The strongest village doctor

Chapter 769 Du Gedan's Suspicion

Chapter 769 Du Gedan's Suspicion

"Yes, yes. Pava City is a tropical area with plenty of sunshine, which is very suitable for growing flue-cured tobacco! It's a pity that Pava City has been fighting all year round because of the demon army's burning, killing and looting. Merchants dare not come, and even the best flue-cured tobacco can be sold. Don’t go out. People’s life is very poor!” It’s not easy to talk about the economy without a stable environment.

"Mother, you don't have to worry about this at all. I am a big planter in the Celestial Dynasty, and I exclusively developed Nietian vegetable, Nietian rice, and Nietian flue-cured tobacco. Because it is an exclusive cultivation, after the products are launched, the supply is in short supply. Your Pava There are a lot of fertile fields in the city. From now on, you will be the one who grows the flue-cured tobacco against the sky. The flue-cured tobacco against the sky is planted once a month. I will provide the seeds of the sky-defying. You plant them, and then I will buy them at a price of 1000 yuan per catty! "Pi Ergou threw a big thunderbolt and said.

"What? Flue-cured tobacco costs 1000 yuan a catty, Ergoubai, won't you die at such a high purchase price?" Hearing this, Du Gedan's eyes widened in surprise.

"Yes, sir, our beauty tribe also grows flue-cured tobacco and sells it. It costs only a few dozen yuan a catty. Why can't it be sold for less than 1000 yuan?" Du Wen looked at Pi Ergou in confusion.

"I am against the sky flue-cured tobacco, not ordinary flue-cured tobacco, understand? The flue-cured tobacco grown with my technology and the cigarettes I make can really make smokers compete with gods! If you don't believe me, I will send you some to taste when I return home , when the time comes, you will know that the 1000 yuan is worth it!"

Seeing what he said so seriously, Du Gedan still had a look of disbelief: "Er Gouzi, you are good at fighting, I really admire you. But when it comes to planting, you are only 20 years old. I don't think you are so old. ability! Don’t brag, ah!”

"Yes, sir, why do I think this is a fairy tale?" Du Wen also had a look of disbelief.

"If you don't believe me, pull it down!"

"Ergou, don't be angry. It's not that we don't trust you, but what you said is too outrageous, like a fairy tale. I can't believe it, right?" Du Gedan said in a refined manner.

"Okay, when your daughter returns to the Heavenly Dynasty with me, she will know the truth after the field inspection!"

"Well, I hope what you say is true!"

"Mother, Mr. Lang found the bones of the second sister, go and have a look!"

"What?" Patriarch Du Gedan couldn't help crying when he learned that his daughter's body had been found.

Er Gou couldn't bear to disturb them, so he left the patriarch's palace and went back to his room. Looking back, he saw two more charming girls in the room.

"Master, we are dowry maids. My name is Ma Zhenzhen!"

"My name is Ma Meishan!"

At this time, Toda Erika hurried in to report: "Boss, the commander-in-chief is here!"

Knowing that the commander-in-chief Gongye Xianxiang had arrived in Pava City, Pi Ergou hurried out to greet him.

Gongye Xianxiang only brought two entourages with her. She first asked Ye Tianjun for a brief understanding of the situation, then followed Ergou to the room, closed the door and said, "Ergou, I heard from Ye Tianjun that you have already finalized the property distribution plan." Is it?"

"Sister Xianxiang, I asked Lixiang to print out the distribution plan for the loot!" As he said that, Ergou called Lixiang over.Gongye Xianxiang glanced at the distribution table, and said in a bad mood: "Ergou, I am the commander in chief of the operation this time, how could you give up ten Wuzhi to Du Gedan without my consent? There are tons of guns and ammunition, and heavy transport helicopters, how can you distribute them like that?"

"Commander, I risked my life to take down this city. Without me, it would be very difficult for you to take it down! Can't I distribute the spoils I captured?" Ergou said domineeringly.


"Besides, I have distributed most of the loot to the country. One heavy transport plane, eight ordinary helicopters, one billion yuan in cash, one hundred million dollars in deposits, and fifteen boxes of gold, silver and jewelry , turn it all over to the national treasury. I don’t want a cent, can this not work?”

"Well, it should be said that you have distributed most of the spoils to the country. I have nothing to say about this! It's just that you handed over Pava City to a tribe for management. Is it necessary to discuss this again?" Gongye Xianxiang's original intention was to send someone from her own country to take over.This Pava city was originally a three-way zone.It does not belong to the Emerald Kingdom, nor does it belong to the Celestial Dynasty.

"Commander, Patriarch Du Gedan is the patriarch of the Liren Tribe. He is highly respected and capable. One more thing, she betrothed her daughter Du Wen to me, and I am her son-in-law. Then, she is also her own, so leave it to her Still not worried?"

"What? You got married in a foreign country, what about Wang Hongshang? Didn't you say that she is the top beauty you most want to marry?" Speaking of Ergou's affair, Gongye Xianxiang couldn't say anything.This guy is merciful everywhere, it's just beautiful.

"Sister Xianxiang, the situation was special at that time. In order to win the trust of Patriarch Du Gedan, I had to accept her betrothal, so that she could cooperate with me unconditionally. With her full cooperation, I succeeded in taking down the big devil Akun! You I’m afraid I don’t know, but Akun was born in Dasha and Man. He can use black magic and can drive stone demons, which is very scary. Without me, you can’t deal with him even if you have an army of [-].” Speaking of the big demon Akun, Ergou is really not exaggerating at all.Ah Kun's sorcery is too scary!

"I knew this a long time ago. Otherwise, why would I invite you out of the mountain? I just know that Akun is good at magic! The problem is, you are married to Du Wen, what should Wang Hongshang do?"

"Du Wen and I just held a ceremony and didn't get a marriage certificate, so it's not considered a marriage!" He pleaded.

Hearing what his kid said, Gongye Xianxiang had nothing to say, and hilariously hit him violently: "You bastard, you are really cunning!"

"Commander, Pava City is handed over to Patriarch Du Gedan. Now you can rest assured? I can assure you that as long as Du Gedan is in power, she will definitely stand on the side of the heaven! When I finish the matter here, In the future, we will build a sky-defying flue-cured tobacco base in Pava City. Maintain business contacts with Pava City all the year round, so you can feel more at ease!" Ergou vowed.

"That's it, then it's no problem!"

While talking, when Gongye Xianxiang looked at Pi Ergou again, his eyes were full of tenderness.Pi Ergou spit out a purple demon core, swallowed it for Gongye Xianxiang, and then used her immortal energy to develop her into a strengthened person.

Gongye Xianxiang has martial arts in her body, and after being strengthened by Ergou, she has a strength of five thousand catties.I saw that she seemed to be a different person, her eyes were shining brightly, and her energy and spirit were suddenly raised several levels.

"Ergou, you are simply a god. I feel a power rushing in my body, my God!"

"Sister Xianxiang, let me help you down the fire." Er Gou hugged Gongye Xianxiang as soon as he said that, kissing and kissing, the two of them started to do nonsensical and bad things... …

In the morning, Gongye Xianxiang met Patriarch Du Gedan alone, and the two exchanged views on the future and economic construction of Pava City.A memorandum of cooperation was also signed.

After lunch, Gongye Xianxiang led the fire dragon brigade and went home on a heavy transport plane.

In the afternoon, Patriarch Du Gedan held a grand funeral for his beloved daughter.Ergou, dressed in black, participated in the whole process.

Early the next morning, Pi Ergou discussed with Uncle Hanba, the leader of the werewolf guards, and decided that Uncle Hanba would lead the team to escort his heavy transport helicopter and two conventional helicopters back home.Of course, no one in the werewolf guard will fly the plane and take it away with the pilot.

After watching the Werewolf Guard take off, Pi Ergou took Li Xiang, Du Wen and her two maids, as well as the guide A Wu and Chi Nei Hexiang, and arrived in the emerald country bordering the Tai country in two confiscated luxury cars. The border town of Yangteng City.After clearing the customs in Yangteng City, go straight to Gucheng, the capital of Taiguo.

(End of this chapter)

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