [-] catties. Each household will be paid [-] yuan. There are still [-] acres, most of which are planted with the four major medicinal materials of Suoyang Pills, and the yield per mu is about [-] catties. The money was about [-]. The money was distributed overnight, and the parents of the villagers who participated in the cooperative were waiting in the village courtyard for the money to be distributed!"

"Okay, okay, I just want to work hard for you! By the way, such a large amount is distributed by transfer, you just ask the villagers to go home and wait!"

"Ergou, what I want to talk about is not about this. It's about how much money you have and how little money you have! Like the 15 households that grow anti-tian vegetables, and the 24 mu of raw materials for Cynomorium pills, they get [-] per mu. Yuan. As for the [-] households who planted against the sky notoginseng, they can get [-] yuan per mu! Thousands of parents besieged the village compound, and they strongly demanded the next round of planting against the sky notoginseng!" Over the phone, Huang Yan was obviously a little anxious.

"I'm going, this is really a big problem. The villagers only look at how much money they can earn, and he doesn't care what you need? 'Don't worry about the injustice', the ancients have already summed up the lesson. This matter is what I consider It’s not a week! So, you broadcast to the villagers and tell them that I will go back to the village tomorrow, and then hold a village meeting to focus on solving this problem!” Ergou said.Recently, the company's leadership has reached a consensus on price cuts for the five trump card businesses, and is waiting for the financial department to complete the accounting.At that time, it is best to unify the income per mu.Even if it cannot be unified, at least it should not be too different, so that the villagers will not have the idea of ​​not suffering from inequality.

"Ergou, I heard that the five trump card businesses are planning to cut prices, and the reduction is quite strong. How is the progress now?"

"Everyone has reached a consensus on the price reduction of the five major products. Now the company is doing cost accounting, and I am considering whether to unify the income per mu of the [-] farmers participating in the cooperative. In this way, the big guys will not be jealous. What do you think? What about it?" Ergou said, throwing a big thunderbolt.

"Ergou, will the price drop be too big this time? For example, the unit price of Nietian vegetables has suddenly dropped from 30 yuan a catty to [-] yuan. I am afraid that by then, the villagers of Danai Village will have something to say again. !"

"I know, there must be some people who say, is there 20 yuan left by me? Just let them go to the city to ask the price at that time! Now the production capacity of the five major products is getting bigger and bigger, and they can't be opened without price reduction. Market! The price was a bit inflated at the beginning, mainly because the output was limited at the beginning, and the rare is the most expensive!" As he said, Ergou became one head and two big, saying that he was helping the villagers earn money for free, but as long as one The bowl of water is not level, it is easy to go wrong.

"Ergou, if you lose so much at once, the villagers who join the cooperative will definitely have opinions! The secretary of the town, Wan Shanhong, is also very worried about this matter. She is afraid of trouble!" Huang Yan reminded him to lower the price carefully.

"Sister Huang Yan, don't worry so much. Even if I'm not around, Wang Hongshang, the top leader in the district, will come forward to do ideological work for the villagers!"

"Okay, okay. By the way, I heard that your Ye Mingzhu was stolen, is it true?"

"Yuan Qiongyu is a jade idiot. After investigation, it was borrowed by her. There is no whereabouts of Ye Mingzhu yet! When I finish this busy period, I think I will fly to the country of cherry blossoms. According to Gongye Xianxiang's information, Yuan Qiongyu Yu fled to the country of cherry blossoms on a cruise ship!" Speaking of Ye Mingzhu, Pi Ergouxin said that it was a beeping dog, and he kindly lent it to that bitch Yuan Qiongyu for appreciation, but this bitch just took it away and took it out of the country , is really hateful.

"I've met Yuan Qiongyu a few times. She treats you very well, doesn't she? Besides, she is worth hundreds of millions, and she doesn't need money. She stole your Ye Mingzhu and said she would sell it for money. How can she not justify it?"

"It's still not clear what her purpose for stealing Ye Mingzhu is. We won't know until we find her!"

"Yes, I understand. Then you will come back tomorrow, right? I think you want me, you want me very much!" As she spoke, Huang Yan couldn't breathe normally.

"Me too. Then see you tomorrow. By the way, if the siege is serious here in the village's compound, you can let Mu Gong lead a team to maintain law and order!"

"It's not that serious for now, I'll call you if something happens!"

Putting away the phone, Ergou saw that Sun Qingxia hadn't come out yet, so he called Wang Hongshang.When Wang Hongshang heard the news, he immediately took his follower Liu Wen with him, and went back to Danai Village overnight to deal with it.

At this moment, Sun Qingxia came out in a hurry, and said solemnly: "Doctor Pi, please follow me!"

Ergou nodded and followed Sun Qingxia to the bedroom of Sun Qingfeng and his wife.Ergou didn't know if he didn't look at it, but only after looking at it. It was really difficult to enter Sun Qingfeng's territory.Regardless of the fact that there is only one wall across, if you really want to go in, you must first go through a face recognition system, a fingerprint lock, and a full-body inspection with an infrared erythrograph.Entering the first corridor, there is also a bodyguard in black who conducts a body search on the visitors.

He opened his perspective eyes and found that every wall here is made of thick fine steel, and a thick layer of marble and concrete is buried underground.It is not an exaggeration to call it an impenetrable castle in a villa.

It's no wonder that Sun Qingxia said that even the servants at home didn't know if Sun Qingfeng had come back.

After going through several checkpoints and going through several secret passages, Sun Qingxia finally passed a secret door and brought him into a suite with two bedrooms and one living room.

I saw a big masked man sitting on the sofa.This big guy is very big, with a black hood covering his entire head, only his eyes, nose and mouth are exposed.However, his head is covered in front of Ergou's see-through eyes, which means nothing.He had already seen Sun Qingfeng's face.When he found that Sun Qingfeng's face was full of vicissitudes, with intertwined scars, he couldn't help being shocked.

"Doctor Pi, I'm sorry, professional habits!" The two shook hands, Ergouxin said I'll go, as expected of the leader of the killer organization, this hand is so strong!

Taking advantage of the chatter, Pi Ergou confirmed Sun Qingfeng's lesion through X-ray.It turned out that his vital parts hurt his nerves, and that's why he couldn't live a married life!
However, Ergou is not very sure whether the damaged nerve can be restored to its original appearance.

"Uncle Sun, has she discussed the conditions I proposed with you?" Ergou said directly.

"This Qingxia said it. What I want to know is, what help do you need from me?" Sun Qingfeng spoke in a deep and forceful voice. He didn't speak much, and most of them were silent.

"Uncle Sun, let's open the skylight and speak clearly. The assassin organization under your name is headquartered in Sakura Country, isn't it?"

"Yes, my organization's codename is Black Sand, and its headquarters is in the Sakura Empire!"

"That's just right. It's like this—" At that moment, Ergou told Sun Qingfeng all about how Yu Chiyuan Qiongyu in this city stole his Ye Mingzhu, and how he escaped from the Cherry Blossom Country on a cruise ship overnight.

"How big is the Ye Mingzhu?"

"The size of a full moon."

"So big?" Hearing this, Sun Qingfeng was stunned.Suddenly, his eagle eyes shone coldly, he stared coldly at Ergou and said, "Doctor Pi, are you the same person as Mr. Pi from Danai Village?"

"Ah? No, no!" Ergou himself was also baffled, facing Sun Qingfeng's direct gaze, he didn't tell the truth.It is likely that he subconsciously does not want people to say that he is clinging to the powerful.

"Then your condition is to let me get back the Ye Mingzhu for you, isn't it?"

"No, no. You don't need to come forward directly, you are only responsible for providing information! I will arrange my people to take back the Ye Mingzhu!"

"Okay, deal! But you have to cure my infirmity!" Seeing that Pi Ergou is still a cucumber egg, Sun Qingfeng expressed doubts about whether he can cure the infirmity.

"You have physical nerve damage. I'm not sure if it can be repaired. However, it's never wrong to try, what do you think?"

"Yes. I will try my best to cooperate with you on what to do next!"

"I'm doing gong therapy to help you get through your nerves. You lie down first!"

At first, Sun Qingfeng was dubious, but when he heard that Ergou was using qigong for treatment, Sun Qingfeng suddenly became unhappy and said: "Doctor Pi, I don't believe that qigong can cure diseases!"

"I'm not qigong, how can I explain it to you?" Seeing that Sun Qingfeng didn't believe it, Ergou didn't know what to say.If he said that he had immortal energy in his body, Sun Qingfeng would think that he was mentally ill and arrest him.

"You say Fa Gong, what is it if it's not Qigong? Qigong is the work of charlatans!" Sun Qingfeng is a rough man, he still looks at his niece's face, otherwise, he would have exploded long ago.

Seeing that Sun Qingfeng didn't trust him, he saw Sun Qingxia chatting with her aunt in the room.He called her and said, "Sun Qingxia, why don't you come?"

"What's the matter?" Sun Qingxia felt that the atmosphere was not right, and she was at a loss.

(End of this chapter)

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